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Efficacy and safety of intravenous levosimendan compared with

dobutamine in severe low-output heart failure (the LIDO study):
a randomised double-blind trial
F Follath, J G F Cleland, H Just, J G Y Papp, H Scholz, K Peuhkurinen, V P Harjola, V Mitrovic, M Abdalla, E-P Sandell,
L Lehtonen, for the Steering Committee and Investigators of the Levosimendan Infusion versus Dobutamine (LIDO) Study*

Background Levosimendan, a novel calcium sensitiser,
improves myocardial contractility without causing an increase
in myocardial oxygen demand. We compared the effects of
levosimendan and dobutamine on haemodynamic performance
and clinical outcome in patients with low-output heart failure.
Methods Patients were recruited into a multicentre,
randomised, double-blind, double-dummy, parallel-group trial.
Under continuous haemodynamic monitoring, an initial loading
dose of levosimendan of 24 g/kg was infused over
10 min, followed by a continuous infusion of 01 g kg1 min1
for 24 h. Dobutamine was infused for 24 h at an initial dose of
5 g kg1 min1 without a loading dose. The infusion rate was
doubled if the response was inadequate at 2 h. The primary
endpoint was the proportion of patients with haemodynamic
improvement (defined as an increase of 30% or more in
cardiac output and a decrease of 25% or more in pulmonarycapillary wedge pressure) at 24 h. Analyses were by intention
to treat.
Findings 103 patients were assigned levosimendan and 100
dobutamine. The primary haemodynamic endpoint was
achieved in 29 (28%) levosimendan-group patients and 15
(15%) in the dobutamine group (hazard ratio 19 [95% CI
1133]; p=0022). At 180 days, 27 (26%) levosimendangroup patients had died, compared with 38 (38%) in the
dobutamine group (057 [034095]; p=0029).
Interpretation In patients with severe, low-output heart failure,
levosimendan improved haemodynamic performance more
effectively than dobutamine. This benefit was accompanied by
lower mortality in the levosimendan group than in the
dobutamine group for up to 180 days.
Lancet 2002; 360: 196202

*Listed at the end of the report

University Hospital Zrich, Zrich, Switzerland (Prof F Follath MD);
University of Hull, Kingston-upon-Hull, UK (Prof J G F Cleland MD);
Klinikum der Albert-Ludwigs-Universitt, Freiburg, Germany
(Prof H Just MD); Albert Szent-Gyrgyi Medical University, Szeged,
Hungary (Prof J G Y Papp MD); Universitts-Krankenhaus Eppendorf,
Hamburg, Germany (Prof H Scholz MD); Kuopio University Hospital,
Kuopio, Finland (Prof K Peuhkurinen MD); Helsinki University
Hospital, Helsinki, Finland (V P Harjola MD); Max-Planck-Institut,
Kerkhoff Clinic, Bad Nauheim, Germany (V Mitrovic MD); London
School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK
(M Abdalla PhD); Orion Pharma, Espoo, Finland (E-P Sandell MD,
L Lehtonen MD)
Correspondence to: Prof Ferenc Follath, Department of Internal
Medicine, University Hospital Zrich, Rmistrasse 100,
CH 8091 Zrich, Switzerland


