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Created by War of Life Gaming Systems Organisation

Registered Copyright 284660885

Official Beta Test1.0

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Why play Battle Fortress?

How to play Battle Fortress

1. Requisition and the TAS (Tactical Awareness Sheet)

2. Manoeuvring step

3. Shooting




Deployment types


Playable races Sci-Fi and World War 2 forces


The War of Life Gaming System Organisation


Models shown for illustrative purposes only

Copyright Registered number 284660885 issued by The UK Copyright Service

Why Play Battle Fortress?

Battle Fortress differs from many war-games as it does not require dice; so those who find
throwing dice tedious, or are fed up with a perfect tactical plan being spoiled by a poor dice
throw, look no further. Battle Fortress hopes to create a well paced real time strategy game,
where units die fast, but are created just as quickly, and where units can be created to suit
the current battle situation.
Battle Fortress has been designed to be flexible such that the game can refer to any era,
from World War 1 to far into the future, and any scale. The measurements used have been
calculated so that they remain the same for any scale of model.


So never be limited by your list again, as both you and your opponent start off the same,
only what is created in-game can alter the war.

The Aim of the Game:

Aim: To destroy or cause more damage to the enemys factories
than has been done to yours

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How to Play?
What equipment is needed before you can play?

Table/floor, preferably 6x4ft

Tape measure: Battle Fortress is played in inches ()
Same scale models as opponent
Pen/pencil and Tactical Awareness Sheet for each player (TAS)
Rule book, Battle Fortress hopes that all arguments can be settled without the rule
book, but sometimes the rule book may be needed to clarify.
Coin or the ability to play Rock/Paper/Scissors
Appropriate amount of scenery
Ten small tokens to denote provisions huts (size of a 2 coin should suffice)
3 round template
5 round template

Once equipment is organised, place scenery on the board at random; the amount should be
discussed between players.
Each player begins with three factories, positioned however they want, but on the edge of
the board. The size of the factory should relate to the scale in which you are playing; we
would advise not going any larger than 6 by 3 for a factory, as this will limit manoeuvrability
on the gaming board.
Then each place two counters in your deployment zones (at least 12 apart); then place a
further three counters each in the central zone, these should not be closer or further from
your enemy.
Then place one squad of five Standard Troops within 2 of each factory.
To decide who goes first, either play Rock/Paper/Scissors or flip a coin.

Game Sequence
The game is played in various steps, these must be followed in the order below, and failing
to do so will result in any missed steps being forfeited:
1. Requisition Calculate the provisions received for the turn, and place units that have
been created if applicable.
2. Building Decide what units are to be created ready for subsequent turns, and the
3. Manoeuvring Move units to position them for battle; launch super weapons
4. Shooting Shoot targeted units

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1. Requisition and the TAS (Tactical Awareness

At the start of the Requisition Step, provisions are collected from the factories, and the
provision huts you have captured.

A factory donates 100 provisions which are worth 100 points for each whole turn.
A provision hut donates 50 provisions which are worth 50 points for each whole turn.

At the beginning of the Requisition Step, calculate the number of provisions gained from this
turn, this will include your factories and any provisions huts you control. How to control a
provision hut is shown under the Manoeuvring Step.
Place the number of points gained in the column marked Points gained, and the total
number of points in the Total Points column. If you have any points left over from the
previous turn, place these under the Points Saved column.

Building Units
Each factory can build one unit at a time i.e. it can only build another unit when it has
finished building the previous unit.
To start building a unit, choose a factory to build from (we recommend that you name each
factory to avoid confusion and argument); then, providing there are enough provisions,
select a unit to build and make a note of what you are building on the TAS.
Once factories have decided what units to create, calculate the cost to build and deduct this
from your current total provisions; taking note of the final point count and placing it in the
Points Saved column.



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Units Available
Infantry choices:
Standard Troops: 50 points for 5 troops. Each standard troop has one shot, move 6,
weapon range of 12, and can only take one shot before dead. Takes half a turn to recruit.
Standard Troops can hold provision huts.
Note on half turn building: A unit which takes half a turn to recruit is placed on the board at
the start of the opponents turn.

