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$1, OUTLINE CAL. No. 36103: Chronograph/Timer with alarm and date indication mechanism CAL. No, 3830%/3831%: Chronograph/Timer with alarm CAL. No. 3560%: Chronograph/Timer with date indication mechanism CAL. No. 670%: Chronogrash with the indicator of the age of tha aon, 52, SPECIFICATIONS. al, Nos. 3510812 SEBOAISSSIAIZ 3080412, SB10AI2 Type ‘Analog quartz watch with @ center second + 3 small hands Module size frm) #308 x4.1t 08x36 ORE ‘Accuracy 216 sec/month lat normal temperature) Oscillation 32,768H2 Inteutated cirouit C/MOS-LSI (1 unit Effective temperature range 10°C ~ +60°C (14°F ~ 40°F) ‘Convertor Bipolar step motor (3 units} ‘Aajustinent of time rate 2 digital frequency control terminals (for market) essuerient gate TO se. ‘creneoraph Yes Units 300 wee indication of 200 won, second, inate and Hou, Max, indication; 11 hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds, 98/100 second Te Yes Sat by 1 minate Bein eter [counter Yes _ Sumit courier (Timer Silay is wed.) 8) nem Yes 12hour system Ne 2 ato quick sattina device | Yes No ‘es No S| Theane ofthe moon | No No No Yes 5 | quick setting device 59 days/rotation 53 Prower saving switch Yeo | Atarm monitor Yes No Eiecr0-mognetis Ye correction iochanism Second hand zoroeot Yes recto Battery | Parts No. 280-44 Coll code SROZTW Size, 8.5m x 27tmm Voltage 1.55 Capacity: S5mAH Lifetime ‘Approx. 2 years (on the condition that alatm is used for 20 sec/day and thet the CG 2/0 oz Hard opus tvon tinea ay Tor mora than 9 ints oah, ‘Current censumption: Normal time indication 3.04 max. Chronograph operation (2/100 sec. 80HA max. anand opeete! Unik of etree cru uA max Cal eine Coll 08= (AKO | Second call T= BIKa CG Coit 24~30KQ §3. HANDLING METHOD Operate each button securely 3-1, Name and function of each part Hour hand ‘Second hare 27100 sa C6 hed, timer Hour © nora Mipate hand ‘tern ON won 6 SEF ad ‘Changeover of normat tine oS cram tren and 8 iaton \ Fit cick postion ‘Sean eck poston oem tie = ovat re sating ‘nalcacneettiog Setovesn of sand hans ‘Power saving site CAL, 3530/9531 * CAL. No, 3610 is the same as above CAL.No. 3530/3531, except that it is equipped with the date indicator {in the direction of 6 o'clock). * CAL. No, 3560 is the same as above CAL.No, 3630/3631, except that it is equipped with the date indicator (in the direction of 6 o'clock) and is not equipped with the alarm, * CAL. No. 3670 is the same as above CAL,No, 3530/3531, except that it is equipped with the ‘age of the moon indicator {in the direction of 6 o'clock) and is not equipped with the alarm. Moon's age indicator CAL, 3570 3-2, Before use “0” position adjustment of 2/100 second CG hand and second hand. Execute the following procedure: 4. Set a crown to the normel position. 2, Stowly push the button ©) two times. 3. When the second hand is moving at this time, push the button ©) one more time, When 2/100 second CG hand and the second hand do not indicate “0” position after operat- ing the above, operate 2 and 3 again. 4. Pull out the crown to the second click position, © Second hand — A push of the button @) moves the second hand by one sec- ond mark, © 2/100 sec CG hand ~=— A push of the button maves the 2/100 sec CG hand by ‘one 2/100 sec mark. A continuous push advances it quickly. 3-3. Calendar (date) quick setting (Cal. 3510/3560) [+ Alarm switch OFF + One-step pulling of the crown] The date quick setting can be executed by turning the crown in the clockwise direction. [Note] ‘The date will be changed in the period from around 12:00 a.m, to around 3:30 a.m, Pay attantion since the date will not change when the setting ‘of the alarm is checked and alarm time is set in this time zone, 3-4. How to set and read the age of the moon (Cal. 3570) * This function indicates the age of the moon, but does not display the shape of the moon. * Use the indicated age of the moon for reference only. ‘Therefore, set the age of the moon to an approximate position (1) How to set the age of the moon Since the advancing rate of the moan mark dapends on the position, watch the moon ‘mark when satting the age of the moon. ‘The moon mark can be rotated clockwise by turning the crown to the right, and it is not moved when the crown Is turned ¢0 the left © Confirming today’s or tomorrow's age of the