Heart failure is a common and growing problem associated
with frequent admissions to hospital and a poor prognosis.
It is the one most frequent reason for hospital admissions in
people aged over 65 years,1 and about 5000 hospital
admissions per million population per year are attributable
to or complicated by heart failure.2 Many of these hospital
stays are long; 5% or more of medical beds could be
occupied by patients with heart failure, accounting for more
than 50 000 hospital bed-days per million population per
year.2,3 About 40% of patients die within a year of an acute
exacerbation of severe heart failure.4
Management of an exacerbation of heart failure varies
according to its cause and presentation. Recognition and
treatment of precipitating factors such as rapid atrial
fibrillation, myocardial ischaemia, and infection are of key
importance. Acute cardiogenic pulmonary oedema is
frequently treated with intravenous diuretics and oxygen
alone, but opioids and nitrates probably have a valuable
role,5 although no substantial studies have been done.
When exacerbation of heart failure is accompanied by
hypotension, oliguria, or other evidence of a low cardiac
output, inotropic agents may be considered. However,
there is little evidence that intravenous inotropic therapy
with -agonists or phosphodiesterase inhibitors improves
outcome.6,7 A meta-analysis of trials of intravenous
inotropic agents suggested a non-significant trend towards
increased mortality,8 and studies of oral compounds have
consistently shown excess mortality.9,10
Levosimendan is a novel agent with a dual mechanism of
action developed for the treatment of decompensated heart
failure. This agent sensitises troponin C to calcium in a
manner dependent on calcium concentration, thereby
increasing the effects of calcium on cardiac myofilaments
during systole and improving contraction at low energy
cost.1115 Calcium concentration, and therefore sensitisation,
declines or is lost during diastole, allowing normal or
improved diastolic relaxation. Unlike agents that act
through adrenergic pathways, levosimendan does not cause
diastolic calcium overload, which can impair myocardial
relaxation, increase energy expenditure, or both,12,16 effects
that could result in the adverse effects of the latter classes of
inotropic agents. Levosimendan also leads to vasodilatation
through the opening of ATP-sensitive potassium
channels.17 By these inotropic and vasodilatory actions,
levosimendan increases cardiac output without increasing
myocardial oxygen demand.12,13,1719
Dose-ranging studies, with infusion times from 6 h to
24 h, have already shown that levosimendan improves
cardiac haemodynamics and offers symptomatic benefit in
patients with severe heart failure.20,21 Although placebocontrolled studies of dobutamine have shown that this drug
improves haemodynamic variables, outcome data are
few.8,22 We compared the effects of dobutamine and
levosimendan on haemodynamics over 24 h and then
prospectively followed up clinical outcome over the next
31 days. Furthermore, at the request of the regulatory

THE LANCET Vol 360 July 20, 2002

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authorities, data were gathered retrospectively to assess

whether differences in outcome noted at 31 days were
sustained at 180 days.

This multicentre, randomised, double-blind, doubledummy, parallel-group trial was done at 26 centres in
11 European countries (Austria, Denmark, Finland,
France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Switzerland, the
Netherlands, Sweden, and the UK). The primary objective
was to compare the proportions of patients with haemodynamic improvement at the end of the 24-h infusion
period in the groups assigned dobutamine or levosimendan.
Eligible patients were those admitted to hospital with
low-output heart failure who were judged to require
haemodynamic monitoring and treatment with an
intravenous inotropic agent. Patients in one or more of the
following clinical categories could be included:
deterioration of severe chronic heart failure despite
optimum oral therapy with vasodilators and diuretics,
including those awaiting cardiac transplantation; severe
heart failure after cardiac surgery; or acute heart failure
related to a cardiac or non-cardiac disorder of recent onset.
In addition, patients had to have a left-ventricular ejection
fraction of less than 035 as shown by two-dimensional
echocardiography or radionuclide ventriculography within
1 month of study enrolment, an actual cardiac index of less
than 25 L min1 m2, and a mean pulmonary-capillary
wedge pressure of more than 15 mm Hg.
Exclusion criteria were: age younger than 21 years; childbearing potential; heart failure due to restrictive or
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy or to uncorrected stenotic
valvular disease; chest pain at the time of randomisation;
sustained ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation
within the previous 2 weeks; atrioventricular block of
second or third degree; heart rate more than 120 beats/min
at rest; systolic blood pressure below 85 mm Hg; severe
renal failure (serum creatinine >450 mol/L); hepatic
failure; cardiac tamponade; adult respiratory distress
syndrome; and septic shock. The protocol prohibited
intravenous -adrenergic agonists within 30 min before
baseline haemodynamic measurements, intravenous
vasodilators within 2 h, intravenous milrinone or
enoximone within 12 h, and intravenous amrinone within
2 days. The timing of other cardiovascular drugs (such
as digoxin, diuretics, angiotensin-converting-enzyme
inhibitors, and other vasodilators) was standardised to
minimise any effect on haemodynamic measurements.
These drugs had to be given at least 6 h before baseline
measurements, between 4 h and 18 h of the study period,
or after the end of the study drug infusion. In general, the
dose of these concomitant medications was held constant,
unless urgent modifications were required on clinical or
haemodynamic grounds. Written informed consent was
obtained at the time of initial screening before any
haemodynamic assessments.
To maintain masking, each patient received two
simultaneous infusions, one active and one placebo. The
placebo infusion regimen was identical to its respective
active counterpart. Patients were enrolled by the study
investigators and assigned randomly to the levosimendan
group or the dobutamine group in blocks of four according
to a computer-generated code created by Orion Pharma for
each centre. Treatment allocation and size of the randomisation blocks were concealed from the investigators.
The recruiting investigator received a sealed envelope for

