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Amy Mendez

August 13, 2015

Dear Ms. Fernandez,

When I started your rotation last semester at Tulane-Lakeside, I was feeling very unsure of myself. My
previous rotation was on a busy Med-Surg unit at large hospital. During that rotation, I felt unprepared,
overwhelmed and frankly like I wasnt sure if nursing was for me. I didnt know what to expect in your
pediatric rotation. I was definitely nervous.
Two hours in to our first shift, I wasnt feeling nervous any more. The atmosphere in our clinical group
was the complete opposite of my previous rotation. You were friendly, very approachable and had
knowledgeable answers for all of our questions. Not once did you make me feel like I wasnt able to do
something and I knew that if I had a question, I could come to you without fear of you making me feel
like I should already know the answer.
Your teaching was effective because you were there for me and I knew it. In previous rotations, Ive felt
very nervous prior to doing any procedure. I had to do an in and out catheter on an 18 month old boy.
You reassured me and went over the procedure with me beforehand. That gave me the confidence to be
able to perform the procedure with a steady hand when the time came.
I want to thank you so much for helping me restore my confidence in my nursing abilities. I hope every
nursing student has an instructor like you to help them through. Thanks again.


Amy Mendez
Charity School of Nursing Student

Vantrelle L.Coleman

August 13, 2015

RE: Jennifer Fernandez

Mrs Bridgette Dufrene:
I had the pleasure of meeting Mrs. Jennifer Fernandez, in my 3rd semester of nursing school at Charity
School of Nursing. Mrs. Fernandez was my Pediatric clinical instructor, who managed 16 (day and
evening) students at the selected clinical site. While in my pediatric rotation with Mrs. Fernandez, she
taught us many things about the special population of clients. She provided constructive feedback and
praise when needed. Often as a clinical group we had the opportunity to participate in mock report
handoff, and open-ended question and answer forum about our clients in the conference setting. Her
effectiveness as an instructor has brought forth very successful students, some earning clinical
excellence awards under her supervision and many wanting to practice as Pediatric nurses because of
her method of delivery with students and teaching. She is a leader who is knowledgeable, has
outstanding work ethics, organized, and flexible, Throughout my experience she maintained positive
working relationships with her co-workers and colleagues and I know that she will be continue to excel
in all that she does. Jennifer Fernandez compassion and diligence to the noble profession as a Nurse will
forever be etched in my mind and heart as I travel this journey as a new nurse. Mrs. Fernandez has
been able to maintain positive relationships, express herself professionally and support others when
needed. I particularly appreciate Mrs. Fernandez diligence and hard work.
I highly recommend Mrs. Fernandez without any hesitation to be considered for any and all positions.
She will establish productive relationships, be a team player and excel beyond whats expected of her at
all times.
Please feel free to contact me if there is any other information that I may provide to enhance Mrs.
Fernandez evaluation.

Respectfully submitted,

Vantrelle Coleman, R.N. (Applicant)

Zulina Baskin
13 August 2015
Delgado Charity School of Nursing
450 S. Claiborne Ave
New Orleans, LA 70112
RE: Mrs. Jennifer Fernandez
Mrs. Bridgette Dufrene,
I am more than proud to write this evaluation letter for Mrs. Jennifer Fernandez. Mrs. Fernandez was
an outstanding clinical instructor. The things that she taught me helped a great deal in the clinical
setting as well as in lecture. Because of her explanations I did outstanding in my Nursing III class. The
help and attention that she provided me enabled me to understand and enjoy working with pediatric
Mrs. Fernandez is very effective in her teaching. Not many clinical instructors are able to stimulate the
students to the extent that she does. She has great communication skills and her explanations were
clear, concise and helpful. She makes you THINK, which was sort of frustrating, but it helped me
understand the material much better.
Mrs. Fernandez was awesome. She has a great personality and is always willing to help. She is willing
to continuously explain things until you understand the information. I enjoyed coming to clinical every
If you should need more information, please email me at lina072979@yahoo.com.
Zulina Baskin
Charity School of Nursing Student


Mrs Bridgette Dufrene,

Tough but fair. That is Ms. Jennifer Fernandezs approach to teaching. It is well known that you do not come to her
clinical unprepared or you would be sent home. However, it was also true that if you came ready, she would bend
over backwards to assist you. I liked that. Clinical instructors have varying approaches. Some are very aggressive
and belittling while others could not care less and appeared to just be present for the extra income. Ms. Fernandez
was present and ready. She took the time to clarify information and concepts. She allowed us true hands on
experience with the clinical equipment. She also shared a little bit of her own personal path to nursing which was
refreshing and provided a little boost to the morale of our clinical group. She was realistic with her expectations of
us and she also allowed room for growth in the area of critical thinking and application. It is safe to conclude that I
enjoyed being taught by Ms. Fernandez. She was polite, respectful and motivating. You can tell she is passionate
about Nursing and making a difference. As a student, I strive to be the nurse she exemplified with both her peers
as well as us, her students. She is a great asset.
Warm regards,
Tiffany Christen

To Whom It May Concern:

Ms. Fernandez possesses a positive and enthusiastic personality. She is well

dressed, articulate, and always ready with a smile and a kind word. I truly enjoyed
my encounter with her as one of my nursing instructors. She was very
approachable and helpful. She quizzed us each week on our patient assignment to
ensure we knew what we were doing. She was very knowledgeable and patient. I
am confident that Ms. Fernandez, will be an assets to any student she works with.
She is knowledgeable, assertive, and has the skills of a seasoned teacher. Im sure
she will continue to grow and become even more effective as a teacher with further
opportunities. Ms. Fernandez was an excellent instructor.

