Events Guidelines For Any Club

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The following are the guidelines and broad segments of an event by Humain-I which needs to be
taken into consideration:

For every event, we have to design a poster or get a poster designed that highlights the:

Name of the event

1-2 liners / slogan(s) of the event
Registration deadline
Contact details

Design of the Poster should be alluring and catchy enough; not too wordy
The Structure should be taken care of; content should not seem scattered


We shall introduce the event along with posters via email

The email will have the concept of the event

Managerial Lessons integrated with HR
Timelines and Deadlines for every round
How to register and the registration link
Posters and other attachments (if required)


Facebook update with posters

Timeline and Prizes to be highlighted in the caption of every post on Facebook
Feasibility of Instagramming Humain-I to be looked into
Followers and Following accounts to be thought of
Humain-I is now on Instagram to be promoted if successful
Every Humain-I post has to be shared and liked by each member to increase visualization
and reach


Forms to be created for registration

Name, Roll No. , M/F, Mobile No. , email ID to be included
Round 1 Questions to be Consolidated and created online for participants to

Emailing the results to the batch and further processes and submission deadlines to the
participants after consolidation and creation of Round 2 materials
Karan | Shatabdee | Sourav | Tanvi | Deep | Nirlipta | Mahendra | Shruti | Vijay
HUMAIN I: HR Club of IIM Indore

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