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Introduce the newspaper as described. Tell the assistant that he has

already made a decision regarding the newspaper, and that if he stays around you will let
him find out what the decision is. By this time, he is already holding the envelope, and
after your ambiguous patter about the paper, hand him the pen or pencil and ask him to
write a number, "Somewhere between one and twelve" on the envelope. As you say this,
tap the uppermost surface of the envelope briefly but pointedly with your finger, right in
the centre. You have thereby told him where to write his number, there will be no delay
while he asks you where the number should go. As he starts to write the number, lose all
interest in him for a moment as you turn and put the newspaper down nearby. Turn back
to the assistant and say, "Finished?" At the same time, extend your hand for the pencil.
Take no notice of the envelope at this point. It will not be automatically hidden from you,
for you have not really implied that there is anything secret about the number. As the
pencil comes into your fingers, take the edge of the envelope lightly between the right or
left forefinger and thumb (depending upon which hand you write with) and say, "I'll
initial that, OK?"

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