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Vida e Instituciones de Gran Bretaa y Estados Unidos

Religion and the Media

Read Chapters 13 and 15 and answer these questions. These will be checked
in class along with the questions from Education.
13- Religion
1- Why is Britain considered a secular country? List characteristics.
2- Was there a clear way to religious equality?
3- What is the relationship between politics and religion?
4- Draw a mindmap about each topic (1-Anglicanism, 2-Catholicism,3Other conventional Christian Churches, and 4-Other
religions/churches/religious movements).

16- The Media

1- What is the tendency towards the use of papers and TV?
2- What is the importance of the national press?
3- Establish the characteristics of the two types of national

4- How is politics treated in the national press? How are sex and
scandal dealt with?
5- What is the BBC?
6- Describe the organization and style of the television.

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