The Way Emily Wrote The Poem in Her Book:: Green

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Alex Pino

INGL 3325

Green text = stressed syllables

The way Emily wrote the poem in her book:

Mor/ning /

might/ come /

by/ Ac/ci/dent/

- Sis/ter -

Night/ comes /

by/ E/vent/ -
To/ be/lieve /the


/ fi/nal/ line/ of

/ the/ Card/ would/ 3

fore/close/ Faith/ -3
Faith/ is/Doubt/. 3

Sis/ter -

Show/ me

/ E/ter/ni/ty/, and 5

/ I /will/ show

/you/ Mem/or/y/ - 4

Both/ in/ one


/pack/age/ lain/ 3

And/ lif/ted/

back/ a/gain 3

Be/ Sue/, while/ I /am /E/mil/y 8

Be/ next/, what/you/ have/ e/ver/ been/ 8

, In/fin/i/ty

January 25, 2015

Alex Pino

INGL 3325

January 25, 2015

My take on it:
Mor/ning /might/ come /by/ Ac/ci/dent/

- Sis/ter -

Night/ comes /by/ E/vent/ -

To/ be/lieve /the

/ fi/nal/ line/ of / the/ Card

/would/fore/close/ Faith/
Faith/ is/Doubt/.


Show/ me E/ter/ni/ty/

and / I /will/ show /you

/ Mem/or/y/

Both/ in/ one

/pack/age/ lain/

And/ lif/ted/

back/ a/gain

Be/ Sue/, while/ I /am /E/mil/y -

Be/ next/, what/you/ have/ e/ver/ been/,


I tried to make it sound pleasing, because i could not fully comprehend the tone
and reading style that emily wanted to portray in her letter. On my take I used
some the words like Accident to rhyme with the word Event, and basically
just played around with other words and line spacing to make it easier to read
( Personally , I was not able to read her handwriting, and further unable to
identify the type of tone/line structure she was going for).

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