Program of Study

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Ph.D. in Education Program of Study

Program plan for

Jayne Sherman

1. Core Course (3)

EDUC 800

Ways of Knowing Spring/ 2014

2. Research Methods (15)

EDRS 810
Problems and Methods in Education Research Fall/2014
EDRS 811
Quantitative Methods in Educational Research Spring/2016
EDRS 812
Qualitative Methods in Educational Research Spring /2015
Two of the following: EDRS 820, EDRS 821, EDRS 822, EDRS 823, EDRS 824
EDRS 825, EDRS 826, EDRS 827, EDRS 828, EDRS 831
EDRD 829: Advan. Foundations of Literacy Education
EDRD 830: Theory, Research, and Practice in Literacy: Birth through Middle Childhood
ECED 702: Early Writing Cognitive Language Literacy
EDRD 832: Research Methodologies and Trends in Literacy
EDRD 831: Theory, Research, and Practice in Literacy: Early Adolescence through
3. Professional Specialization (24):

Major Area

1. EDRD 829_____________________________________________
2. EDRD 830__________________________________________________
3. EDRD 832____________________________________________________
4. EDRD 831* possible____________________________________________________
5. ECED 702____________________________________________________
*Professional specialization may include (as one of the 8 courses):
EDUC 994 (3) Advanced Internship in Education
4. Secondary Emphasis (12): TATE
Minor Area(s)

1._EDUC 797________________________________________________
2._EDUC 851*future________________________________________________
EDUC 797: Working in Schools: Spanning Boundaries/Expanding Roles
EDUC 851: Research and Teacher Education

5. Dissertation (12)
EDUC 998 (3)

Doctoral Dissertation Proposal

EDUC 999 (9)

Doctoral Dissertation Research


PROGRAM RATIONALE (please review the Program Guidelines for directions):

My program of study is designed to support my goal of researching emergent writing with
English Language Learners (ELLs). I chose the courses listed to provide me with the knowledge
and experience I will need in working towards this goal. My primary focus is literacy/reading with
an emphasis on writing with ELLs. Therefore, the courses I have chosen will emphasis early
literacy and diverse populations. My required introductory research methods courses have
provided me with exposure to the various research methodologies, research design, protocols,
and data analysis. From a teaching perspective, I now feel confident in analyzing programs
claiming to be research based and not blindly accepting such programs as best practice. I realize
as I take advanced research methods coursework I will become more proficient in research
methodology and have a clearer sense of which method will suit my research.
Both EDRD 829 and EDRD 830 have provided me with the foundational and theoretical
knowledge in literacy and how the research in literacy has emerged throughout history. This
foundational coursework enables me to understand the roots of literacy, the various theories that
exist, and how such theories emerged, their influences in educational practices, and how they
affect current trends today. Having the foundational knowledge was something I was missing and
needed to move forward in my thinking about literacy and in making connections from past to
present regarding teaching methods and pedagogy. The future coursework in literacy, especially in
early childhood courses, will enable me to further understand the cognitive, social, and cultural
aspects of emergent literacy as it applies to my focus on emergent writing with ELLs. As I stated
in my goal statement, I knew the how of writing with my students, but not necessarily the
why. By taking courses in emergent literacy and writing, I will have a better knowledge base of
theory and research in which I can then apply in my own teaching as well as serve as a resource
for my colleagues.
My coursework in teacher and teacher education, (TATE), my secondary focus, will enable me
to apply current research in my own teaching to improve student learning. My initial TATE
course, EDUC 797 was beneficial for me as an educator, mentoring teacher, and site facilitator. I
learned about the standards for teacher preparation programs and how such standards serve to
improve teaching practices. Reading and understanding the CAEP (Council for Accreditation of
Educator Preparation) standards is important as I continue in my role of a mentor so I can better
serve as a resource to teacher candidates. If I am to act as a catalyst for change it is my
responsibility to understand whats expected by such standards, how they are to be implemented,
and how schools are held accountable. By taking more TATE courses I will be able to understand
current teaching methodologies and trends, what research says about such methodologies, and

how I can implement research in my own classroom to improve student learning. TATE
coursework will also give me an opportunity to share what I learn through coursework with
colleagues and administration, present at professional development and conferences. My purpose
in choosing TATE as my secondary focus is to provide an opportunity for me to make a difference
in educational methodology and pedagogy. I want to take what I learn about teacher education,
combined with research methodologies in emergent literacy to one day teach at the university
level where I can share both research and teaching experience with teacher candidates. In doing so
provide future educators with the knowledge and preparation needed to increase student learning.

Student Signature

Doctoral Advising Committee

Doctoral Advising Committee
(minor area representative)

Doctoral Advising Committee


Anastasia Kitsantas, Director
Ph.D. in Education Program

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