Scout Troopers: 150 points for 5 troops. Each Scout troop has one shot, move 6,
weapon range of 12, and can only take one shot before dead. Takes one turn to recruit, and
can deploy within 10 of the factory rather than the normal 2. Scout Troopers can hold
provisions huts.

Hero: 50 points for one Hero. Can automatically assign to/detach from Standard
Troops, Scout Troopers and Heavy Weapon Troops instantly providing it is the controlling
players turn and the hero is within unit coherency (please refer to manoeuvring step for unit
coherency). Has one shot, moves 6, weapon range 12, can take five hit points before dead.
Takes one turn to recruit. N.B. A Hero may take the shots from enemy fire away from the
troops and onto his/her own hit points, even if the enemy fire could not have reached the
Hero. A Hero cannot hold a provisions hut unless attached to a unit that is able to do so.

Heavy Weapon Troops: 100 points for 3 Heavy weapon troops. Each troop has
one shot, move 6, weapon range of 18, and can only take one shot before dead. Takes
one turn to recruit. Cannot hold a provisions hut.

Vehicle choices
(No vehicle can hold a provisions hut.)

Light tank: 200 points for one light tank. Has 3 shots, can move 10, weapon range of
18, destroyed after taking ten points of damage. Takes one turns to build.

Heavy tank: 300 points for one heavy tank. Has one 3 round shot and/or two heavy
shots (18). Can move 8, 3 round shot range of 24, destroyed after taking fifteen points of
damage. Takes one turn to build.
Note on 3 round template: To fire the template, place within 24 and on an enemy unit;
depending on how many units are hit, depends on how many are taken off the board; a 3
round shot can only cause one point of damage to a vehicle.

Bikes: 150 points for two bikes. Have two shots each, can move 12, weapon range of
12, and each is destroyed after two points of damage. Takes one turn to build.

Flyers: 250 points for one flyer. Has 3 shots, can move 16 (over terrain with no
penalty), weapon range of 18, destroyed after ten points of damage. Takes one turns to

Artillery: 200 points for one artillery piece, unable to move, instead place within 5 of
the factory where it will remain until destroyed/end of the game. Weapon range of 28 (does
not require line of sight to the target unit), and destroyed after fifteen points of damage.
Takes one turns to build.

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Factory: 1500 points for one factory. Once the points are paid, place factory by the
edge of the board; the factory can then be used next turn.

Anti Armour: 200 points for one vehicle. Vehicle has one shot which can cause 5 hits
to any other vehicle or one hit to any infantry or factory. Has a range of 18 and can move
10 and it takes 10 hits to destroy it. Takes one turn to build.

Factory Shields: 150 points per 3 shields. Provides 3 shields which can sustain 1
damage each for the rest of the turn, only one set per factory per two turns can be produced.
Takes half a turn to build.

Factory Turret: 300 points per turret. Limited to one turret per factory for the game
unless it is destroyed, has an 18 range and has 5 single shots, it takes 5 hits to destroy it.
Must be placed within the factory walls. Takes one turn to build.

Hit Points
Unlike infantry, vehicles and Heroes have hit points (HP); this represents the difficulty in
destroying tanks etc over infantry. If a vehicle/Hero is shot once, take one HP off the
appropriate column on the TAS sheet (see Hits to Kill to see how many a certain vehicle
has in total), and depending on the type of vehicle will decide on which column the HPs are
taken from; it is important to name a vehicle once it has been created so damage can be
allocated to it.
e.g. Adam has a Heavy Tank. It has 15 HP, and called it Invincible under the Heavy
Tank/Artillery/Monster column on the TAS sheet, above the HP squares. Three enemy
Standard Troops shoot at the tank causing three hit point damage. Adam marks off three
damage on three squares under the Invincible tank box. Invincible now has twelve HP

Super weapons
Super weapons provide players with heavy firepower, and a tactical advantage when used
correctly. Super weapons can be placed anywhere on the board as there is no maximum
range unless stated otherwise.
Super weapons cost a varying amount, and once paid for can only be used in that turn,
unless purchased again in subsequent turns.
Once super weapons are paid for, they are used before the Manoeuvring step (if destructive)
or may continue through a whole turn. There are four super weapons available to players:

Obliterate: Place three 5 round templates on any three units or factories on the board, and
causes same damage as to other round template shots. Recommended use on infantry
types. 600 point cost.

