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ORACLE PRIMAVERA P6 Professional Administrator's Guide for an Oracle Database Release 8.3 March 2013 Legal Notices Oracle Primavera Pé Professional Administrator's Guide for an Oracle Database Copyright © 1999, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless requited by law for interoperability, is prohibited. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be errorfree. If you find any errors, please report them to us in writing. If this is software or related documentation that is delivered to the U.S. Government or ‘anyone licensing it on behalf of the U.S. Government, the following notice is applicable: U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS: Oracle programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, delivered to U.S. Government end users are “cornmercial computer software” pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-specific supplemental regulations. As such, use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation of the programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, shall be subject to license terms and license restrictions applicable to the programs. No other rights are granted to the US. Government, This software or hardware is developed for general use in a variety of information management applications. It is not developed or intended for use in any inherently dangerous applications, including applications that may create a risk of personal injury. if you use this software or hardware in dangerous applications, then you shall be resporsible to take all appropriate failsafe, backup, redundancy, and other measures to ensure its safe use. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates disclaim any liability for any damages caused by ise of this software or hardware in dangerous applications. This software or hardware and documentation may provide access to or information on content, products and services from third-parties. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates ‘are not resporsible for and expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind with respect to thirc-party content, products, and services. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates will not be responsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to your access to or use of third-party content, products, or services Where to Get Documentation. a4 Where to Get Training 13 Where to Get Support 13 Layout of the P6 Professional Administrator's GUIdE ...mmmnne Planning Your Implementation ... Which Components Do | Need?. Client and Server Requirements Factors Affecting Memory Utilization by PG Professional Security Guidance.. Security Guidance Overview. ‘Safe Deployment of P6 Professional ‘Administrative Privileges Needed for Installation and Operation 22 Minimum Client Permissions !eeded for P6 Professional 22 Physical Security Requirements for P6 Professional. 23 Authentication Options for P6 Professional. 24 Authorization for P6 Professional 24 Confidentiality for P6 Professional 24 Copy of Sensitive Data for P6 Professional 24 Reliability for P6 Professional. 25 Additional Sources for Security Guidance 25 ‘Automatic Database Installation Automatic Database Installation Overview About the Database Wizard, ‘Automatically Installing an Oracle Database and Loading Application Data 28 Creating an Oracle Database 29 Loading Application Date for Oracle 30 The Base Currency for Oracle 32 Private Database Logins for P6 Professional 32 ‘Adding Private Database Logins for P6 EPPM 33 Modifying Private Database Logins for P6 EPPM. 33 Deleting Private Database Logins for PG EPPM. 34 Manual Database Configuration. 35 Manual Database Configuration Overview 35 Creating the Database Structure for Oracle and Loading Application Data 36 Creating the P6 EPPM Database Structure for Oracle 37 Copying the Script Files to a Local Drive for Oracle 37, PG Professional Administrator's Guide for an Oracle Database Creating the Database Tablespaces for Oracle 37 Creating Users and Tables for Oracle. 38 Installing Sample Dats and Creating Your PG EPPM Admin Superuser Password for Oracle 39 Creating Re maining P6 Professional Database Objects for Oracle. 39 Initializing Background Jobs and Creating the Background Job User 40 Dropping P6 EPPM Database Objects for Oracle. 40 Changing the Database Base Currency. 41 ‘The Base Currency. AL Reviewing Currency Choices. AL Changing the Base Currency 42 Private Database Logins for P6 EPPM 42 Resetting Private Database Passwords to Use the lew Encryption Algorithm. ‘Adding Private Database Logins for PG EPPM Modifying Private Database Logins for P6 EPPM. Deleting Private Database Logins for PG EPPM. SR EEGS ‘Automatic Database Upgrade Considerations and Prerequisites Database Upgrade Process. Convert Methodologies to Projects. Risks Migration. Upgrading an Oracle Database Upgrading anOracle Database Database Administration... Background Processes and Clean Up in P6 EPPM RDBMS Scheduler Configuration Database Settings Table. Reading Setting Values. Using Code to Read Setting Values for Oracle Writing Setting Values. Using Code to Write Setting Values for Oracle ‘Tracking Background Job Execution High Level Status Settings. ‘The BGPLOG Table ‘SYMON (System Monitor) Procedures ga 2aggseaaengs eae OBSPRO!_PROCESS_QUEUE Procedure. 53 USESSION_CLEANUP_EXPIRED Procedure 59 Tracking Concurrent Usage of P6 Professional 60 DAMON (Data Monitor) Procedures 61 BGPLOG_CLEANUP Procedure 61 REFRDEL_CLEAIUP Procedure. 62 CLEANUP_PRMQUEUE Procedure. 