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The Hypnotic Seduction

By Dr. Robert Jacobs,MSD,CHT

Sexism?-Utter Nonsense!
You See, the reason so many Men find they have difficulties
in meeting women these days is the fact that they have been
"brainwashed". For so many years the media has brow-beaten
Men, and have given them what I call a "guilt complex". The
media has placed beautiful women on a pedestal, at the
expense of the Male's Nature and sense of identity. Sex roles (1 of 5) [11/19/2002 4:07:42 AM]


were obfuscated.
Aren't you absolutely sick of feminist trying to label you a
"Sexist" simply because of your Natural, Inherent Sexual
Desires towards beautiful women? Men have been
conditioned to be "trained robots" be at the beckoning call
of any damsel in distress. Men have also been led to believe
their own sexual desires are anti-women and sexist.
The way to combat and counter-act this type of media
conditioning is to
re-program yourself with new beliefs...To re-discover the
beauty within
yourself-As A True Man-Without Apologies!
Some Men begin a great campaign to help Men, only to Wuss
and cow tow to the status quo! NotDr. Mojo!
No Help For Men
Have you ever noticed that most bookstores have sections
totally devoted to women. Women's health, women's
sexuality, women's guide to divorce and getting alimony. I
had to ask myself, "Where are the books and tapes to help
Men?" There were none. And I searched for many, many
Lets face it. It isn't Politically Correct to be Male in America!
Comming soon to Your Cunt-ry...If not already there!
That's why I decided to develop this Manual!
You Are An Endangered Species!
The Law of Evolution is to Survive! To Pro-Create!
To find a suitable mate to bear your offspring. If the feminist
have their way, The Male will become obsolete. They are (2 of 5) [11/19/2002 4:07:42 AM]


telling women to become pregnant in sperm banks. They

would rather mate with a test tube than a Man!
Even the U.S. Post Office has quite a campain of selling
postage stamps to increase awareness of breast cancer, and
donates money to finding a cure. What about Prostate
Cancer...which is much more prevalent? Any stamps for that?
NADA! Nothing!
How many times have you dreamed of finding the right
woman, the one who would unconditionally love and respect
you, only to discover that she only wanted to be your friend,
while wanting to bang the Harley riding, chain smoking,
booze hound gardener?
So between the children of complete losers, and test tube
what is the future of the human race?
Are you tired of the double-speak. Are you tired of seeing
women viewing you as only a "friend" or a "meal ticket"? Do
you want to be able to flip the tables on women and regain
your proper place in the
Universe-to accept your birthright-Your Supreme Glorious
Position As A Man!!!
Within this Manual You will find New Concepts in the
Evolution of Hypnosis and Human Consciousness.
We are moving forward towards New Possibilities and a
Boundless Future through technology. The basis of the
Hypnotic Seduction System shows how to develop Your Own
Inner Self Confidence.
It is a lack thereof which causes Men difficulties in attracting
It also increases your natural intellectual abilities. However (3 of 5) [11/19/2002 4:07:42 AM]


once you learn the secrets, these amazing techniques can be

applied in any area of your life!!!


DISCLAIMER: The Author Nor Publisher of this
Book are responsible for misuse of information contained within.
Sold for informational purposes only.
Copyright 2000 Mojo Publishing. All rights reserved.

You Can Reach Dr. Jacobs

@ ICQ# 71847746



National Association
of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapists
CLICK HERE FOR (4 of 5) [11/19/2002 4:07:42 AM]


TABLE OF CONTENTS (5 of 5) [11/19/2002 4:07:42 AM]


The Hypnotic Seduction

PSYCHIC SEDUCTION (1 of 4) [11/19/2002 4:09:37 AM]


CHAPTER 9 (2 of 4) [11/19/2002 4:09:37 AM]


Welcome to Hypnotic Seduction. Since you
are reading this book, I am assuming that your
luck with women has been less than you have
desired it to be. Well the secrets which are
about to be revealed to you will change your
love life forever. You will finally have the
ability to get any girl you desire, easily and
naturally, after applying the simple techniques
found in this book. You have made the first
step in proving to yourself that you in fact
have the ability to change your life because
you have already made the first step. That
shows that you have the power to make
decisions and act on them to improve your
DISCLAIMER: The Author Nor Publisher of this
Book are responsible for misuse of information contained within.
Sold for informational purposes only.
Copyright 2000 Mojo Publishing. All rights reserved. (3 of 4) [11/19/2002 4:09:37 AM]



INTRODUCTION (4 of 4) [11/19/2002 4:09:37 AM]


The Hypnotic Seduction

There have been many attempts to describe the phenomenon
know as hypnosis.
Through the centuries, there have been many individuals who
have used hypnosis
even though not calling it hypnosis. Witchdoctors have used it
for healing patients
as they use their mysterious dances and movements to lull
their sick patients into a
trance by flailing their hands and bodies about. Many
religions use meditation which
like hypnosis, is in fact an altered state. Many religious
leaders have used the
powers of suggestion to create wonderful feelings in their
followers, or even have
gone as far as creating mass hysteria. Plays, movies,
television, all of which create a
trance like altered stated. Why is this so. Because anything
that you are not
consciously aware of at any given time is from the
unconscious mind. When you
watch TV, generally you are not aware of your surroundings.
Someone may say
something to you, and yet you may be so engrossed in the
program that you dont
even hear them. This is what is called a deep trance (1 of 8) [11/19/2002 4:09:43 AM]


phenomena. Have you ever sat

your keys down on the table, then went to get something,
came back looked on the
table, but the keys werent there anymore. Or so you may
have thought until you ask
someone where your keys are and they were on the table all
along. This is another
example of altered states. Or while driving, does your mind
ever drift, you drive for
100 miles, then boom your at your destination and have no
idea of how you got
there? This is yet another example of how your already
realizing how hypnosis
occurs everyday in everyone.
When we are fully awake and aware our brains are producing
waves which are
relatively rapid. These waves are known as beta waves. This
is your conscious state.
When we sleep our brains are emitting brain waves. In the
sleep state, there known
as delta waves. This is your unconscious state. These are very
slow brain waves
indicating slow brain activity. Just before falling asleep or just
upon awakening,
your brain waves are still slow but not as slow. During this
time, your brain
produces what are known as alpha waves. That is why most
people grab for that
morning cup of java. Its a dreamy trance like state. Its a
semi-conscious state where
the conscious beta brain waves arent filtering out things. This
alpha state is what
we will be concentrating on as this is where all hypnotic (2 of 8) [11/19/2002 4:09:43 AM]


phenomena occurs. This is

the state where the conscious beta waves are out of the way,
and suggestions can
just slip right on into a persons mind.
Brain waves, like radio waves are from about 88 to 108 in the
MHZ (mega hertz) range. Your brainwaves are measured
much in the same way on the same frequency range.
DELTA (0.5 - 3.5 cycles per second) - very deep sleep
without dreaming
THETA (3.5 - 7 cps) - the moment just prior to sleep
ALPHA (7 - 13 cps) - meditative, daydreaming
BETA (14 - 30 cps) - wide awake and engaged in activity
The conscious mind is what you are using to read this book. It
is the part of the
mind that you make decisions with like what you will have for
lunch. It is also the
part of the mind that houses the ego. What a person thinks
they are is in the
conscious mind.
The unconscious mind is the part of the mind which is
responsible for what you are
not currently aware of. It stores your entire life, almost like a
video tape recorder
which never stops. It records all feelings and emotions, visual,
auditory, smells and
tastes you have ever had in your entire life.
Just stop for a moment and remember the smell of a turkey
baking in the oven. If it (3 of 8) [11/19/2002 4:09:43 AM]


helps stop reading and close your eyes for a minute while you
do this. Now, what
happened? If you remembered the scent of a turkey being
cooked, then you were
just in that alpha state. Your conscious mind stopped for a
moment and dove down
into the unconscious to search for a time where you smelled a
turkey baking. When
that memory was recovered, it was brought to your conscious
awareness and there
you were. Possibly you remembered a Thanksgiving meal you
had with family.
Perhaps you even remembered a Thanksgiving as a child.
Either way, this is a fine
example how stimulus can cause memories to come back to
the consciousness.
The unconscious mind dosen't discriminate between a dream,
a realistic fantasy,
or reality. This is why my method of Hypnotic Seduction is so
powerful as you
will soon discover.
You may be wondering what dogs have to do with seducing
women. Well before
you call me a sexist, I am not comparing women with dogs,
but the importance of
the work of a Russian scientist named Ivan Pavlov. Pavlov
studied how dogs react
in the presence of food. He liked to count how many ccs of
saliva poured out of a
dogs mouth when shown food. So he showed a dog food and
out came saliva. Big
deal you say. But theres more. Pavlov then started to ring a
bell at the same time as (4 of 8) [11/19/2002 4:09:43 AM]


