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Written By Melissa Rosenbés 4 i Production White - July 2, 2009 ean Blue Draft - July 14, 2009 % intendgg for se only by authorized personnel. Distribution of ‘isglosiitg.o# this material to unauthorized persons is prohibited. ‘Spying, or reproduction of this material in any form or ig whole or in part, is strictly prohibited. this Saree the property of Summit Entertainment and is AL TSE - BLUE DRAFT (7/14/09) ECLIPSE PADE IN: EXT. SEATTLE - AERIAL SHOT APPROACHING THE CITY - NIGHT EXT, PIKE PLACE MARKET, SEAPTLE - NIGHT (1 YEAR AGO} RAIN cones down in sheets, slapping the cobblestoned Bright lights from the surrounding bars, reflectvoff stones. The dull thud of rock MUSIC waftssouts A BI opens - the music briefly BLASTS OUT as a young man kx: <= he is RILEY, 22, genial, handsome, a univers ticfodent Fall of promiss. fe pauses under the fauninge preparing. to face the rain. ‘He slings a messenger baj/over his shoulder laden with thick school texts. He Wayes t@,his FRIENDS in the window before heading into the ae our, BELLA (¥.! “Some say the world #illMend in fire. Some say in ice... “ee ANOTHER STREET -- Dark, degéftean. oe his way up it ~- Suddenly, a SHADOW £1igg" pasf{ him, “toving at an inhunen speed. Riley pauses... what wasSthat? Unnerved, he speeds his step, about to round avcogner but suddenly —" Something leaps over him, knociin d to ground! It moved so fast we, agin, saw only a brief SHADOW. Riley panics now ~~ ex Who's: rere No response. RigGP*BoiTePin a different direction — ver avomuen soak — pifey RUNS, beelining tovard the end of the streetast Which’ stands AN APARTMENT BUTLDING with a brightly 1ig/lobby and a SECURITY GUARD, safety -- But something him by th and_SLINGS toa nglwindowes"It CRACKS. Riley drops. The Shadow won't feach,the security quard. Rileyss texrified anew by this creatures‘s strength. te ar ‘is, book bag and staggers off, running for his life doth a dikterent street. fe looks over his shoulder, suing desperate -— E WATERFRONT (CONTINUOUS) - NIGHT 2 ley finds himself on the deserted boardwalk. Beyond thefrail, black water. A dead end. TSE - BLUE DRAFT (7/14/09) he turns, realizing he's utterly alone. He's been herded here. He searches the darkness for whatever's chasing h, RILEY What do you want?! Why are you -- ? ~~ the shadow DARTS past him; Riley YANKS his hand RILEY -- 0B GoD! -- He grips his hand in pain, looks at it tow moon shape on his palm, blood seeping out. Hé%B,,be: His confusion and terror turn to agonymas/theQenon from the bite crawls up his arm. Riley drops téchis kneeay CRYING OUT in pain. Then falls, writhing as tl Noalyspreads throughout his body, changing him, ng bumanity. His tortured CRIES go unheard as wi the crescent moon on his hand, OVER WHICH WE HE whiter than her already pale Skin. EDWARD‘S LIPS move into frame, kissing theascar. INCLUDE -~ EXT. MEADOW ~ DAY ee bey) 3 =~ BELLA and EDWARD, in the grass. Bella reads aloud 2 fing Erom a book of ROBERTAPROST poetry... BELLA jf Meygthink T know enough of hate to G that, for destruction, ice is also FFP}, ahd would sutfice.:.” eet a by, eal ee BELLA “3 gnglish final. Gotta focus. grips, kisses her anyway. The SUN BRIEFLY COMES OUT ind’ clouds, causing Bdward‘s skin to SPARKLE, making iss appear magical. He pulls away, smiling... EDWARD Marry me. TSE - BLUE DRAFT (7/14/09) 3. She laughs. It’s not the first - nor fiftieth - time he’s asked. This is clearly a game between them. BELLA No. He kisses her face -- EDWARD Marry me. BELLA Change me, Kisses her neck -- EDWARD Where I cone, it’s they of ays, "T love you". ey She affectionately pushes him awa BELI Where I come @F: says, "I go: She starts to gather up He's suddenly right in Sher - we didn’t see him move. He playfully grabs her stUft from her -- WARD You’rg|worriedpabout what people will thinks LA Ifm worrded that two out of three makriaggs end in divorce. B EDWARD ivorce rate amongst immortals is = "nugh) lower. ak Aghegypoart, the gane laced with their attraction. epnanD (con) eee Marry ne. BELLA Not yet. (then) It's almost four. I’m supposed to come straight home from school. TSE ~ BLUE DRAFT (7/14/09) 4 He pulls her close. Kisses her. EDWARD You'll be on time. I won’t give your father another reason to hate me. As he easily SLINGS her around onto his back -~ INT, BELLA'S HOUSE - DAY START ON CHIEF CHARLIE SWAN, still in unig the station. His brow is furrowed with cont the Seattle Times -~ of Serial Killer...” etc. Bree: INSERT HEADLINES ~ “Murders, Disappea - just as THE Whe article worries him. He checks Br book bag. FRONT DOOR OPENS. Bella enters, Charlie is looking at his watch. as she starts toward the stairs -- =SARLIS wait €..° wig you? sit down. She pauses, then mo) QP chair, sits. le faces her. CHARLIE right ?tirbe days. No word. come back on Edward's arm like ng happened -- ae BELLA wees. Tm sorry, But Bdvard’s in my Vite. That won't change. CHARLIE I’m getting that. So I'll make a deal with you. No more being grounded... if you use your new freedom to see your other friends, too... like Jacob. darkens; a painful subject. Charlie notes this. ‘TSE - BLUE DRAPT (7/14/03) CHARLIE, What? Edward can‘t handle a little competition? BELLA There is no competition. CHARLIE Well, I'm sure Jake would rather be "just friends” than nothing at alle BELLA eel (rising) “Op Phen he should return my phoneycalti CHARLIE =e His Dad's worried abo Bells. Jake's having a really Bard title, a pa re v Bella stops. This hurts her to hea CRARLIE . I remember whengthat’whs you. You needed a frighd and Jakegvas there. He might be#vorth another try. INT. BELLA'S BEDROOM - DAW, Bella opens her desk drawer andlpulle out a FOLDED NOTE. It's worn, having been read many*times. She unfolds it -— INSERD - THE nanpinrpEbiftwors. Several sentences have been crossed out. Only gfe lineSat the bottom is legible. It reads: “I miss you;too. Doesn't change anything. Off Bella, deeply tFSybléd. But deciding something... She takes out hé& fashionable, desirable, hip Nokia phone ;) and holds dowpya Butt6h (speed dial). The work “Jake” comes upon the setnm,and possibly ? a shot of him happy, in former day: (So he cut his hair). Straight to “$3 HOUSE - NIGHT Bel. the house, heads to her truck, climbs in INT, BELGA’S TRUCK (CONTINUOUS) - NIGHT pelia@tattns the key — nothing. She tries again. It’s dead. “With,a slight gust of wind - suddenly, Edward is sitting her. She jumps, catching hor’ breath. TSE - BLUE DRAFT (7/14/09) EDWARD You frightened me. (off Bella's look) Deciding to go down to the reservation. BELLA How'd you -- ? Alice had a vision. Wis guilty face is her answer. He tries to ma) it. EDWARD I’m afraid my studies have extended to fixing cars g disabling them. 1/11 sel around in the morning} BELLA Jacob could fix that 95H his hands. Edward seems unprovoked by of He'd never hurt me? ESF Not ipentionagly. BELLA ay I/11 be one of you of thatill be it. He‘ll hate me for geod. G a, EDWARD a , you have to understand. Your Rh: Bob is... everything to me. a BELLA Evers. I will be safe. De —— he looks down with regret, resignation. EDWARD Sire, I’m sorry. * Fe é ks at him, Then gets angry, forces open her door ~~ 10 TSE - BLUE DRAFT (7/14/09) 7. EXT. BELLA‘S HOUSE (CONTINUOUS) - NIGHT -- Bella clinbe owt, slams the truck door. Révard appease ™ noxt do ners 4 warp . (beat, torn) f I want you to be happy... ; (duietly) +++ but alive is more important. fm Frustrated, she pushes past him and heads Boeke houge. He API the before she reaches them. eee ed EDWARD . 