THE LANCET Vol 360 July 20, 2002

each patient, containing the details of the treatment to

which that patient had been allocated in case of emergency.
All but four envelopes were returned unopened after the
end of the study.
Treatment with levosimendan was started with a loading
dose given as an infusion of 24 g/kg over 10 min, followed
by a continuous infusion of 01 g kg1 min1. Treatment
with dobutamine was started with a continuous infusion of
5 g kg1 min1 without a loading dose. If an adequate
response (defined as an increase in cardiac index of at least
30%) was not achieved after 2 h, the rate of infusion of the
study-assigned drug was doubled. The infusions were
maintained at a constant rate for 24 h, unless dose-limiting
events occurred or the patient had a major cardiovascular
event, had a serious adverse reaction, or needed rescue
intravenous inotropic or vasodilator therapy. If the
following dose-limiting events occurred, the infusion
of either study drug was stopped for 3060 min or until
the dose-limiting event had resolved: symptomatic
hypotension; systolic blood pressure below 80 mm Hg; and
tachycardia (heart rate >140/min for at least 10 min or
increased by >25 beats/min). The infusion was then
restarted at half the rate being received at the time of the
untoward reaction. If a dose-limiting event was noted at the
lower infusion rate, the rate of the infusion could be halved
twice or infusion discontinued. Infusion of either study
drug was discontinued immediately if the patient had a
major cardiovascular event or a serious adverse reaction
that was thought to be related to the infusion of the study
drug, or if he or she needed more than two reductions in
the infusion rate because of recurrent dose-limiting events.
Under these circumstances, haemodynamic measurements
and other study procedures were done as scheduled.
Treatment was discontinued if patients withdrew
consent, rescue therapy with intravenous positive inotropic
or vasodilator drugs other than the study drug was given, or
the investigator believed that withdrawal from the study
was in the best interests of the patient.
The study protocol was reviewed and approved by local
ethics committees and done according to the principles of
the Declaration of Helsinki 1975 and subsequent
A medical history was taken, the patient underwent a
physical examination, and blood was taken for
measurement of standard laboratory variables. Thereafter,
a flow-directed pulmonary-artery thermodilution catheter
was inserted, and repeated baseline measurements of
cardiac output and pulmonary-capillary wedge pressure
were done until the results were stable (values within 10%
of each other). Cardiac output, pulmonary-capillary wedge
pressure, mean right atrial pressure, pulmonary-artery
pressures, systolic and diastolic blood pressure
(by cuff or from an arterial cannula), and heart rate
(electrocardiogram [ECG]) were measured 10 min,
1 h, 2 h, 25 h, 4 h, 8 h, 235 h, and 24 h after the start of
the infusion and 6 h after the end of infusion (30 h after the
start of treatment). Cardiac index, stroke volume, and
systemic vascular resistance were derived from the
haemodynamic measurements. If pulmonary-capillary
wedge pressures could not be obtained, the pulmonaryartery diastolic pressure was used. Patients were also
monitored by continuous ECG recording for
supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmias.
The prospectively defined primary endpoint was the
proportion of patients with haemodynamic improvement
at the end of the 24 h infusion period. Haemodynamic
improvement was defined as a 30% or greater increase in


For personal use. Only reproduce with permission from The Lancet Publishing Group.


cardiac output and a 25% or greater (at least 4 mm Hg)

decrease in pulmonary-capillary wedge pressure at 24 h.
Patients who needed and received rescue therapy with
intravenous positive inotropic or vasodilator drugs during
the double-blind study period were classified as showing no
haemodynamic improvement, irrespective of the magnitude
of the haemodynamic benefit seen after 24 h. Prospectively
defined secondary endpoints were: changes from baseline
in haemodynamic variables other than cardiac output and
pulmonary-capillary wedge pressure (eg, cardiac index,
stroke volume, diastolic pulmonary-artery pressure, mean
right atrial pressure, systolic and diastolic blood pressure,
heart rate, and total peripheral resistance) at 24 h; changes
from baseline to 24 h in symptoms of heart failure
(dyspnoea and fatigue) on a four-grade scale (much better,
slightly better, no change, worse); proportion of patients
needing intravenous rescue therapy with positive inotropic
drugs, vasodilators, or diuretics during the infusion of study
drug; number of days alive and out of hospital and not
receiving intravenous drugs during the first month; and
time to development of worsening heart failure or death.
Safety endpoints were spontaneous reports of adverse
reactions, laboratory safety tests (blood and urine), and
all-cause mortality at 31 days and 180 days after
randomisation. The original protocol and its amendments
specified an analysis of all-cause mortality at 31 days. The
analysis of mortality at 180 days was done after the code
had been broken at the request of the Swedish regulatory
authority. The endpoint of days alive and out of hospital
was also retrospectively followed up for 180 days.
Statistical analysis
On the basis of the definition of haemodynamic
improvement, an estimated 164 patients were needed for a
three-fold difference in response rates between the
treatment groups to be detected with a two-sided of 005
and 90% power. Given the possibility of dropouts and
476 patients screened
for eligibility
273 excluded

