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Senior Survey

1. What would be your dream vacation?

a. Hawaii is my dream vacation.
2. What is your biggest accomplishment so far?
a. Being a sponsor for Dare to Dream is my biggest accomplishment.
3. What is your favorite fall festival food?
a. Chicken dumplings my Fall Festival food.
4. What makes you stand out from the crowd?
a. My imagination
5. What was the worst (or best) day of your life?
a. When someone stole all my books
6. What is your favorite childhood memory?
a. Going to Disney World
7. What has been the best advice someone has given you?
a. Always be yourself
8. What is your most played song on your playlist?
a. Dont by Bryson Tiller
9. What is something someone would be surprised to know about you?
a. I am not mixed
10. Do your grades in high school reflect your ability? Explain.
a. No, I could do better but sometimes I am really lazy.
11. What aspect/experience in high school has been the most meaningful/made the biggest
a. Nothing
12. Of all the activities available to you during high school, which activity do you regret not
having taken part in?
a. The soccer team
13. What is the best advice you could give a freshman?
a. To make everything count and to stay up on homework.

14. What is your biggest fear?

a. Not having my mother in my life.
15. What motivates you to succeed?
a. Being able to live comfortable.
16. Choose one of your friends and tell why that persons friendship is important to you.
a. Alexus, because she has been in my life for a long time and when I needed
someone she was there.
17. What are you planning to do after high school?
a. Going to USI to be a radiologist
18. What person (current or historical) do you most admire? Why?
a. Probably my mom because she is just a wonderful person.
19. What values do you cherish most?
a. I have a stuffed animal I really cherish. One year on Easter my grandma had a
huge Easter bunny and I wanted it, but she said she couldnt give it to me
because it wouldnt have been fair to the other kids. A year before she passed
away she gave me a smaller version of the bunny and told me she never forgot.
20. What is the nicest thing you have ever done for someone?
a. I give my grandma a pedicure every two months.

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