Scrap metal: Cause 5 hit point damage to any vehicle on the board; cannot target
factories. Recommended use on vehicles which are nearing destruction, or Heavy tanks.
400 point cost.

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Courage: All units gain an extra 2 to movement and shooting distance for a whole turn.
Recommended use for when infantry and tanks need to get across the board fast. 400 point

Intel: Gain a 30 second glance at a chosen enemies TAS. Recommend using this after the
second turn. 250 point cost.

Only one of each type of super weapon may be used per turn
e.g. Cannot buy 2 Obliterate and use in one turn but you can buy an Obliterate and a Scrap
Metal and use them in the same turn.

Unique Super Weapons: (details are shown in the advanced rules for each race) may
only be used once every two turns.

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TAS Tactical Awareness Sheet

The TAS was designed to ensure that, if used correctly, provisions can be noted and
calculated accurately, to show what units are to be built, and the hit points that a
vehicle/Hero have taken before destroyed.

At the bottom of the TAS is the reference sheet for all general units and super weapons.

If you decide to build any further factories then a second TAS will be required.

We recommend that players photocopy a blank TAS to avoid a shortage.

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2. Manoeuvring Step
Once the Requisition Step is over, any of the enemys units which take half a turn to produce
(e.g. Standard Troops) are then placed on the board. The controlling player then proceeds
with the manoeuvring step. The reference sheet will dictate how far a unit can move,
manoeuvring distance is the maximum available to that unit, and is measured in inches.
Ensure all models within the unit are within 2 of each other (unit coherency); if any model is
removed as a casualty, maintain unit coherency by moving the appropriate model
immediately so as to still be within 2 of the rest of the unit.
Infantry may move through terrain mostly without penalty, unless you are a vehicle, in which
you cannot move through any terrain deemed hazardous (decided between players before
the start of the turn). Infantry units only gain a penalty of half movement through terrain if the
obstacle will cause difficulty to cross in real life i.e. steep hill or water (terrain that halves
movement should be discussed before players start the game).
A unit can only move once per turn, and must move before it shoots.
Taking Provision Huts (PHs) requires Standard Troops or Scout Troops, PH must be held
at the start of your next turn to obtain 50 points. One unit can only hold one PH at a time.
The unit must be within 3 of the PH to hold it. If another enemy unit is within 3 of a PH, no
points can be claimed by either player.
Movement can be premeasured, meaning you can judge the distance a unit can travel
before physically moving that unit; also, vehicles may pivot on the spot after moving without

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3. Shooting
To shoot, check the range of the weapon by measuring the distance from the base of your
troop to the base of the enemy, how many troops are in range determines how many enemy
models/hit points are removed from the table (e.g. if 3 Standard Troops are in range of 5
enemy standard Troops then 3 enemy troops are taken). Casualties are taken from the front
of the unit. Shooting with a tank is measured from the vehicles hull not its turret.
Shooting can be premeasured, meaning you can judge the weapon range a unit can shoot
before shooting the enemy unit.
To decide whether an enemy unit can be seen, look directly from behind the controlling
players model to the target model, this is called line of sight.
Unlike infantry, vehicles and monsters are able to shoot over infantry units.
A friendly unit can shoot through another friendly unit unless that unit is a vehicle/monster.
A unit can only shoot once per turn, and can only shoot at one enemy unit.
If you do not wish to shoot, the unit may move again but only half its normal movement

Shooting at a factory and dealing with the damage caused

A factory has twenty hit points, every time an enemy factory takes damage they mark off the
damage using a tally under the appropriate factory number heading. After taking twenty hit
points, the factory is removed, and the unit it may have been creating is lost.
Infantry units can shoot a factory if all models in front of them are destroyed or if there is a
2gap for the unit to shoot through.

