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Entering the classroom-Enter quietly, orderly, sharpen pencil quickly if necessary (mechanical pencils-


Welcome to the sixth grade! We are looking forward to being your teachers and have an
exciting year of learning planned for you! We want you to know how sixth grade operates so
read over this carefully and save it for future reference.
HMS planner
scotch tape (4 rolls)
disinfecting wipes/spray
hand sanitizers
colored pencils
boxes of tissues
paper towels
construction paper
colored copier paper
2 sharpeners to hold shavings
2 Expo markers
Optional Student Supplies:
2-black Sharpies 2 packs college ruled notebook paper
gym bag
book bag
6-composition notebooks (100 sewn pages)
1 liquid glue
2 stick glue
CONDUCT-We will be operating on a positive incentive behavior approach. It is your responsibility
to read the school rules in the student handbook and behave accordingly. Fighting, defiance,
disrespect, or bullying will be automatic referrals. Chewing gum and talking during silent lunch
are automatic detentions. Dress code violators will be sent to the office. If you choose to break
one of the rules, you must accept the consequences. Conduct grades of 100 begin each six
weeks. Points deducted will be accumulative for the six weeks. Within 30 days of a positive
incentive activity, a referral will, and a detention may prevent participation in the activity. One
referral, 2 detentions, too many tardies or check in and outs will disqualify you from the end of
the year positive incentive activity. So that you can learn and so that we can teach, you should
respect yourselves, others, teachers, and your school.
Our 6 grade rule is simply RESPECT.
-Respect yourself-Be prepared for learning by bringing all materials (textbook, notebook, well-stocked
pencil bag, planner, AR book) to class daily so you can do your very best work. Sit down immediately and
begin work. Listen to and follow directions the first time they are given. Never be satisfied with less than your
very best work.

-Respect others-Raise your hand and wait your turn for permission to speak. Do not steal, hit, name-call, or
cheat. Dont violate a classmates space or property. No excessive or loud talking to bother others. Dont
distract others by leaving your assigned seat without permission. Do not disrupt the class by laughing out,
playing, writing or passing notes, making noises, etc.

-Respect your teachers and your school- Take care of your school and school property. Do not vandalize
the desks, books, computers, restroom, etc. Do not stuff lockers to bulging nor set lockers. Remember that
the teachers desks and podiums are off limits to students. Be on your best behavior for substitutes and
classroom visitors.

**CLASSROOM PROCEDURES** are for your benefit and will help you do your work with less
confusion and help you succeed. Know and follow these procedures:

bring your own lead), copy homework, complete bellringer, and wait quietly for class to start.

Leaving the classroom-Teachers dismiss you. Do not leave the classroom or hall without permission.
When absent from class-You are responsible for making up assignments and tests as soon as possible.
Refer to handbook for policy on make-up work. First thing on your first day back, report to the office with
your excuse before going to homeroom.

Keeping up to date-Keep your notebooks & planners up to date-we may have pop tests.
Going to the trashcan- Dispose of trash as you leave the room, NOT during class time.
Working in groups- Talk quietly, participate, stay on task, & complete assignment.
When teacher needs your immediate attention- Freeze, stop talking, look at the teacher, & wait
quietly for instructions.

Someone knocks or visits-Sit quietly in your seat, continue working or read AR.
Intercom announcements-Be still and quiet, no movement or talking until finished.
Restroom or locker visits- Go at designated times so as not to miss instruction.
Finishing work early-Always have an AR book to read with you in every class.
Leaving seat-Do NOT leave your seat without first raising your hand and receiving permission.
Emergency alarms-Leave room orderly & quietly. Last person out turns off the light & closes door.
Intruder- keep noise down, follow teacher directions. Storm- kneel quietly against hall walls. Fire- exit in
quiet straight lines in front of HMS, line up in ABC order, answer roll, stand quietly, wait for directions, &
return to class in a quiet, straight, ABC order line.

Walking in hall during class time-Silently walk single file on the right side. Do not disturb other classes.
With passes or on an errand, go directly to and from-no stops or detours.
Pens, markers, white-out, toys-Do not bring these to class-may be taken up permanently. Work is
accepted in pencil only.

Textbooks- None will be issued.

Bookbags & Gym Bags- Are not allowed in the 6th grade classrooms.
Lunchroom behavior-Sit at assigned tables, do not interfere with other tables, use good table manners,
do not get loud or play at the table, and do not dump trash until your class leaves. Table cleaners work
quickly, quietly, and return to class quickly.

Behavior for substitutes-Be on your best behavior. If your name is left, disciplinary action will be taken.
6 Grade GRADING POLICIES each 6 weeks are as follows: 60% tests-40%classwork/homework.
Our philosophy is that if a child makes a good grade in a class, he/she is more likely to like the class
and apply more effort in that class. We will do all we can to help students but we expect them to do their
parts. We will also be stressing organization and study skills this year. Hopefully, before the year is over,
your child will be doing most of his/her own studying without needing so much of your help. Please help us
encourage this student responsibility. Thank you.
If you would like to meet with your childs teachers, please call the school office and make an
appointment between 9:00-9:50. Lets all have a great year!
Mrs. Battles, Ms. Craft, Mrs. Hooks, Mrs. Johnson, and Ms. Lambert

**Everyday you will have a BR on the board, come in quietly and get started.
**If you are tardy to any class, you are to have a pass.

**Go over evacuation routes. Fire route outside and weather routes.
**Go over Code Red and Code Yellow
**When in Code Red/Yellow, do not open the blinds for anyone!

**If ANYTHING happens at P.E. you are to report it to the P.E. Coaches. If you
get hurt during P.E., we will send you back to the P.E. teachers for assistance.
You have P.E. 2 period.
***I will give out RR/Locker/Water passes each six weeks. Use them wisely!
***AR- Your0 library folder is very important and it should not be taken home.
Your barcode will be placed on the front of your folder. It is very important to
keep up with your planner and take good care of it! Your AR Book Review
sheets and your AR Goals/Book Levels will be written on sheets that are inside
your folder. I will set ALL homerooms AR goals/Levels. If you have a problem
with the level or points please come to see me!
***TESTS count for 60% of your average. The tests will include
(textbook/comprehension tests, spelling tests, Notebook Quizes, Planner
Quizes, AR Book Reviews, and projects.)
***Homework/Classwork will count for 40%. (Included will be homework,
classwork, Classworks-computer)
**You are required to read (ONE) AR BOOK per six weeks. The AR BOOK must
me on your level, you MUST take an AR test, & fill out the sheet in your folder
before the assigned due date. This should be a very easy 100. You will have
SSR time built in during the day to read and my homework is "Read AR" a lot of
nights. I also have a Reading Challenge for you this year.more info to come!

**I monitor your AR closely! I will give you a Dum-Dum/Smarties to eat in class for every 100
on your AR test--Must be in your lever or higher!!!!

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