3 no study drug received

97 treated
87 completed 24 h infusion
8 completed <18 h infusion
6 temporary interruption
due to dose-limiting
10 permanent
before 24 h owing to
adverse event or
insufficient response*


103 assigned

1 no study drug received

102 treated
96 completed 24 h infusion
6 completed <18 h infusion
5 temporary interruption
due to dose-limiting
6 permanent
before 24 h owing to
adverse event or
insufficient clinical


Mean (SD) age, years

60 (11)

58 (11)

Cause of heart failure


50 (50%)
50 (50%)

46 (45%)
57 (55%)

Clinical presentation
Deterioration of chronic heart failure*
Acute heart failure
Postoperative exacerbation
Awaiting heart transplant*

92 (92%)
2 (2%)
15 (15%)

86 (84%)
7 (7%)
4 (4%)
19 (18%)

Mean (range) duration of hospital

stay before study entry, days

203 randomised

100 assigned

other protocol violations, the trial was designed to enrol at

least 200 patients.
All analyses were done by intention to treat. The primary
endpoint was analysed with the Mantel-Haenszel test and
control for centre effects. The Mantel-Haenszel
risk ratio (and associated 95% CI) was calculated, and
homogeneity of the risk ratios across centres was tested.
Changes in haemodynamic and clinical variables from
baseline to 24 h were calculated for each patient who had a
baseline measurement and a value at 23524 h. These
values were then ranked. Patients who had stopped the
study drug and therefore had missing haemodynamic or
clinical variables at 23524 h because they had received
intravenous positive inotropic drugs (other than the study
drugs) or were withdrawn owing to lack of efficacy,
worsening clinical condition, or death, were assigned worst
rank. Patients without paired data (at baseline or at
23524 h) for technical or administrative reasons were also
excluded from this analysis. The distribution of the ranks
was then compared between the two treatment groups by
the Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel test with control for centres
via standardised midranks. However, to test for a possible
interaction between treatment and the use and non-use of
-blockers at baseline on change in cardiac output and
pulmonary-capillary wedge pressure at 24 h, ANCOVA
methods were applied to the variable in question, with
information from all patients who had complete data at
baseline and at 23524 h. Changes in symptoms from
baseline to 24 h were analysed by a similar approach.

Haemodynamic data, mean (SD)

Cardiac output, L/min
Cardiac index, L min1 m2
Stroke volume, mL/beat
Pulmonary-capillary wedge
pressure, mm Hg
Mean right atrial pressure, mm Hg
Systolic blood pressure, mm Hg
Diastolic blood pressure, mm Hg
Systemic vascular resistance,
mmHg L1 min1
Heart rate, beats/min
Concomitant drugs
ACE inhibitors
Organic nitrates
Class III antiarrhythmic agents
Calcium-channel blockers
Antiplatelet agents

4 (17)

366 (104)
191 (044)
48 (18)
24 (7)

55 (17)

373 (078)
194 (036)
47 (13)
25 (8)

98 (64)
117 (19)
71 (12)
25 (8)

104 (67)
112 (18)
69 (12)
24 (6)

81 (16)

82 (15)

75 (75%)
90 (90%)
88 (88%)
39 (39%)
50 (50%)
42 (42%)
13 (13%)
4 (4%)
2 (2%)

78 (76%)
98 (95%)
92 (89%)
38 (37%)
33 (32%)
45 (44%)
16 (16%)
4 (4%)

Figure 1: Trial profile

ACE=angiotensin-converting enzyme. Data are number of participants (%)

unless otherwise indicated. *Some patients had deterioration of chronic heart
failure and were awaiting heart transplant. Concomitant drugs were not
recorded in four patients who did not receive their assigned study drug.

