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If I were president

To today, the world has been dealing with the same big issue while most people are
uneducated on the subject. The environment is constantly being polluted by multiple factors.
There is an imbalance that triggers various environmental problems and it is our responsibility to
take the necessary steps to control the imbalances. Environmental pollution is a result of
overpopulation, rapid industrializations, and other human activities like agriculture and
deforestation. Lets focus on the US and how it contributes to the world's pollution problem. By
comparing America and its regulations to some more or less polluted countries we may be able to
find a solution to our pollution problem.
Living organisms cannot live by themselves, as the only organisms trying to modify the
environment for our own personal needs, we need to do our best to preserve the environment.
The US ranks number two in the worlds most polluted countries. U.S.A consumes 18,690,000
barrels of oil per day, more than any other country. You are probably wondering which country is
the most polluted country. The country with the largest population that emits 6,018 million
tonnes of greenhouse gases each year. China is the worlds most polluted country. In 2008-2009
if you asked a Beijing taxi driver on the street about their air quality on a hazy day, they might
say its just fog. The President walked in Nanluoguxiang district in 2014. People were
commenting on social media asking why he was not wearing a face mask, which has become
popular recently. Later the Prime Minister Li Keqiang in March 2014 declared war on
pollution, acknowledging that pollution is the major problem in the country. With this history in
mind we know that the first step to prevent or solving our pollution problem is to recognize that
it is indeed a problem.

India with a population of 1.25 billion is our worlds fourth most polluted country. As a
result, the country has a very high carbon output of 1,293 million tonnes. I personally found this
very surprising because of its vast population. Then I remembered although it may have a large
amount of people, their traditions and beliefs are completely different from those in the US
because of their culture. When they believe more in protecting the environment including any
living organisms. America needs to care about their home, the environment is the base of living
and all humans should respect it.
In China the citizens and president were not aware of the conditions of the environment
they are living in. The president didnt even realize the problem but other countries saw the
problem and spread it around using social media and in other ways. Here in America we also
have some uneducated people who dont realize what is happen or they dont understand it, in
order to fix it we have to educate all people in the US. India not only are they very aware of the
pollution problem but they also care about it whether it is their culture, tradition or just their
belief. They care enough to help protect their environment. We need to be able to persuade the
entire country of America to care. When they are more educated on the subject the more likely
they are to care.
Now that Ive compared the US to the other countries I can use the differences to come
up with a solution. The budget I have come up with is small due to the amount of debt the US is
currently in. I would like to make a couple of cutbacks in order to create infomercials to educate
American TV watchers on pollution, tell them why they need to now, and how they can help to
solve the problem. The timely manner will depend on the people. The people of America need to
make a change first before we can have a solution to the problem.

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