1/11 understand if you Sse ang’ for me to come to ae oni.ght, Sust close the window. Op ne 9 ON THE OPEN WINDOW - Bella closes {and/i it. Beat. Another beat. Then she unlogks thé indéw, opens it a bit. Looks at it. Opens it as ey ittwidl go. PETERTASRODAY 10 Bella and Bdvard sit with al coi eriak MIKE, and JESSICA. INT, BELLA'S BEDROOM - NIGHT INT. FORKS HIGH SCHOOL -A Edward and Bella are on the e Lightly apart. Angela is busy addressing a pile of note Card envelopes. Mike writes what he’s saying on a legal pad —- = My fellow students. We are the Eveurgs “aiything. is fossible St wo a evé, blah, blah, blah -- ke nips the page) nds it to Jessica. Poy : JESSICA this will be my speech. r£ 1 angi people to throw their diplomas at qe She c: es-the paper. Tosses it at him. wrk Ya gotta embrace the clichés, Jess. ERIC They are the bread and butter of all valedictorians. SE - BLUE DRAPT (7/14/09) ANGELA This is why you're not valedictorian. BRIC I chose to exit the political arena to spend more time with my family. BELLA Jess doesn’t need clichés. gonna rock that speech. she's JESSICA Rock? It'll change lives. ALICE and JASPER have abruptly appeared, c: food they won’t eat. As they sit —- ALICE JASPER After all, how many(tim graduate high school? Edward stifles a smile. A party? Bage No a Seen their house. ey, BeowaRD other party, Alice? s ALICE aie fun. BELLA that’s what you said last time. 7 HUGG’ rrenzes, ner eyes glazing over. she's aRagion. Mike hasn;t noticed yet. MIKE J) Well, cool, that’s really uh...normal of you. What time? (nothing from alice) Dress code? (still nothing) Bring anything? Cheetos? TSE - BLUE DRAFT (7/14/09) A beat as Alice still looks into the distance. Awkward. Bella looks at Edward, concerned. Bdward shrugs it off nothign to worry about, EDWARD Wake up, Alice. JASPER She hasn't been getting much sleep lately. Senior jitters. ‘This sounds weird and weirdly fluent comin: it serves to break the moment. 12 INT. SHERIFE’S STATION - EVENING ne Bella and Edward enter, charlie is pehindbighe counter talking with a middle-aged couple, DONG. MiNey BYERS, whose faces" del etched with sfter aot ary! oS penta So -~ what was that! 6p what * aa aaice see os f Nothing. omet! GSabSGt Jasper. It wae inascuousy te BEL ' Didn't seem chee ‘ys * epwaRD * I waspfust wokried that everyone would * noticSihow strange Alice ie. : » eisa ‘ rffriok Brat ship saiied a tong cine : Charlie roof ¢ Bella and Edvard and subtly gestures for then to kedg pHe@@) distance. Te could he interpreted os hostile. Beata fe'1l get over it someday. Don't ee EDWARD No. ‘That‘s not what's bothering him. Those people. Their son has gone esis : can read their feelings on Edward's face. * TSE - BLUE DRAFT (7/14/09) 10. BELLA Do you know something about this? : EDWARD (nods ) Seattle. Unexplained disappearances, * killings - we’ve been tracking it foi a while. BELLA ye, Really? You think... EDWARD (nods) Our kind generally stickgtofvictins who won't be missed. Ox rroveten quickly. But whoever tle isn’t playing by the ragga. BELLA We'll protect you, whatever it takes. y “Biggie (0.8.) you rf rer 3? ~~ as Charlie appfo: Off Bella watching the anguished BIERS exit... % charure to the Biers) call if I hear anything at all. chayzie guts agpeture into his case. It’s RILEY, from the opedipg. e a7 12 ExngggptRpe’s stanton ~ even 12+ Bebia exits, flanked by Charlie and Edward. There's palgable tension between the two men. 2 CHARLIE, d It is just us two for dinner, right? Bp, Bella eyes him with suspicion, but he appears TSE - BLUE DRAFT (7/14/09) BELLA Dad -- EDWARD I’m just dropping Bella off, sir. (to Bella) I'll see you tomorrow. (heads off, then stops) Oh. Bella, my parents wanted me to remind you about that airline ti they gave you for your last ee ghileless. CHARLIE What airline ticket? BELLA 3 A round trip to Florida’! it” Yom, CHARLIE That was... generou It expires might want EDWARD qe cous Bapyour last chance to visit before you... graduate. CHARLIE 't hurt you to get away for a ys. Get some time away. BELLA wghld like to see Mom. Maybe T will -, (to Edward} “Ff you’11 use the companion ticket. CHARLIE Wait, there are two tickets? RENEE'S BEACH BUNGALOW, FLORIDA - DAY lla's face is turned upward to soak in the WARM SUN. 13 TSE - BLUE DRAFT (7/14/09) 12. RENEE (0.S.) Aren't you going to miss this?... INCLUDE her mother, RENEE. They lie in chaise lounges. pushed tightly together on the deck of this funky bunga RENEE ++ The warmth on your skin. the vitamin D soaking into your pores. BELLA Twill. RENEE, Colleges in Florida arega, 1 {off Bella’s look) What? I’11 never see FEyou go to University of Alaska. which is the point, Guilt washes oygm, Be She takes Renee's hand, absently plays agg celet on her wrist, trying to soak up her mother as mich sun. Rene nudges Bella who giiles, looks inside the house -- 14 BELLA'S POV - INT. BEACH BUNGALOW - THROUGH WINDOW 14 Edward site in an,easyGhair with a clear view of Bella, He offers a small wgve;then?turns back to his conversation with PHIL, who [es on pic back on the couch. 15 BACK TO a ad 15 Renee squedzes hand a beat, then glances back at Edward. a RENEE qqathe way he watches you. It’s like... SShe’s ready to leap in front of you and take a bullet or something. BELLA, +++ And that’s a bad thing? RENEE It’s... an intense thing. And you, you're... different with him. 1£ he moves, you move - like magnets. TSE - BLUE DRAFT (7/14/09) 13. BELLA We're just, you know... RENEE Im love, I get it. I just want to make sure you're making the right og choices for you. ‘Cause you're the YD raat one who has to live with them. Bella takes this in - her choice much bigger thameme! geographical location. Renee sees her faceagigia a OY RENEE eh Alright, enough with the heas gs — She reaches under chaise and pulls up ge bom RENEE, -- Happy graduation! ome OF Mom, T asked Rot toswéste your money ~: As she unfolds it, ey'd make a nice quilt. To arm up there. REVEAL that@eachggquare of the quilt is cut from T-SHIRTS bought at vari oadside attractions from around the Americas. ee points -- RENEE Remember that one? From Ensanada ~~ BELLA Saul's Snake Farm and Taqueria -- RENEE God knows what was in those tacos. TSE - BLUE DRAFT (7/14/09) 14, BELLA (xe: another patch) The three-headed lobster in Maine! Thing gave you nightmares ~~ RENEE But you were all, “Wow, cool Already the science geek at ten. They laugh together, remembering their past. BELLA This is amazing, Mom. RENEE We'11 add to dt when yout We'll take them to the catsup bottle. And thi art museum... Bella suddenly hugs her 258 it will be. a I gotta uaa) youl sa ane fameeie a tite ic ie e., Berea) eise orig ae wee Re eeeeet ares oy FY sank on maxce (por Qos glazes over, inteneiy watering something inher The woods are all mist and shadows ~ a stark contfasteto previous bright scene. INCLUDE EMMBI'T, then Jasper. Then the other Cullens, @ ESME@aid ROSALIE. They’re spread out, still as ailing for Alice, ready to spring —- JASPER You're sure this is where you saw her? ALICE She's almost here un TSE - BLUE DRAFT (7/14/09) 15, OC ANOTHER PART OF THE FOREST CLOSE ON A PAIR OF FEMALE FEET in boots RUNNING in the wet mud. But they falter, slowing to a stop... PAN UP INCLUDE none other than VECTORTA! she inhales... somethi smells wrong, She abruptly ROLTS in another direction. y BACK ON ALICE - she spins to Emmett —~ ALICE on your left! @ Emmett explodes to his left, Rosalie right behih Jasper and Carlisle go wide, looking to cumyict ta oee, Esme and Alice following up the rear “ INTERCUT with Victoria racing through. the’trees, tense but not afraid. Escaping is what she’s 93 qshe reaches - A RAVINE ~ she doesn’t, break, stride . ae Wait! she’s ‘You She'll get’ JASPEI (hearing sométhing) No she ON THE OTHER SIDE 0! onto the scene and leader is black, eno oy NE — THREE GIANT WOLVES LEAP up the chase after Victoria. The (SAN-WOLF) . HOLD OF HER SHOULDER AND HAIR! ‘They roll