showing the dog his meal. Still counting the saliva. After a
few times doing this,
Pavlov just rung the bell without food. Guess what. The dogs
started salivating as if
the food was there. He rang the bell later with the same
results. What does this
mean. Well it means that if it can be done with dogs, can this
be done with humans.
Well Pavlov found out yes indeed humans did the same
Credited as the founding father of modern hypnotism was
Franz Anton Mesmer.
Mesmer lived in the 18th century. He ran a very fashionable
clinic in Paris at the
time. He had clients with all sorts of nervous problems which
he treated with his
technique he called Animal Magnetism. He believed that
magnets could help get
the magnetic fluids in a persons body in proper order and
eliminate mental illness in
the process. He would wave magnets all around a persons
body until she fell into a
sleep like state. Another woman went into convulsions after
Mesmer pointed at her.
Later Mesmer refined his work and stopped using the
magnets. He found that he
could produce the same results by simply passing his hands in
the same sweeping
motions as he did with the magnets. Mesmer used these
motions along with
powerful suggestions to create these dramatic altered states in
his patients which
became known as Mesmerism. Sadly, Mesmer was forced to (5 of 8) [11/19/2002 4:09:43 AM]


stop practicing his

craft as he was accused by the French government of seducing
women as well as
being a fraud. Well heck. If he was a fraud, why was he so
good at seducing
women. He must have been on the right track.
Sigmund Freud is known as the father of modern psychiatry.
In Freuds early days,
he used the techniques of Mesmers which became known as
hypnosis. Freud found
some success with hypnosis in treating nervous conditions.
Freud was not a very
good hypnotist, so he starting to tell people to relive their
problems over and over
and over hoping that after reliving it enough, a person would
feel better. Well I
doubt that. Well ever since, psychiatry went in one direction
and hypnosis went in
Milton Erickson was a medical doctor as well as a hypnotist.
He is considered by
many to be the greatest hypnotist of this century. He was very
successful with
treating mentally ill patients. People would walk into his
office and Milton would
start to tell a story. Within a few moments, the person was in a
total hypnotic trance.
No magnets, none of the famous media induced Look
Deeply Into My Eyes. (6 of 8) [11/19/2002 4:09:43 AM]


Milton used stories, or metaphors to induce trance in people

who were not
responsive to traditional hypnosis techniques. He would say
something like: You
know, Joe, a little baby knows how to relax completely in his
mothers arms. or a
tomato plant can feel really comfortable as it grows. What is
it that stands out in
the above sentences? The statements relax completely and
feel really comfortable.
If Milton, or anybody told you to feel really comfortable or
relax completely
directly, most often you would think that is too direct,
wouldnt you. But If Milton
were to tell you a story about a person who could become
totally relaxed now then
you may become totally relaxed now and not even realize you
were just hypnotized,
werent you? Hummmm. These sentence fragments are
known as embedded
commands. When cleverly hidden within any normal
sounding conversation, the
unconscious will pick up on them and act on them as if
nothing was happening out
of the normal. Im wondering if you are already beginning to
realize how these
embedded commands can help you to seduce beautiful
The thing to remember here is that when Milton used an
embedded command, he
would alter his voice tone downward, to mark out the
embedded command so to

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TABLE OF CONTENTS (8 of 8) [11/19/2002 4:09:43 AM]


The Hypnotic Seduction

Look at Don Juan. Why was he able to be so success full with
women. Well the
answer is surprisingly simple. He was a great story teller. He
could do with his
words what a thousand men couldnt do with their money,
strength, or power put
together. Don Juan was able to capture a womans
imagination. He was
hypnotically seductive. He would very elaborately describe
beautiful and wondrous
fantasies with his seductive tone of voice, lulling women into
a trance and
effectively programming them for seduction. With his voice
and words used in such
a hypnotic way, women couldnt resist his magnetic charm.
Which is the secret of
this course.
Let me for a minute stop and tell you about a vacation I took
recently. I took a
wonderful trip to a tropical paradise. I can remember how
beautiful it was there as I (1 of 8) [11/19/2002 4:09:53 AM]


become aware of the feeling of the warm breeze blowing

gently across my body,
and feeling the warmth of the sun penetrating my skin which
caused me to feel very
relaxed. I could hear the sound of the ocean gently flowing in
and out as I watched
the seagulls gracefully sailing on the wind. There were people
sailing on boats
which I can remember seeing off in the distance. I can even
remember how good it
felt to have my feet in the warm sand. I can picture the mist
dancing off the gentle
waves now, and can even now remember the wonderful smell
of the salty sea air, all
of these things can cause me to feel very relaxed and
comfortable as I think about
Now as you were reading that story about my vacation, I
know you had many
images come to your mind. Yet how much solid information
did I give you. None. I
didnt tell you where I went, nor when. I gave no specifics. I
basically vividly
described my subjective experience. And as I did, you created
in your mind your
own subjective experience based totally on my words.
Hummm. Did you begin to
feel like you were taking a bit of a vacation as you were
reading about my trip? Did
you notice any embedded commands. There were many. Try
and find as many as
you can. Ill mention a couple. Hear the sound of the ocean ,
remember how good it
felt ,imagine the feeling of the warm breeze,picture the mist
dancing off the gentle
waves now. (2 of 8) [11/19/2002 4:09:53 AM]


Now, lets talk about putting this information to use. Lets
suppose you have a date
with Mary.
You take Mary to a very quiet restaurant, with soft music in
the background. The
place is dimly lit by candle light. Perhaps she is having a glass
of wine. All of these
things are causing Mary to go into the state where you want
her to be. The relaxed
state of alpha we discussed in the previous chapter. Providing
there are no
distractions around, you can begin your process of hypnotic
seduction. You begin
by looking at Mary with an intensity in your eyes. And tell her
that she has very
deep eyes. This will cause her to notice that your eyes are
deep, but she wont tell
you that probably right away. Then you have her attention on
your eyes and as she
is focused on your eyes you begin saying :
Mary, I know that there are some people who can look very
deeply into
someones eyes..... and truly see something so
profound inside this
person. And I feel that you are a person who can notice
certain the
rhythm of your breathing .....and the beating of your
heart..........and as you notice
these things.....your mind can start to have fantasies about
someone that can
cause you to feel so totally this is a very
special and magical
thing to begin to feel totally aroused .....and when a person (3 of 8) [11/19/2002 4:09:53 AM]


starts listing
carefully...and begin to notice certain wonderful things about
this person.....and
as they do can start to notice a sense of growing
attraction.......and I
find that when that happens now..... it is very interesting how
people can become
totally fascinated .........with me....its like for mysterious
reasons...that when a
person can surrender.....and let go of all inhibitions....when
they begin to realize
that they really want to be with this person.....almost as if
destiny brought you to
this this place and at this special time.....and all
these things can
create a feeling of connection........on a deep level...... with
me.....these things can
sometimes lead to an incredible sense of attraction.......and
sometimes people can
have dreams of being with one special person....and not even
be aware that they
have these intense feelings for this with
me....its like a feeling of
ecstasy when you realize you have met someone who can fill
that space deep
inside your mine.......and I think that you are the kind of
person who can have very
strong feelings of attraction.....and even at night when you
dream and
sleep.....with me its like all these sensations can begin to
spread through out your
entire body.....causing you to feel an incredible passion.....a
wonderful feeling that
words can not a flood of wondrous feelings
coming from a place so
deep inside.....that thoughts of this person just starts to (4 of 8) [11/19/2002 4:09:53 AM]


penetrate your whole

being........and something which can cause you to realize that
you know that you
want something more..and you want it passionately so may even
find your self going inside and telling yourself....I want it
now.....with me thats
how I see things.
That paragraph was written in trance language. Very vague
but very descriptive
hypnotic languaging designed to put a woman right into the
state where she will
want to go home with you and sleep with you and she wont
even know that youve
hypnotized her at all. This is very, very powerful language
patterns, so make sure
you really want the woman your out with because you will get
her using this type of
hypnotic language. The thing to remember here is that any
time you tell a story to
someone, they have to follow along by making images and
sounds and feelings in
their mind to understand you. If you tell a woman a story
about an incredible sexual
experience you had, she will automatically recall one she had.
If you tell the story in
a very arousing tone of voice, she will start becoming very
excited just like Pavlovs
dogs getting excited when they heard the bell and began
salivating. And when you
use terms such as a person can feel horny a woman wont
reject this statement
or Sometimes, Mary, a person becomes aroused instantly!
This is typical of
the Ericksonian form of indirect hypnosis. It is also a form of
conditioning with (5 of 8) [11/19/2002 4:09:53 AM]


language. You talk about something and the person has to

experience it because
words are to humans what the bell was to Pavlovs dogs.
You may find many embedded commands in the preceding
paragraph. Please look
for them and study them and soon you will be able to create
your own sentences and
language patterns for hypnotic seduction. And always
remember to set the stage for
success. Use subdued lighting, and always use a seductive
tonality while
remembering to mark out the embedded.
Using the same techniques as above, you can disguise your
embedded commands
within stories to make them even less consciously noticeable.
For example you
could tell Mary:
I can remember a time when I was really in love with
someone. It was the most
wonderful feeling in the world. I remember how close we felt
when we were
making love all night long. Have you ever began to feel so
totally in love with
someone that your heart jumps with excitement.
Another example of a hypnotic story goes like this:
I was talking to a girl friend of mine who told me that she
gets really horny when
a man is kissing her stomach. Can you imagine how good she
must have felt now.
She told me that she would have multiple orgasms when ever
a man just even (6 of 8) [11/19/2002 4:09:53 AM]


looked at her stomach because she started to picture how it

would be if this man
were to kiss her ever so softly on her stomach, and she told
me that all these
fantasies caused her to become really hot and very
In the above to examples the hypnotic embedded commands
have been marked out
for you.
Anchors are basically the same idea as the bells for Pavolvs
dogs. When the anchor
of the bell was rung, the dogs began remembering the food
and started salivating.
The baking turkey you remember smelling in the previous
chapter was an anchor for
you to remember a Thanksgiving in the past.
Anchors are very useful in seduction. For example if you have
gotten a woman into
a very horny and aroused state through the use of the hypnotic
seduction, the best
thing to do to cause her to go back into that state easily is to
create an anchor.
Perhaps a bell could be useful here, but I think a touch on the
hand or the knee
would be better. So if you have gotten Mary very hot and
bothered, then give her a
firm touch on her right knee. The next time you see Mary and
want to get her horny,
simply touch her firmly on her right knee and you have
re-activated her horny
Many other states can be anchored as well. Just use your (7 of 8) [11/19/2002 4:09:53 AM]


imagination. Mabe you are

making love to Mary and she is at the height of ecstasy. Just
squeeze an earlobe.
Then take Mary to the shopping mall and fire off the ear lobe
anchor and watch as
she starts smiling and turning red because you know she is
having orgasms.