*One patient withdrew consent on completion of the 24 h infusion and

was classified as a permanent discontinuation.

Table 1: Baseline demographics, clinical characteristics, and

concomitant drugs


THE LANCET Vol 360 July 20, 2002

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Median change

Change in cardiac output



Cardiac output, L/min
Pulmonary-wedge pressure (mm Hg) 3
Stroke volume, mL
Pulmonary-artery diastolic pressure 3
(mm Hg)
Systemic vascular resistance
(mmHg L1 min1)





*Mantel-Haenszel test was used to control via standardised midranks.

Cardiac output (L/min)

Dobutamine Levosimendan




Table 2: Median changes in haemodynamic variables from

baseline to 24 h

Change in pulmonary-capillary wedge pressure

Pulmonary-capillary wedge
pressure (mm Hg)

The proportions of patients receiving rescue drug during

the 24 h treatment period and the frequency of adverse
events were compared between the two groups by Fishers
exact test.
The risk of death was plotted by the Kaplan-Meier
technique; Coxs proportional-hazards model was used to
assess the significance of any noted differences between the
treatment groups.
Nominal p values were calculated but not corrected for
multiple comparisons. All statistical tests were two-tailed
and were done with SAS (version 6.8) software.


Change in cardiac output (L/min)




Figure 3: Change in cardiac output and pulmonary-capillary
wedge pressure from baseline to 30 h

With -blockers

Error bars indicate standard error of mean.


Role of the funding source

The study was supported by a grant from Orion Pharma,
Espoo, Finland. The sponsor was involved in the study
design, planning and running of the statistical analyses, and
preparation of the trial report. The study was managed
and data obtained by Quintiles/Innovex (Biodesign,
Freiburg, Germany), Orion Pharma (Espoo, Finland), and
Ercopharma (Kvistgaard, Denmark).




Change in pulmonary-capillary wedge pressure

Change in pulmonary-capillary
pressure (mm Hg)


Without -blockers


Change in cardiac output




Figure 2: Effect of concomitant -blockade on cardiac output

and pulmonary-capillary wedge pressure
Interaction test p values based on ANCOVA with effects for treatment,
subgroup, treatment subgroup interaction, and baseline value as covariate.

THE LANCET Vol 360 July 20, 2002

Characteristics of study groups
203 patients were enrolled between Jan 2, 1997, and
Nov 3, 1998: 103 were assigned treatment with levosimendan and 100 dobutamine (figure 1). Baseline
characteristics of the two groups are summarised in
table 1. Four patients (one assigned levosimendan, three
dobutamine) did not receive an infusion of the study drug
(catheter insertion failed or consent was withdrawn during
catheter insertion) and did not undergo any haemodynamic
measurements. These patients were included in all efficacy
and safety analyses in accordance with the intention-totreat principle and were classified as non-responders for the
analysis of the primary endpoint. They were also included
in the haemodynamic analyses and assigned worst rank,
and for the analyses of death and worsening heart failure
they were included as if they had received the study drug.
Five patients in the levosimendan group and six in
the dobutamine group had dose-limiting events leading
to temporary discontinuation of study medications
(figure 1). 16 patients did not receive study drugs for the
planned duration of treatment (ten dobutamine, six


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Proportion surviving (%)










Time (days)

Numbers at risk
100 94 91 85 82 81 81 80 78 77 75 74 74 72 67 64 63 62 62
Levosimendan 103 101 97 96 94 92 91 90 90 90 90 88 88 87 87 83 80 77 76

Figure 4: Kaplan-Meier estimates (analysis of time to first event) of risk of death

during first 180 days after randomisation (based on the intention-to-treat analysis)