head. stem - Victoria uses the momentum to her advantage NGS Emmett off and over hor into a tree. the split second he’s down to leap back over to WOlf-land and keeps running. Bmmett is pissed -- ESME Eamett, don't! -~ 18 19 TSE - BLUE DRAFT (7/14/09) ~~ but Emmett, seeing red, FLIES over the ravine -- the second his feet hit the other side -- PAUL-WOLF turns to face him. There’s a moment of standoff. It would be simple enoug} Enmett to defuse the situation by jumping back -- bupgth not his style. Paul GROWLS with bravado. That jusi/ nak Emmett smile. a ANGLE ON VICTORIA, at a safe distance now. back, surprised to see what's happening. conflict with curiosity, her mind working. «8 Paul and Emmet CHARGE each other, BAM! yards in the dirt. (Alternately, for geff; 18 19 her face. Edward No. It.yag creat seeing mom. Just... hard sayingygoodbye. EDWARD It dogsnBhave to be goodbye. Se baceet BELLA hat Why you wanted me to go? gd change my mind? ae He offers smile -~ . EDWARD I’m always hoping for that -- Saye a ‘Bbxuptly he looks up; stiffens. Hearing something. BELLA, what? EDWARD Would you stay in the car if I asked you to? TSE - BLUE DRAFT (7/14/09) 17, She looks at him, concerned, then pulls open her door -- EDWARD Of course not. a 20 «EXT. SCHOOL PARKING LOT (CONTINUOUS) - DAY ay Bella and Edward emerge from the Volvo to SER Jacobi climb) off his motorcycle and stride toward them. He weatdaa tyght black T-shirt, grease-stained jeans. No Jacke ging ae His hard expression causes other students tetgive him) a wide berth. He looks almost dangerous. But Bella — a BELLA yakel ~~ Edward subtly, protectively pulls Bellé back, students watch from a distance, out of earshot’ JACOB Charlie said you le: i i, He's here to make sure you're still human. JACOB 9 read my mind? Bnjoy. Jacob concentrates 9 ng, and suddenly Edward seems ELLA jyou doing?! JACOB raking a walk down memory lane. EDWARD reminding me. Of what it was ke for you when I went away. BELLA Jacob. Please. JacGb takes a breath to calm himself. Then faces Bdward. JACOB I’m here to warn you - if your kind come on our land again TSE - BLUE DRAFT (7/14/09) 18. BELLA Wait, what? JACOB (realizing, to Edward) You didn't tell her. EDWARD Leave it alone, Jacob. ANGLE ON ALICE AND JASPER =~ who gracefully and swiftly climb from their place themselves in proximity, just in case. ANGLE ON MIKE, ERIC, JESSICA AND ANGEL: -- who watch the goings on. Angela wly“fears a fight; the others seem more intrigued by one? BACK ON EDWARD, JACOB AND BELLA Sewngh steep * There was asStupid misunderstanding between Emmettiapd Paul. Nothing to * worry about. JACOB Mant franco you. Slick. Did you Tie tglset Aespout of town, ‘too? EDWARD Leaves lowe gAcoB he Wa right to know. She’s the the red-head wants. BELLA foria's back. vee (#pins on Edward) Slice's vision - it wasn't about Jasper, was it? It was Victoria -- EDWARD 1 was trying to protect you -~ BELLA By lying to me? BSE ~ BUDE DRAFT (7/24/09) 19. asin He can’t respond. There are no words to express his concern and frustration. A beat... then she turns —= BELLA Jake, wait up -— Edward's hand is on her arm so fast she’s barely turns to him with controlled anger. BELLA “ Edward, you have to trust meg f= EDWARD : Ido. t's him I don’t trug ee ee eee ce to acquiesce. Finally, he releases “he jogs to Jacob. Climbs on the back of his bike. Jacobi grins, JACOB (for Edward's Hold on tight. He kick-starts the bike, thém ROARS off with Bella on the back. Edward watches them go} 21 EXT. LA PUSH - EMILY’S.HOUSE - DAY aa Jacob pulls up; he Belfpclimb off the bike. BELLA, hIRk this is a good idea. ow, “vampire girl”. But the fr TS open and JARED, PAUL, ENBRY & QUIL pile out, sHéving.the last of a meal down their throats. Bella tens: Zs to her surprise and relief, Embry 13 smiles when“he her. EMBRY fey! Look who's back. ours Whatup, Bella? BELLA Quil -- you too? TSE - BLUE DRAFT (7/14/09) 20. QUIL (sighs) Yeah. Me too. Glad you're here. We'll finally get a break from Jake's obsessive inner monologue ~ PAUL (mimicking Jacob) “1 wish Bella would call --" JARED "1 wish Bella wouldn't call EMBRY “Maybe I should call Be JACOB You can all shut up noi QuIL "Maybe I should cal: I'm looking for’ suggestions? Bella smiles as the géysWlaugh, push each other, roughhouse. Behind them a slendérogirl with cropped black hair exits, LERH CLEARWATER, d be gorgeous if not for her scowl. Leah sei jd the scowl deepens. JACOB is is Leah Clearwater. ‘s daughter. BELLA wits. so sorry about your father. my dad really misses him. LEAR If you're here to torture Jacob some more, feel free to leave. B faken aback. Jacob shoots Leah an angry look; she’s G vious. As SAM and EMILY exit, Leah abruptly moves off. gacon Fun, isn't she? TSE - BLUE DRAFT (7/14/09) Emily gives Bella a hug. Sam offers a pleasant nod hello. EMILY Bella. I was wondering when we'd see your face around here again. JACOB So? sai a We're good. She won’t be getti hy, through our Line anytime soon i * whe guys AD Lin macho challenges as they nak, eRwAey to the forest's edge. ‘San urna to Enilgioge Renodie Icke into her eyes. “Their connection is deephy, intiméte. ‘as Sam gently kisses her, Bella politely lopks, away... to SEE -- BELLA'S POV - ON LEAH =- at the edge of the woods. reanféiatees ‘at Sam and Snily/s kiss, thes sbruptly PALLs| Fou ‘Léah, before her hands hit the ground, they become paws! VLeah,/now a LIGHT GREY HOLE disappears into the woSds§, off\Bella’s surprise... 22 EXT. JACOB'S HOUSE ~ DAY, 22 Jacob and Bella climb off th@bike, and start wheeling it toward the garage as -- wien Rae yo know -- Le Aro her Dad died. ner bi Séth, also phased. He’s only fltteens§ One of the youngest we've ni Sail keeps him home studying, but ‘ chomping at the bit. Wish BELLA t be such a guy. JACOB It’s not a chick thing. It’s a love * triangle thing. We ali have to live the Leah-Sam-Emily pain-fest. Wolf telepathy, remember? BELLA Sam...dumped Leah for Emily? TSE ~ BLUE DRAFT (7/14/09) JACOB It wasn’t like that. Sam hates himself for hurting Leah, but... Emily was The One. BELLA Yeah, I guess sometimes it chooses y; JACOB It's more than some crush. imprinted on Emily. BELLA +++ Do I want to know wh: at 1 JACOB (bitterly) Just one more thing over. Even our da chosen for us. bloodsucking cone on, vgff canAIERE tais on then. Ny, Tf we weren't wolves, we wouldn’t imprint. And we wouldn’tabe wolves if the damn dala stay away. But thoy yanvirg? keep x jack. oq eg ancos Yiggose everything. our lives, our ¢ 28, our free will -- You know uid) imprinted on someone. Claire. ( 8 two years old. ee Ry ee ig) Oesss that’ use exeepy. aacos You don’t get it. There's nothing romantic about it. It’s... a spiritual thing. All the same, Quil won't even date anyone for two decades. Until Claire catches up to him. TSE - BLUB DRAFT (7/14/09) BELLA (beat) Still a little creepy. JACOB (laughs) 2 Still not getting it. He continues on in to the garage. She follows ~~ 28 WR, JACOB'S GARAGE (conpmuoUS) ~ DAL w =e 23 e gE Jacob and Bella enter. Jacob rolls the bike mits pot. 1leceihg dust. As he finds his words, he slowly move! gacop ses everything changes 4) SRatenty, isle "not! gravdayshoraigis ypu to the planet. anymoré."tt's her (very glose}fo Bella now) Nothing elg€ matgers&e"You would do anything thing. For her. He's looking into Bella’s eye: he's afraid to ask, but... BELLA, e you know the feeling. BELLA +. imprinted on someone? “question - the truth versus what he She waits, emotions conflicting. 