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Course Outline

Durations: 48 hours
Performance Testing Fundamentals
Introduction to web applications performance testing
Performance testing concepts : Stress, Load , Regression,Spike, Compatibility,Endurance
Why do we use Jmeter ?
Ramp-up period
Thread groups and simulating real users using thread groups
Other technical terms
Managing performance testing project
Identify test environment
Identify performance test acceptance criteria
Modeling application usage
Determining individual user data and variances
Setup test environment
Test execution
Collecting test results effectively
Key mathematical principles for performance testing
Performance test reporting fundamentals
Working with various stakeholders
JMeter Basics
JMeter installation and configuration
Introducing JMeter GUI
Create a basic Test Plan
Introducing various elements in JMeter
Executing tests with various configurations
Reading test results
Creating a test plan within 10 minutes
Simulate dynamic user behaviors
Submitting Forms
Generating sequence or random data
Extracting form IDs
Use of regular expressions extractors

Building Test Plans

Building an advance web test plan
Building a FTP test plan
Building a Database test plan
Managing Sessions
Session managers
Session per thread
Session per user
Cookie Manager
URL re-writer
Load Distribution
Using web server log files to determine distribution
Analyzing distribution and creating appropriate test plans
Use of timers in a test plan
Introduce various timers available in JMeter
Use of Java request as a timer
Selecting a timer
Jmeter components
Logical Controllers
Config Elements
Post and Pre processors
Resource Monitoring
Monitoring and analyzing CPU resources
Monitoring database queries
Monitoring memory utilization
Monitoring network traffic
Running monitoring tools periodically
Analyzing and Interpreting Load Test Results
Running tests at night and creating periodical reports
Statistics available from JMeter

Sample, Average, Median, Deviation, Throughput, Percentiles

Response time graphs
Analyzing results with Excel
Interpreting statistical results
Finding the bottlenecks
Distributed testing
Extending JMeter with Java, Bean Shell and JavaScript
Tips and best practices
How to get Help
Workshop and practical sessions

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