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Primary Hyperparathyroidism

Hisham Hamoud
Rheumatology Department,Al-Azhar university

Low circulating serum calcium concentrations stimulate the parathyroid

glands to secrete PTH, which mobilizes calcium from bones by osteoclastic
stimulation. PTH also stimulates the kidneys to reabsorb calcium and to
convert 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 (produced in the liver) to the active form, 1,25-
D3, which stimulates GI calcium absorption. High serum calcium
concentrations have a negative feedback effect on PTH secretion.

1. Single Adenoma 85%

2. Multiple Adenomas 5%

3. Hyperplasia 10%

4. Carcinoma < 1%

• Incidence 42/100,000

• Prevalence 1/1000

• Female:male = 2-3:1

• Incidence increases with age

• Postmenopausal women:

1. Incidence 5x general population

2. Prevalence 4/1000

• Bone effects (immediate control of blood Ca)

• Causes calcium bone release within minutes

• Chronic elevation increases bone remodeling and increased

osteoclast-mediated bone resorption

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