Cover and template weapons

If the enemy is behind cover, they can only be harmed by a 3 or 5 round template; which
hits as normal. A unit is in cover if within 3 of the cover.
Please note: Vehicles do not gain the advantage of cover unless the vehicle cannot be seen
using line of sight between the models.
A template is placed over an enemy models head (centre of the models base or centre of
Vehicle or Monster), any models under the template or partially covered by the template are
deemed to have been hit.
If only three troops can be seen out of five from the shooting unit, only three can be
The template must not hit any friendly models otherwise the shot is cancelled. An enemy can
be shot if you are behind cover.
Once all shooting and movement has been completed this is the end of your turn.

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Allies enable two or more people to work together to destroy a common enemy, Battle
Fortress allows the use of many allies.
Two allied players hold a set number of factories each, but are unable to transfer resources
to one another. Allies complete the game sequence together i.e. Shooting Step etc, and
therefore end their turn simultaneously.
Allies are unable to move/shoot with each others models; however, allied players can
observe each others TAS and co-ordinate their battle plans from this information.

Winning Conditions
The winner is the player who has dealt the highest number of damage to the enemys
factories after the number of turns agreed at the beginning of the game (usually 8-12 turns
depending on time restrictions and/or agreement between players).
If all enemy factories have been destroyed they automatically lose.

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Deployment Types
Here are a few board deployments players may like to choose in order to bring diversity and
tactical challenge to the game, note, the coloured squares represent players factories.
Standard deployment for two players:

Reinforcement deployment for two players:

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Staggered deployment for two players:

For a more tactically challenging game, try starting factories on the shorter edge of the board
(4ft side) rather than the longer edge (6ft side); this will provide players with typically more
units on the board and will prove more difficult in damaging enemy factories.
Standard deployment for 4 players:

This deployment works well as an allied map or by using a 4ft by 4ft board instead of a 6ft by
4ft board.
These are just a few examples of what can be achieved with interesting factory positioning;
but feel free to design more with other players to create a different game every time.

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Battle Fortress: Playable Races

Sci-Fi forces
In the future, man has discovered how to fly beyond their solar system, and face the
perils lurking behind every world. Play as the forces that defend life, or the forces that
take it away.
Playing Battle Fortress with races is considered advanced rules, so ensure that players
agree to these advanced rules before the start of the game, and that each player knows
which race they are fighting against before play begins.
Battle Fortress allows you to use any race and the advantages that come with that race.
Only one race can be used per player; allies do not necessarily have to play as the same
Space has been included on the TAS to accommodate Unique Units and Unique
Superpowers or weapons for your chosen race should you require it.
Special abilities of each race have not been included in their unit profiles.

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Commonwealth Forces of Earth

Humanity stands on the brink of annihilation at the Eastern hemisphere in the Milky Way,
with little support from nearby colonies, and no reinforcements expected from Earth; the
Commonwealth Forces of Earth (CFE) must use old but reliable technology and superior
firepower to defeat the aliens and push back the Destruction cults which have recently

CFE special rules:

All Commonwealth Forces of Earth units gain +1 to all shooting distances in the Shooting
CFE Heavy tank uses the 5 round template instead of the 3 round template.

Unique units available:

Stealth Troops Once built, choose any point on the board within 20 of the factory from
which the unit was produced, then place the five Stealth Troops in a circle; they can move
and shoot as normal during the same turn, after this turn they revert to Standard Troops.
Cost 150 points. Take one turn to recruit.
Transport A vehicle that during the manoeuvring step, is able to pick up troops and drop
them off in the same turn; as long as the movement does not exceed the Transports range
of 12. The vehicle is destroyed after taking ten points of hit point damage. Has two shots of
18 range to use in one turn. Cost of 150 points. Takes one turns to build.
For infantry units to embark they must be within 2 of the transport, and disembark 2 of the
vehicle. They may embark/disembark the vehicle in any direction.
A unit that has been transported is not affected in their ability to shoot once disembarked.
EG. The Transport moves 2 to the Standard Troops, the Standard Troops move 4 to the
Transport and embark; the Transport then moves 10 towards the enemy, and disembarks
the Troops. The Troops then move their remaining 2 and shoot 12 as standard.
If a Transport is destroyed whilst a unit is on board that unit is also destroyed.
Units cannot shoot whilst inside a Transport.
Vehicles/Monsters cannot be transported. A Transport can hold a maximum of one unit.
Unique super weapon available:
Laser strike
Place the 3 round template on an enemy unit, the laser then moves in a straight line up to
24 and in any direction, damaging any unit under the template. A model in a unit can only
be hit once. 750 point cost.