5 JACOB fou'd know it if T had. 1 just have a direct line to Sam and guil’s thoughts. s reflleved. And confused at her relief. He picks up a ) tightening something on his bike as —— BELLA So for now, you're still you. TSE - BLUE DRAPT (7/14/09) 24. SACOB And you're still you. BELLA Yeah. (hesitates; then) Until after graduation -— JACOB (anger abruptly flashing) Graduation? BELLA Jake, I told you it was goii happen -- JACOB Not in a month. Not bi you've even lived! Be: == He abruptly THROWS his wrench HEAR it SMASH into the wall -. -- He didn't decide this; I did -- COB -- Anglpow yetgre gonna be - that. They’F@igot even alive - it makes me Picky, Better you were really dead than of*them. BELLA feling) You,did not just say that. pr it back. She heads for the door. a BELLA 2efaward was right, this was a bad idea. fi Fon, JACOB Bella, I don’t want -- please. he ; turns back to him, He tries to calm himself. JACOB I/1l -- I'm gonna try not to think about -- I -- man, (MORE) 0 24 25 TSE - BLUE DRAFT (7/14/09) 25, | £ 4 YACOB (CONT'D) o (takes another breath) ff I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. It takes a long beat for her to recover from the hurtf ep comment. Finally, she nods, She moves to her dusty motorcycle, brushes off the seat. Bp oun ¢ We should stick to safer subjects. % Like... motorcycles. a JACOB ei a ~ ©) Only thing safe about you on motorcycle is when you turn t£8 She smiles, as does he. The tension sic diss! pates as they dust off the bikes, shifting bak gro"Briends mode. frame, turns it. INCLUDE THE MAN: he moves around the room, touching her stufig ee tBings up, curious, setting them down just a 1igeietout ofyplace. It's creepy. Finally, his hand falls of As he brings it to his nos Pale white, chiseled featur OUSE draped over a chair, gé SBE NTS FACE -- 1T/S RILEY! fpeves BLOOD RED. A vampire. He inhales Belia’s scent then stUffs it into his jacket and exits her room. We FOLLOW HIM DOWN THE STAIRS and into -~ INT. BELLA'S HOUSE OM (CONTINUOUS) - NIGHT 25 Riley soundlessly, o find Charlie asleep on the couch. He's in aft 2 case file spread out, some of it resting on his ley leans over him, SEES a PHOTO of himself (it’s A ile), and a newspaper article -- OFF RILEY, éd, taking in the news and his own file, and Chariie whdiB" unaware of the danger just inches away... Riley fsually at Charlie’s holster. Silently, * uncannily smoothly, removes his gun, STARES right down the * basgee there's a bullet. » %y pojfits the gun at Charlie’s head. Smiles. This could + jow far can he pull the trigger without it going * He squeezes -- the hammer goes back ~~ * ley notices the picture on Charlie's chest...his * fing, human self, Reaches out to it. TSE - BLUE DRAFT (7/14/09) 26. INT, BELLA'S HOUSE ~ LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Bella comes in the front door. ‘The living room is empty quiet. Eerily so. Suddenly ~ CHARLIE (0.S.) Edward could at least respect meal t. Bella turns, startled. Charlie leans in the kitchdl doorway, indicating his watch. 2 BELLA Actually, I was with Jake. CHARLIE (pleased) Good. ‘That's good. There's a KNOCK on the door. Charlie’ back into the kitchen with a small -- I waseperfectly safe -~ fayaRD Bene a oa the treaty to make sure.of fbi Abruptly he stops. Infiales. His face alarmed. 2 BELLA ow, I smell like dog -- EDWARD something's =~ wrong. He movék “he living room. DARTS throughout the first floogy, Cheeking it. Charlie doesn’t see... he’s co! rating on the photo of Riley, whose FACE has been SCRATCHED OUT. 2 BELLA what? What is it? EDWARD Stay here. TSE - BLUE DRAFT (7/14/09) 27. And he bolts upstairs. She hurries after him ~~ y 27° INT. BELLA'S ROOM (CONTINUOUS) ~ NIGHT BELLA Edvard. what's wrong? (gxim) Someone was here. to track thei: fast-paced conversation eet * EDWARD x : BDWARD No, Alice -- It von fein 3 didn’t recognize a “s (beat) That's not hefpeul wh . * ELLE omy could you Guys please, like -- speak out loud? EDWARD: Bella’s chidled ty ‘the thought. sme wraps an arm around her just a oe) filter burets open. Jasper enters, JASPER af S scent disappeared about five miles ®south of Bella's house. EDWARD Someone orchestrated this - CARLISLE -- Victoria -- EDWARD ~ No, it has to be the volturi -~ TSE - BLUE DRAFP (7/14/09) BELLA =~ Checking to see if I’ve been changed? ALICE => I don't think it was the volturi either. I've been watching Aro’s decisions. EMMETT We gotta find this fool and get answers out of him, CARLISLE We also need to take shifts house ~~ ROSALIE, -- She's rigl watch over me and Dad, ai he intruder, and for Victorg puyourselves fed. Your eyes ai when’s the last time you went“higting? You're already too busy protec She stops... a idea occurring. she looks at him, a tiny glimmer, of@ptiiism flashing on her face. EDWARD (wary) What? BxT. BEL SE ~ FRONT YARD - DAY 28 Ed stands at the curb, frozen in place, waiting, eyes unblinkifgly watching the front door. Finally, it opens. Belg exits. Behind her, Jacob. cd meets them halfway. Edward is cool, calculating; piwhotheaded, fractious. TSE - BLUE DRAFT (7/14/09) JACOB Whoever it was, he left his stink behind. It‘ll’be hard to miss when we cross it again. JACOB (to Edward) We'll handle it from here. EDWARD We don't need you to “handle: anything. Or anyone, Jacob steps toward Edward who doesn’t moves JACOB I couldn't care less wha: Bella moves between them. Wobk eouether. =~ Hey, we Shee yore goal, xight? a” oy oa ‘vampires ~~ Like there's aidistinction. EDWARD Jacob, Igfeel that some day you and I are ve aie words. nuvi Bella tries to mBpart; it’s like pushing boulders. BELLA gust stop it. I’m tired of being in She middle of a territorial dispute between mythical creatures. From now c moe tie aalenactang ees ee ect BELLA I don't expect you guys to chuck a * football around together. Fine. But, * we have a lot of problems. (MORE) TSE ~ BLUE DRAFT (7/14/09) BELLA (CONT'D) And this is one temporary solution. (then) Are you willing to at least try? A long, tense beat. Finally, Edward nods. Then Jacob. BELLA Alright, so you need to coordinate. You know, schedules and stuff. Neither says anything. Bella sighs. Turngato 7 BELLA Would the pack prefer days ongn JACOB (beat) Nights. BELLA (to Edward) Will days work for (off Edwa Good. See? 30 BELLA‘S Pov - ExT. BELLA'S “HOU 30 FROM ABOVE, looking down at the dark, silent forest beyond the yard. ‘stillness. »Suddenly, we SEE a movement in the trees. THEN TWO GLEAfH ees peer out, belonging to... a WOLF skulking at thgfedge 6ithe treeline. Tt looks up at -~ 31 INT. BELLA'S BEDROOM -“QN, BELLA (CONTINUOUS) ~ NIGHT 31 -- she stands ig! the window, looking down at her protector. Then, in contrast. to the danger that surrounds her —— ANGELA (0.S.) sent me and Eric our dorm Wassagnments yesterday... Bei fie: othe room where Angela lies on the floor, a a sabk fet Graduation announcements in the “done” ja is blithely unaware of Bella’s situation. ANGELA I’m in the furthest dorm from campus. Eric’s in the closest, of course. Has Alaska assigned you guys dorms yet? looks at her, missing her already. She lies next to a, takes up a card to address. TSE - BLUE DRAPT (7/14/09) BELLA Not yet. ANGELA Where is Edward tonight anyway? BELLA ¢ », Out looking for trouble. Angela hears the worry in Bella‘s voice. ANGELA Is something wrong? BELLA No, why? ANGELA One, Edward's always wii you’ keep looking out Like You're hoping he'll how up with a mariachi band. , : Angela, wha c was like, * secretly REHTs... violent * gang, and. pou) brother was in this * Gthet gana, afigney vanced co et * each other, and nd by, cowen’ t tell * anybody? bat pelta’s eiishtly oad (Ny jose Kind of sits there, . Se You don’t have to talk BELLA jothing to... eat) , there is but. i 0} bout it? Bella debates, then sits up, crofge oosing her words carefully. BELLA Okay. You remember Jacob Black? ANGELA Ah. Edward’s jealous. BELLA (surprised) You say that like it’s so obvious. TSE - BLUE DRAFT (7/14/09) ANGELA, (apologetic) Oh, It’s not? BELLA Edward just thinks Jacob’s dangerous or something... a bad influence on m Angela smiles. Shakes her head. BELLA what? ANGELA I've seen the way Jacob, Edward's seen it, too, al human, He's going to other guy. I feel. He rather be best ypu're Saying I'm an idiot. ANGELA, ‘Jugt a little oblivious. BELLA ff, 1 don’t want this. Every move T ake hurts someone. ANGELA, They‘re big boys. They make their own choices. (then) Don't worry, it'll work itself out. It’s not life or death or anything. lla, glancing back at her window, at her reality... 