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Subject: Elements of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

2nd Sem. Mechanical Engineering- G

Assignment-1 (Unit 1)
DC Circuits:
1) What is Resistivity and conductivity?
2) State and Explain Kirchhoffs Current and voltage law.
3) Derive the relation for star to delta network.
4) Define temperature co-efficient of resistance. Prove that: R2 = R1(1 + (t2 t1))
5) Classify the different type of materials. How does the resistance of different materials vary
with temperature?
6) Write down the chemical reaction during charging and discharging process of battery.
7) Find the resistance between (i) P and Q , (ii) P and R. (figure-1)
8) Find the resistance between terminals B and C. If 100 V Battery having 2 internal
resistance, is connected between B and C then find the current delivered by battery for
following circuit.(Figure-2)
9) In the circuit shown in the figure-3, find the magnitude and direction of current in each




Domestic Electricity, Safety & Precaution

1 Explain the various factors on which the selection of domestic wiring types depends.
2 Explain various types of wiring.
3 Draw schematic & explain two way & three way control of lamp
4 What is an electric shock? What are the effects of an electric shock on the human body?
5 What is earthing? Explain the requirements/necessity of earthing for any electrical equipment?
6 Explain the various factors determining the intensity of electric shock.
7 Explain (shortly) Plate Earthing and Pipe Earthing with diagram.

What is the function of fuse in an electric circuit? Explain briefly state the desirable property
of fuse.

9 Explain the brief working of ELCB- Earth leakage circuit breaker with diagram.
10 Explain the brief working of MCB- Miniature circuit breaker.
11 What is Relay? How does it provide protection?


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