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A traditional Go ban for under £200? Here are good quality Go boards that dont cost a king’s ransom! We recently acquired a limited stock of Korean-made agathis boards. Agathis ie an indonesian wood, for years an alternative to batsura. tis bit harder and darker, but very suitable for Go boards. The best part about its that itis half the price of Japanese-made katsura boards, and makes the kisury ofa traditional board or thick table [board far more afordable. A honey-brown wood and authentic clamshell stones make a wonderfl setting to play out your tesus. Choose a 45" thick traditional board together with large rose Keyak bowls and 9.2mm clams stones in our Myungin set, or a2" table board in the Daewang set, als including medium chestnut bowls and Smm clamshell. Avery economical alternative isthe Super [Club set—2" board, ash bowls and glass stones—with BGA discount funder £100! Postage net uk OMyngnon4 Tas) as 90) (BCAManibarE ODoewang @r1e,TI7, sy 015) take 10% oft superchbsprie,Ta«,500 no 1016. these prleest® G4sTadiionlGotamonly 1958 15-30 GP tae boar only @ 0 wo one en cher money er a ion i. ee VAY urd wee Tcl doco, OGA member ust Hae hi hl [nd meershipsumi) Sop by theo ext me yuri London, We sock eon conpee np! Co rs she Cho Mh gan ‘adios FREE catslgue avalible on reoes ISHI PRESS 20g: pace sane snen nv oTE AL Ta O71 284 aa68 PAK‘O7 294-09 British Go Journal ‘Number 85 Winter 1991 = Price £1.50 British Go Association ‘heniayrUsnasn Noa bis comely agg Bo sasbang Seagate: BS yon Stans eS oa Roe Se Sam ae mr cea Biteiey Nermants NAS ADB (obo rBesS Sem ett ealet oS) fetereaTAP RG aR Soenrm ara wm noms™ Matera by BIB please, Bul oa] lier ta" guaranteo inclusion, Disks bya pin Sut Advertsing ates 6 per page nd pro rata containing graphics, frateril sould be carte oad) Sina ads" welcome, Bash Go Journal Contents toil Dan List Boh Women's Tournament Fourtluncred Yeargot vepanese Go 3 Gb Cranes Sotho Natal Ray 8 Bins Rego Seton ag shbange e inSeach oro 13 ee Grou rou 2 Protesona sxe Go? # ‘Summer In Canterbury 2 Dictionary Ot Go Terme, B Gots Continoes a Skene z S g 2 Go fom Nore Giube & Toumaments Prices Bestop Twp Conran tne co car, by Tayewan 1859) rare 8 tsar by Rnd permission ‘of aos (ae back cove. ‘ecaaaiy tne foe BGA ote ERE eS Eira Tear oie adr S Sharpe rams: Baey Sr Regul Conmouies Fis her A Gram T i Ha F Horoy wi itacayen Rods &Teny’0. Walams Digtibior Timmins. Balen Go Jour Calendar Seer peat Geter oreo Opa: Gan pg Eons 28 Des get 1 Fonary Aton oes, or 7 Ins amar eer fanten epee Stowe, 15h ‘oie a ee page ‘tfc ate." hr: ay. Lyon 0988567 cay BY vain ont. Cie er Lier 20 Sue Sars ae page. See Soares ran 9 - a: Menhane, Auge ormer Ge Slt ton Ree: epante ‘Shenbary 4 Oclba 8 Toms 2, Mos Sure: Desamber.C. Wan, 0252 ewe Hennes Pages Glossary Ae gaprcefemoyance moving ai Bo yo enero ot ames no-man's end Src hon toes. Etre erg Fetter york Eeltietiaghg tee Aine augia yma wah tat ak Noakes nian aly bes) aa SE St np eee tomy acorn oe m= pang ons an kata lyric restos to Sata lag crn sone ia Siete os KGesntelocrgme Sa pl ote Sanpete or peta grit Sanh einen rt Poy scl np ee Se ect Ipc eae oe aaa Ban ea cee Es com era Se Sac Cee nnn woven chess Editorial Nera, Z2b soon etre Prenat eect te cause'ct diet von fasone ols Getancing font the go became Soran 1862, ton rosin Toes ane Xe i oo acy he’ pen spect ot on cit A re ro yet ny [ust when to Torewal S “aetna ado His view that tha AGA must move wan the timos has led to.comptorsa ton of the Journal anc of Membership cords, to the advantage of al mom bers net to mension those who were ‘esporsite in those posts we Acumamerta stent fr is vly syle and very ast play” Hs fihusizmhides the fact tat he ks flso eon "on ineratts az dhvereo ‘onte and ballroom daneng, ol pain Ing, follwakking gal and” dabbling in feign languagos ea we nope new Ss tng tine fo 93, Bish Go Jour Sata ne ge Dan List soon Forres st cine ‘Two Dan One Dan | E*Sbisiecme nse Sac oR ee es Sea eiiiar Bish Go Jounal British Women’s Tournament by Mashow Maciadyon Te, zat, oman’, Tournament ‘moved Yo Leaminglon for 8 woskond CGompetiion was expoctod to bo force, ‘though the 1961 reproserate in Yoko: fara fad sifondy Boon selected. Asan Jones had impeoved a ot recent ard | ‘tap expecta fo be hat to boa ly foward heer of er gums Rr Sy Healey