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February 4, 2010 Jeremy Krefft Volume 1, Issue 1

"We must adjust to changing times and still hold to unchanging principles."

— Jimmy Carter

  complete this rigorous course, they are
     expected to be competent with the
   following technologies:
 Compound and Dissecting

   Gel Electrophoresis
  Gas Chromatographs


The Big Picture
I set high standards for all of my students.
      Those of you that choose to
     work hard will be rewarded

  with good grades and happy

        parents. ☺ At first glance, the

   syllabus might seem to
 contain a heavy workload as
it does, but all of the projects will be
Technology in the Classroom thoroughly explained in class and I will
As we march into the provide all of the support needed to be
successful. All students will be expected to
future, technology is
complete the chapter readings before class
becoming more and more so that we will have the
integrated into our constructive class
personal lives as well as the discussions that this course
work force and school. To help all of my requires. My goal for all of
you in this class is that you
students become more technologically will leave with a better
savvy, I incorporate a appreciation of the ocean and
large amount of its complex biological processes so that you
technology into the are empowered to practice conservative
classroom. By the time methodology in your daily lives.
And don’t forget to bring an insatiable appetite
that my students
for fun learning!!!

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