Intramural Forfeit Fee Contract

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Andrew Arena
(Bentley ID #: @ 03296823
) understand that as the captain of my intramural team named
On The Beaches
I am responsible for the minimum number of players on
my team to attend all scheduled games. If not, my Bentley student account
will be charged a $50 forfeit fee at the end of the season. The Bentley
University Intramural forfeit policy is as follows:
A minimum # of players must be present at the scheduled gametime to start the
game or team forfeits. Captains must email the Intramural Director at least 24
hours prior to the scheduled game to request a rescheduled game and prevent a
forfeit. The rescheduling will be at the mercy of your opponent & space/referee

Forfeit penalties: One forfeit: Loss of $50 forfeit fee, Two

forfeits: Removal from the league

I also understand that I will be responsible for making the $50 payment on
my student account and that failure to do so is subject to the terms of the
Student Financial Services Billing and Collection Policy
I acknowledge that I have received a copy of this contract.
AJ Arena

Intramural Volleyball

Sets on the beaches

Team Name


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