Rajab Additional Awrad

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220 - Naqshbandi Devotions and Practices

Additional Awrd for Rajab

In addition to the awrd that you are doing, Mawlan Shaykh Nim has asked
the murids to add the following:
Astaghfirullh hal >adhm wa atbu ilayh (700x).
I seek the forgiveness of Allah, the Most High, and I turn to him in repentance.
Bismillhir ramn nirram (100x-1000x).
In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate.
Y Wadd (100x-1000x).
O Loving One.
asbunallhu wa ni>amal wakl (100x-1000x).
Allah is sufficient for me and the Best Disposer of Affairs.
L awla wa l quwwata ill billhil >aliyyil >azm (100x-1000x).
There is no power and no strength save in Allah, All-High and Almighty.
L ilha illallh (1000x).
There is no god but Allah.
Ils (100x-1000x).
Srah of Sincerity.
In addition, the daily portions of the book of invocations Hizbul >Adham of
Sayyidun >Ali (k.w.) should be read, and on Fridays the Hizbul Wiqyah.

Additional Awrd for Rajab - 221

Additional Awrd for Rajab

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