Haemodynamic effects
A significantly greater proportion of patients in the
levosimendan group than in the dobutamine group
achieved the primary endpoint; at 24 h, haemodynamic
performance had improved in 29 (28%) versus 15 (15%)
patients (hazard ratio 19 [95% CI 1133]; p=0022).
We did an additional per-protocol analysis on all
randomised patients who received their study drug for at
least 18 h and had at least two baseline and 24 h
haemodynamic measurements (n=94 for levosimendan,
n=88 for dobutamine). Patients who received no study
drug, those who did not receive the drug for at least 18 h
(figure 1), and those for whom baseline measurements were
missing (two levosimendan, one dobutamine) were
excluded from this analysis (nine levosimendan, 12
dobutamine). One patient who received a 226 h infusion of
dobutamine was included in the per-protocol analysis but
was also classified as a permanent withdrawal; another
patient who received a 24 h infusion of dobutamine but
withdrew consent at this time was also included in the perprotocol analysis. 29 (31%) of 94 patients in the
levosimendan group and 13 (15%) of 88 in the dobutamine
group achieved the primary endpoint at 24 h (hazard ratio
209 [116375]; p=0021).
Levosimendan treatment had a consistently better effect
than dobutamine on the individual haemodynamic
variables at the end of the 24 h treatment period (table 2).
Both levosimendan and dobutamine increased heart rate by
a modest and similar amount (57 [SD 121] vs 40 [98]
beats/min). Serum creatinine concentration and markers of
liver dysfunction declined in the levosimendan group
compared with the dobutamine group, possibly reflecting a
superior effect on organ perfusion.
Clinical symptoms of dyspnoea and fatigue tended to
improve to a greater extent with levosimendan than with
dobutamine, but these differences were not significant.
Dyspnoea improved in 52 (68%) of 76 and 44 (59%) of 74
patients with baseline symptoms in the levosimendan and
dobutamine groups, respectively (p=0865); fatigue
improved in 50 (63%) of 79 and 37 (47%) of 79
The use of -blockers had significant effects on the
increase in cardiac output and the decrease in pulmonarycapillary wedge pressure (p=001 and p=003, respectively;
figure 2). -blockade attenuated the effect of dobutamine
on cardiac output and pulmonary-wedge pressure, but did


not reduce the effects of levosimendan. On

the basis of a post-hoc Breslow-Day
analysis for homogeneity of the odds
ratios, -blockade did not significantly
affect the primary endpoint (p=046). The
haemodynamic advantage of levosimendan
over dobutamine was apparently accentuated in the presence of -blockade.
However, of the patients who were not
receiving a -blocker, the primary
endpoint was reached by 19 of 70 in the
levosimendan group and 11 of 71 in the
dobutamine group (hazard ratio 175
[091340]; p=0092). Of patients
improvement was seen in ten of 33 in the
levosimendan group and three of 29 in the
dobutamine group (293 [097888];
Termination of the infusion led to rapid
(<6 h) loss of the effects of dobutamine,
but not those of levosimendan (figure 3).

Morbidity and mortality

The median number of days alive and out of hospital during
the first 180 days was 157 (range 101173) in the
levosimendan group and 133 (435169) in the dobutamine
group (p=0027). Eight (8%) of 103 patients in the
levosimendan group died within 31 days compared with 17
(17%) of 100 assigned dobutamine (hazard ratio 043 [95%
CI 018100]; p=0049). The results of the per-protocol
analysis were similar (eight of 102 vs 17 of 97; 044
[019105]; p=0063). After 180 days, there had been 27
(26%) deaths in the levosimendan group and 38 (38%) in
the dobutamine group (057 [034095]; p=0029; figure
4). The findings of the per-protocol analysis were again
similar (27 of 102 vs 37 of 97; hazard ratio 059
[035099]; p=0046).
Number of patients with
adverse events




Total adverse events




Disorder aggravated


Headache or migraine










Gastrointestinal disorders


Serious adverse events

Adverse events leading to




Cardiac and vascular disorders

Angina pectoris, chest pain or
myocardial ischaemia
Rate and rhythm disorders
Atrial fibrillation
Supraventricular tachycardia
Ventricular tachycardia
Ventricular fibrillation

NA=not analysed. Some patients had more than one adverse event. *Fisher's
exact test.

