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101 Most Frequently Asked Questions

in Infosys
by - www.Coders2020.com

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101 Most Frequently asked questions in Infosys

I. A. Category: English/verbal : Passage Reading
Read the following passage and answer the questions based on them:
The Death Car
It was cold night in September. The rain was drumming on the car roof as George & Marie
Winston drove through the empty country roads towards the house of their friends, the
Harrisons, where they were going to attend a party to celebrate the engagement of the
Harrisons daughter, Lisa. As they drove, they listened to the local radio station, which was
playing classical music. They were about 5 miles from the destination when the music on
the radio was interrupted by a news announcement: The Cheshire police have issued a
serious warning after a man escaped from Colford Mental Hospital earlier this evening.
The man, John Downey, is murderer who killed 6 people before he was captured 2 years
ago. He is described as large, very strong & extremely dangerous. People in the Cheshire
area are warned to keep their doors & windows locked, & to call the police immediately if
they se anyone acting strangely. Marie shivered, A crazy killer. And hes out there
somewhere. Thats scary. Dont worry about it, said her husband. Were nearly there
now. Anyway, we have more important things to worry about. This car is losing power for
some reasonit must be that old problem with the carburetor, If it gets any worse, well
have to stay at the Harrisons tonight & get it fixed before we travel back tomorrow, As
he spoke, the car began to slow down, George pressed the accelerator, but the engine only
coughed. Finally they rolled to a halt, as the engine died completely, Just as they stopped,
George pulled the car off the road, & it came to rest under a large tree. Blast! said
George angrily. Now well have to walk in the rain. But thatll take us an hour at least,
said Marie. And I have my high-held shoes & my nice clothes on. Theyll be
ruined! Well, youll have to wait while I run to the nearest house & call the Harissons.
Someone can come out & picks us up, said George. But George! Have you forgotten what
the radio said? Theres a homicidal maniac out there! You cant leave me alone
here! Youll have to hide in the back of the car. Lock all the doors & lie on the floor in
the back, under this blanket. No-one will see you, when I come back, Ill knock 3 times on
the door. Then you can get up & open it. Dont open it unless you here 3 knocks. George
opened the door & slipped out into the rain. He quickly disappeared into the
blackness. Marie quickly locked the doors & settled down under the blanket in the back for
a long wait. She was frightened & worried, but she was a strong-minded woman. She had
not been waiting long, however, when she heard a strange scratching noise. It seemed to be
coming from the roof of the car. Marie was terrified. She listened, holding her breath. Then
she heard 3 slow knocks, one after the other, also on the roof of the car. Was it her
husband? Should she open the door? Then she heard another knock, and another. This was
not her husband. It was somebody--or something--else. She was shaking with fear. But she
forced herself to lie still. The knocking continued-- bump, bump, bump, bump many hours
later, as the sun rose, she was still lying there. She had not slept for a moment. The


knocking had never stopped, all night long. She did not know what to do. Where was
George? Why had he not come for her?
Suddenly, she heard the sound of 3 or 4 vehicles, racing quickly down the road. All of them
pulled up around her, their tires screeching on the road. At last! Some one had come!
Marie sat up quickly & looked out the window.
The 3 vehicles were all police cars, & 2 still had their lights flashing. Several policemen leap
out. One of them rushed towards the car as Marie opened the door. He took her by the
Get out of the car & walk with me to the police vehicle. Miss youre safe now. Look
straight ahead. Keep looking at police car. Dont look back. Just dont look back.
Something in the way he spoke filled Marie with cold horror. She could not help herself.
After 10 yards from the police car, she stopped, turned & looked back at the empty vehicle.
George was hanging from the tree above the car, a rope tied around his neck. As the wind
blew his body back & forth, his feet were bumping gently on the roof of the car-- bump,
bump, bump, bump

Q 1. What was the reason for the news announcement on the radio?
a) 6 people, including John Downey, had been murdered
b) A dangerous prisoner had escaped
c) The police were warning of accidents on the roads in the bad weather
d) Some people had bens en acting strangely in the Cheshire area
Answer: b).
Q 2. What did George think was causing trouble with the car?
a) The carburetor
b) The rain drumming on the roof
c) The accelerator
d) He had no idea
Answer: a)
Q 3. Why did he pull the car off the road?
a) To have a rest
b) To go for a walk
c) To walk to the nearest house
d) It broke down
Answer: d).