TABLE OF CONTENTS (8 of 8) [11/19/2002 4:09:53 AM]


The Hypnotic Seduction

As mentioned in chapter 1, there are 3 brain wave states.
occurs in the alpha state. In addition, when a person is in the
state, they are more relaxed and calm, and imagination
abilities are
increased. To use my method of psychic seduction, you must
first become
familiar with this alpha state. In order to do this, you should
attention to the way your state changes as you are falling
asleep. You
will notice as your brain waves slow from waking beta to
relaxed alpha,
you will start feeling that dreamy "day dream" state before
sleep. As
you get more familiar with this state, try to catch yourself
before you
fall asleep. This is where you will begin your psychic
seduction work.
When in the reverie state of alpha, you should use your
skills to picture as vividly as possible the type of woman you
desire. (1 of 4) [11/19/2002 4:10:01 AM]


The physical characteristics as well as her personality.

Visualize as clearly
as you can and make her as real as possible. Imagine yourself
talking to
her and her enjoying talking to you. Then proceed to vividly
imagine how
it will feel to touch her body. Put your hands on her body and
Watch as she gets aroused. Then imagine you and her making
love. See what you would see, feel what it will feel like, and
hear her
how she would sound if it were really happening now. Next
begin to
imagine a spiral of light surrounding the both of you as you
send this
request out to the universe. You ask the universe that you will
this exact woman and will have that very same experience
with her.
Within a few days, you will begin to get urges and promptings
to go to
places which you do not normally go to. There you will be
surprised that you will find this exact woman and she will
respond to you
with all the warmth and passion you would expect from her.
With this method, you can create a connection with a woman
and cause her
to want to come and meet you without you saying anything.
To do this,
you first go into a mild trance state. Then you clearly imagine
you have (2 of 4) [11/19/2002 4:10:01 AM]


a set of psychic hands which you can use to reach out and
touch the
woman you desire. Picture in your mind that you are touching
the womans
neck and you will find that she will start touching her neck or
with her hair in the same area. Next move to her breasts. With
psychic hands, reach out and caress her breasts and notice
how the
womans breathing rate increases and her nipples will become
Next, move down to the clitoris. Begin using your psychic
hands down
rubbing her clit, and notice her skin becoming red and her
increasing even more rapidly.
At this point, if she hasn't already, she will notice you in a
way, and will have a total burning desire to meet you. Finally,
send her
the message "come to me now" and send this message
psychically about 3 or
4 times while you are still in your altered state. This works
when your brain is in the alpha state, it is transmitting the
waves along with the natural energy patterns of the earth
itself. Its
very technical to explain here, but the alpha waves roughly
to the energy fields hz level, hence making this type of
telepathy possible. Your target woman will now come to you
and from
there you can use the other skills you have mastered from the (3 of 4) [11/19/2002 4:10:01 AM]


rest of
this manual.


TABLE OF CONTENTS (4 of 4) [11/19/2002 4:10:01 AM]


The Hypnotic Seduction

The following paragraph is another example of how you can
use the languague of
Hypnotic Seduction to attract women via Internet Personals
and E-mail:
If you were to imagine what it would be like to find yourself
becoming totally
facinated with to the point where its like
you've already known this
person.....for quite some time....even though you haven't even
met's like it
seems you wonder what it was that drew you
to this very
place...something mysterious...just a feeling.....deep
inside...that sence of
enchantment..that can awaken if you have come
to a point that your
attention can just become rivited on whats right in front of
you right now....have
you ever wondered what its like when you feel totally
comfortable....with the feeling
that this is right....and you start to allow yourself to remember
a time when you felt
completely in love with someone.....someone who made you
feel so warm
inside....and completely I find thats when i can
become totally excited (1 of 6) [11/19/2002 4:10:09 AM]


and allow myself to feel wonderfull....I mean its like you've

just a
point...with me...that is beyond words...its beyond the
limitations of this
universe....its something infinate...something that just begins
to penetrate your
entire being with that special fire that just can begin to
spread...spread a flame....a....burning fire....that feels like
you have always
wanted....with me that is an incredible feeling.....can you feel
that would be a
wonderful...experience to
The following letter was sent by e-mail and used to set up a
second date with a babe
using Hypnotic Seduction:
Dear ________,
I just wanted to write you a little letter to let you know that I
really enjoyed
our evening together. As I remember how it felt when I first
looked into your the diner, and our talk over coffee....and pondering
on us holding each
other and kissing so tenderly.....its almost as if there was a
timeless connection.
Sometimes when people meet....theres like this bond....this
feeling that just
transcends the point where you may find yourself
feeling the energy
between them just come up....and fuse into one bright central the
heart....and that energy can intensify and become like a
radiant beam of
if the sun through a a rainbow. It is rare in this
world...that people can (2 of 6) [11/19/2002 4:10:09 AM]


feel so incredibly fascinated with someone....feeling this

overwhelming sense of
interconnectedness.....but I believe that.....anything is possible
through the infinite
powers of the universe....which cause things to happen in a
special just the
right time. Most people feel a lifelong longing...a
no one else can fill that
space inside them...yet I find that when that special person have to
stop.....and act immediately....or it will be lost forever. And
when someone that
moves you so much does enter into your aura...and you allow
the bond to
grow....more and more intently...when you really listen
carefully....its like you can
become lost inside your own you remember all
those magnificent
feelings.....making you feel completely alive...and excited
right now. And as those
feelings wash over you like a gentle may even find
that you can
remember our incredible time together...and it was like we
didnt even have to say
one word....but knew....instantly...that sometimes those
feelings deep...down..inside
could be awakened suddenly.....and its like other things in life
seemed less
important as you can begin to imagine the infinite
possibilities....when you just
open your mind completely......with me that is a wonderful
feeling to have....can
you feel that .....would be an incredible experience......
Another Example Letter:
What's it like when you begin to allow yourself to let
go.....and start to fantisize (3 of 6) [11/19/2002 4:10:09 AM]


about certain you begin to find

yourself really opening
up your new experiences.....with me....its like you
can start to think
things in a different...and say to yourself...its ok to indulge in
my wildest if you have always known what you think....that is
when i find you can feel totally aroused.....and begin to
suddenly become totally
turned the point where you can just feel really
comfortable with these new experiences......and begin to want to fulfill all
your wildest
fantises.....and dreams....i mean......mmmmm isn't that an
incredible thought to
ponder on right now............
Another Setup E-mail Letter:
I have really enjoyed getting to know you over the phone, and
online.....i feel that
we have so much in common....have you ever had so much in
common with
someone that it made you.... begin to wonder.....what it was
that has brought this way.....something mysterious....i find that
when i feel so totally
connected to someone i've recently met.....and feel really
comfortable around
them.....its like you can really let go.....and open your mind me's like a warmth that just comes....from that persons
voice....and words....and
the warmth makes you feel so incredibly alive...and you may
find yourself
imagining what that first kiss is going to be like.....with me, its
like you've known (4 of 6) [11/19/2002 4:10:09 AM]


this person for years....and then you know instantly ....that the
warmth of this
connection ....can just begin to spread down.....deep into your
soul.....into your
mind....into your body...your whole being becomes filled with
that penetrating
warmth....and you begin to feel so incredibly aroused.....even
as you are reading
this letter you might find your self pondering over this.....and
looking forward to a
time.....after the connection was solidified.....feeling totally
me...thats when you can really look back and think to yourself
...i really feel
incredibly wonderful around this person.....and want to fuse
together as one
soul.....and become enraptured in his eyes.....and feel his
body....against mine...his
breath....on my face...and maybe even you will find that your
hearts are beginning
to beat as one.....with me, i think that is the most perfect have...can you
feel that now.....
A reply from a very horney woman:
Your letter has touched me in a place that has been asleep for
a very long time.I
had almost forgotten what intense energy feels like.
Have you ever read The Celestine Prophecy?? I have
experienced many spiritual
brushes and this book pulled it all together for me.
I must admit I spent the better part of today with my mind on
your e-mail and not
so much on my work. Meshing with another soul is something
beautiful and rare,
but I feel the connection. (5 of 6) [11/19/2002 4:10:09 AM]


I know of a place where dreams of whispered promises come

A place where we can linger and bathe in the light that is us,
Where when two bodies touch they become one......
And where gentle brushes and soft caresses are more
important than any spoken
Will you close your eyes and open your arms to join me?
Somewhere between Heaven and earth......