Table 3: Adverse events during the 24-h treatment period

THE LANCET Vol 360 July 20, 2002

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Number with data

Change in variable





Haemoglobin (g/dL)
Erythrocytes (1012/L)
Leucocytes (109/L)
Platelets (109/L)



04 (09)
013 (033)
051 (183)
218 (343)

08 (11)
027 (042)
014 (234)
265 (293)


Clinical chemistry*
Serum sodium (mmol/L)
Serum potassium (mmol/L)
Fasting blood glucose (mmol/L)



1 (4)
02 (05)
04 (34)

1 (4)
01 (08)
01 (25)


Renal and hepatic function

Serum creatinine (mol/L)
Serum alkaline phosphatase (U/L)
Serum alanine aminotransferase (U/L)
Serum aspartate aminotransferase (U/L)
Serum -glutamyltranspeptidase (U/L)



1 (-12 to 9)
3 (-14 to 7)
2 (-6 to 1)
2 (-6 to 1)
3 (-15 to 1)

9 (19 to 2)
8 (21 to 3)
4 (9 to -1)
25 (-8 to -1)
6 (13 to 0)


*Values are mean (SD) and p values are calculated by ANCOVA. Values are median (IQR) and p values are calculated by Mann-Whitney sum of ranks test.

Table 4: Changes in haemological and biochemical variables

Intravenous drugs for heart failure

18 (18%) dobutamine-group patients and 22 (21%) in the
levosimendan group received other intravenous drugs for
heart failure, mainly diuretic therapy, during the study
Overall, 48 (47%) levosimendan-group patients and 42
(42%) in the dobutamine group had an adverse event. 13
serious adverse events occurred in five patients in the
dobutamine group and two serious adverse events arose in
one patient in the levosimendan group. Three patients in
the dobutamine group died during the 24 h of infusion, but
there were no deaths in the levosimendan group.
Treatment was withdrawn because of adverse events in six
levosimendan-group patients and ten in the dobutamine
group. The most frequent adverse events are shown in table
3. Angina pectoris, chest pain, or myocardial ischaemia
were reported in more dobutamine-group than
levosimendan-group patients, and there was a higher
proportion of patients with rate and rhythm disorders in the
dobutamine group. There was a trend towards a higher
frequency of headache or migraine in the levosimendan
group. Decreases in packed-cell volume, serum creatinine,
and mean serum potassium over 24 h were reported in the
levosimendan group (table 4). The former could reflect
haemodilution resulting from vasodilatation.

In this study, there was greater haemodynamic improvement in patients with severe low-output heart failure with a
24 h infusion of levosimendan than with dobutamine. At
the doses studied, levosimendan was associated with a
slightly greater increase in cardiac output, and more
pronounced decreases in pulmonary-capillary wedge
pressure and systemic vascular resistance than dobutamine.
These findings are consistent with those of other studies20
and with the known positive inotropic and peripheral
vasodilatory effects of levosimendan. Levosimendan was
well tolerated; it caused fewer cardiac adverse events than
The haemodynamic effects of levosimendan, unlike those
of dobutamine, were not attenuated by the concomitant use
of -blockers. This finding is important, in view of the
increasing evidence for and the usefulness of -blockers for
the management of severe heart failure. This study suggests
that levosimendan could be a useful agent for the management of exacerbations of heart failure during uptitration or
long-term maintenance therapy with -blockers. There was
little difference in the reported improvement of symptoms

THE LANCET Vol 360 July 20, 2002

between the study agents. However, most patients in both

groups reported symptomatic improvement. One previous
study suggested symptomatic benefit with levosimendan
compared with placebo.20 By contrast, there have been no
placebo-controlled trials showing acute symptomatic
improvement with dobutamine. Pimobendan, also
classified as a calcium sensitiser, has phosphodiesteraseinhibiting properties at clinically relevant doses;
levosimendan does not. Oral pimobendan was associated
with a non-significant trend towards increased mortality
over 24 weeks in a placebo-controlled, randomised clinical
trial.23 Levosimendan is a more potent calcium sensitiser
than pimobendan and shows calcium-dependent binding to
troponin C.11,12 Pharmacological differences between these
two calcium sensitisers may underlie the different
haemodynamic responses and clinical outcomes seen.24
Presently, there is no consensus that intravenous
inotropic agents are beneficial in the management of severe
heart failure, but they are frequently used for haemodynamic reasons in clinical practice in many countries. A
meta-analysis of published randomised controlled trials of
intravenous inotropic agents found a non-significant trend
towards excess mortality compared with placebo.8
However, in all of these trials together fewer than
100 patients were randomised to dobutamine, and fewer
than 80 to an intravenous phosphodiesterase inhibitor. A
large study on the effects of intravenous milrinone for the
management of decompensated heart failure also suggested
no benefit on morbidity and mortality after 60 days.7
These findings contrast with the beneficial effects on
outcome noted in our study. There are several possible
explanations for the difference in mortality observed
1 month and 6 months after the infusions. In view of the
small number of patients, the difference in mortality may
have been a chance finding. However, the risk of death and
hospital admission for heart failure was also lower in the
levosimendan group than the dobutamine group, and
patients who were assigned levosimendan had more days
alive and out of hospital for any reason. The noted
difference might reflect an adverse effect of dobutamine on
survival. However, another randomised, double-blind,
placebo-controlled trial in 500 patients with acute
postinfarction heart failure suggested that mortality, a
prespecified outcome, was also lower for up to 14 days after
infusion of levosimendan for only 6 h.25
If the noted difference in clinical outcome is real, how
could differences have arisen? On one hand, dobutamine
might have caused irreversible, catecholamine-induced
damage to a proportion of cardiac myocytes leading to
increased risk of death. On the other hand, levosimendan