Q 4. Why did Marie stay in the car when George left?
a) ) She was afraid to go out in the dark
b) So no one could steel the car
c) Her clothes werent suitable for the rain
d) She wanted to get some sleep
Answer: c).
Q 5. Where did George set off to walk?
a) The mental hospital
b) The nearest house
c) The Harrisons house
d) The police station
Answer: c)

I. B. Category: English/verbal : Fill in the Blanks

Q 6. A famous singer had been contracted to sing at a Paris opera house & ticket
a) is
b) are
c) were
d) have been
Answer: c).
Q 7. In fact, the night of the concert, the house was packed; every ticket __________.
a) is selling
b) was selling
c) sold
d) had been sold
Answer: d).
Q 8. The feeling of anticipation & excitement was in the air as the house
manager__________ the stage & said, Ladies & gentlemen, thank you for your
enthusiastic support!
a) took
b) takes
c) had taken
d) was taking
Answer: a).
Q 9. I am afraid that due to illness, the man whom youve all come to
hear________________ performing tonight
a) will not be
b) has not been
c) had not been
d) was not
Answer: a).


Q 10. However, we _________ a suitable substitute who, we hope, will provide you with
comparable entertainment.
a) are finding
b) were finding
c) had found d) have found
Answer: d).
Q 11. The crowd____________ in disappointment & failed to hear the announcer mention
the stand-ins name.
a) groans
b) groaned
c) had groaned
d) were groaning
Answer: b).
II A. Category: Aptitude : Data Sufficiency
Q 12. For calculating X^2*Y^3-XY)/(X^2-Y^2)
a) X=2
b) Y=5
A) Only one is sufficient
C) Either of the one is enough

B) Only two is sufficient

D) Both are required

Answer: D
Q 13. The angle ABC in a triangle is 90 degree
i) If other two angles are equal
ii) If sum of other two angles is equal to angle ABC
A) Only one is sufficient
C) Either of the one is enough

B) Only two is sufficient

D) Both are required

Answer: B
Q 14. The distance between office and house of Mohan can be determined
i) If Mohan travels at a speed of 30kmph and reaches office 10 minutes late
ii) If Mohan travels at a speed of 40kmph then reaches office 10 minutes earlier
A) Only one is sufficient
C) Either of the one is enough

B) Only two is sufficient

D) Both are required

Answer: D


Q 15. In a rhombus ABCD, the major diagonal is AC. The length of diagonal BD can be
i) If the length AC=10cm
ii) If the length CD=6cm
A) Only one is sufficient
C) Either of the one is enough

B) Only two is sufficient

D) Both are required

Answer: D
Q 16. In a quadrilateral ABCD, angle ABC is obtained
i) If angle BCD is 70 degrees
ii) If sum of angle CDA and DAB is 130
A) Only one is sufficient
C) Either of the one is enough

B) Only two is sufficient

D) Both are required

Answer: D
Q 17. Is Ps height less than 170 cms?
i) If we add 5 to Ps height, it becomes more than 170cms.
ii) If we add 2 to Ps height, it become less than 170cms
A) Only one is sufficient
C) Either of the one is enough

B) Only two is sufficient

D) Both are required

Answer: B
Q 18. Who is shortest among P, Q, R & S
i) P is taller than Q
ii) R & Q are shorter than S
A) Only one is sufficient
C) Either of the one is enough

B) Only two is sufficient

D) Both are not sufficient

Answer: D
Q 19. For saying x is a whole number
a) X^3+1=0
b) X^4-1=0
A) Only one is sufficient
C) Either of the one is enough

B) Only two is sufficient

D) Both are required

Answer: B


Q 20. If i) g > 0 and h > 0 , ii) g^3 > h^3 then is g+3 > h+2?
Answer: This is repeatedly asked. Please check www.coders2020.com for its answer.
Q 21. What are the two numbers if
a) Product of both is 108 b) Sum of both is 24
Answer: 18 & 6
II B. Category: Aptitude : Data Interpretation
Q 22. Following is the data regarding electrification in rural are:

% of non-electrified villages

(Actual data shown in bar form.)

