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Welcome to Mrs.

Haymonds Fifth
Grade Class!
Welcome back! I am so excited to get to know all of my students and their
families. I have included on this letter some information about our class, our
rules, and our expectations.
Contact Information:

My school email:

My website:

School Phone Number: (385) 646-5049

Remind class code: In order to receive updates through texts send the
message @hkh15 to 81010 or (385)-218-6887. To receive updates through
email send an email to

o You can unsubscribe at anytime. Remind is a free, safe, and

simple messaging tool that helps teachers share important updates
and reminders with students & parents. Subscribe by text, email

or using the Remind app. All personal information is kept private.

I will never see your phone number, nor will you see mine.
Classroom Rules:
The classroom rules will align with the schools ABC rules. The rules are as

Respect Yourself

2. Respect Others

3. Respect School Property

Behavior Plan:
Our classroom will be using a colored card system to help students keep
track of how they are doing that day. The system is as follows:

Green Card: Every day students start with a green card. This
means they are behaving in an appropriate manner.

Yellow Card: This is a warning for students. When students

receive a warning they will lose 5 minutes of recess.

Orange Card: After receiving a warning, this is when a student

still makes an incorrect choice. When on this card, students lose
all of their recess, pay $3 (Haymond dollars), and anything else
deemed necessary. This can include loss of a reward activity or
moving seats.

Red Card: Students will automatically be required to fill out a Stop

and Go and pay $5 (Haymond dollars). Red cards are reserved

for major misbehaviors such as hurting another student, bullying,

cheating, etc. A parent note will be sent home.
There will be homework almost every day. Not too much, but enough to allow
practice on the skills we are working on. Homework is due the next day,

unless otherwise noted. Homework is part of their grade and needs to be

returned on time! If homework is not returned on time, students will be
required to sign the book. The book keeps track of how many missing
assignments each student has. If students are missing more than 3

homework assignments in a month, they will miss out on the Reward Activity
at the end of the month.
I strongly believe that homework should not take more than 50 minutes each
night. If your child is working on their homework for a solid 50 minutes and
it is still not completed, a parent/guardian can sign the top of the

assignment. There will not be points deducted for signed uncompleted

homework. Students get paid everyday for turning in their homework.

Reading Minutes:
Students are expected to read at least 30 minutes each night. Those minutes
are to be recorded in the student planner and turned into me every day. If
any homework assignment includes reading, you are able to count that

towards your reading minutes. Our entire school will continue to use Road to
Success. You may enter in reading minutes at home, or your student may do
so at designated times at school.
We are happy to celebrate birthdays and other special occasions with each
other, but if treats are being brought, they must be store bought. Please
coordinate with me if you do plan on bringing a treat for your child.

I will send a note home each Friday that includes upcoming spelling words,
insight to what we will be learning in class, any special events coming up, and
other such things. If you would like time to meet before school, I am usually
at school by 8:30. You may contact me at,
phone, or via my website. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any
concerns or comments!
Parent involvement is welcomed and encouraged! I am happy to involve you in
our classroom however you want. Some ways that you can help include:

Making copies

Planning parties for Halloween, Winter party, etc.

Chaperons on Field Trips

If you are interested in helping out in any way, contact me via email, note,
or phone.

Other Information:

Water: Students can bring water bottles if wanted. Please label the
bottle with your childs name.

Toys: Toys are not allowed unless specifically noted.

Phones: If your student does bring their phone or any electronic

device, it must be kept in their backpack! Any phone that I see out,

even during recess and/or lunch, I will confiscate and take it to the
If you have any questions about our classroom or any concerns please

contact me! I know that this will be a great and successful school year. I
look forward to working with you and your student.

Mrs. Haymond

Please cut along the line and return by Friday, August 21 st .

I understand the terms and conditions of our classroom. I agree to abide
by these rules and understand what is expected.
Student Signature ____________________________ Date __________
Parent/Guardian Signature _______________________ Date __________

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