32 33 TSE ~ BLUE DRAFT (7/14/09) 33, EXT. BELLA’S HOUSE - ON THE WOLF - SAME % -- off the wolf's EYES, eerily refracting the light EXT. ROAD ~ pay Edward's silver Volvo pulls over to the side of thi Bella and Edward emerge from the car. ‘They SEE - DOWN THE ROAD, a shirtless Jacob leaning against hii Volkswagen. Waiting. The two guys exchange a EDWARD Doesn't he own a shirt? Bella looks at Edward a beat, realizing, - BELLA Angela is a wise woman. here. ‘Then he surprises he a particularly passionate kiss. DOWN THE ROAD Jacob,Scowls Edward pulls away, leaving Bella a little dizz: ELLA * ou could rugh just a little. + a reassuring look, then walks off. As Bella reaches him, he smiles broadly ~~ JACOB beautiful. xx into a big HUG. She HEARS Edward's car PEEL out Saviously pissed. As she watches the Volvo digappear, Jacob opens the car door. She takes her seat as -. JACOB Whaddaya wanna do today? Bike, hike, hang? It’s your call - but tonight we're going to a very chill party. 34 TSE - BLUE DRAFT (7/14/09) 34, Off her curious look and the THUNK of her car door closing ~' EXT. LA PUSH BEHIND JACOB'S HOUSE - BONFIRE - NIGHT A group is gathered around the fire, eating hot dogs laughing. Billy sits at the natural head of the ci QUIL, Quil’s ancient grandfather sits on one side CLEARWATER on the other. ‘The three Council leader: The whole pack is there; Paul, Quil, Embry, Jai with Emily at his side. Leah’ sullenly staxg Meanwhile,a young Quileute girl about guil’ definitely giving him the eye. He SIGHS, ann another life he might be able to fulfill’ hi teas a Casanova. 5 ACROSS THE SAND ~ Jacob leads Bella BELLA You sure this is okayZ party crasher. ‘Technically, a il Meeting crasher. e.okay. I thought - I mean, the be good for you to’ heai ‘stories. (stops) wast, thggbistory histories? Of the pack? they... secret? JACOB We all goa role to play. And you’re a past hig. It's the first time Quil, Seth andjLeah are hearing them, too. Bub, you ‘ye the first outsider. Ever. BELLA I... should have dressed better. SETH (0.8.) Jake! gerrupted by a gangly-limbed boy, SETH, 15, who tr pg ike a puppy. He clearly idolizes Jacob. sera ‘Bout time you got here. Paul's been hoovering the grub. But I saved you some burgers. TSE - BLUE DRAFT (7/14/09) JACOB Good looking out, Bro. Bella, this is Seth Clearwater, Leah’s brother. Newest member of the pack. SETH Newest, bestest, brightest -. JACOB Slowest ~~ g He grabs Seth in a headlock, the two tumble “Goilthe sahd. Seth laughs, absolutely loving this guy. A WHISELE gomes from the circle. It's Sam. Seth jumps ups, Come on. Your dad's abou! As Seth drags Jacob and Bella toward ngire... BILLY (06. > The Quileutes have beenva giiell tribe from the beginning. © a 35 EXT. LA PUSH BEBIND gacoBy = BONFIRE ~ rome 38 ON THE PIRE, burning lower’, 2S.) ++. But we have alWays had magic in INCLUDE THE CIRCLE, eryone's faces, their attention wholly on“Bihly, his voice commanding. eat spirit warriors, shape- no could transform into the g/wolf. This enabled us to scare and protect our tribe. ON BELLA whOTabsorhs the story, its images alive in her ob gl@fices at her, gauging her reaction as ~~ BILLY One day our warriors came across a creature. 36 © INT}FORHST CLEARING ~ DAY (1750'S) 36 QUILEUTE WARRIORS (all in human form) emerge from the horrified to find a MALE VAMPIRE (wearing the clothing Imid-1700's Spaniard) bent over two lifeless RIBE GIRLS. yes are blood-red, feral. A terrifying image. a7 38 TSE - BLUE DRAFT (7/14/09) 36. BILLY (V.0.) It looked like a man, but it was hard like stone and cold as ice... He grabs one of them, strangling it. The second w his teeth into the Vampire's neck and tears off iti But the strangled wolf falls dead to the ground. BILLY (V.0.) our warriors’ sharp teeth find it apart... but only fire would completely destroy it. bee. 1a rusn nese sacon’s sovse ~ 2dftgl BACK ON BELLA - the horrible visuals Jacob watches her, gratified by her s% BILLY They lived in fear was not alone, A BEAUTIFUL VAMPIRESS in fered 1700's Spanish gown, moves through the Quileute village of long houses and teepees. A TRAIL OF DEAD BODTHE,, tribes-people screaming. BILLY (V.0.) She tool hr, vengeance on the village. our elder chief, Taha Aki, was the only BGarrios left to save the tribe, $8igen was killed. TAHA AKI, 60's His THIRD WIFE, ed, stands over his dead SON, 20. jeeps inconsolably next to his’ body. Taha Aki spin, andithe Vampiress and takes a running IUNGE at hep PRANSPORMING into 4 great wolf. They CLASH! THE THIRI ie al gee eel BILLY (V.0,) Taha Aki’e Third Wife could see he would lose... wagches with horror as the Vampiress quickly 37 38 39 40 41 42 TSE - BLUE DRAFT (7/14/09) 37. our ) The Third wife was no magical being, with a ne special powers but one: courage... ’ ON BELLA'S FACE as we go INSIDE her thoughts - EXT, QUILBUTE VILLAGE - DAY (BELLA'S IMAGINATION) ¥ 40 =~ MATCHCUT BELLA'S FACE - now transformed into the‘ghir Wife! Bella charges the Vampiress, dagger raisedxhigh® but as she nears, shockingly, she plunges the nitéjpto her Qun_heart! BLOOD flowers on Bella's chest.““he Vanpiress catches the scent and spins toward her, ravenottSy-— BILLY (V.0. The Third Wife’s sacrifid@ydistradbed the Cold Woman long enou: gah Aki to'destroy her. she sugea tnOteribe. As the Taha Aki-wolf leaps onto thest ad tearing her apart, Bella lay dying, her oa peace... jiesthave disappeared. But one rem: he Cold ones... BACK ON BELLA - emotions confl¥@ting as she sees all this from the wolves point of view. Billy continues -- LLY. ens only when they come i we ‘Sense it now, feel the x blood. Something is¥coming, and we must be Off Bolla. RE ~~ REPORTER (0.S.) le is in a state of terror... USE - DAY 42 a mic does a stand-up in front of Pike Place. REPORTER +++ Police are baffled by the escalating murders and disappearances. LYDE Carlisle and Jasper who watch with concern. Emmett sydtaped over the couch. Bella and Edward enter as —— TSE - BLUE DRAFT (7/14/09) REPORTER Theories range from a vicious new gang to a wildly active serial killer... EMME? (grinning, to Bella) Look who survived the dog park. something for those flea bites? BELLA I'm good, thanks. EDWARD (re: the newscast) Seattle? CARLISLE It’s getting worse. have to do something. EDWARD Alice atiil hasn't fp Qisions about who's doing tl So we trackthim dps bloodthirstyta Let’s go now. I'm ROSALIE’ (0.S.) (£gom upstairs) EMMEDT She, pessimist. Jasper, reading his mind a beat -- EDWARD Ajan’t think of that. But... yes, Gers. CARLISLE Tell us, Jasper. as Gespex speaks, Bella is surprised when he continues gheyondisthe one or two sentences he usually utters. His CG Light Southern lilt becomes more obvious. > TSE - BLUE DRAFT (7/14/09) 39. JASPER It takes more than one of our kind to cause the damage they're reporting. Quite a few more. They're undisciplined, conspicuous -~ EDWARD Newborns. BELLA Like... new vampires? aS EDWARD In their first months after JASPER That's when we're at ot wicious, ota seen TS, ease eS tens fee ey Be! (another grin Something to look feewakd Bella blanches. CARLIS} (rgalizing) see Sor creating an army. Jasper nods, Emmet es, enthusiastic. MMETT of e definitely gotta go. eg” BELLA , an army? Of vampires? CARLISLE @ haven't been any newborn armies in over a century that I know of. JASPER There is now, And they've been created to fight someone. EDWARD We're the only clan even close to Seattle. 