Which is the state where government needs to spend maximum for electrification?
Answer: F
Q 23. In above question 18, what is the ratio of electrified to non- electrified villages in state
Answer: 13:7
Q 24. In above question 18, if there are villages in the state B & D in the ratio of 8:5, then
find the ratio of the villages that are to be electrified?
Answer: 9:7
Q 25. A graphical representation of income of 8 management institutes for 3 years is
displayed. Calculate average income?
Answer: This is repeatedly asked. Please check www.coders2020.com for its answer.


Q 26. A pie chart is given with distribution data of Times group magazine. There are 2
circles, the outer circles represents distribution of Indiatimes.com and the inner circle
represents circulation of Times of India. Calculate the ratio of circulation of both of them
in the year 2006.
Answer: This is repeatedly asked. Please check www.coders2020.com for its answer.
Q 27. In the above question 2, calculate the ratio of maximum circulation of both of them.
Answer: This is repeatedly asked. Please check www.coders2020.com for its answer.
Q 28. In the above question 2, calculate the average circulation of Times of India.
Answer: This is repeatedly asked. Please check www.coders2020.com for its answer.
Q 29. In the above question 2, calculate the average distribution of IndiaTimes.com.
Answer: This is repeatedly asked. Please check www.coders2020.com for its answer.
Q 30. In the above question 2, calculate the difference between maximum and minimum
circulation of IndiaTimes.com.
Answer: This is repeatedly asked. Please check www.coders2020.com for its answer.
Q 31. A bar chart is given displaying runs scored by Sachin, Kambli and Dravid in last 3
years. Calculate the average run scored by all three batsmen.
Answer: This is repeatedly asked. Please check www.coders2020.com for its answer.
Q 32. In the above question 7, calculate the average of maximum runs scored by each
batsman in any year.
Answer: This is repeatedly asked. Please check www.coders2020.com for its answer.
Q 33. In the above question 7, calculate the average of minimum runs scored by each
batsman in any year.
Answer: This is repeatedly asked. Please check www.coders2020.com for its answer.
Q 34. In the above question 7, calculate the ratio of average runs scored by Sachin and
Answer: This is repeatedly asked. Please check www.coders2020.com for its answer.


Q 35. In the above question 7, calculate the ratio of minimum runs scored by Sachin and
Answer: This is repeatedly asked. Please check www.coders2020.com for its answer.
Q 36. A table is given displaying commodity price of rice, wheat, gold, coffee and tea over
last 5 years. Calculate the average percentage change in price of gold over last 5 years.
Answer: This is repeatedly asked. Please check www.coders2020.com for its answer
Q 37. In the above question 12, calculate the maximum percentage change in price of rice
over last 5 years.
Answer: This is repeatedly asked. Please check www.coders2020.com for its answer
Q 38. In the above question 12, calculate the minimum percentage change in price of wheat
over last 5 years.
Answer: This is repeatedly asked. Please check www.coders2020.com for its answer
Q 39. In the above question 12, calculate the average price of all products in 2006.
Answer: This is repeatedly asked. Please check www.coders2020.com for its answer.
Q 40. In the above question 12, which year saw maximum change in price?
Answer: This is repeatedly asked. Please check www.coders2020.com for its answer

II C. Category: Aptitude : Puzzles

Q 41. If you have 3 daughters and each daughter has a brother, how many kids do you
Answer: 4
Q 42. There is a 12 feet long pole whose shadow is 3 feet long. If the height of pole is
increased, will its shadow length increase or decrease?
Answer: Increase.


