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Imperial Intelligence Agency

Kathryn Connors


Height: 54
Weight: 125
Eyes: Green
Hair: Blonde Skin color: White
Figure: Athletic
Attire: Casual
Voice: Silvery
Face: Attractive
Dexterity: Right-Handed Grooming: Careful
Piercings/jewelry: Ear Piercings
Tattoos: None
Distinguishing features: None
Illness: None
Disability: None
Overall looks: Beautiful
Write a short, 5 to 8-line bio of the character
here. Do not go into detail, and dont write
the backstory, as theres already a section for
that on the second page of this document.


Gender: Female
DOB: Iulius 7th
Birthplace: Caprica City, Caprica
Province, Langara, United Aschen
Living in: Caprica City, Caprica
Province, Langara
Race: Human
Ethnicity: Aschen
Social class: High Middle
Aliases: Maribeth Gaul
Spoken language(s): Common,
Lingua Anquietas, Tauron
Blood type: A-


Vaccinations & Medical

Tretonin: Current
Nanite Type: Military Combat
Anti-Aging: No.
Synthesized Chronaline: No


Measurements: Girls only! Chest-waist-hips



Virtues: Kathryn is what could be described as a model agent.
She is very well skilled in her job, and extremely educated.
Kathryn has a strong moral compass that isnt weighed down by
shades of grey.
Flaws: Her strong sense of morals can sometimes lead her to
question orders given to her by the Agency. She will often
devise ways to accomplish the mission without compromising her
own moral views.
Activities: Reading, hiking, gardening
Goal: Kathryns stated goal is to further her career in
intelligence work.
Self-perception: Generally positive
Reputation: Positive
Religion: Kobollian
Political party: Democratic Socialist
Mental disorder: None
Smokes/drinks: No/socially


Status: Alive
Marital status: Single
Marriage: n/a
Residence: 4021 Evening Ln., Caprica City, Province of Caprica,
Langara, Core Worlds, United Aschen Empire
Education: Athena Academy (Caprica City, Caprica), GPA: 3.5/4.0
Caprica City University (Caprica City, Caprica) GPA: 3.8/4.0.
Major: Xeno Ethnic Studies (Graduated Masters)
Extracurricular activities: Internship, Ministry of Defense
Talent(s): Infiltration, Counterintelligence, Mechanicallyminded, good acting skills
Current job: InOps, IIA Pay: Cb 56,000/annum
Vehicle: Delphi Oracle, Sedan LP: CAP:22-1A-R7
Criminal records: None


Connection: Various officials within the Agency.
Relatives: Henry Connors(father), Sandra Connors (mother),
Pet(s): None
Social network memberships:

Imperial Intellience Agency - Dossier

Favorite color: Green
Holiday: Brumalia
Book: The Adventures of Trolldin
Movie: The Final Flight of the Osiris
Game: Zero-G Ball
Music: Tauron Classic
Animal: Cat
Sports team: Caprica City Buccaneers
Phobia/fear: Drowning
Pet peeve: Messy people
Sexual status: Heterosexual
Sexuality level: Average
Food/drink preferences: Favorite food is Tauron Gyros/Favorite drink is Ambrosia


Kathryn Connors was born an only child to an average middle class Caprican family, her father Henry
was a dockworker for Tech Con Group, and her mother owned a small craft shop in the Plaza district
of Caprica City. Expressing an aptitude for learning about other cultures, Kathryn pursued study at
the Athena Academy in Caprica City, where she earned above average grades. Following her
graduation, she enrolled in Caprica City University where she majored in Xeno Ethnic Studies.
Kathryn graduated with honors with a Masters degree in her major. While she was in college, she
enrolled in an internship offered by the Ministry of Defense, which led to her recruitment into the
Langaran Defense Agency. Having shown exemplary service to the Empire, she was promoted to InOps
following a successful infiltration of the STO Terrorist Organization, where she provided valuable
data to the IIA, enabling them to launch a successful investigation to bring down the
organizations Caprica Wing. want. It is recommended to keep it abbreviated, though.

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