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could have had a direct long-lasting protective effect on the

myocardium. By contrast to catecholamines, levosimendan
in therapeutic doses does not increase intracellular concentrations of cyclic AMP and calcium ions.14,16 Levosimendan
also had an antistunning effect in experimental models,26
and it does not increase myocardial oxygen requirements in
patients.18,19 Improvement of myocardial perfusion as a
result of vasodilatation could also have contributed.
Furthermore, levosimendan has no proarrhythmic effects.27
The long-term benefit could also be due to the presence of
a pharmacologically active metabolite with a long
elimination half-life, leading to persisting haemodynamic
effects for hours or days after the infusion.28
There are several limitations to our study in addition to
the absence of a placebo control and its size. The study
provided no information on the duration of infusion of
levosimendan needed for optimum benefit or on how often
it may be repeated in patients who do not respond initially
or who relapse after an initial response. Also, patients with
cardiogenic shock were excluded. Whether levosimendan is
beneficial or harmful in such patients is not known, but care
should be taken in view of the risk of hypotension through
the vasodilatory action. A larger-scale clinical trial will be
needed to confirm the longer-term clinical advantages of
Our results are encouraging and suggest that
levosimendan could be, for several reasons, a better choice
than dobutamine as inotropic therapy for patients with
decompensated heart failure.








F Follath, J G Y Papp, H Just, and H Scholz were responsible for the

design, preparation, and conduct of the study; L A Lehtonen was involved
in the study design, and M Abdalla was responsible for the statistical
analyses. F Follath, J G F Cleland, and E-P Sandell prepared the draft
report and all the investigators contributed to its revision. K Peuhkurinen,
V P Harjola, and V Mitrovic were lead investigators. The sponsor reviewed
the report for accuracy of the data.



Study investigators
DenmarkP Thayssen.
FinlandK Peuhkurinen, M Niemel, A Ylitalo, J Laurila, O Takkunen,
V P Harjola, V Y O Pettil, J Hartikainen, O Parviainen, E Ruokonen,
H Tulla, R Suojaranta-Ylinen, J Takala, K Korpilahti, M Lindroos,
R Jussila.
FranceP Gibelin, J-L Dubois-Rande, S Benacerraf, I Macquin-Mavier.
GermanyR Zotz, R Pliquett, H Just, B Sauerbier, H-P Hermann,
N Bruns, H Baberg, V Mitrovic, M Hamel, W Sehnert, M Keck,
K Neumann, E Altmann, A Graf, F Hartmann.
HungaryI des, K Csap, A Bdi, M Csandy, M Hogye, J Szecsi,
C Lszl, P Katalin, G Argyelan, L Cserhalmi, L Vandor, T Sznyi,
O Partos,
A Rnaszki, K Karlczai, M Somloi.
NetherlandsA Balk, F Jonkman, C van der Zwaan, P Dunselman.
SwedenC-H Berg, K-E Karlberg, I Hagerman, P Kvidal, G Wikstrm.
UKJ G F Cleland, J McGowan, K Sherry, J Ross.






Conflict of interest statement

E-P Sandell is employed by Orion Pharma. L Lehtonen has been employed
by Orion Pharma.


We thank the study investigators for their contribution to the study and care
of patients at their individual institutions, Toni Sarapohja (Orion Pharma,
Espoo, Finland) for supervising data management and for providing
assistance in statistical issues, Evelyn Wesby-van Swaay (Orion Pharma,
Espoo, Finland) for assistance in medical writing of the clinical study report,
and Rajni Dogra (London, UK) for writing and editorial support.





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THE LANCET Vol 360 July 20, 2002

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