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Homework 1 - The KKK

The KKK started out as a small racist organisation which committed

acts of violence against non-white Americans following the end of
slavery. They became a very popular and powerful organisation in the
United States, spreading racism amongst all areas of American

Complete the following

questions by researching the
KKK on the internet.
1. What year did the KKK
become an official
2. What are the goals of the KKK?
3. Provide an example of a specific act of violence committed by the
4. Explain the reasons for the white cloaks worn by the KKK.
5. Why do you believe KKK members were rarely ever arrested for
their crimes?

Homework 2
The Black Power Movement

While Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks were working to create positive
change in the civil rights movement, there were black Americans who believed
that change needed to be more dramatic. A famous organisation which arose
during the Civil Rights Movement was the Black Panther Party.
The Black Panthers wanted radically different changes to be introduced in
America. The Black Panthers also proved more violent than the Civil Right
Movement, which hurt the reputation of black Americans during this time.
You will be completing research on the
Black Panther Party by answering the
following questions.
1. The Black Panther Party created a
10 Point Program in 1966, where they
laid out their rules and goals. Research
the 10 Point Program and list 3 of the
Black Panthers goals from the 10 Point
2. Research a specific example of Black Panther violence. Give as much detail
as you can about the specific event including; what happened? Who committed
the act? What was the outcome of the violence?
3. Think about the actions of the Black Panthers in comparison to the Civil Rights
Movement. Why do you believe that the Black Panthers use of violence led to
their failure as an organisation?

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