43 44 te, ‘TSE - BLUE DRAFT (7/14/09) CARLISLE Regardless, if we don't put a stop to it, the Volturi will. I'm surprised they've let it go on this long. EDWARD (idea occurring) Maybe they’re purposely ignoring it. or even... behind it. (off their looks) when we were in Italy... I 4: Aro’s mind... EDWARD'S VISTON 43% TRACKING TOWARD EDWARD'S FACE - as we ory, his environs drop out, blackness surroundi suspending him -- a5 he turns, we go OVER his shoul - He didn’t want me tg there... He wants Al, our gifts ¥ his power -- A FLASH of EDWARD and ALICE gach in one of the Volturi * "thrones" formerly occupied by¥arcus and Caius. * EDWARD (V.0.) But he #inowg,.we'd never choose him as tong gif our Pagily is alive... RESUME EDWARD - PR 44 EDWARD Gould solve that for him. Ane Bella takesgthigsgin, then -- BELLA ( wefan’ wait two weeks for graduation; _you need to change me now ~~ JASPER You'd be a liability as a newborn. * Unable to control your instincts. An * easy target. iy pute an empathetic hand on Bella’s shoulder. ¢ TSE ~ BLUE DRAFT (7/14/09) 41. sen. enasie QO There’s also your father to consider. And your mother. How terrible would it be for them if you suddenly disappeared? Bella can't argue, considers. Emmett looks confused EMMETT Oe But... we are gonna kick someone’gsm ass, right? 2 INT, ABANDONED CANNERY, SEATTLE HARBOUR FRONT “NIGH? 45 SMASH! A NEWBORN VAMPIRE careens intgpthd/ wall, CRACKING bricks. He falls to the ground at the of Fey, who spins on A SECOND NEWBORN ~ RILEY Next. one who starts agfignt Yes nis arms ripped of, (to Newborn #2) Now get your oypedait Anack. ~~ as Riley steps over A va% 1yky on the ground, barely alive. Newborn #Zivatc] imrily as Newborn #1 dives on the man, taking Wliat left of his life, MNCLUDE another DOZEN NEWBORNS*6g, both genders, all ethnicities and backgrounds, whd%teed, lounge, fight. what they have in common igeferocity, strength and thirst. Riley goes to a prety MyBREE, 15, who lies in a corner, just awakening. As hessquats to check on her, she suddenly Jumps up, backs a e wall, disoriented’ and profoundly thirsty. Her hag “to her neck where she was bitten. BREE hh hat did you do to me!? Behind Rildy, NEWBORN VAMPIRES start pushing each other againjithe sight reigniting, irritating Riley. BREE 'm 50 -- 80.4. RILEY Yeah, I know. We'll find you someone to drink. The thirst will calm down after awhile. I’ve got a year under my belt and I’m okay =- © jthen Newborn #1 RIPS Newborn #2’s head completely off. SCREAMS. Riley shakes his head, exasperated. 46 a7 TSE - BLUE DRAPT (7/14/09) 42. He leaves Bree in confusion as he walks away. Off his FACE INT, BELLA'S HOUSE - KITCHEN - NIGHT ON RILEY'S FACE - xeroxed onto a FLIER that reads “Have seen me?” INCLUDE Charlie who sits at the table st, ai it. Bella enters, dropping her backpack, coat. BELLA Hi Dad. You already eat dinner CHARLIE Huh? Um... no... not yet. She looks over his shoulder and sees (CHARLIE Riley Biers. His parel Seattle with these. Fi they've tried. BELLA +++Do you thi Bella swallows her guilt - “a that... and may still, Then h@®ynexpectedly wraps an arm around her waist, pulling her close. After a beat, he releases her, rising to.cover his emotionality. LIE extra cheese? ELLA (V.0.) a7 her bed in the dark, Edward lies next ‘s QUILT between them. BELLA, z+: How to explain why I won't be home for Christmases. Why I won't visit. Why they'll never see me again. EDWARD After a few decades, everyone you know will be dead. Problem solved. linches at his brutal honesty. ‘Then faces him. TSE - BLUE DRAFT (7/14/09) BELLA Why are you so against me becoming Like you? EDWARD I’ve told you, BELLA There’s more to it. You can be honest EDWARD a (beat, quietly) &! The choice you're making. I knowkthe consequences of it" the losgpnshous {Solation. I've lived at. proviee, you suffer that... (shakes his head and I know you Relive Wh oul, but I don't. and to risk fourg junt s0 I'11 never have tonto: CT itrs the most selfish ™f She rests her head on hi; I thought maybe You, were afraid 1/11 + warm anymore. same... EDWARD ays be my Bella. =~ and kis: he kisses him back, It grows more passionate cks her arms around his neck. Edward pulls away,“Both sf them reining in their desire. EDWARD Bella, just less fragile. * He s Zh quilt around her. As they nestle in, CAMERA PUBLS BACK... until we're OUTSIDE LOOKING IN THE WINDOW... '$ HOUSE (CONTINUOUS) - NIGHT 48 sPBil PULLING BACK - INCLUDE the cdge of the treeline we FIND Emmett and Alice standing several paces apart. still, keeping watch, listening. 49 TSE - BLUE DRAFT (7/14/09) 44. They hear a sound, both SPINNING at once - to PIND BENTND THEM - TWO WOLVES. Here to take over sentry duty. Slow; Emmett and Alice back away, the wolves eying their ever move, A truce, but a tense one... EXT. LA PUSH ~ BEACH - DAY Bella and Jacob walk along the sand. Jacob seems distracted, like he wants to say something but can Bella’s too busy worrying to notice. BELLA They keep saying “Everything's but it’s complete bull. Alig going ahead with that stp graduation party - which you to, by the way. (off Jacob's sco: Yeah, I figured. The is a'mess, and I can’J aM (that's, I want to s, Right. Sorrysqe agreed not to talk about that. JACOB wanted to do this moother. But I'm out stand all your options. already know what I'm say but... BELLA ‘she does) 1, don’t... gAcoB _I’m in love with you, Bella. and 1 Sant you to pick me instead of him. at him, momentarily speechless. Finally -- BELLA Jake, I... thought you understood. 1 don't feel that way about you. JACOB I don't buy it. TSE - BLUE DRAFT (7/14/09) 45, BELLA What don't you buy? It's how I feel. JACOB Do you want me to go away? Never see me again? BELLA Of course not. JACOB See? You feel something else you just won't admit it. (deciding) And I'm not giving up. fight for you. Yeah. heart stops beating. BELLA Then you won't have JACOB -~ you're rush; you’re afraidsye This strikes a nerve - whfch It’s what T wan Jacob takes her by thesarms, emotionally charged -- ye to anyone. I can give a him. He probably can’t you without hurting you. Flesh and blood and warmth P BELLA afSacob -- sudde! ‘aneously, he kisses her. Bella pushes aga: angrily, but he pulls her tighter to him. Pifally, Qella goes limp, drops her arms, opens her eyes, waltdng| him to stop. lle does; lets go. She turns away. gauging her reaction. Did she feel what he felt? la spins back toward him and PUNCHES him in the ‘There's a horrible CRUNCH on impact. Jacob doesn’t flinch. But Bella grabs her hand in pain -— TSE - BLUE DRAFT (7/14/09) 46. BELLA OW! Owowowowowow! 