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2-3 Multiage Nautical News

for the week of September 8th, 2014

Captains' Corner with

Mrs. Case, Miss DeCoster, & Miss Soble
We had a fabulous first week of school! We loved getting to know your children as learners and
are very excited for this coming school year!!
If you havent sent in a family picture, please do so as soon as possible. Also, when preparing
snacks, please avoid anything that includes nuts of any kind. We have two students with nut allergies.

Every night, your child should bring home two things and bring them back the next day: a blue
Take Home folder that contains notes from the school, completed work, and homework-one or two
leveled books to read nightly (20 or more minutes).

Emails: Please send all emails to both teachers ( and so we both know what is going on faster. However, Miss DeCoster will respond
to the 3rd grade emails and Mrs. Case to the 2nd and we will cc each other the replies we sent. This
way we know you will indeed receive 1, not 2. replies. Thank you!

Sailing Through Our Studies

This week we focused on learning procedures,
building relationships and getting to know the fifty-two diverse
members of our learning community.

Dates to Look

Reading and Writing Workshops were launched and focused on

being productive, using what we know to be independent, and
completing our best work.

Sept 16 5:30-6:20
Curriculum Night
This is for all of our
2nd and 3rd graders.

We reintroduced the first Habit: Be Proactive. That means to be in

charge of yourself, including being in charge of your learning.

September 23 rd
It's Picture Day!

We discussed our class mission statement and the students used

context clues to infer the meaning of the higher vocabulary words
(college words). This mission statement will debut on curriculum

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