ha lso done wa recent, aloe a couple of good wisn Ne fest touftomert a5 hy on the ie of Nan‘"Aiaon Cross as been pleying father mote go recent, are shoul Nave tres of ours keeping the London ree order clang the Saturday ‘moming ectires. Anna pp must sey Comer one of her abeolsely urenble fies, every, ad sterson was the only player to have won alter gmesin hens touraments. oe evan Se was url io st {hed to fd wayg of loang absoktly ‘won gamea. and Also Jones's unig pabih itive ube proved co mich fal he opposion ‘Next year iis hoped that more women wil compete in fhe touramsrt ‘he’ entry gualeation i Yo recor & 6 fy feat I sone eich forarert ‘Se game i god anough Severs iy cancldat cou easly reach ts level gion te efor Surly the pe Bt Stee root pan shoud cso nape tha. a jth the games gon below aro from Round Oe Pages, Black: Kirsty Healy (2 hu) Wnt: Sue Patorson (10) 3: Bxcllont move; Black shoud be sie ia Contra the ing troughoak the game, BP Teaves rather lt of room tor 2 | wate fvesion on the rights More Usual Would be to play at oF near the Might Sie sr pon Figure t 1-100) 1 Bad, though this move f often soon in gatos a ths owt 8 shoud ny be sed when 11"has not been faved and when Wika intends 0 sete {he group nex move wha play around The Won 11 aveady hn plce ts not ‘Good to ty t0 make tyes on the a, hath ofr i betel shone, bop: ino topay athe 3p ery thin” White ca proba \wodge n-betwoon 21 an "immed Hit can cea doco ae 28 Heth payer seams to Rave Been ‘possibilty, which To ‘a dangerous weakness In Black's shape unit olsappeared st Pages ‘move 128, Black seems to have no {ocome out between 16 and 22-10 ‘Seed shape, ea sho fe probably botor hot trying to, I would wamt tO ext at 26 immechaty ‘52. Should push at 39. 1 thon becomes est for Black 29 To ook Bro tho right point Black St could be at 33%g prevents Most ofthe pays trom 37 to 45, should be alsoutera Is aie for fther ade to, make much ferry at the fp. are te aren round Wnt 8 “Should cut at $8 frst, then Black wil be able ether to seal tho ‘Soper hal of the iat sie oF oak ito the Tower halt After 60 thera le a tanger that the whole side might Became Whit toro Wo misses a.chanc at 65, his roup wl probably die. ack Insses a chance at 1. Ths could be ater! above 80, king tires Wnt stonos na ladder (70 becomes & Saortag stone). Diagram 1 £84: Should be playod asin ciara 1, sqioenig the lack group an con reeting athe euating pains n sorte ten nmecessary ha could be at 88. Big. The result Gi the ex ghanges. around the low Te sooms faiiySeven. proveled that White Goes rsh Go Jours! not gota dangerous atack on Blacks {pat ft wal 08 Sho, lack is eo con. noct up couple of loose stones wite rescuer ao, When Whe ae Four oer 158 at 124 S Black gains litle in the soquence from Tot to 148; simpy connecting st the 2-2 pair Insta ot {36 woula Keep ante aha prevent White Wom braking Weothe Soe yn sys ca nae Ing thickness. This i the 20m of play that tums. good positions Into wor seriihite seems t0 be catching up 8 bot by making tortry in tho corte > to tho" but tet ts an excellent 3) ‘Which assures Black f connection ‘long the sido. woud have workod ven battor had she wedgod Ina 172 betore playing tes ‘Brien Go Jour Recording stops at 176. Black i ahead us nf safly co, Haver White ‘was in ie vowble, ahd eer Ci al se inadvertently payed te se {qsten ram 8 to F whoa this alowed Black to pay puro 6 stones. Black every woo by20'ponis ck Aton Jones (1 ti: Ane (3) 10: Bad; the exchange for 11 soul one played nthe sence or Figure 1 (1-129) ‘RS comecte would attack Slack Fore severly wih "Schouler nts Aker te move Bick Should run away with 7"as a frst jronty, and Wt shoul shat 7. Par fully ater the exchange of 10 for 11 Wintos group 6810 can easly become ‘erga or tack shold Back ocaps Pege7 21: Should ether be at 29 imo oly or extone f0 the right of 18 Black 2¢ Goes not do enough to threaten ‘ites poations eekas, the th tone 28 oom thal to dle without compensa. ten However “45: shape mistake which tals to fake ancount tthe eau t 80. Black fad lef out the 45,4 exchange, 50 ‘would not work ‘0 Briiant, Black cannot block below because White would then play tt, squewzng th Black group, and ‘aptre the corner (work out the deals fe yoursl. 1Upt0 87 white captures the corner In sorta as wall as poking out

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