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The Shopping game 1 Look at the picture and answer the questions on page 2. The Shopping game 2 Name: 2.Look at the picture. Complete the questions. Then answer them. 1 How apples are there? 2 How rice there? 3 How cans of fizzy drink are there? 4 How water is there? 5 Are there eggs? 6 How cake is there? 7 there apple juice? 8 How many strawberries ___ there? there a lot of bananas? 410 What food comes in bottles? 14 ____ there a lot of fruit? 12____ there a lot of vegetables? 13 ____ there a lot of bread? 14 There isn’t any but there’s some 15 There aren't any but there are some RP I90DOOIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHTOOTIIIDOIIOIDOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOHHOOHIDIIOIIONIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHOHIOIIOINN, 2 2 Colors 5 © Cambridge University Press and Grupo SM, 2007 Desarrollo de actividades, 2 Vocabulario some, any: much, many comida, nombres contables & incontabies 1 Look atthe picture and answer the questions on page 2. tests pio oie: Gane ec br pr pr sy pin Yer mins pr enc egup onl Cuando jan tema gin nia cnn Fenn dotnet oy eine pind cmt opt) Coir in rt Ct Puedes Instruccones para realizar la actividad de forma individual. Haz una fotocopia de la pigina 1 para ullizar con toda la clase o haz una fotocopia para cada pare. Teaching Notes Vocabulary some, any, much, many, food, countable and uncountable 1 Look atthe picture and answer the questions on page 2. Prong te ty 2 om pane GE nes eo cnn rh Tee pps compet gp he ur ey cn It oad dt tte oo rites Treen ot tp tne nwa sh me {nam When any ca tsa pot ion ie op ne sap apes an cre fo tava ote rat cared pathy coe Preparing the activity for individual grammar practice. Wake a photocopy ‘of page 1 to Use with the whole css, or photocopy ane per pa Photocopy page 2 for each pupil Haz una fotocopia de la pagina 2 para cada alumno. Realiza los dos primero: ejemplos con ellos. Después, completan las frases observando el dibujo de la pagina 1 Look at the picture. Complete the questions. Then answer them, Completa la dos primeras preguntas con toda la clase para que vean ‘que es la que tienen que hacer 1 How many apples are thera? There are five apples. 2 How much vce is there? There isn’t much rice! There’ one packet of re. Respuestas: 1 How mary apls ae there? Tere are fv apples. 2 How much rice is there? Thee fen't much ce There's on packet of ice. 3 How many ans offazy ink ae there? There ae sx cans of xy ink. & How much water iether? Thre ae thre ites of water. 5 Ave there any egg Yes, there reer resi eggs. 6 How much cakes there? There's one piece of che. 7's there any apple juice? No there isn't. Bow mary strauberes ae there? There ae ten traberies. 9 ve thee alot of banana? Na hee arent Thee ae (on) five (bananas). 10 What food comes in bots? Mik, water andorangejuce 11 stheealtot fut? Yes theres Are 12Are thee lot of vegetables? Nother aren 13k ther aot of bead? Na, thts ‘4 Theres any ce ream sh, cu but thee’ some (ooh, water ft, bread ice, chews, cae). 15 There are ary (sandwiches ists ot dogs. crisps) but there ae some (vegetables pizzas bananas, packets of sweets) Do the frst wo questions with the class and then tell the pupils ta ‘complete the rest individually. They should look atthe picture order to complete the questions look at the picture. Complete the questions. Then answer them, Do the frst two questions as examples withthe class: 1 How mary apples are there? There are five apples. 2 How much rice is there? There n't much rive. There's one packet of rice Answers: 1 How many apples re thee? Ter re fv apples. 2 How much rice is there? heeft much ce /Tere' one packet of ce. 3 How many cans of zy ink ae there? Thee ae sx cans of xy nk. & How much waters there? There are thee ire of water. Arter any egos Yes, here wether ast eqgs 6 How much cakes there? Thar’ one ice of cke Tisthere any apple juice? Na there st 8 How many srawberies are there? Thee ae ten srawberes. 9A thee ala of bananas? No, thee ert There are (on five (bananas), 10 What food comesin bots? Mik, water andorange juice 11 stherealtof ait Yes theres. 12Arethere a lot of vegetables? No thre aren't 13 there alot of bead? No, theres ‘4 Theres any ce ream sh, cu but thee’ some (yoghurt, water, it bread ice, chews, cae), 15 There aren't ary (sandwiches ists ot dogs. criss) but there ae some (vegetables pizzas bananas, packets of sweets) Colors 5 © Cambridge University Press and Grupo SM, 2007 3

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