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Royal Bodyguards of the Eagle

No warriors can fight longer and harder than the Royal Bodyguards of the Eagle (RBE), they
are the bringers of death to all who oppose them, but with so few worlds conquered in the
universe, they are still finding the worlds that can lead them to quantify into greatness.

RBE special rules:

All Royal Bodyguards of the Eagle units gain +1 to all movement in the Manoeuvring Step
Their Hero is clad in tough, electro powered armour, and given the strongest weaponry a
man can hold:
An RBE Heros weapon shoots twice instead of the normal one shot available.

Unique units available:

Honoured Elites- Five man squad which are able to fire two shots each, with a weapon
range of 14. Cost of 100 points. Take one turn to recruit.
Cruiser- A vehicle which has eight 18 shots, and able to fire at more than one unit per turn,
but each enemy unit chosen must be hit by a minimum of two shots each. The vehicle is
destroyed after taking fifteen hit points of damage. Cost of 400 points. Takes one turn to

Unique super weapon available:

One unit, not including a factory, becomes invulnerable for one turn, any damage inflicted by
the enemy does not hurt/cause hit points to the chosen model. 400 point cost.

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Followers of Destruction
In the Eastern hemisphere of the Milky Way, new cults have been growing; aided by the lack
of CFE forces on CFE controlled worlds. Many citizens have turned to destruction to resolve
disputes instead of commonsense and trials. Rumour has it that the cults were started by
RBE forces that had shunned their code of conduct and turned against their own race in a
battle for the stars.

FD special rules:
Followers of Destruction do not value life as other races do, taking the view Plenty more
where they came from! As a result, FD standard troops and heavy weapon troops cost 20
points less than the stated amount.
Their Hero is clad in tough, electro powered armour, and given the strongest weaponry a
man can hold:
An FD Heros weapon shoots twice instead of the normal one shot available.

Unique units available:

Power Troopers- Squad of five men, able to move 8 and shoot 18. Cost of 150 points.
Take one turn to recruit.
Angel of Death- A large monster which can move 10, and has a weapon range of 16
causing eight hits on the chosen enemy unit. Cost of 400 points. Takes one turn to summon.

Unique super weapon available:

Choose one enemy vehicle or unit, and use it for one turn as if it was one of your own units.
400 points cost.

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Brute Horde
The Brute Hordes are a trading nation, able to barter their goods with any race, and smash
those who dont pay a good price. With the Brute Hordes trading nature, and unsurpassed
wealth, they own the majority of the worlds in the Milky Way, therefore finding new recruits is
never a problem. Unfortunately, the Brute Hordes must continually maintain its borders else
the other races may take the riches from within.

BH special rules:
All Brute Horde standard troops gain +3 extra troops
All Brute Horde heavy weapon troops gain +1 extra troop

Unique units available:

Jetpack troops- Squad of five troops, with 12 movement. Cost of 100 points. Take one turn
to recruit. Able to go through terrain without penalty.
Quad bike- Vehicle with 18 movement, two shots of 12 and is destroyed after taking five
hit points of damage. Takes one turn to build.

Unique super weapon available:

Insider trading
After using the Insider trading super weapon, the player receives 350 points extra for the
subsequent two turns including the points received from factories and provision huts i.e.
Player pays for Insider trading in Turn 2, the extra resources arrive in Turn 3 and Turn 4.
Insider trading super weapon costs 400 points.