TABLE OF CONTENTS (6 of 6) [11/19/2002 4:10:09 AM]


The Hypnotic Seduction

The importance of using your eyes in the proper manner can not
be over emphasized
here. It is not only what you say, but how you say it where
hypnotizing someone is
concerned. While you are engaging a woman in a hypnotic
conversation, it is
imperative to not look directly into her eyes. The area between
the eyes, or the very top
of the bridge of the nose between the
eyes is the most effective area to focus your gaze and your
intent. You will have a
very powerful air about you, and the female you are hypnotizing
will fall into your
spell much much more quickly when you look at this spot as
opposed to directly
into her eyes. This intensely powerful look is called the Power
Gaze. She will feel
as though you are able to read her mind. And some practice with
looking at people
in this spot will assure, that quite soon, you will also begin to
receive thoughts and
concealed messages from others that will put others in disbelief.
Best to never tell
anybody about your new found skills, keep them a secret and
practice daily. (1 of 8) [11/19/2002 4:10:17 AM]


One of the most important discoveries in psychology during the
20th century is the
science of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). NLP was
developed during the
1970s by Dr. Richard Bandler and Dr. John Grinder. Together
they studied the
various behavior patterns of highly successful people. They
surmised that if one
person could be a success in any area of life, then the process by
which they became
successful could be modeled. Using this model, anybody could
be taught how to
become successful in the same way. Thus NLP has been applied
to everything from
business to seduction to any subject in which a person desires to
model excellence.
To put it simply, if you want to become an incredible master of
seduction, using the
NLP modeling method, you would therefore study individuals
who are or were
incredible seducers. Find out what they had in common. Find
out how they were
able to seduce women successfully. How did they talk, walk,
act, dress, even think
about things. For a deeper understanding of this process, you
may want to read the
book Unlimited Power by Anthony Robbins.
During the course of modeling successful individuals, NLP
discovered that everyone
Meaning, people (2 of 8) [11/19/2002 4:10:17 AM]


represent the world around them using one of these main

submodalities primarily. If
a person process their world mainly in a VISUAL mode, they
tend to have bright
looking eyes, look upward while thinking, and talk using
VISUAL processing
words. For example, I SEE what you are saying, That is CLEAR
to me. Can you
PICTURE that? An AUDITORY person using their hearing
primarily and tends to
look to either side towards their ears when thinking. They may
say, That RINGS a
bell, That SOUNDS like a good idea. A KINESTHETIC person
generally talks
slower than the AUDITORY or VISUAL person. They tend to
look downwards
when thinking. They may say, I get your POINT, That FEELS
like the right thing to
do, He is rather ABRASIVE. Listening to and watching people
will help you
determine what SUBMODE they are in. All you have to do is
match their inner
experience by using THEIR style of processing words. Then you
will easily come
into RAPPORT with them. If the woman you are seducing is
using VISUAL
processing words, then you would reply using the same type of
words in your
communication. NLP states that like attracts like, and this
process of RAPPORT is
called LEADING. You are entering her map of the world by
matching her
VISUAL submodality. (3 of 8) [11/19/2002 4:10:17 AM]


(This is how they look when you're facing them.)

In the process of creating NLP, Bandler and
Grinder discovered
that by looking at someone's eyes, you could tell
HOW they think. Not what they think,
but HOW they think. You can tell what they're
doing inside.
Based on observations by Bandler and Grinder,
when people look up, they're visualizing.
When they look horizontally to the left and right,
they're either remembering or
constructing sounds. When they look downward
and to our left, they're accessing their
feelings. And when they look downward and to our
right, they're talking to themselves
(Auditory Digital). The chard above is for a
"normal" right handed person. Many
left-handed people and some ambidextrous people
will have eye movements that are
Vr (4 of 8) [11/19/2002 4:10:17 AM]


Visual Remembered
(Visual Recall) - Seeing images from the
memory, recalling things
you're have seen before.
QUESTION: "What color was the room you
grew up in?" "What
color is your bedroom now?" "What does
your coat look like?"
Visual Constructed
(Visual Created) - Images of things that you
have never seen
before. When you are making it up in their
head, you are using
Visual Constructed.
QUESTION: "What would your room at
home look like if it were
blue?" "What would your dog look like if it
had the head of an
(In addition, some people access visually by
defocusing their
eyes. When this happens, the eyes will
usually stay in the center.)
Auditory Remembered
(Auditory Recall) - Is when you remember
sounds or voices that
you've heard before or things that you've said (5 of 8) [11/19/2002 4:10:17 AM]


to yourself before.
When you ask someone, "What was the very
last thing I said,
they typically look in that direction.
QUESTION: "Can you remember the sound
of your mother's
Auditory Constructed
(Auditory Created) - Is making up sounds
that you've not heard
before. For example
QUESTION: "What would I sound like if I
had Donald Duck's
voice?" "What would Swan Lake sound like
if it were played on
(Feelings, Sense of Touch) - You generally
look in this direction
when you're accessing your feelings.
QUESTION: "What does it feel like to touch
that rug?"
Auditory Digital
(Talking to Yourself) - This is where your
eyes move when you're (6 of 8) [11/19/2002 4:10:17 AM]


having internal dialogue.

QUESTION: "Can you recite the Pledge of
Typically, every time we access our brain, we
move our eyes in that particular direction
which facilitates our using that part of our
neurology. The mind and body are absolutely
interconnected, so each time we access our Visual
Memory, for example, we move our
eyes upward and to our left. (If you're watching
someone access Visual Memory, you
will see them move their eyes upward and to your
Personal Key Words are important when creating a personal
letter. You can use a person's key words to influence them to do
just about anything, and they won't even have a clue as to what
you are doing. They will just think you naturally really
understand them. You can use this amazing process for any type
of personal letter. Let me give you an example of how this
works. Let's say you are composing a letter in which you want to
seduce a woman. Perhaps you have corresponded with her
before. Study her previous letters, notice her key words and
simply use them in your next letter to her. You can ask her some
simple questions which pertain to what you want from her. For
example, "What is important to you when you want to meet
someone special?" She may say something like, "Fun, Trust, and
Caring". As these thoughts are coming from her subconscious,
you will reply in your letter using those words. She won't
believe how much you seem to understand her. "Im wondering
how Fun it will be when we meet for the first time." or "I find it
so wonderful when you feel as if you can really Trust someone (7 of 8) [11/19/2002 4:10:17 AM]


to the point where it develops into a sense of real Caring. These

words are known as "nomializations" because they are used as
nouns, but are actually verbs. When used as a noun, it really
grabs a woman's attention. Other words in this category which
you can use are: love, relationship, excitement, commitment,
adventure, romance......and so on. Women eat this up because
they use these types of words all the time, naturally. When you
begin to use them, they will think you are very sensitive and
I am writing this chapter to tell you something very important
about the difference between men and women. They don't speak
the same language. You are probably already aware of this.
Hence the many communication breakdowns during interactions
between the sexes. Remember, men tend to talk in terms of
objects: i.e. cars,computers,televisions,stereo systems...just
X....things. Women tend to talk, and think in terms of
relationships. How X relates to Y. They may talk about their car,
but not about the thing known as performance (X), as men
typically do. Women may say they like their car (X) because
they can go to the shopping mall with their friends (Y). To be
able to easily manipulate a woman's mind, you must keep this
distinction in mind. A man may like a stereo (X) because of
watts (X) or power (X). Women may want a stereo (X) because
they can listen to a song that reminds her of a past love (Y).
Begin to look for and notice this pattern in women, and before
long you will understand the process by which they make


TABLE OF CONTENTS (8 of 8) [11/19/2002 4:10:17 AM]


The Hypnotic Seduction

You have finally come to what is probably the most important
and powerful chapter
in this entire manual. You are about to learn a secret so
powerful, yet so simple a
child already knows how to do it. The problem is that as we
grow up, we are taught
what we cant do, what we shouldnt do. These negative
teachings become beliefs.
Beliefs are basically what define you, or I, or anybody. The
power of beliefs can not
be underestimated. If you believe you destined to be poor, you
will be. If you
believe you will become an incredibly powerful seducer of
women, you are. What
ever you believe will tend to create itself in reality. You can
already find examples
of this in your own life. I invite you to notice how you feel
when you think about
something you are totally confident in. Something you know
that you can do, and do
very well. Then think about something that you could use
improvement in. Even as
you think about those two things, you will notice that your
MENTAL IMAGES (1 of 7) [11/19/2002 4:10:23 AM]


