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Physics Classroom Expectations:

The Cinema School

Ms. Adam

1. Be prepared for class.

a. Have your science notebook and writing utensils with you every day.
b. Supplies needed:
i. A Laboratory binder to be left in class.
ii. A class notebook hardbound
iii. Homework folder
iv. Ruler metric
v. Pen and pencil
vi. Access to a computer: library, school, etc.
vii. Your brain!
2. Entering Procedures
a. Come in quietly
b. Sit in your assigned seat
c. Open your notebook
d. Write down the heading
e. Start working on the do now immediately. You have 2 mins.
f. After that, points will be deducted each time you are off task.
3. Sit in your assigned seat.
a. There will be assigned seats.
b. There will also be grouping seats.
c. Seat assignments may change at any point in time.
d. Seating chart is by the door if you forget where you sit.
4. Come to class on time.
a. If you come in late. Write your name down in the late log, by the door, along with the
time and reason if needed.
b. Get to work immediately. You have 2 minutes.
c. Points will be deducted for lateness.
5. No electronics
a. All electronics are away and turned off. Unless you are directly instructed to use them
for a task in class.
b. You may not charge them
6. One Microphone
a. If the teacher or another student is addressing the class, you are giving them your
undivided attention.
b. Each student needs to participate at least 2 times each day.
c. You may be called on to answer questions, read a passage, or you may ask clarifying
questions related to the topic or task.
7. Participation
a. Follow along if someone is reading a passage as you may be called on to continue.
I may be contacted via e-mail at or via website (
If you wish to have a phone call or set-up a person-to person meeting with me, send an email anytime!

b. When we are doing activities you are focused on the task.

c. Ask questions relevant to the topic, and the task.
d. When called upon, answer respectfully to the best of your knowledge and ability.
8. Bathroom procedures
a. Take the bathroom pass
b. Write your name down on the bathroom log
c. Include the time you leave.
d. Write the time you return.
e. Not doing so will be considered cutting
9. Failure is not an option!
a. Believe in your ability and be respectful of others.
b. You are more likely to understand and be able to participate by following these rules.
c. Not following any of these rules will result in reduction of your participation grade for
the day.
10. Exit procedures
a. Pack away materials and throw away garbage.
b. Make sure you copied the home work.
c. Make sure you submitted any required work.
d. Make sure your desk is clean before you leave.
e. Await teachers instruction for dismissal.

I understand these classroom expectations and promise to follow them every day during
science class in order to receive full credit for participation.

Student Name:

Parent Name:

Student Signature:


Parent Signature:


Parent Email:

Parent Phone number:

I may be contacted via e-mail at or via website (

If you wish to have a phone call or set-up a person-to person meeting with me, send an email anytime!

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