50 T. BELLA'S HOUSE - DAY Bella, pissed, climbs from Jacob’s car holding her hand, as Edward’s Volvo SCREECHES Lo a slop. He ug moves directly for Jacob. Bella gets in his path BELLA Not here, Edward. Please. EDWARD é If you ever touch her aga (a bit BELLA Stop ig b, just go -- Aut Jacob faces-of faith Ravard. Rehind them Charlie exits, sees the hostility oe them. Heads for them -- CHARLIE (ggtting between them) Ka 8, let's take it down a hy Come on. Simmer down. ‘The two g Ould) crush him, but they back off. a CHARLIE fow what the hell is going on? JACOB I kind of...kissed Bella. CHARLIE oh. nt help but be a little pleased. But the next bits ot mation change his attitude. TSE - BLUE DRAFT (7/14/09) JACOB Against her will. So she hit me. and broke her hand. Accidentally. Charlie's expression turns into a glare that even the 2 * Sacob shrinks under. he 51 INT. CULLEN HOUSE - KITCHEN - EVENING $1 >>. Edward looks on with concern as Carlisle finishesysetti Bella's hand in a splint. Rosalie, at thegoufter in the b.g., peruses several newspapers, looking foEytipdates} CARLISLE Tels just_a small fractype all set, Bella. EMMert * Trying to walk and * same time again, Be! * Punched a werewo: * (inpres: * Bad ass. * little newborn. + ELLA Toughyshoug! take you on -~ * Rosalia mars dow getaseeoe: nal ampere sikot cae . throwing a fiex Bella’s way. Bella is thrown. EMMETT * ry about it, * EDWARD * ou find any leads? * JASPER * fo sign of the intruder. But Victoria * continues to make appearances. * CARLISLE » She's toying with us. Keeping us * distracted. * EMMEDT From Seattle? * TSE - BLUE DRAPT (7/14/09) CARLISLE Or the intruder. Or something else. EDWARD Alice can keep tracking her decisions but we have to track her on the ground. Tired of being ignored, Bella heads out to the decl JASPER We've already covered the eni southern peninsula down to Qu: BDWARD We'll search the northwg 52 EXT, CULLEN HOUSE - DECK - EVENING s2* ‘he sun sets over the river as Rosali! Bella * exits, Rosalie knows who's behind Looking. * ROSALIE * Go blather to gone JJabout the * joys of beco: (contemptuous You ote a clue. Now Bella’s had it. g(She ‘SUigightens, pissed. “Ra seta ng, TH exying here. t've boon tkying with you. But I can't figure o&& whatyyT did to make you hate me - : ROSALIE ) (faces her, surprised) you? I don’t hate you. I don’t iculariy like you but... Bella, I BELLA, ridiculous. ROSALIE You have a choice. I didn’t. None of us did. But you do. And you're choosing wrongly. I don’t care how * miserable your human life is -- 53 54 TSE - BLUE DRAFT (7/14/09) 49. BELLA My life isn’t miserable, It’s not, perfect but no one’s is. ROSALIE Mine was. BELLA ( It was a long time ago, maybe you're forgetting the bad -- ROSALIE I remember. And it was perfect the end. She turns toward the river again. Bel E.. to Rosalie’s side, but at a careful distance ROSALIE Thad... almost had. ,everyttng, even though it was ube be it Depression. 1 was eon oon beautiful sSaveryone ingRochabtgr gfivied me. PUSH IN ON ROSALIE as -. There's only On@.thing I wanted that = didn't have... ctose ow A Basy’s nfl Curly black hair .dinpl@s, cherubic. He's being held by ~~ SMASH TO: EXD, ROCHESTER, {NEW YORK - PARK - DAY (1933) =~ HUMAN ROSALIE @nesy skin, stunning, but naive, vain. We SEE her longing.e she hands the boy back to his mother, VERA, 18. ROSALIE (V.0.) Z wanted a child badly. A home of my m, a husband to kiss me when he came home from work. And I thought I was going to have all of that... EX ae NEW YORK - STREETS(PARK) - DAY (1933) ie walks on the arm of the handsome, well-dressed ROYCE Passersby eye her admiringly. Royce enjoys the @ption she brings him. But it's clear from their looks 53 san 58 TSE - BLUE DRAFT (7/14/09) 50. ROSALIE (V.0.) Royce was the most eligible bachelor in town, T barely knew him - we were never alone. But I was in love with the idea of love. Rosalie doesn’t see Royce eyeing a PRETTY WOMAN acef street. The Pretty Woman, appalled, hurries along}, the leer off his face. Rosalie blithely sees only perfect man. ROSALIE (V.0.) I was young... BXY, ROCHESTER NEW YORK ~ STREETS ~ NagHTE(T Rosalie heads down the empty lamp-1. her coat close in the chill night ai ROSALIE (, On the last night off friend's house latey from home... EN, gathered under a issing a bottle. streetlight. They laughéd a em but then hears ~~ Rosalie veers away to avoig Rose! We've been Waiting for you. Rosalie relaxes a li she realizes it’s Royce. ROYCE his FRIEND) @ lovely, John? Told you she ooker. gouN (leering) Hard to say with all those clothes on. ROYCE Show him what you look like, Rose. Take off a few layers. ROSALIE I'll see you tomorrow. Sober. 58 56 37 58 TSE - BLUE DRAFT (7/14/09) 51 She starts off, but Royce abruptly YANKS her hat off - she CRIES OUT in pain as the hat pins wrench her hair out. Royce grins, the sadist in him unmasked now. The men 1d ROYCE You'll do as T say. Then he grabs her coat. She fights him, scratching] face, but he violently RIPS the coat off her ECU ON THE BRASS BUTTONS - they PoP oFF (sBoN fOrTBNy,. FOLLOW the buttons ag they scatter onto theceveeet. ROSALIE (V.0.) I didn’t see who he was sunt, night. Who they all were’ BXT. CULLEN HOUSE - THE DECK - EVENII 56 Bella reels at the horror of Rosaligts, assault. Empathy fills her as a stoic Rosalie 20 ROSALIE They left me rege, thinking I was dead. wanted to be, Carlisle £ ‘led all the blood. the was helping me. er“bo-slight smile) Royce for last... so he’d know FLASH TO - g CORRIDOR - NIGHT (1933) 87 TWO LARGR guagd the doorway to a room. They look up as Wife appears at the other end of the hall. As Fealize it's Rosalie, in her wedding dress ~~ INT, ROOM (CONTINUOUS) - NIGHT (1933) 88 errified as he HEARS the sound of the two guards’ 3 falling heavily to the ground. He backs into a he door SPLINTERS open and Rosalie enters. Off ‘s horror as she closes in on him ~~ 59 60 TSE - BLUE DRAFT (7/14/09) BACK ON ROSALIE PRESENT ROSALIE Iwas a little... theatrical back then. A flash of amusement. But it quickly disappears. ROSALIE ‘Things got better after I found Emne But we'll always be... this. Fro: never moving forward. That’ most... the possibilities. 2 a front porch somewhere, Emmett haired by my side, surround grandchildren, their layg Rosalie is silent a beat. Bella tui but holding her ground... BELLA ZX understand that‘s but... there’ll nev want more thai Wrong agaij changed, thi more, one thing” fone thing you'll want ou'1l kill for: blood. Seeing her point has landed, Rosalie walks off. Bella, Shaken, torhe back toyand the house —~ SPE EDWARD standing Pejeics, looking out at her... sessten (0.8.) (PRE-taP) five, they asked us what wel wantég to be when we grew up - GYM - GRADUATION CEREMONY - DAY 60 INT. FORKS HIGH cameRA Pang{ngg@S9) THB CAPS AND GOWNS, families and teachers elJas are on hand in case the clouds open up. JESSICA (0.S.) jur answers were things like astronaut, president... -++ Or in my case, princess. (chuckles from the crowd) é (MORE) 61 62 TSE - BLUE DRAFT (7/14/09) JESSICA (CONT'D) When we were ten, they asked again and we answered ~ rock star, cowboy, or in my case, gold medalist. But now that we've grown up, they want a serious answer. Well, how ‘bout this: who the hell knows?! te fast decisions, it's the ve stuck somewhere chill, dot. Majer in fee es, 3 Change your mind. hen Pn Rit again, because nothing is pennies it . Off Bella, knowing there will be n ee her mind once she makes’her decision. The — BS OVER -— INT. HIGH scHooL, Gym ~ GRaDgATR vd ~ DAY 61 ON THE STAGE - Bella walks to #heWSGHOOL PRINCIPAL and * shakes his hand while re her diploma. OUT IN THE AUDIENCE Charlie CLAPS loudly,beaming with pride. ESSER (v0. 7 G22 Inistekes as you atte a someday, when they ask ageing ay Wetyant to be... we won't have taiguess.” We'll know. EXT. SCHOOL - B ION CEREMONY - DAY 62 Charlie and Bellg away, Bella awkwardly shouldering out oard. Ad-libbed “see you at the gous students including the usual suspects party's” wig fie wraps an arm around Bella’s shoulder, if possibid emotional. CHARLIE m so proud of you, Bells. I can’t wait to see what you do next. You're my biggest accomplishment. BELLA +++ Dad, that’s not true. TSE - BLUE DRAFT (7/14/09) CHARLIE Yeah, it is. and it’s... (amazing) Well. You'll see, when you have kids. Off Bella... RILEY (0.S.) (PRE-LAP) What did I say about a low profile! 