(Your internal mental snapshots) of them are not in the

same location. Perhaps
you have a belief that you are not very attractive to women.
Well I would like you to
stop now and see where that belief is. Close your eyes and
point to it. Now I would
like you to create the belief that you are very attractive to
women. (Note: I am not
talking about looking like you stepped out of GQ, but an
confident attitude which is
really what women are looking for anyway.)Now I would like
you to take the belief
that you are very attractive to women and put that image in
the same location as the
image of your strong belief then notice how much differently
you begin to feel. Do
this several times and it will become a strong belief. About 5
times is enough. Use
the power of moving your mental images around to change
any limiting belief and
notice incredible changes that will automatically occur in your
Since we are dealing with the Mind which is the creator of
your reality anyway, I
will give you three magical words that will change your life
forever. ACT AS IF.
The power of Act As If is so incredibly powerful and simple
that you may wonder
why you never thought of it before. Well you did as a child,
but it was trained out
of you. Remember when as a child you could be anything you
wanted to be. An
astronaut, a pilot, a race car driver, a policeman. What (2 of 7) [11/19/2002 4:10:23 AM]


happened. You simply lost

your ability to imagine and create. Parents, Teachers,
Religious Leaders told you
that you should do this and not that. Dont dream, Dont
imagine they said.
Thats OK because I will now show you how to regain these
incredible powers.
What ever you can conceive, you can achieve. If you simply
is true, IT BECOMES SO. If you Act As If you are incredibly
powerful with
women, you will be. And as you notice all the successes you
have with this new
attitude, you will develop a belief that you are successful with
women. The proof
you get from your new successes with women, the stronger
your beliefs will
become. This is the POWER of Act As If. Use this in every
area of your life and
notice how much more success and influence you will have as
you practice this
incredible secret.
In this chapter we are going to discuss ways in which to
practice and remember the
process of delivering embeded commands through your
language when seducing
women. This is a handy flow chart of the necessary
elements of Hypnotic
Seduction. The first part of your statement will be a set up. It
will sound normal,
however it will help you to easily insert any embed that you
find necessary. We will
start with the set up phrase You might find yourself. This (3 of 7) [11/19/2002 4:10:23 AM]


phrase is very hypnotic

but sounds like normal conversational languague. You may
find yourself/having
certain thoughts. Notice how after the setup is the embeded
command having
certain thoughts? Now this is a very vague statement, yet in
the right context, or
spoken in a seductive tone, it can have many different
meanings to the woman. The
process is simply: You may find yourself/(insert your embed).
The following are
some fine examples:
You might find
You may find
You might find
You might find
You may find
You might find
You may find
You might find
You might find
You might find

thinking of me
having certain
becomming attracted
to someone.
getting aroused.
noticing increndible
sensations in your
falling in love
wanting to make love
with someone
becoming very
desiring to be with
someone in a special
having exciting new
feelings. (4 of 7) [11/19/2002 4:10:23 AM]


You might find yourself wanting to visit, bookmark the site,
and come back often to check for new amazing products. ;)
The basic linguistic formula for this pattern is X causes Y.
This pattern is known as
cause and effect wherefore X describes something occurring
in the woman at the
present moment that you can easily notice and Y being the
desired state or outcome
you wish for her to do. For example: Reading the words on
this page causes you to
wonder how many women you will seduce today. Now
reading the words on this
page doesnt actually cause you to do anything, but because it
sounds logical and
believable, the unconscious mind acts on the suggestion
easily. Another example
would be: Breathing slowly causes you to become relaxed.
Once again breathing
slowly doesnt necessarily cause anybody to become relaxed,
but it sounds like it is
believable, so it happens. Now lets apply this formula to
seduction. You can say to a
Talking with me can cause you to feel comfortable. The
embedded command in this
statement is underlined.
Driving to work can cause you to remember our wonderful
evening together
Taking a shower may cause you to have certain fantasies.
Watching a romantic movie may cause you to imagine you
and I being together in (5 of 7) [11/19/2002 4:10:23 AM]


a special way.
Drinking a glass of wine can cause you to loosen up.
Thinking of me can cause you to feel an incredible sense of
Taking a warm relaxing bath causes you to become incredibly
aroused, doesnt it?
In hypnosis, presuppositions are the linguistic equivalent to
assumptions, yet they
are a bit different. If I were to ask you: How much have you
enjoyed reading this
manual? There are two presuppositions in this question. One
is that you are reading
this manual, and the other is that you have enjoyed it. Im
assuming both things and
presupposing that both have occurred. Now if you were to
apply this to seducing a
woman you could say: Im wondering how much fun we will
have when we go out
together. The presuppositions in this statement are that we
will go out together and
it will be fun. Im wondering how excited you will be as you
find yourself thinking
of us being together in a special way after we have connected
on a deeper level.
Damn. There are so many presuppositions in this one I will let
you figure it out.
THE SEDUCTION PROCESS WRAP-UP (6 of 7) [11/19/2002 4:10:23 AM]


1. You go up to a woman and casually describe some

particular state of mind you want her
person to experience, for example romance, arousal, curosity,
passion, ect.
2. Her telling you that description requires them to
re-experience it and therefore to go into that state instantly.
3. You then amplify that state by describing it more vividly,
and by using your voice to tone downward to mark out
embedded commands.
4. Once the woman is in the state you want her to be in fully,
you anchor it with some touch
or phrase or gesture that you make. You can also anchor that
state with yourself, by using
embedded commands and gestures.
5. Finally, extend the state through time, by suggesting that
she imagine some future date at
which her current state is being re-experienced by anchoring it
to recurring situations in the subject's environment, such as
driving her car, sitting at her desk at work, ect.


TABLE OF CONTENTS (7 of 7) [11/19/2002 4:10:23 AM]


The Hypnotic Seduction

If you will remember from the earlier chapter on the work of
Franz Anton Mesmer,
you will recall how he used his hands to control and influence
his patients animal
magnetism. Now most modern hypnotists will not admit to
using these powerful
techniques that Mesmer used, however this is a closely
guarded secret in the world
of hypnosis. The process of hypnotizing a person involves a
few steps. First is what
is known as the Induction. This fundamentally prepares the
person for what is about
to happen, whether they are aware of it consciously or not.
Some hypnotists of yore
swung pocket watches in front of their patients eyes as an
induction. Some used the
spinning vortex. Mesmer used the motion of his hands as an
induction. Not only did
it tire the patients eyes, it focused their attention on him so
that his suggestions
would be received easily. In Taoism and other eastern
religions, there is a belief in
the universal life force known as Chi. Chi is a mental or
psychic energy that every (1 of 4) [11/19/2002 4:10:28 AM]


one possess. In Hinduism is known as Prana. When we learn

to harness this energy
through either hypnosis or meditation, we begin to have
incredible powers over
other people, and our selves as well. Modern day scientists
have decribed finding
electro-magnetic fiends or EMFs surrounding humans as well
as other animals and
plants. They noticed that depending on ones mood, this
energy becomes stronger or
weaker. Have you ever been in a room with small children
playing and noticed how
it didnt take very long before you were worn out and tired
just by watching the kids
play. Children are vampires of Chi. They will drain your
energy field and use this
energy for their own. If you begin to notice and become aware
of your own Chi
Energy, You will in fact soon develop amazing powers of
thought projection,
seduction, influencing others as well as many psychic
phenonomona. For a moment
I would like you to put your palms facing eachother about 2-3
inches apart from
eachother. As they are in this position, you will notice this
energy field. It may feel
like heat or warmth. It may tingle. Either way, this is your
Chi. Your personal
energy signature.
Now when you have a women in a comfortable position
whom you are seducing,
you can slowly begin to use The Pass on her. You will have
the mental thought you
want to be with me now and imagine sexual images of you
and her together in that
way, but DONT tell her. Just take your hands and pass them (2 of 4) [11/19/2002 4:10:28 AM]


over parts of her body

while using pillow talk. Tell her you are feeling her vibes.
Women really like this
kind of stuff anyway. Just continue to pass your hands over
various parts of her
body, keeping your hands about 1-2 inches away from her
body. Very soon she will
become incredibly horny. Say Im feeling your vibes and
have noticed that you are a
very relaxed person. You may find yourself having wonderful
sensations as I am
reading your Chi. She will never know that you are
subliminally programming her
to get turned on. Have fun with this.
One way to use subliminal suggestion in the process of
seduction is to put a woman into a romantic state, then subtly
gesture to yourself as you do.
The simplest way to do this is talk in a soft voice.
Pause...............between............words. Use embeds which you
should remember those from previous chapters.
Ask her "Have you ever really found your self becoming
incredibly attracted to someone?" This causes her to go into a
romantic state. Then subtly point to yourself when you
see she's think romantic thoughts. This is subliminal hand
gestures. This will cause the romantic feelings to be linked to
you. You will have anchored her to you in a very powerful
romantic way. You can also ask "What was it about him that
caused you to be really attracted to him, was it the way he
spoke to you (auditory), or was it something that you saw in
him (visual), or was it a special way he made you feel
By using these questions, you can determine what her primary
submodality is and feed it back to her. (3 of 4) [11/19/2002 4:10:28 AM]



TABLE OF CONTENTS (4 of 4) [11/19/2002 4:10:28 AM]


