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Some people think that men and women have different qualities that some certain jobs

are suitable for men and some jobs are suitable for women. To what extent do you agree
or disagree?

Different jobs have different requirements for workers which is generally
acknowledged. In my opinion, women and men commonly have different strength,
with female being not suitable for jobs that need heavy physical work and male
being not suitable for jobs that require more patience.
To begin with, men and women are appropriate for different jobs because they have
different body structure. This different determines that men have greater strength
than women physically. And, some heavy physical jobs are not suitable for female
as they cannot undertake the workload of these jobs. For example, work of building
houses is out of womens control. Even though there are various equipment that can
help for lifting heavy components for building, some stuff or equipment still need to
be moved by hand. Therefore, women are not qualified for heavy physical work as
the body limitations.
In addition, since the difference of personalities, male and female are good at
different areas. To be more specific, men commonly are suitable for jobs like
researchers because male have better logic mind, whereas women are appropriate
for jobs such as teaching as women are more patient and caring. For instance, 95
percent of nowdays scientists in the world are male. And, more than 80 percent of
education employees are female in China. As a consequence, it is apparent that
men and women are appropriate for different jobs.
In conclusion, as far as I am concerned, male and female are suitable for different
jobs, because they have different body structure physically and diversified
personalities psychologically.

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