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The Holy Empire

As the Earths reach over other worlds grew, so did religions grasp. Singularly, the religions
had little strength amongst the new congregations, but united, the strength of the deity
increased rapidly, and so did the revenue to the religious leaders. With the large capital, the
united religions named themselves The Holy Empire; started to purchase power in the
Commonwealth Forces of Earths army, and so it wasnt long till they also purchased their
own army in order to force a new planets old Gods aside. Within fifty years, religion in the
name of The Holy Empire became a power to rival the Royal Bodyguards, not as well
military trained, but many in number.

The Holy Empire special rules:

Any unit within 12 of a Hero may move an extra 2 a turn.
The Hero may move 4 more than the standard 6 including the unit they may be with.

Unique units available:

Teleport troops- Squad of five troops that move 18, and shoot 8. Cost of 100 points, and
takes one turn to recruit. Able to go through terrain without penalty.
Righteous Zeal- Vehicle which fires two 3 round templates with a 24 weapon range and
able to move 8. The vehicle is destroyed after taking fifteen points of damage. Cost of 300
points, and takes one turn to build.

Unique super weapon available:

Three of the enemy models cannot move or shoot on their next turn; models are chosen by
the controlling player. Cost of 400 points to use.

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World War II Army Choices

Allied Forces
Special abilities of each force have not been included in their unit profiles

British Forces
Allied Forces special rule:
British Forces shoot 1 further than on the stated profiles for all units.

Unique units available:

Desert rats - Squad of five Standard Troops which deploy on the left or right side of the
board. Must be 12 away from an enemy factory. Cost of 150 points and take one turn to
SAS Jeep - Small vehicle which has four single shots at 18 range, moves 12, and has five
hit points. Cost of 150 points and takes one turn to build.

Unique super weapon available:

Spitfire strafing run
Fires at three different targets and causes three damage to each unit. Enemy factories are
unaffected by the Spitfire Sweep. Costs 450 points

American Forces
Allied Forces special rule:
American Forces shoot 1 further than on the stated profiles for all units.

Unique units available:

Browning 50 Calibre Squad - Squad of four Standard Troops and one Heavy Weapon
Trooper. Costs 60 points and take half a turn to make.
GMC M3 Tank destroyer - Follows the Anti Armour vehicle profile with the following
exceptions: causes seven hit points of damage to vehicles, and can move an extra 2. Costs
300 points and takes one turn to build.

Unique super weapon available:

Day light bombing
Causes three 3 template blasts in a straight line; once the first blast is used, the other two
must be fired within 30. Costs 450 points.

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Axis Force
Nazi Forces
Nazi Force special rule:
German Forces may move an extra 1 in the Manoeuvring Step.
Unique units available:
SS Troops - Squad of five Standard Troops able to shoot twice in one Shooting Step. Cost
100 points and take one turn to recruit.
King Tiger - Large tank which follows the same profile as a Heavy Tank, but with the
following exceptions: Uses a 5 blast against infantry or can cause five hit point damage to
vehicles; choose which shot will be used before firing. Costs 400 points and takes one turn
to build.

Unique super weapon available:

V2 Bomb
Uses one 5 round template which also causes five hit point damage to vehicles. Costs 350

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The War of Life Gaming Systems Organisation

Battle Fortress was created by The War of Life Gaming Systems, under the attention of:
Dominic Basta
Founder of War of Life Gaming Systems and Joint Designer of the Battle Fortress game.

Wendy Woodhouse
Joint Designer of the Battle Fortress game and Co-director of all artwork.

Dan Burt
Artistic Director of all artwork.

Ashley Kearle
Chief Gaming Tester and the Head of all rule updates.

War of Life Gaming Systems Organisation are thankful to ..... for supplying the front page

The Battle Fortress rules and the TASheet are registered copyright to Dominic Basta, who has given permission
to the War of Life Gaming System Organisation to use this rule set.
The Battle Fortress Logo and front cover picture is copyright to the War of Life Gaming Systems organisation.
Registered copyright given in the UK. Registered copyright is international. All Rights Reserved
Sci-fi Forces are fictional; any resemblance to real people and events is purely coincidental.

Copyright Registered number 284660885 issued by The UK Copyright Service

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