The Hypnotic Seduction

You have seen unattractive men with incredibly hot
girlfriends and have probably had the same response that I
used to have. "What the hell does she see in that ugly SOB?" I
finally found the answer to that question in the course of my
intensive studies of psychology.
When a baby elephant is born, it quickly learns to walk. Baby
elephants have a tendency to wander off. Therefore, when the
baby elephant is very young, one of its' hind legs is tied to a
metal pole anchored into the ground. The baby elephant tries
and tries to pull its leg away from the rope keeping him from
wandering off. The baby elephant tries for many years,
however, by the time the elephant is full grown, it has learned
that it can't wander off. Therefore a powerful and mighty full
grown elephant will never even try to leave its' area because it
believes it is tied down. However, by that time, the rope has
been completely removed. The only thing keeping this
elephant from running away and destroying a lot of things in
its' path is his belief that he is tied to that rope.
Well this same form of "brainwashing" occurs in humans too.
For example, if you have a belief about yourself that you
know is not true such as perhaps you are not attractive to
women. Or that you are nervous around beautiful women,
such thoughts are learned. Some ugly men are very successful
with beautiful women. Why is this so. Because they think
they are attractive. They believe that they are confident (1 of 11) [11/19/2002 4:10:38 AM]


around women, therefore they are. Now this is not a conscious

understanding. This is a belief, formed in the subconscious at
an early age, just like the belief of the elephant. Any belief of
this sort is something like a airplane on autopilot. The
subconscious doesn't care if a belief helps you or hurts you. It
only acts like a computer guiding an airplane on the
pre-programmed course. If your subconscious autopilot is
sending your plane on a crash course of disaster with women,
then there is hope.
The way to get rid of old programs in your subconscious is to
install new programs so that your autopilot sends you on a
course towards terrific relationships with beautiful sexy
women. Your false beliefs came about due to false
programming by family, friends, and even yourself. Notice
your self talk. When you get around a gorgeous woman, don't
think "she'll never go for me", say to yourself "YOUR ASS IS
MINE". Say it in a way that makes you feel totally confident
and resourceful in every way. Just like with a computer, so is
your subconscious, Garbage In Garbage Out.
Now its time to program yourself for total success with
women. First begin by getting a tape recorder. Next, write a
list of affirmations. Affirmations are positive statements
which you will record in your own voice and replay to
yourself. When making your affirmations, it is important to
say "You" instead of "I". For example "You are confident and
relaxed when around women." If you say "I", then your
conscious mind says, "Im not sure if that's true." But if you
say "You", then it's coming from an external source, and your
conscious mind won't reject the suggestions. These
affirmations when recorded for about 20 minutes, and listened
to every day, will change your life. You will notice the
changes within one month. Usually it takes about 21 days for
the subconscious to learn and implement a new program. You
will notice yourself feeling much more confident and in
control of your life, while becoming much more attractive to (2 of 11) [11/19/2002 4:10:38 AM]


women. And pretty soon you will find that you can easily talk
to and attract women easily.

Try This!
Even the photographs of the women on this page
automatically cause you to notice your own sexual desires.
Look at them carefully.
Notice the feelings you get as
you see the sultry expressions
on the women's faces. The
entrancing curvatious hot
bodies that you are naturally
attracted to. They grab your
attention. They captivate You.
This is proof that what I am telling you is absolutely,
undeniably true! If they don't have that effect on you, You
may be reading the wrong book..
Being that these are your feelings, and they are as natural as
I want to share something with you. Look at photo of the girl
on right side of this page.
Stop and notice what you can about the woman. Now
You are shopping at Your Local shopping mall and you notice
this woman from a distance.
She sees you and smiles at you. She begins to walk over to
What do you feel now? Do you feel the desire for her
She asks you for the time. You want to get to know her better.
What do you do? How do you feel at this moment.
Are You Nervous? Tense? If you notice even the slightest hint
of hesitation, (3 of 11) [11/19/2002 4:10:38 AM]


then you are begining to see how the process works.

Most men would tell the woman the time, then think about
what he should
have said to get her to go out with him for the rest of the day.
This is where the Power of the Conditioning and Affirmations
Come into Action.
You can use affirmations to program into your mind the
to be absolutely confident in your ability to get the girl!
It makes it so easy that once you see an opportunity to meet a
you act immediately.
You reach out and grab the opportunity-instantly-with no fear
Women desire you
Women want to be with you
You attract women easily
You are confident around women
Women seek you out
Women notice you
You arouse women sexually
You seduce women naturally
You are calm and easy going
You attract women like a magnet
Women love you
Your voice is arousing to women
You are lovable
You notice women are growing more and more
attracted to you each day
When you make your tape, use these affirmations as
guidelines to create your own. (4 of 11) [11/19/2002 4:10:38 AM]


The whole idea with the process of s/a (self administered)

hypnosis is to bypass the conscious mind, and directly
influence the subconscious through suggestions. To do this, it
is best to relax oneself. This is easy to do. To begin just pick a
spot on the ceiling and stare at it while you count down from
10-1. You say to yourself #10 I am relaxing the muscles in my
body. (Take a deep breath with each count) #9 With each
breath that relaxation is doubling. #8 I am comfortably
drifting down into a relaxed peaceful state.............all the way
down to #1 The suggestions that I am about to hear will
become a total and complete part of me. At this point press
play on your affirmation tape and just close your eyes and
The following are Instant Message Chats that I had with
various women to give you an idea of the
unlimited possibilities of using the Hypnotic Seduction
Techniques. As you are reading these
chats, you will notice how I matched each girls map of the
world. I also used embeded
commands liberally to create states of curiosity and arousal.
You will also notice how I used the
same processing words as them, i.e. Audio Visual or
Kinesthetic. I have only changed the names
of the girls.
Mary: hello there
MESMERX: I had just recieved your email
Mary: and i have received yours
Mary: that's an unusual
picture....very nice
MESMERX: Yes it is
Mary: where did you have it taken? (5 of 11) [11/19/2002 4:10:38 AM]


MESMERX: A friends house

Mary: is your friend a
MESMERX: Yes my friend is a photographer, sometimes
MESMERX: I like 91/2 weeks too, one of my
Mary: i have it on tape....and have
the soundtrack too
Mary: know both by heart
MESMERX: Have the CD
Mary: i've been loking for the cd
but so far only found the tape
MESMERX: Its very passionate, isn't it?
Mary: yes, very.....:o)
MESMERX: I special ordered the CD from
Mary: oh, i see....a dedicated
MESMERX: And you?
Mary: may i ask when is your
MESMERX: You may
Mary: :o).....well?????
MESMERX: Are you asking
Mary: aha......
Mary: oops, got disconnected
MESMERX: aol will do that
MaryMary: anyway, what is your b-day?
Mary: mine is june 19th
MESMERX: April, Im an Aries.
MESMERX: Gemini right
Mary: yep....sure am
Mary: where do you live?
MESMERX: Well perhaps you might be able (6 of 11) [11/19/2002 4:10:38 AM]


to keep up with me since your a Gemini,

Mary: keep up with you?....i just
might be too fast for YOU
Mary: hehe
Mary: where in baltimore?
MESMERX: Randalstown and you
Mary: pikesville
Mary: i used to live in
randallstown......graduated from Randallstown
Mary: Rouen RD
MESMERX: Small world
MESMERX: Mary, may I ask you a question
Mary: sure...ask away
MESMERX: What is it that you would really
like to find in a Man, I mean what type of guy
would really cause you to go out of your way for
this Man
Mary: out of my way?
Mary: in what sense?
MESMERX: Im curious as to how do you
know you really like someone, perhaps its a
certain way this person looks at you, or just a
way they speak to you,
Mary: i know if i like someone
when he is the only thing on my mind night and
day, i dream about him, i hear his voice in the
music i listen to, i see his face in a movie
Mary: i don't have to talk to him
when we are together to connect.....just listen to
his heart beating next to mine and i'm in heaven
MESMERX: Im wondering if you were to meet (7 of 11) [11/19/2002 4:10:38 AM]


a guy like this, now and start to have these sort

of feelings which begin to come over you,
Something, Mary that sparks a certain feeling
Mary: i feel his breathing on my
cheek and my heart skips a beat
Mary: and every time i hear his
voice i get a smile on my face....did i paint a
good picture for you?
MESMERX: Yes, Mary
Mary: what do you think on this
Mary: what if it was you ?
MESMERX: and as you are picturing that
image of this ideal connection, isn't it interesting
how you can begin to realize that it is possible
that you can truely connect with someone on a
truely deep level, like me, I find that when I am
really attracted to someone, Mary....
MESMERX: And if it were me, and I were to
meet someone who could create a sense of
passion, when I really pay attention, and feel so
comfortable as we open up to that part deep
inside ......
Mary: it's the best thing ever
created and the worst at the same
time.....because being in love....really truly in love
can be very painful
Mary: but i don't mind the
means i'm alive and feeling
opposed to just existing
MESMERX: I find that all those wonderous
feelings can sometimes just naturally begin to
occur, when you look at it in a way that you
begin to realize how many new and fun things
you can experience with this person......Mary, I (8 of 11) [11/19/2002 4:10:38 AM]


agree that love is something that can be painful...

MESMERX: however love is simply a 4 letter
word isn't it?
Mary: sometimes it can be many
other letters....:o)
MESMERX: Yes Mary, It can.
Mary: romance passion lust
companionship = love
MESMERX: It has been nice chating with you
Mary, I have to get to bed.....
MESMERX: Busy day tomorrow
Mary: me too actually....i was so
mesmerised by what you were saying i forgot
what time it was
Mary: gotta get to bed
Mary: nice talking to you.....may i
call u?
MESMERX: Funny how time is like this, Mary
MESMERX: If you so desire, Mary, me I
would enjoy hearing your voice
Mary: ok....i'll call you
tomorrow?.....what time is good for you?
MESMERX: Around 1:00 would be good, and
I wish you pleasant dreams tonight.
MESMERX: yes and
SALLY: and...? I've never done this
MESMERX: me neither....
SALLY: How did you know I was online?
MESMERX: I saw you
SALLY: In a vision?! ... or how?
MESMERX: I have been feeling a very
powerful energy today.....
SALLY: So tell me about yourself, and (9 of 11) [11/19/2002 4:10:38 AM]


what is your name?

