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An Idea Whose Time Has Come!

For the fastest, easiest and most hygienic way to

take one's dietary supplements, PacificSPRAY
NUTRITIONALS come in a convenient pocket-sized
pump-spray vial containing a 30 day supply.



Step 1: Hold the spray bottle close
to your mouth (rest your fingertips on

Fast Acting: Acts within 60 seconds!

More Hygienic: Pure nutrients.

No drugs!

Convenient: Simply spray 3 to 4 times

in your mouth, 3 to 4 times a day. Fits neatly in
your purse or pocket.

Economical: Just pennies a day!

Delicious: Refreshing too!

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food

and Drug Administration. These products are not
intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

1. Multi-SPRAY (Multi-vitamins & Mineral


Essential nutrients in a delicious tasting oral spray: Vitamins & Minerals, in a

base containing Essential Amino Acids,
and the 3 Essential Fatty Acids. They
help to build your immune system and
can replace all those pills, capsules, and
mixes with a convenient pocket-sized

your chin).

2. B-COMPLEX + (Fast energy & Stress


Step 2: Spray above the tongue, inside the cheeks.

A balanced combination of Vitamins

A, E, B-1, B-6, B-12, Niacin, Glycine,
Cysteine, Grape Seed and Grape Skin Extract, bioflavonoids, plus trace minerals,
for great STRESS relief: Physical Stress
- workouts, trips, jet lag, sleeplessness;
Mental Stress - worry, anxiety, anticipation; Chemical Stress from - alcohol, tobacco,
legal drugs.

Aim toward the back and roof of your mouth.

Push the sprayer button hard all the way


Step 3: Hold in mouth and swish

with tongue for a few seconds, prior
to ingesting.
6 sprays, once a day, or, for greater benefit,
3 sprays, 2 times a day.
Clean nozzle and sprayer as
needed with hot water and a clean cloth.
(Soak sprayer upside down in boiling hot
water for 5 to 10 seconds, if possible.)

"Now... Liquid Vitamins

from an Oral Spray!!"

3. CARDIO-Spray (Nutritional Support for

Optimum Cardiovascular Health)

Formulated to provide Optimum

Cadiovascular Health. naturally, this
spray was designed to make available in
a superior delivery system the specific
nutrients clinically proven to avoid and
even reverse the ravages of Heart Disease and Stroke. Studies performed by
Dr. Matthias Rath and Dr. Linus Pauling
led to this formulation which contains: vitamins B3, B6, B12, C, D, E, and Folic acid, plus
copper, selenium, biotin, magnesium,
Trimethylglycine, Carnitine, Taurine, ribose,
N-acetyl-D-glucosamine, and Pine Bark extract.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food
and Drug Administration. These products are not
intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

ALL PRODUCTS-6 (w-cardio)(PPI) pg1 $14.99 ea 130225 BRO-

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