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ELA- Seventh Grade

Syllabus 2015-2016
Ms. Bonds
Room 15

Objective: Students will learn critical thinking skills along with analytical and interpretive writing
techniques aligned with the California English-Language Arts Content Standards.
Course Outline:
Essential Strategies
Short Answer Writing
Close Reading
Overcoming Adversity
Articles- Nonfiction
Langston Hughes poem Mother to Son
Justice & Judgment
Articles- Nonfiction
Esperanza Rising
Persuasion Across Time & Space
Articles- Nonfiction
Becoming an Advocate
Among the Hidden
Articles- Nonfiction
Perception of Disabilities
Grammar/Vocabulary Units
Materials: You will need the following with you at all times: a pen, a pencil, a binder with a section for this
class with loose-leaf binder paper, your planner, and core novels. You must also keep your class syllabus in
your binder as well as your planner. Every student must have a dictionary at home; you will have homework
that requires access to a dictionary.
Classroom Conduct: All school and district policies will be enforced. The following is an additional list of
rules that will also be enforced:
1. Be punctual and prepared to learn. (Not being prepared for class will result in a Step.)
2. Any writing or speaking you do in my class must be appropriate. Profanity will not be tolerated. No
references to drugs, alcohol, sexuality, or other unsuitable issues. Nothing considered unkind or
inconsiderate will be tolerated.
3. Respect yourself and others.
4. Do not sharpen pencils during intense lectures, discussions, or presentations.
5. Any item that distracts from the learning process including, but not limited to, cell phones, electronic
devices, and make-up are subject to confiscation. Should you abuse this rule all confiscated items will
be sent to the office and you/your parents must make arrangements to retrieve them.
You will also be written up for a step on the discipline contract:
Step 1: Verbal warning and reminder of the rules and procedures.
Step 2: Seating change/ one-on-one-conference/teacher time-out
Step 3: Parent contact (written or by phone)/ After-school detention

Step 4: Referral to Vice Principal

Classroom Procedure: I have high expectations for all students. Therefore, in order to succeed in my class,
you are expected to behave as a dedicated, cooperative student. Upon entering the classroom, you must go to
your assigned seat and have your homework out and ready to be stamped. Then you must take out your
learning materials and begin the academic opener. (If you have been absent, arrive to class early so that you
may pick up any work you missed.)
Homework Policy: I expect all students to be active participants in their own education. Part of this means
completing homework assignments. With the exception of excused absences, if a student does not have their
homework on the day it is due, the assignment is late and will be eligible for a maximum of 65% credit.
Additionally, students who have a reoccurring problem with late work may be issued a step on the discipline
procedure and assigned to intervention and/or referred to their counselor.
Tardy Guidelines: In order to facilitate an academic atmosphere in my class, I expect students to be in line
when the tardy bell rings. If a student should not abide by this rule, they will be marked tardy on the roll
sheet, which will result in a tardy step on the Tardy Record.
Bathroom Usage: You may use the restroom at will as long as it is during an appropriate time of class (not
during a lecture or during the first or last 10 minutes of class), you do not abuse the policy, make it a habit,
and by turning in your cell phone to the phone prison for the duration of your restroom excursion. The
restroom passes are given on the 1st day of school.
Grades/Grading Policy: Grade updates will be handed out on a regular basis; however, you should also use
PowerSchool frequently to check your grades. Knowing the status of your grades will help you become
proactive rather than reactive.
Each assignment will be given points that reflect the amount of work and degree of time and difficulty it
takes to complete it. Semester grades will be determined by the percentage of points earned. You will always
have an opportunity to obtain the maximum number of points, but the amount you earn will be determined
by your performance and effort. Standard percentages will be taken from the final total of all available points
for the semester. The following is a breakdown of the percentages, and this breakdown is adhered to
without exception.
A = 100% - 90.0%
B = 89.9% - 80.0% C = 79.9% - 70.0% D = 69.9% - 60.0% F = 59.9% - below
Make-up Work: If you are absent or tardy, it is your responsibility to find out what you have missed. There
will be a filing system where I will have a different folder for each day of the week, in which I will put
assignments/handouts from each day. You will need to check the folder on the day you return to class and
pick up what you missed; then you will need to ask a peer to explain any misunderstandings you may have
(at an appropriate time). If you still do not understand what you missed, please come and talk to me. Oral
presentations and group work cannot be made up. You will have two school days from the day you
return to turn in any missed work for full credit. All make up work must be labeled as ABSENT or
it will be graded according to my late policy.
Sports/Activity Absences: If you know that you will have to leave class early or miss a class entirely due to
sports/school activity, it is your responsibility to turn work in before the sporting event or activity or it will
be considered late. You must also obtain the assignments you will miss before your event.

Late Work: If you do not turn in an assignment at the time it is due, it is late. I will only accept late work for
any unit up to the last day of that unit. For example, if you miss an assignment during the short story unit,
you may turn it in at any time up until the unit exam. After the exam, the unit is finished, and late work will
no longer be accepted. However, any late assignment must be turned in completed (partial work will not be
In regard to essays and major projects, each day an essay is late, I will deduct 10% from the overall grade.
For example, if an essay is two days late, but it only earned a B grade, it will then be reduced to a D.
Plagiarism: Plagiarism is the act of using another persons work and submitting it as your own. It will not be
tolerated. Anyone who violates this will fail the assignment and be subject to school and district penalties.

Dear Students and Parents,

Communication is the key to a successful educational experience. Please feel free to contact me at
anytime should you have any questions or concerns. Email is the preferred method of contact;
however, you may also leave me a voicemail and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
My Website is also a great resource as most of what is given in class is posted.

I am looking forward to an exciting and academically challenging year!

*Please sign and return the attachment by Monday, August 24, 2014.
I have read and understand the information explained on the course syllabus regarding this English
Students Name (Please Print)

Parents Name (Please Print)

Students Signature

Parents Signature

Student rides bus Yes____No____

Period: _________

Parents Email Address (If available)

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