Ashley Bickham

Dear Mrs. Fernandez,

Id like to take a moment of your time to thank you for guidance as my instructor during
the peds rotation. This clinical rotation I had with you was the best rotation that I have received
throughout nursing school thus far! Your patience and mentorship was the best par none. You
took the time to let me understand what I was doing, and why nurses do it that way. Rather than
getting frustrated with our lack of understanding and experience, you taught us the reason and
the theory. You made the lecture portion of what we were being taught make more sense and
stick in, which also resulted in me getting the best grades possible, and the highest grades that I
have achieved so far. Your mentorship had definitely been the best, and I hope that I will either
have you as an instructor again for my BSN/MSN, or even better as my supervisor in the future.
There are not to many people who can truly understand and be patient with beginners and
training, but you have shown every quality of a top-notch nurse, professional, instructor, and
mentor. Because of your course of instruction I have decided to pursue Pediatric Nursing once I
graduate. I sincerely appreciate everything you have done for me and the other students!


Kirby Schulthess

To Whom It May Concern:

I am a former student of Mrs. Fernandez at Charity School of Nursing. Mrs. Fernandez

has a wonderful rapport with her students. Her ability to connect with her students and her talent
at teaching are both truly superior. She has excellent verbal communication skills, is extremely
organized, reliable, and always has a positive attitude.

Most importantly, she is patient. Patience can overcome a nursing students anxiety, fear,
and failure. She is definitely a role model to me as well as others and a great asset to any nursing

Amanda Turner

To Whom It May Concern:

I had Mrs. Fernandez as an instructor at Charity School of Nursing. She is an extraordinary
instructor that cares about the students. Mrs. Fernandez has a passion for nursing and shows
this passion when explaining procedures and also when teaching students about applying
knowledge in the clinical setting. She breaks information down and presents it in a format that
students understand. She has a vast knowledge about the human body and teaches students
how to relate this knowledge to a patients diagnosis along with the collection of data that is
obtained by the patient, labs and test results. Mrs. Fernandez encourages students by
providing feedback on their progress and also gives praise for hard work. She makes the
students feel comfortable and does not antagonize them. She strives to give students the
confidence that is needed to perform clinical skills and is available to the students when help is
needed. She is also available through text and by email to answer questions that students may
have regarding material that she has presented. Mrs. Fernandez is an excellent instructor that
is reliable, dependable, and responsible. I know, from a first-hand experience, Mrs. Fernandez
is proficient with every aspect of teaching students because she was my clinical instructor. She
always reminded me that there were never any stupid questions and that the only stupid
question was the question not asked. I learned a lot from Mrs. Fernandez, I could not have
finished nursing school without her guidance.
With Kindest Regards,
Kris Lillie

Professor Bridgett Dufrene,

Mrs. Fernandez is an exceptional teacher. I had the pleasure of being her student in the fall
of 2014 for my pediatrics rotation at Charity School of Nursing. She was always extremely
approachable and always open to give help any time I needed it. What I liked most about
her style of teaching was that she was always challenging me to critically think. She would
guide me to the answer without giving it to me. I feel that her teaching style has greatly
contributed to the way I critically think and problem solve to this day in my nursing career.
She also made things interesting when she taught. The passion she has for nursing shines
through in everything she does, and for that reason alone I would be interested in anything
she was explaining to me. She has a way of making things make sense that I had trouble
understanding in the past. She is also so encouraging. She was always invested in her
students and she always made me feel like I was top priority when I was talking with her or
asking her something, even though I knew she had a million other things to do. I have, and
will continue to recommend her as a teacher to everyone that I speak to. She made me look
forward to clinical and even consider a career in pediatrics, even though it was the clinical
rotation that I was dreading the most before I started. I know Mrs. Fernandez will do great
things as a teacher, and I am thankful for getting the opportunity to be her student.
Elizabeth Blappert, RN

August 11, 2015

To Whom It May Concern,
I am writing on behalf of Jennifer Fernandez. Mrs. Fernandez was my clinical instructor for my
pediatric rotation at Tulane Hospital while I was a student at Charity School of Nursing. Mrs.
Fernandez always went above and beyond to make sure her students were well prepared when
they walked into a patents room. Her true passion for teaching showed when she had the ability
to explain difficult nursing concepts in a way that was easy for her students to understand. Her
ability to communicate well with her students always made you feel comfortable to ask her
questions. When you made a mistake, she made sure you learned from it without making you
feel like you failed at the task. During my time at charity Mrs. Fernandez had a great impact on
my nursing career. She was the first teacher to help me recognize my gift of working well with
children, which influenced me to become a pediatric nurse. I wish Mrs. Fernandez the best of
luck in all of her endeavors.

Amanda M. Hager, RN

Dear Mrs. Fernandez,

I want to thank you for such a great and positive learning experience during my pediatric clinical
rotation at Tulane Hospital while attending Charity School of Nursing. During my clinical rotation I was
able to clearly understand what was expected of me as a nursing student in a new environment. I also
felt very comfortable asking questions and coming forth with any concerns on the floor. Mrs. Fernandez
you showed me how to care for a pediatric patient safely and appropriately by demonstrating how to
complete a full pediatric assessment and administer medication safely. You helped me with developing a
rapport with the pediatric patient as well as the caregiver which is very important in this specialty of
nursing. My pediatric clinical rotation not only helped me expand my knowledge on the floor but also in
the classroom. I felt I was able to recall things I learned in clinical that helped me succeed in passing my
tests. I am extremely grateful I was able to have a great instructor and amazing nurse and I cannot thank
you enough for everything.

Jennifer Baham C.S.N.

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