Q 43. A,B,C,D,E,F,G are seven friends. Each of them has a 7 digit phone no. The numbers
are such that no digit is repeated and no phone number has digit 0, 1 or 9. The digits in Bs
phone no. are strictly ascending order. The second last digit pf As phone no. is 2. The
middle digit of Cs phone no. is 2 and some more data were given.
Find the phone number of A?
Answer: This is repeatedly asked. Please check www.coders2020.com for its answer.
Q 44. In above question 3, find the phone number of F.
Answer: This is repeatedly asked. Please check www.coders2020.com for its answer.
Q 45. In above question 3, whose phone number is largest?
Answer: This is repeatedly asked. Please check www.coders2020.com for its answer.
Q 46. In above question 3, whose phone number is lowest?
Answer: This is repeatedly asked. Please check www.coders2020.com for its answer.
Q 47. In a family, each boy in has as many sisters as brothers but each girl has twice as
many brothers as sisters. How many boys and girls are there in the family?
Answer: 4 boys and 3 girls.
Q 48. What is the maximum number of slices can be obtained by cutting a cake with only 4
Answer: 16.
Q 49. Fathers age is 5 times his son's age. 4 years back, father was 9 times older than son.
What is fathers' present age?
Answer: 40 years
Q 50. If the digits of fathers age are reversed then it becomes equal to his sons age. If his
age was twice of his sons age 1 year ago, what is his present age?
Answer: 73 years



Q 51. A monkey climbs 6 feet and falls 3 feet in alternate minutes. What will be the time
taken by him to climb 60 feet high tree?
Answer: 37 minutes
Q 52. If (ABCD)*D =DCBA, then find the value of A, B, C & D?
Answer: This is repeatedly asked. Please check www.coders2020.com for its answer.
Q 53. If A*B*C =D*E*F, then find their values such that all of them are between 1 & 9?
Answer: This is repeatedly asked. Please check www.coders2020.com for its answer.
Q 54. Arrange seven 3s using any operator so that result is 100?
Answer: 333/3 - 33/3=100.
Q 55. Arrange six 5s using any operator so that result is 23?
Answer: 5*5 - 5/5+5/5 = 23.
Q 56. Using any arithmetic operator, make following equation correct:
16 12 2 3 = 99
Answer: Root(16)*12*2+3

II D. Category: Aptitude : Logical Reasoning

Q 57. Hari stands 10th in the class and Mohan stands 17th from back. If there are 4
students in between them, what is total strength of the class?
Answer: 28
Q 58. In a big queue of students, Raj is 6th from the front and Mohit is 14th from behind. If
they interchange their positions, Raj becomes 22nd from front. How many students are
there in the queue?
Answer: 37
Q 59. Find the odd man out among following:
a) Windows 98 b) Linux c) Unix d) SMTP
Answer: SMTP



Q 60. Five people A, B, C, D and E are related to each other. They make following
Statement 1: B is my father's brother
Statement 2: E is my mother-in-law
Statement 3: C is my son-in-law's brother
Statement 4: A is my brother's wife
If all the 4 statements are true, then who made statement 1?
Answer: D
Q 61. In above question 10, who made statement 2?
Answer: B
Q 62. In above question 10, who made statement 3?
Answer: E
Q 63. In above question 10, who made statement 4?
Answer: C
Q 64. A 15 cm cube is painted with green, yellow and black on opposite sides. If it is cut
into cubes of 3 cm each, calculate the no. of cubes with 3 sides painted.
Answer: 27.
Q 65. In question 3 above, calculate no. of cubes painted on two sides.
Answer: 36
Q 66. In question 3 above, calculate no. of cubes painted on one side.
Answer: 54.
Q 67. In question 3 above, calculate no. of cubes painted on no sides.
Answer: 8.
Q 68. In question 3 above, calculate no. of cubes painted with sides painted with different
Answer: 8.



