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com has successfully completed a wide range

of service for high quality effluent at low capital
investment and operating costs. Effluent contains
several pollutants, which can be removed with the help
of an effluent treatment plant (ETP). Clean water can
then be safely discharged into the environment.

Liquid Waste following out of a Factory farm, commercial Establishment or a

house hold in to a water body such as a river lake or Lagoon or a sewer system
or reservoir .Waste Discharge in to air Called Emission.

Industrial Water Treatment

Sewage treatment

Industrial water treatment cover the mechanism

and the process used to treat water that have been
contaminated in some way by anthropogenic
industrial or commercial activities prior to its release
into the environment or its re use. is a specializes in advanced
wastewater treatment systems utilizing biological
treatment processes for pollutants and impurities
removal and also used wide variety of applications
such as ASRB (Advanced Sequencing Batch Reactor ).

It include physical ,chemical and biological processes to remove physical

,chemical and biological contaminates . It objective to produce an
environmentally-safe fluid waste stream and a solid waste suitable for
disposal or reuse .Using advanced technology it is now possible to re use
sewage effluent for drinking water . It is a process of removing contaminants
from waste water and house hold sewage on production scale in its
production of new folder.
Sewage treatment is the process of
removing contaminants from wastewater, primarily from household sewage. It
includes physical, chemical, and biological processes to remove these
contaminants and produce environmentally safe treated wastewater (or
treated effluent).

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