moon Check today’s or tomorrow's age of the moon with a newpaper, ete, in case tomorrow's age of the moon is found, subtract one day from it, Example) Age of the moon: 4.4 ' {Tomorrow's age of the moon: 5.4-1=4.4) ‘© Sotting the age of the moon oo Pull the crown to the first click position and fal tgstom fo el les, ation eg o the age of the moon scale. * Incase tha watch is not equipped with the age of the moan scale Jn this case, when the age of the moon shown ina newspaper, etc, is 0, 7, 15 or 22, set the moon mark 10 the corresponding position of the age of LON ‘the moon as shown in (3) How to read the age of the moon’ below, ‘The age of the moon can be set more accurately if it isset when it is 0 (New moon) or 15 (Full moon). (2) What is the age of the moon ‘© Waxing and waning of the moon ‘The waxing and waning of the moon are caused by the change of the positions of the sun and moon viewed from the earth, sun Os of When the moon is at position (1) shown above {the sun and moon are in the same direc tion), the moon viewed from the earch is illuminated from its back, The moon is calted ‘the new moon at this time. ‘The moon can be seen at various positions as shawn below, 0-666 5-5 5 ee Las quarter moon ‘The moon waxes and wanes repeatedly in order of ©) - @ — © © What is the age of the moon ‘The time from a new moon indicated on the unit of day. The average period from a new. moon to the next new moon is equivalent to about 29.5 days (3) How to read the age of the moon (Example of indication) Naw moon First quater moon Age of the moon: 0 ‘Age of the moon: Approx. 7 @ semina tee) @lNeze tie Full moon Last quater moon ‘Age of the moan: Approx, 15 Age of the moon: Approx, 22 ® | Sering tide) yes sied EOS AR * The lovel of the tide can be seen from the indicated age of the moon, ‘The age of the moon can be set more accurately if it is set when it is the New moon (the moon mark cannot be seen at all; the age of the moon is 0} or the Full moon (the moon mark is at the top (position of 12 o'clock}; the age of the moon is 15), 3-5. Display changeover between normal time and chronograph {Noemalsime display) Cnrosogaen aiptey) ‘© When the button ©) is pressed in the normal time display, @ confirmation sound is heard. Then, the second hand quickly advances and stops at the O position, thus showing the chrono- graph display. © When the button ©) is pressed in the chronograph dispiay, a confirmation sound is heard. Then, the CG 2/100 sec. hand, CG minute hand and CG hour hand come to the O position ‘and the second hand changes into the normal time indicator. 3-6, Setting of normal time Setting should be made with the crown pulling out to the second clicking position, (1) If the crown is pulled out to the second clicking position, the second hand witl instantaneously come to the 0 position. ‘@ When the second hand stands at betwoen O and 29 saconds, the minute display will remain as before, © Wher the second hand stands at between 90 and 59 sec- fonds, the minute display will increase by 1 minute. In case the second hand does not come to the 0 position even if the crown is pulled out to the second clicking posi- tion, set the second hand to the 0 position by pushing the button @) with the crown pulling out to the second clicking position. (A push of the button @) moves ‘the second hand by one second mark.) Hour, minute —~- {2} If the crown is turned clockwise, the hands will go round counterciock- wise, If the crown is turned counter- clockwise, the hands will go round clockwise, © Quick setting of time is possible by quickly turning the crown. {i you want to stop the quick setting, turn the crown siowly. * Sorting should be made so that the hends stands at the 0 position. {3) The watch starts running when the crown is pushed back If the hands do not start fram the O position, alarm sounds for 20 seconds before or after the set time. (CAL, 3510/353%) (Note) Confirm the atarm set time after normal time is set. (CAL, 3610/3533) 3-7. Using method of the chronograph 1) Normal use om Pie son Ob rs in he ixonopi aSiey, cers SER Set Sse Fie, SS 3 ceo tank, ita nal nt Ta BLE Seca So ite rar Ses ere et Ree Hersosetteo poston SSE? RIS a ning oes En a1. 