Scanned Brochure 15

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Start of the Day Expectatio Hall Procedures and Classroom Entrance: After hanging up backpacks students wil sit under their assigned hooks unless they need to eat breakfast, then they may immediately go to the cafeteria for breakfast. At 7:50 students will be greeted by their teacher in the hall way. Students assemble one single file ine. Upon. approaching the teacher students will perform the 3 &'s as listed below: Eye Contact: teacher and student will make eye contact E ats: teacher and student will greet each other such as "Good Momi and respond accordingly. Elbows: leacher and student will gently knock elbows (this replaces a handshake or a high five) Agendas/Planners Students will bring home an agenda or planner home each day. The agenda needs to be initialed by parents each night and brought back fo school on the following day. By signing the agenda parents are indicating thatt all homework has been completed, checked and retumed to the student's folder (when applicable}. Additionally, the agenda indicates students should read tor 15-20 ites per night and/or have practiced homework. student's agenda if they have not completed their homework. Simply indicate on the agenda the student did not complete their homework. There times when students will need to stay in for some of the recess to complete homework that was not completed. Homework Homework is assigned to reinforce learning in class. Each night your child will need to read 15-20 minutes or more. This reading can be you reading to your child, you reading with your child, or your child reading to you. T will send home books at least once a week for your child to read to you, Please return these. the following day. In addition math homework will come home several times during the week to reinforce the skills being taught in class. On Monday, your child will bring home a list of spelling words. Your child will be tested on these words on Friday. We will study in class but a majority of the spelling will need to be done at home. Unless othertise indicated, homework will be due on the following school day. Please sign your child's homework indicating that you looked it over prior to them returning it to school. Snacks and Drinks We will have time for snacks everyday. Please send in a snack for your child: I also encourage students to bring in water to drink. ‘throughout the day. Classroom Expectations Listen when your someone is talking Follow directions quickiy Respect others, respect yoursetf, and respect our school Raise your hand to speak or stand Be safe, be kind, be honest @ Welcowe Friends Concord Elementary School Mrs. Arbuckle 2™ grade 2015-2016 Welcome! Elementary! I am excited about having your child in second grade! I am looking forward to the great year before us, as we will have fun while learning many new and exciting things! Second grade is such an important transition year for children and their to help your child With this in mind, I hope to provide a comfortable, well-structured, and exciting learning environment that will focus on this growth. T hope the information in this brochure will answer some of your jal questions about this school year and iny class. I will work hard to support your child in all ways. T look,ferward to a successful year for all of my new students. Again, welcome to second grade! Mrs. Amanda Arbuckle Volunteers Volunteers are welcome in our classroom, I would like to ask that you contact me a day or two before you plan to volunteer so that it be a meaningful experience for both you and the class. If you are interested in volunteering on a regular basis, I would be more than happy to set that up. T would also love to have volunteer quest readers. Tf you ‘or someone you know is interested in reading to our class please schedule a time with me! Communication T feel that open communication is essential to a successful classroom experience for all of us, T can be reached in several ways. My email address at school is ‘ You ‘may call the school during business hours and leave me a message. Or you may reach me before school or after school as well. The school number is 517-524-6650 x 1316. If it is necessary that you need to reach me after 5:00 p.m. you may call my home at 517-524- 6238, Of course, you can always write me. note. T will read the note the same day it is sent, and will usually respond the same day or the next day. Communication via Technol WEBSITE We will have a classroom web site. Please visit it at, ‘The primary use of this website is for the kids to access links we use in the classroom, CLASS BLOG: Our class blog is arbuckles2ndgradeclass. The primary purpose of this is for the kids to post what we are learning about in the classroom. STUDENT BLOGS: students will have an opportunity to interact with each other using KidBlog. We will also use this when we do various projects throughout the year such as the Global Read Aloud and Mystery Skypes. TWITTER: Twitter will be used similarly to our class blog. Students will post things they are learning, We will also use Twitter to talk to authors throughout the year. This Twitter account is private, Therefore, people cannot retweet our posts. FACEBOOK: We will have a secret Facebook group. The only people allowed to join our group are those T allow. Again, the purpose is similar to that of the blog. Just for kids to show what we are learning. REMIND: Iwill use Remind to send out text messages ‘occasionally (or they can be emailed to you). To receive messages via text, text @arbuckle15 to 81010. Birthdays inthday Celebrations can be a lot of fun! You are encouraged to bring a small snack to celebrate your child's birthday. We will celebrate either before lunch or at the end of the day. Please let me know ahead of time if you will be bringing/sending in a snack.

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