MESMERX: An ancient Hebrew tradition says
that one shouldn't tell their real name until their
SALLY: Okay, fair enough I suppose. So
tell me about yourself - like what do you do for
work, or something mundane leading up to
something a little deeper...
MESMERX: I feel that which I do is on a very
deep level....
SALLY: Great...
MESMERX: I often play the drums in the
outdoors where I feel the oneness of the
universal spirit...
SALLY: That's nice... I have been playing
marimba and mbira - traditional instruments from
Zimbabwe for the last six years, and feel the
same - either a lone, outdoors, or with a group
of friends... Music can be a great expression of
the soul!
MESMERX: I agree...It's as if you can become
aware of The Energy.....the power of the life
force that spreads from deep within to the very
escense of the beauty of divine spirit within us
SALLY: Those are some of life's greatest
and sweetest moments!
MESMERX: Yes they are as you become
aware of the connection with that which causes
you to feel the intensity of the feelings of your
own heart with that of anothers....
SALLY: Yea... that is special. and I have
to admit can be a little scary!
MESMERX: Yes I agree....sometimes these
kind of feelings can seem scary...yet I believe
that there is a part of us that can sometimes feel (10 of 11) [11/19/2002 4:10:38 AM]


really comfortable with these sensations when

one begins to realize fully that there is a part of
us, on a deeper level that truely desires to make
that connection.....Now to me it is a very spiritual
journey right next to the escense of who you
truely are...
SALLY: well said. I understand, but I
have yet to go there. I will admit that I am a little
guarded in these areas through past experiences.
I do feel it can
be quite a spiritual experience to feel that love
with someone ... if you can meet each other.
MESMERX: I agree and as you think about
our conversation today, perhaps you'll will want
to chat some more later as I have some things
that need to be done....
SALLY: Sounds good. Nice chatting with
you! Lets chat later. Have a great day!
MESMERX: May the peace of the Universe be
upon you today! Bye,..............@


TABLE OF CONTENTS (11 of 11) [11/19/2002 4:10:38 AM]


The Hypnotic Seduction

The Basic Idea of Hypnotic Seduction is when ever you
casually describe a process, such as getting sexually aroused
or falling in love, you will elicit those feelings from the girl
you are seducing. You do this, simply by talking about a
situation where she has had those feelings before will tend to
link those feelings to you. A really easy way to do this is to
simply ask her if she can remember a time when she was
totally in love with someone. Then you would continue to let
her remember and let her speak. The point is not what she
says, but notice when she gets that "glow". That when you
reach out and gently touch her hand and say "I know that
feeling to, it's wonderful isn't it." Because she was in that state
known as "love" when you touched her hand, you have set
that as an anchor. Because she felt that way around you, you
presence will always evoke those wonderful states. This is
straight Pavlovian Conditioning.
You can ask her "How do you realize when you are falling in
love with someone new?" Then let her remember. Watch for
that "glow", set your anchor, then change the subject for a
little bit. Later fire off the anchor and watch the "glow" come
right back. This is amazing. So many men have so little idea
as to how to make a woman feel good. They go and spend all
of their money on them. All a woman really wants is to
experience incredible feelings. The way to give it to them is
ask them about when they have felt that way before. "What is (1 of 5) [11/19/2002 4:10:50 AM]


the feeling of having great sex?" I think you get the idea here.
Finally, here is the single most powerful and hypnotic word in
the English language. That word is...IMAGINE! Remember
that what ever you can get a person to imagine, picture, or
visualize, causes them to have a little bit of that experience.
Imagine laying on a beach. Can you picture the ocean. See
how it works. Now lets put this to use in seduction. You could
say to a woman, "I can only IMAGINE how nice it would be
if we took a romantic vacation." In the previous sentence you
are using the word imagine as an embedded command in a
self referring context. "Can you IMAGINE how great it would
be if we were to make love tonight."
or..."I wonder if you can IMAGINE how incredible it would
feel if you were to have multiple orgasms when we have sex."
Using imagine forces them to go inside and imagine what you
are talking about...therefore it is very hypnotic. You can use
PICTURE as well. "Can you picture us making passionate
love in a romantic island paradise?" "How good would it feel
as you IMAGINE that now?"
There are some "trainers" that think using words that sound
like something else will turn a woman on. When women here
this sophomoric word salad stuff like "Can you feel this
hap-PENIS deep inside", They know god damn well what is
going on, and will be insulted. Think about it. If you were a
woman, wouldn't you too.
One so called "Seduction Guru" was actually shown on TV
for the fool he is. They followed him around the streets trying
to get phone numbers of women. He didn't get anything, but
slapped and almost arrested.
The trick is to be much more sneaky and covert. Through
subtle Hypnotic techniques, one can install incredible states of (2 of 5) [11/19/2002 4:10:50 AM]


wanton desire in a woman, with very few words, and the

woman will never realize anything.
I like to use metaphoric language, or in NLP terms
Isomorphic Metaphors. Where I could describe how going to
a beautiful vacation spot can create a sense of excitement and
adventure where one can open up those special parts of them
where you can really connect with deeper parts of your mind
(pronounced-your mine)." This will cause a woman to feel
and imagine wonderful states.
I would NEVER advise telling a woman "I think that is
BeLOW me". How childlike. Even the dumbest blond will see
through that.
I's not always easy being a Seduction Artist. One must, as
with any skill, practice diligently. However if you are totally
dedicated to study and practice, I guarantee that you will
succeed beyond your wildest dreams.
The inherent problem with dating today is that women have
no idea what they want. They say they want a strong guy. But
then want a sensitive jelly fish. However if a man shows tears,
he is considered a wimp and a Mama's boy.
You know, if you really want to read something horrifying,
pick up Cosmopolitan. It literally trains women to be heartless
However, I have found some amazing ways to get around all
this nonsense and get to the heart of the issue of the so called
"Battle of the Sexes".
You BECOME the man of every woman's desires. You
literally model pieces of men women find incredibly
attractive. Perhaps a movie star, or a rock star...whatever.
Reinvent yourself. That is what I have gained from reading
Cosmo. Women have make-overs to attract men, and it works. (3 of 5) [11/19/2002 4:10:50 AM]


Why can't it work for men? It does. Trust Me.

Fabricate a new style of clothing for yourself. Change your
image. Morph yourself into having the elements that drive
women wild with extacy.
Please remember this. There are no failures. Consider your
past "setbacks" as learning experiences and go from there.
I get a lot of questions about stage hypnosis, and how to make
people do stupid stuff with hypnosis. I never found it
necessary to put someone into a trance to make people do
stupid stuff. That comes quite naturally to lots of people.
According to studies, about 20% of individuals are what
hypnotists call "very suggestible". Meaning, they will respond
to suggestions quickly and easily. These are the people Stage
Hypnotists are looking for in an audience. That why
they have the audience do things like have them stick their
hands together and not be able to get them apart, or
imagine big balloons lifting their arms up. They are looking
for that 20% who respond well to suggestions. Once the
hypnotist sees the "good subjects", he invites them on stage.
When up on stage, they expect something to happen
out of the ordinary. They know that it is a show, and are
expected to perform. The members picked from the
audience become part of the act. So when the hypnotist says
"quack like a duck" or something to that effect, then
that person does it. There is a little "ham" in everybody. That
is what the Stage Hypnotist counts on. You see, a lot of
people are not comfortable on a stage, therefore go into a
natural trance while there anyway, to try to escape the
experience, at least mentally. The rest is them going along
with the show.
Simply being on a stage for most people will put them into a
trance state. The Hypnotist knows this and uses it to his (4 of 5) [11/19/2002 4:10:50 AM]


advantage. Sort of like Sunday Morning Preachers. The

preacher will lay his hands on someone, on the stage of the
alter, shout at the person "healed", and they will begin to roll
around on the floor in a "spiritual fit" of some sort. It's
really the same thing. The person expects to be transformed
by the Preacher's power, and it happens.


TABLE OF CONTENTS (5 of 5) [11/19/2002 4:10:50 AM]


The Hypnotic Seduction

In This Chapter, We are going to explore a very powerful
NLP tool known
as conversational hypnosis. Everything you have read in this
manual so
far has been designed to give you an understanding of the
principles of Hypnosis and NLP so that you can begin to use
powerful method of seduction and persuasion. You see, with
this form of
subtle, covert hypnosis, you can have a conversation with any
woman, and
she will have no idea what the heck is going on. But you will
be putting
her in a trance and embedding commands all the way.
For instance, say you met a woman that you want to get to
know better.
First notice something about her that you can comment on.
Stay away from
opinions. You can say "I saw you standing there, alone, and
wondering how nice it would be to meet you." You see, in
NLP this is
known as a Pace. A Pace is when you say something that is
true and
verifiable by the individual you are influencing. Politicians do (1 of 4) [11/19/2002 4:11:00 AM]


this all
the time. They tend to Use several Paces, then what is known
as a Lead.
Mention three facts, then an opinion. The opinion becomes
true in the
other person's mind. You have set them up. For example, a
politician may
say "Taxes are too high, Crime is on the rise, Industry is
closing all
over(Paces).......And that's why you need to vote for Me, Joe
Blow for
Senate(Lead). The first three statements were paces, or facts.
The last
part was a Lead, which sounds logical, but really makes no
sense at all.
Now, lets get back to the woman. "I noticed you standing
there, and I
saw you filing your nails, and that you were by yourself, and
it made me
wonder how nice it would be to meet you. My name is........"
Now the
Paces "standing there" "filling your nails" and "by yourself".
The Lead
was "It would be nice for us to meet". The Lead becomes
True. That's the
Magic of Pacing and Leading.
Part II
Now after you have successfully Paced and Lead your target,
you will
next structure your language to plant hypnotic suggestions
into her
mind. This is simple, however you must know your desired
outcome before
you do this. If you, for example want to get her phone number
and go out
for coffee at a later time, this is how you would do it. Start (2 of 4) [11/19/2002 4:11:00 AM]