Q 69. Six people A, B, C, D, E & F wants to sit in six consecutive seats. B must sit adjacent
to A. C must sit adjacent A or B. D must sit adjacent to A, B, or C and so on. In how many
possible ways, they can sit?
Answer: 32
Q 70. Complete the series: 5, 20, 24, 6, 2, 8, ?
Answer: 12 (as 5*4=20, 20+4=24, 24/4=6, 6-4=2, 2*4=8, 8+4=12).
Q 71. Find the odd figure out?
i) A figure of sun moving anti-clockwise
ii) A figure of sun moving clockwise
iii) A figure of sun moving clockwise
iv) A figure of sun moving clockwise
Answer: i) ( Moving anti-clock wise)

Q 72. Complete the series: 3, 8, --, 24, --, 48, 63

Answer: 15, 35. (Square of number 1)
Q 73. Complete the series: 77,49,36,18, ?
Answer: 8 (7*7=49, 4*9=36, 3*6=18, 1*8=8)
Q 74. Complete the series: 7, 9, 13, _, 27, 37
Answer: 19
Q 75. A jeweler displays his hems in a particular manner. He has 7 gems and he displays 3
of them at a time. The gems are amethyst, diamond, opal, sapphire, emerald, ruby and
garnet. The display has to meet following conditions:a) Amethyst should always be displayed on the left window and diamond on the right.
b) Ruby should never come with diamond or garnet.
c) Emerald should always be with sapphire.
Which of the following combinations is appropriate?
i) amethyst, opal, sapphire ii) amethyst, diamond, ruby iii) amethyst, emerald, sapphire
Answer: iii)



Q 76. Yesterday, my mother asked me to buy some stamps. Stamps are available in 2 paise,
7paise, 10paise, and 15paise and 20paise denominations. For three types of stamps I was
asked to buy five of each. For the other two types of stamps, I was asked to buy six of each.
Unfortunately I forgot which I was supposed to buy five of and which to buy six of. Luckily
my mother had given me the exact money required to buy the stamps which was Rs. 3.00
and the shopkeeper was able to give me the correct stamps. Which stamps did I buy?
Answer: This is repeatedly asked. Please check www.coders2020.com for its answer
Q 77. A cyclist covered 2/3 of his distance by cycle, and then his type was punctured. He
covered the remaining distance by walk. If he took twice the time in walking as compared
to time taken in cycling, then how fast he cycled than he walked?
Answer: 4 times.
Q 78. There are seven friends. First one goes to his friends house on first day. Second one
goes to his friends house on second day. Third one goes to his friends house on third day.
Fourth one goes to his friends house on fourth day. Fifth one goes to his friends house on
fifth day. Sixth one goes to his friends house on sixth day. Seventh one goes to his friends
house on seventh day. Which day all people can meet?
Answer: This is repeatedly asked. Please check www.coders2020.com for its answer
Q 79. A starts from point 'A' and walks 10m towards south to reach point 'B'. Then he
turns right and walks 10m to reach point C'. Then he turns left and walks 10m to reach
point 'D'. Then he turns right and walks 10m to reach point 'E'. Then he turns left and
walks 10m to reaches point 'F'. Then he turns right and walks 10m to reach point G'.
Then he turns right and walks 10m to reach point 'H'. He keeps on walking 50m further
toward west to reach point 'I'. And, finally he walks towards north 60m to reach point K.
Find the shortest distance between A & H.
Answer: 36m
Q 80. In the above question 32, find the shortest distance between I & K.
Answer: 60m



