10 Basic Things We All Can Do Right Now

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10 Basic Things We All Can Do Right Now

1. Learn about yourself, Your People, Your History, Your Civilization and Your Culture (start buying
African-centered books, video tapes, audio tapes, etc., so that you will come to Know Yourself, Love
Yourself and Be Yourself).
2. Stop inferiorizing yourself by imitating the appearance of others, and start accepting and
respecting your own appearance by loving and wearing your hair the way it naturally grows,
cherishing and keeping your skin color the way it naturally glows, and embracing and appreciating
your physical features the way they naturally show.
3. Select an African name for yourself and every member of your family, for through re-naming
yourself you are taking one of the most important steps towards re-claiming yourself.
4. Purchase African-made and African-oriented clothing for yourself and every member of your
family, and wear them as often as possible.
5. Wear African-centered jewelry such as necklaces, rings and bracelets that depict Africa, The
Ankh, Nefertiti, etc., and wear them as often as possible.
6. Keep a map of Africa and an African Flag (red, black and green) on display in your home as a
constant acknowledgment and reinforcement of your identification with the People and Land of your
7. Stop smoking, drinking and using drugs (except for the treatment of legitimate medical conditions),
and start treating your body like the sanctuary that it is.
8. Understand and internalize the truth that All African People Are One People, All African Land is
One Land, and All African Knowledge is One Knowledge; and teach these principles to your children.
9. Learn to always seek The Highest Truth (The Best Way) in all that you do in Life, and always
recognize that knowledge and truth are infinite treasures that we must pursue on a constant basis for
us to achieve progressive advancement and empowerment from generation-to-generation.
10. Commit yourself to positive change, in thought and action, and start contributing on a consistent
basis to the building and maintenance of institutions that are working for The Total Freedom and
Independence of All African People throughout the world, and the re-building of Our Own Modern
and Independent Civilization and Culture.
Batu A. Shaki

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