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Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University TALLAMASSEE, FLowipa 32307-3100 ELMIRA ManGuM, Ph.D., PRESIDENT UN: (0) 99-205, stone Wh Crag 8) 55-2152 or 5.2784 ‘OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT T Rufus Montgomery, Chair FAMU Board of Truste FROM: Elmira Mangum, President SUBJECT: Communication and Work Environment Concerns DATE: August 17, 2015 Earlier today, I received a phone call from you, in which you made several requests for clarification about the Work Plan and also inquired about how we plan to engage members of the Board of Governors. You asked me to answer your inquiries immediately while on the call. While this in itself isn’t a problem, what transpired next, is. explained to you that we were having a public meeting later today to review the Board's questions, and thus we would respond to them accordingly at the meeting. I also shared that 1 was in the midst of conducting a performance evaluation. So, | offered a compromise: allow me to finish my current meeting and review my schedule to determine which meetings I could shift to accommodate your request and call you back as soon as possible. 1 explained to you that I had scheduled meetings with other University stakeholders, and that while I understand communicating with you as Chair is very important, I must also conduct University business and make sure all stakeholders are treated respectfully. I simply requested the opportunity to notify, cancel, and reschedule those stakeholders to accommodate the Chair. However, you refused my compromise and insisted that it would be "rank insubordination” if I ended the call without your inquiries being answered right then and there. At this point, after more than 20 minutes of trying to reach a compromise, I ended the conversation, While this incident in and of itself may not seem like reason enough to end the call with my supervisor, I want to state for the record that I believe that your behavior, like many other instances before, constitute a violation of my employee rights according to University Regulation 10.103(3b) — Nondiscrimination Policy and Harassment Procedures. FAMU IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/EQUAL ACCESS UNIVERSITY R. Montgomery-Communication Concerns Page 2 August 17, 2015 In the spirit of reset and mutual respect, I ask that just as I respect the Trustees’ time that my time and schedule be respected, as well. I am happy and willing to schedule time for any Trustee, as needed. I have regular weekly meetings with some members of the Board including you, and at least bi-weekly meetings with every member of the Board. I also try to accommodate meetings outside of those scheduled times. Asa professional, I must accord due respect to previously scheduled meetings on my calendar. Otherwise, I would expect this Board to question me pointedly about why I do not keep my meetings with external and internal university stakeholders or why I do not have appropriate quality control over my calendar. Situations as the one that occurred this morning and that have happened on a number of other occasions, also make it increasingly difficult to do the work that the Board of Trustees has tasked me to do. And I fear that it not only damages the brand of the University, but it is also unsustainable,

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