Q 81. 100 coins were distributed among five persons J,K,L,M & N in such a way that:
a) None got equal no. of coins
b) J got coins equal to sum of K & L's coins
c) L got 3 coins more than cube of a number
d) K got coins equal to Square or Cube of an integer
e) M & N got the lowest no. of coins
Who got the highest no. of coins?
Answer: J
Q 82. In the above question 34, what was the share of coins for J?
Answer: This is repeatedly asked. Please check www.coders2020.com for its answer
Q 83. In the above question 34, how many coins more did K get than L?
Answer: This is repeatedly asked. Please check www.coders2020.com for its answer
Q 84. Find the odd figure out?
a)a pentagon inside a hexagon
b)a rectangle inside a pentagon
c)a triangle inside a rectangle
d)a pentagon inside a rectangle
e ) a hexagon inside a septagon
Answer: d)
Q 85. Find the odd figure out?
a)two intersecting circles
b)two intersecting squares
c)two intersecting triangles
d)one square intersecting with triangle
e)two intersecting pentagons
Answer: d)
Q 86. Below is five squares made of sticks. Is it possible to re-arrange 2 of the sticks to
make 4 squares of equal size?

Answer: No



Q 87. Gopal and Mohan purchased 2 types of trees lemon and coconut in the ratio 1:5.
Gopal incurred extra expenditure of 2 lacs in leveling, labor etc. Both of them made a total
investment of 12 lacs. They earned 5 lacs on sale of coconuts. The total field area was 5
hectares and the outputs of fields were in the ratio 2:3. Find the number of coconuts sold?
Answer: This is repeatedly asked. Please check www.coders2020.com for its answer
Q 88. In an election, there are three participants A, B & C. If A has got 1500 more votes
than B and C has got half more than what A has got, then find their individual votes?
Answer: This is repeatedly asked. Please check www.coders2020.com for its answer.
Q 89. i) There are 6 members in the family - A, B, C, D, E and F
ii) There are 2 married couples in the family
iii) D is brother of F
iv) Both D and F are lighter than B.
v) C is a lady. She is neither heaviest nor the lightest in the family.
vi) E is lighter than C.
vii) The grand father in the family is heaviest.
How is E related to F?
a) Grand mother

b) Brother

c) Father

d) Data inadequate

Answer: C.
Q 90. In above question 5, which of the following is a pair of married couples?
a) AB

b) BC

c) AD

d) BE

Answer: D.
Q 91. In above question 5, how many males are there in the family?
a) 2

b) 3

c) 4

d) data inadequate

Answer: D.
Q 92. In above question 5, who is the second place, if all the family members weights are
arranged in descending order?
a) A



d ) Data inadequate

Answer: B.



Q 93. In above question 5, how is C related to D?
a) Grand mother




Answer: A

Q 94. A says either Democratic or liberal wins the elections.

B says Democratic wins.
C says neither democratic nor liberal wins the election.
If only one of them is wrong, who won the election?
Answer: Democratic (C is wrong)

Q 95. John and Kate make following statements:

John: I am certainly not over 40.
Kate: I am 38 and you are at least 5 years older than me.
John: You are at least 39.
If all the statements by the two are false, what is their age?
Answer: John: 41, Kate: 37

Q 96. There are 30 students seating in a row. If Neha is sitting at 21st position from left,
what is her position from right?
Answer: 10th.

Q 97. A class consists of 25 students. If Suresh is ranked 10th, then what is his rank from
Answer: 16th

Q 98. Four persons A,B,C & D have a total money 100. A & B have same amount of money
that C & D have. A has more money than B. C has half the money that D has. A has 5 more
than D. Who has the largest money amount?
Answer: This is repeatedly asked. Please check www.coders2020.com for its answer.



II E. Category: Aptitude : Syllogism
Q 99. If some cats are dogs and all dogs are pigs, then which of following can be concluded?
a) All pigs are cats b) No pig are cats c) Some pig are cats d) None of these
Answer: c).
Q 100. Consider following statements:
i) All kites are dogs
ii) All dogs are cupboards
Which of the following is true?
a) some dogs are cupboards b) All kites are dogs c) No kites are dogs d) None
Answer: b)
Q 101. Consider following statements:
i) All kites are dogs
ii) All dogs are cupboards
Which of the following is true?
a) some dogs are cupboards b) All kites are cupboards c) No kites are dogs d) None
Answer: b)



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