28 i. 8s, g (sop) Weve boton @) & oressed while the conte chronograph ssapsrati ‘353%). Teen, the CC hand, Sotond hand. CO minure hana fra. 6G nour Rand stop tuning, The CS 2/100 secons ene, mbich Boe opt standing tthe O postion for 3 minutes after the stat, ras until it ‘eames he time oe erred and spl prmurros900 postion, Fume button @) fa press while the chronograph stops operating, the CG ‘2/100 stcond hand, GG secu har, EG mente hand sd CS nowt hand ‘et 20 the O posiven ana Reep Funding there, 2) Using method of the chronograph when it is used as an integrating meter (Start) ‘© The chronograph is changed over between Stop and Restart any number of times by repeated- (Stop) (Restart) ly pressing the button @) during measuring, 3-8, Using method of the chronograph when it is used as a counter ‘© The above-mentioned usage is available in the normal time display. sutton ® , (1) ‘The CG 2/100 sec, hand advances ‘one mark each time the button is pressed, displaying 50 at its maxi- mum, ton ©) (2) After the counter is used, be sure to return the CG 2/100 sec. hand to the © position by pushing the but- (The CG 2/100 sec. hand returns to the © position even if the button © 's pressed twice) 3-9. ON/OFF of alarm (CAL, 3510/353%) Pulling out the alarm switch activates alarm and pushing it in deactivates it If you want to stop alarm from sounding, push in the alarm switch, 3-10, Display changeover between normal time and alarm time (CAL. 3510/353%) Both normal time and alarm time are displayed using the same hour and minute hands, {crown i ts norma position] JN © Alarm switch ON © Alarm switch ON © Alarm switch is ON or OFF '® Crown in its first clicking @ Crown in its first clicking Crown in its normal position position position D (Starting the auick forwarding of | @) (Alarm tina display) {Quick retura) ands) Winen the quick cortection finishes Tf tho crown is pushed back foto its I ae alatm cwiteh is chargad feem thus stepping the hovr and minite normal petition, tha hour anc minut, GEF to ON, ond i the crown is hands, cs watch will Indicate alarm ards wll qulckay go eeund counter pulled out from its normal postion zine. “At this momant, a confirma: giecewlan. The na when tho Wo, otha fire clicking peuton, theeut on’ ond. iy "henrd (Cal, DUTO/ hand stop ‘unning le normal time, and ‘hands will Quickly go round G5) ‘At ihig. moment, = coptimstion Soca. ‘und fe “So. head. (Cel. 3510) 38x 3-11. Setting of alarm time (CAL. 3510/353%) @ Alarm switch ON ‘© Crown in its first clicking position. + Time can be set on a I-minute basis. © If the crown is turned clockwise, the hands wil! ao round counterclockwise, © If the crown is turned counterciockwise, the hands will 90 round clockwise, © If the crown is turned quickly, the quick setting will ‘be made. © If you want to stop the quick setting, tum the crown slowly. © Ii the crown is turned slowly, alarm time can be set on a J.anjnute basis, © When the alarm switch is ON, alarm sounds twice a day, each in the morning and afternoon. (Alarm sounds for 20, seconds for each.) 3-12, Using method of the chronograph when is used as a timer (which counts the residual time) ‘The above-mentioned usage is available in the normal time display. D (eee tings) Sit the CG 2/200 see, hard to ‘eo you Tike ia the seme manner ‘uhen’the chronograph is uses as counter. bes Cancelling the ti r halfway; D {stare ier) TT ano burton @) is press, fa con fixation sound is beara = Cal S5TO/S594) “to incsicnte that Ue ‘iene has stared. The Ser rune ons Vovinute ba If he rial ens ie fess than 80 seconds, tba mer fans ona Tsocor basi (Time is wed {non "tee. up, 9 confirmation soune i Peare for 10° econds. = Gai ssin/ssas © If the button @) is pressed while the timer is operating, the timer stops at any time you like. {At this time, a confirmation sound is heard, —- CAL. 3510/353%) © If the timer is not used, be sure to return the CG 2/100 sec. hand to the O position referring to the operation of the counter described in the item No. 38, 3-19, Alorm monitor (CAL. 3510/353%) In any display modes, alarm serves as an alarm monitor, sounding for 5 seconds if the alarm switch is changed over inorder of ON ~* OFF ON in a second. 3-14. Power cell life indicator If the power cell life nears end, the second hand changes its running mode from a 1-second basis to a Z-second basis, thus indicating the time when the power cell should be replaced.

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