63 63 EXT. SEATTLE ~ ISOLATED STREET - NIGHT Riley, exasperated, stands next to a late model lies UPSIDE DOWN in the dark street. Smo! engine, a FIRE ignites. Inside the ca RILEY You call this low? A MALE NEWBORN ignores him, as he from the car and begins to feed o1 NEWBORNS feed on prizes of their BIKE MESSENGER. Riley gives, AN OVERPASS IN THE DISTANCE : se. -- where we find FOU E, utterly motionless, looking down at the mayhem. PUSH IN 0 FIND + JANE with her misleadingly an. face’ ‘The hulking FELIX, elegant DENBTRI and chegibic APEC. All wear dark coats with hoods. Jane is calling ALEC (with distaste, to Jane) Hows. indiscreet. FELIX ey've already drawn too much attention. DEMETRI So has our “inaction.” Others may begin to question the Volturi‘s... effectiveness. JANE Let them. 64 TSE ~ BLUE DRAPT (7/14/09) FELIX Maybe we should consult Aro. Jane shoots Felix a look ~ SEAR shoots body. The massive Felix drops to the ground wi silently. Jane is one scary little girl. JANE Aro’s decisions are being watched. must decide. Alec carefully, gently touches her shouldes tal ALEC Then decide, sister. She releases Felix. Demetri helps Alec, utterly uncaring of the agony JANE Yes, it is. (looks at the fewsorngy Bither we let then atythey were created for, So someone's playing with blind spets in your vision. P EDRARD Only the Volturi could know gift works. Aro would when he read Alice's mind. JASPER Either way, the army is’coii odds aren’t good. JACOB Alright, hold 4 at! dain army? and Edward share a look. He's about to explode. arse decides differently -- Bdward shakes his head noi EMBRY hey after? ALICE BELLA * at's what he was doing at my house - * JACOB Okay, what the hell does this mean? CARLISLE (anguished) It means an ugly fight. With lives lost. TSE - BLUE DRAFT (7/14/03) 60. The weight of it lands on all of them. Beat. Jacob shares a sober look with Embry and Quil. An imperceptible ned. JACOB We're in. BELLA What? No, you'll get yourself killet JACOB Please, it’s what we were mag EDWARD Forget it. JACOB Wasn't asking permissy CARLISLE -- Alright. The guys back off. Carlisle tur If that’s a fancYfyord for fighting together, yeah. We happen to live here tot Edward looks at Carlisle wh@gs still weighing it. SI : yyAREISLE JASPER es ive us the numbers. And the horns won’t know werewolves even + That’ll give us an edge. BELLA Carlisle, don't. ‘They'll get hurt. Jacokascofis. They all look to Carlisle. Finally, he nods. CARLISLE We'll have to coordinate d's not happy, but resigns himself, Bella is panicked. 67 68 TSE - BLUE DRAFT (7/14/09) 61 CARLISLE -- Fighting newborns requires knowledge that Jasper has. We were already planning a strategic meeting. You're welcome to join us. JACOB Name the time and place. INT. CULLEN HOUSE - PARTY - A MINUTE LATER Jacob, Quil and Embry head for the door. BELLA Jake, wait - you don’t know you're getting into -- JACOB z- It’s what we do. vet Look at us, working togetherix'vou're the one who wanted us t ong. == and Jacob strides out le. the MUSIC grows louder, PU rfamid the revellers. As n BELA" s worried face ~~ EXT. CLEARING IN wooDS ~g6A “2, The eerie silence contrasts the a large field surrounded by dé it’s overcast, grey. suddenly, 68 previous scene's noise. It's forest. The mist is heavy; @ quiet ig broken by ~~ EMMETT BEING FLUNG Ty We lands HARD on hi; face Jasper, the pe! THE AIR, FLAILING IN SLOW MOTION. it immediately springs up to who threw him. INCLUDE Carl, " Alice and Rosalie who watch them spar. ANGLE ON |G VOLVO -- as it skids to a halt next to Jaspers id and Bella climb out, head into the field together guftialfvay across, Edward stops. EDWARD They're here. onf fur aifipeine = From out of the mist skulk EIGHT GIANT WODYES, 95 wary and on-edge as the Cullens are. Fret St Paul-wolf; their eyes meet, both itching for a ch. TSE - BLUE DRAPT (7/14/09) BELLA (sotto to Edward) Two more have joined the pack. EDWARD They're young. Very young. Carlisle joins Edward who reads the pack’s minds. EDWARD They don’t trust us enough tg human form. CARLISLE They're here. BELLA Jake. ++ He seems to almost smile, tongue San-wolf gets Jacob-wolf to £0: Edward nods, Carlisle move CARLISLE Welcom: EDWARD ling Sam-wolf’s mind) hey’ 11 watch and listen, but e Most we can ask of their CARLISLE fawjwill be fine. Jasper has ience with newborns. He'll teach ow to defeat them. EDWARD ‘They want to know how these “newborns” differ from us. CARLISLE They're a great deal stronger than us, because their own human blood lingers in their tissues. Our kind is never more physically powerful than in our first several months of this life. TSE - BLUE DRAFT (7/14/09) 63. The pack takes this in. Carlisle nods to Jasper to take over. Jasper is initially uncomfortable with both the wolves and the attention. But steps forward -- JASPER Carlisle's right. That's why newborns, are created for armies. EDWARD One of them ~~ Quil ~~ he wants know how many vampires const; army. He seems to be made... by the term. Jasper laughs. JASPER “army” is an expression’ * number of newborns. the, goodifiews is, * they are not in the fhoufands, like a human army. (beat) The bad news J stand again; untrained, 46 them wild. “Yo But they're ERE rst will make le. That can work As Jasper moves to the center ofthe field for a demonstration, he groygamore commanding, the long dormant leader in him’ resumi Bella watches with pack sit or lay t ise 6s this new Jasper emerges. The ready to spring if need be. fst, never let them get their arms you. They‘ll crush you so fast head will spin. Second, never go he obvious kill. They‘ll be ready ‘that. And you'll lose. Emmett? (gestures for him to attack) Bon’t hold back. EMMETT Not in my nature. ed, but Jasper is a Emmett lunges several tines, his strong arms gat air. Jasper stops long enough to say TSE - BLUE DRAFT (7/14/09) 64. JASPER You have to come at them from the side, and keep moving. Always moving. Emmett lunges again with similar results, until sudden) FREEZES -- Jasper has him from behind, his teeth an from Emmett 's throat. Bella is taken aback by Jasper’s skill. And there impressed RUMBLE among the watching wolves. as we shift to SLOW MOTION to SEE a viel extraordinary dance. Alice and Jasper spar, spiralling,* launches at her but with her eyes at him, she sees his moves before nowhere, Alice is perched on his Jasper ) not Looking them. Out of kisses his neck. Gotchya. Edward and Carlisle ai fone another, but Edward can read Carlisle's mind which giy He twirls beyond Carlisle's grasp delivering a vicious body blow. SPER (V-0.) Focus,6n speedy agility, keep your opponthtcfft ghara the wolves rigeOR) get into the fray but ace, watching intently, itching to siding back. JASPER (V.0.) Ca their momentum against them -. ye ANGLE on! peuing anxiously watching these fierce, life and deatitieay) ganes, A portent of the violence to come: BZLE ae her face. Jacob-wolf is beside her, higfees Aveying concern. She pensively looks back out &t thé fied BELLA It will be a hundred times worse than this, won't it?” TSE - BLUE DRAFT (7/14/09) 65. BELLA'S POV - PANNING ACROSS THE FACES OF ‘TMH CULLEN'S and the WOLVES... BELLA — Some of you might not be here. Afterward. Because of me. A beat - then Jacob nuzzles her face again. beans against him. EDWARD (0.8.) We're done for the day. Edward has suddenly appeared next to her. calm, but firm. Jacob-wolf eyes them pack as they retreat into the woods. is 69 EXT. CLEARING IN THE WOODS ~ LATER Di 69 the Jeep pulls away carrying Carlisis josalie and Emmett. Bella sits on the hood of the. ox approaches, : dirt off. Bella looks at him as if for tl Jasper. to help? JASPER @ alone, your scent will chewborns; their hunting will take over, drive them you know so much about all this? JASPER (beat, reluctant) agi, didn’t have quite the same... fine “Wipbringing as my adopted siblings. Hoy t the conversation, he starts to move away but shé| jumpStoff the jeep, following him -- patisaS, sees her inguiring look. Beat. He slowly rolls ‘UpMa,sleeve. Shows her --

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