with the
self referring statement, "I'm Wondering, or I was just
Wondering". This
makes you look innocent, and takes the pressure off her,
because it's OK
for you to wonder anything you want. "I was wondering how
much fun we
would have if you were to (pause here) MEET ME FOR
The last part of the sentence is an embedded command. That
is why you
pause before saying it. So it will register into her
subconscious mind.
Then drop your tonality, and mark off the embed, MEET ME
WEEK. Now use a presupposition like...."Great, when would
be a good time
for me to call you?". Notice I didn't ask for her number....she
has to
give you her number when she answers the question!
Now lets get a bit more advanced. Here is a phrase that you
can use in
almost any situation, and anything you say after it becomes an
command. "What Would It Be Like If......" This is one of the
powerful set-up phrases known in NLP. Let me give you a
few examples how
powerful this phrase is. "What Would It Be Like If......We
Were To Make
Mad, Passionate Love All Night Long?" When you say
something like this
to a woman, she has to imagine it happening. Therefore, it
hypnotic. You aren't TELLING her to imagine it. You are
Wondering. (3 of 4) [11/19/2002 4:11:00 AM]


You're not a pervert. What Would It FEEL Like

If.....Someone Were to
Make Love To You in such a way that You Have Multiple
Orgasms?" Or
"What Would It Be Like If......We Were to meet for coffee,
and having a
terrific time, Later this week?"
When you ask "What Would It Be (Or Feel) Like, The person
has to go
inside, and imagine the scene you are describing. PERIOD.
That is
Hypnosis. I will show you now so you can see for yourself the
power of
this technique. What Would It Be Like If You took Juicy
Slice of
Lemon.....If you could see the juice flowing from the Lemon,
you could
smell the Lemon Scent. What would it be like if you Put the
Juicy Lemon
into your mouth, and feel the juice squirt out?. What would it
like, this Tart, Juicy Lemon, as the juice pours into your
mouth. Is it
Bitter? Are you beginning to salivate yet? I Am.


TABLE OF CONTENTS (4 of 4) [11/19/2002 4:11:00 AM]


The Hypnotic Seduction

Suggestive Predicates
The following list comprises a group of predicates designed
for use in the construction of suggestive sentences. The
proper will ordinarily immediately follow any of the given
predicates, the purpose of the latter being to 'set up' the
structure for
the words that follow. As an example, the predicate that heads
the list below can be fused onto a tailing phrase as follows:
'Are you curious about why your feet are on the floor?'
The listener may or may not have been curious before the
question was put, but one thing is for certain now - that they
have to
audit the position of their feet in order to make the question
meaningful: the question thus unobtrusively directs the
attention at their feet.
Such suggestive predicates as these, were one original
developed by Dr Milton H. Erickson in his seminal work on
conversational hypnosis.
A further detailed discussion as to how these powerful
structures work in NLP terms follows the list.
After you come to....
After you've... (1 of 8) [11/19/2002 4:11:20 AM]


And the more you (X)...the more you (Y)

And as you...
Are you curious about...
Are you aware that...
Are you still interested in...
As you hear these words they...
As you... ...then...
As you consider this...
Be aware of what you can sense...
Before you think...
Can you imagine...
Can I ask you to...
Can you visualise...
Can you...
Can you remember...
Could you...
Do you think that...
Do you remember when...
Do you...
Do you ever...
Don't think of...
Has it ever occurred to you that...
Have you noticed that...
Have you ever wondered...
Have you...
Have you ever...
How would you feel if...
How do you know that...
How do you feel when...
I don't want you to be...
I want you to learn...
I know you are curious...
I saw someone do this in minutes once...
I wonder if...
I don't know how soon...
I wonder could you... (2 of 8) [11/19/2002 4:11:20 AM]


I would like to suggest that...

I want you to bear in mind...
I want you to become aware...
I can remember...
I'd like you to pretend that...
I'm wondering...
I'm curious to know...
If you could...
In my experience...
Is it that you are...
Is it possible...
Is it that you have...
Is it that there is...
It is useful that...
It's just like...
It's impossible...
It's good to know that...
It's useful that...
It's good that...
It's either (A) or (B); which is it...
It's not important that...
It's as if...
People can loosen up easily...
Perhaps you are...
Perhaps you can...
Perhaps you could...
Perhaps you're wondering...
This can be learned easily...
What do you think would happen if...
What would happen if...
What's it like to...
When you notice... ...then...
Will you...
Would you...
You come to...
You are learning to anticipate... (3 of 8) [11/19/2002 4:11:20 AM]


You can become aware that...

You know about these things...
You will feel...
The Effect of Suggestive Predicates in a Live Environment
A 'set up phrase' is a predicate that sets up the material that
immediately follows it as a powerful suggestion. When a
type of sentence is constructed one of these such phrases, a
sentence which refers to the immediate environment of the
(especially to the physical being or ongoing activities of the
listener), it can offer communication on more than one level
there is:
a) an apparently 'normal' abstract word string that requires
decoding and interpreting in the ordinary manner of everyday
b) a non-ordinary content of the word string referring to
immediate, ongoing events that demands attention and
verification in
modalities other than the auditory (Ai)
Accordingly, an astute operator can use such a sentence to
pace - by use of content that refers to the obvious BUT AN
directing by means of subtle suggestion the non-verbal
attention in a given direction of the operator's choice - and
suggestions are all that is needed in order to get the thought
train rolling. Additionally, and the author of this paper found
difficult to comprehend at first, single, suitably constructed
sentences with suggestive predicates can present a system of
complex verbal signals AND both a pace and lead (4 of 8) [11/19/2002 4:11:20 AM]


simultaneously, such is their power.

Let us examine a couple of examples of this dark art. In
number 1, it is assumed that the listener has both feet resting
on the
floor and that this fact is obvious to the operator - and anyone
else who cares to notice.
The basic sentence to be explored is:
Example 1: 'Are you aware that/your foot/is resting on the
Breaking this down into the three constituent parts we have:
'Are you aware that...' (the suggestive predicate)
'...your foot...' (reference to a physical part)
' resting on the floor?' (query about what is obvious... to
the operator)
This appears to be such a trivial question, but it really causes
the listener to work hard and fully process it in order to
understand what is going on. The processing might be viewed
i) listener has to carry out normal linguistic processing on the
sentence to determine the basic meaning. Words are checked
context, basic meaning, syntax, and what they might mean in
the present setting.
ii) listener has to process the meaning in depth. Does he/she
have a foot? Which foot is it (the original question was
in that it didn't specify)? Where is that foot (feet)? Am I aware
of what it is doing?
In order to actually process the meaning as in ii) above, the
listener must become (kinesthetically) aware of the foot, that
there is
a foot, and determine what it is currently doing. Additionally,
and since the foot is a priori resting on the floor as the
knew, the implication by the operator that the foot is resting
on the floor is a very subtle pace, ONE THAT IS VERIFIED (5 of 8) [11/19/2002 4:11:20 AM]



MODALITY It is no ordinary question that is being put in
those eleven innocent sounding words, it is a powerful pacing
question that simultaneously contains a covert kinesthetic
lead: the listener has to 'respond' or work in Ai and K modes
in terms to make sense of what is going on.
Example 2: 'Are you aware that/ you can become aware that/
you are blinking?'
'Are you aware that...' (the suggestive predicate)
' can become aware that...' (convolute the predicate into
an ongoing process)
' are blinking?' (statement of the physically obvious... to
the operator)
The end result of this question is that the listener becomes
aware of - has their attention directed towards - something
that was
ongoing yet previously outside their awareness... and they
don't have a lot of choice in the matter. Again there is a pace
listener is blinking), and a lead (the listener was made aware
of the fact by the question), In addition to the lead caused by
search for verification - this time in V and/or K modalities the more complex question structure "how does one process if
is aware that one can become aware?" is immediately
resolved in the performance of the act itself - another pace.
Example 3: 'I want you to become aware of the process that
takes place when you become aware of your left hand'
This puts the listener in an almost impossible position since
the process - by being suggested - will occur in a trice as the
operator enunciates the sentence and the listener will probably
miss it. Once they are aware of the left hand they will find it (6 of 8) [11/19/2002 4:11:20 AM]


impossible to become unaware of it and start again (any

attempt to do so will have them trying to be aware of how a
arises of the left hand - which is awareness of the left hand.
An astute listener could observe how awareness of some other
body part comes into being of course).
Once again the complex word form - becoming aware of
becoming aware - is present along with the kinesthetic lead to
the left
hand and the pace indicating that a process of becoming takes
Example 4: 'Has it ever occurred to you that...'
Whatever follows this phrase may or may not have occurred
to the listener: one thing is for sure, it is going to occur to
now. The suggestion that follows the phrase will have to be
processed by the listener in order to make sense out of it. In
words whatever is said, if it is said in terms of a certain
physical sense or modality, will lead the listener in that
modality whether
they like it or not. If pacing statements are made, they will
become immediate self-fulfilling prophecies insofar as the
listener is
concerned and, if they are made to refer to a particular mode,
they will lead in that mode.

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