Rem Day Reflection

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In paragraph form, please answer the following questions:
1) Choose three moments/scenes/drama elements that worked well in the piece. Why did
they work well?
2) If we were to take this show on the road and perform it as a touring production, with
more time to rehearse, what elements would you adjust/add/replace?
3) Think about your own work both in building the show, rehearsals, and the final
performance. What do you feel were some strengths that YOU brought to the
production? Why did they work well? What were some elements that you could have
improved on?
4) Watch the film Passchendale. What is the message of this film? In what ways is it
similar to our production? In what ways different?

Success Criteria:

Clear and detailed writing, with reasons WHY and examples for each point

Detailed examples from our show and from Passchendale

Clear understanding of WHY and HOW drama elements can be used effectively in

Clear assessment of own strengths/areas for improvement

Due date:

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