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‘THE WHITE HOUSE August 19, 2015 ‘The Honorable Jerrold Nadler United States House ‘Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Congressman Nadler: | am writing to follow up on the many conversations I have had with you and other Members of Congress regarding the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and address some ofthe important issues you have raised, in particular regarding ourability to deter ran from ever cbtaining a nuclear weapon, our enhanced support for Isrel, ur continued efforts to ‘counter Ian's destabilizing activities in the region, and how we would respond to violations of| the JCPOA by Iran, ‘To begin, it is my steadfast conviction tata nuclear armed Iran would presenta profound security threat tous and to our partes, particularly Israel. That is why Thave pursued ‘policy of prevention since | fist came into office. It is why I made clear to our PS=1 ‘negotiating partner tha the only acceptable nclear deal with Iran wes ane that achieved the clear objective of vecfiably preventing Iran fom oblaining a nuclear weapon. And that is why [Theleve the JCPOA, which cus ofFevery pathway Iran could have toa nuclear weapon and

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