63 USESSION_CLEAR_LOGICAL_DELETES Procedure 64 CLEANUP_LOGICAL_DELETES Procedure. 64 PRIMAUDIT_CLEANUP Procedure. 6S CLEANUP_USESSAUD Procedure 66 USER_DEFINED_BACKGROUND Procedure 67 Contents Oracle Database Performance 67 Safe Deletes 68 ‘Turing Off Safe Deletes. 68 Native Database Auaiting 69 ‘Auditing Level Configuration, 69 Simple Configuration 70 Detailed Configuration. 70 Auditing Status 7 Options Setting ma SETTINGS_WRITE_STRING Procedure 72 The Augit Table. 72 Session Auditing 73 Column Auait Data 74 Installing P6 Professional. 75 Database Client Software 75 Oracle Database Client Software 75 Configuring Client Machines for Oracle Instant Client. 76 Previous Versions of P6 Professional 76 About the P6 Professional Setup Wizard. 77 Install P6 Professional 77 Installing P6 Professional for Standalone Use. 78 Installing the P6 Professional Application for Typical Use. 78 Configuring the Database Connection for PG Professional 79 Set the Industry Type (P6 Professional Only) 80 About the Database Configuration Wizard for P6 Professional a1 Changing Database Connection Settings for P Professional a1 Command Line Database Connection Configuration 83 Run database configuration from the command line 83 Configuring Client Machines to Transfer Data Between P3 and P6 Professional 35 Configuring P6 Professional to Connect to a Contract Management HTTPS URL. a5 P6 Visualizer. 86 Installing P6 Visualizer Only 86 Installing the P6 Professional SDK a7 Installing the P6 Professional SDK Application. a7 Installing the Job Service 28 Installing the Job Service and Distributed Job Service 38 Configuring Windows 2008 Server for Job Services O41 Configuring Windows 2008 Server R2 for Job Services. O41 Set the Job Service Log On Account. on Configure the Job Service to Send Jobs Directly to a Printer. 92 Specify a Different Language for the Job Service 92 Configuring Distributed Job Service 93 Distributed Job Service Overview 93 Prepare the Controller and DJS Servers for Installation and Configuration 93 Installing the Distributed Job Service 93 Disabling the Windows Firewall 93 a P6 Professional Administrator's Guide for an Oracle Database Configure Access to the Distributed Job Service. Configure DCOM for the Distributed Job Service Configure the Controller and DJS Servers Job Service Registry Settings Unattended Setup for P6 Professional... Unattended Setup Running Unattended Setup Creating Database Connections for Unattended Setup About the Administration Configuration Tool. Installing the Administration Configuration Tool Resetting Private User Passwords Resetting Application User Passwords. ‘Authentication in P6 EPPM. About User Authentication Modes, 108 Configuring LDAP Servers. 108 Provisioning LDAP User Information for the First Time, 109 Configuring P6 Professional Internal Plugins for Authentication. 110 Login Procedures and Authentication in P6 EPPM 110 ‘Troubleshooting Login Errors. 110 Users and Security. 113 Security Concepts in P6 Professional 113 Security Configuration Process in P6 Professional 120 Useful P6 Professional Terms 120 ‘Admin superuser. 424 Working with and defining the OBS. 124 Organizational breakdown structure (OBS) overview 424 Setting up the OBS. 122 View the OBS (P6 Professional Only) 122 (08S security 122 ‘Add an OBS element (P6 Professional Only) 123 Assign an OBS element to a WBS element 124 Ecit an OS element (P6 Professional Only). 124 Copy and paste an OBS element (P6 Professional Only) 124 Cut and paste an OBS element (P6 Professional Only) 124 Delete an OBS element (P6 Professional Only). 124 View the OBS chart display (P6 Professional Only) 125 Change the OBS chart display (PG Professional Only) 125 Move around the OBS chart (P6 Professional Only) 125 Change the OBS chart information (P6 Professional Only) 126 Assign responsibility for an issue 126 Assign responsibilty for threshold-generated issues 126 Setting up and starting to work with the EPS. 126 Enterprise Project Structure overview 126 Defining the Enterprise Project Structure (P6 Professional Only) 427 Contents Set up the EPS structure ‘Add a project to the EPS hierarchy Delete an EPS node or project (P6 Professional Only) Copy an EPS node or project Managing User Security (P6 Professional Only) Setting up user security (P6 Professional Only) Module access (P6 Professional Only) Security profiles, Global profiles Global Privilege Definitions (P6 Professional Only) Project profiles Project Privilege Definitions (P6 Professional Only) ‘Add new users (P6 Professional Only) List number of users having access to P6 Professional (P6 Professional Only) Change user security profiles (P6 Professional Only) Change user passwords (P6 Professional Only) Enable or disable user access to PG Professional (PG Professional Only) Remove users (P6 Professional Only) Create global profiles (P6 Professional Only) Assign global profiles (PG Professional Only) Change global profiles (P6 Professional Only) Delete global profiles (P6 Professional Only) Create project profiles (P6 Professional Only), Assign project profiles (P6 Professional Only) Change project profiles (P6 Professional Only) Delete project profiles (P6 Professional Oniy) Managing Resource Security (P6 Professional Only) Introduction to Resource Security. Implementing Resource Security (P6 Professional Only) Enable Resource Security (P6 Professional Only). Disable Resource Security (P6 Professional Only) Displaying Resource Access Information (P6 Professional Only) Change Resource Security (P6 Professional On\y). Application Settings and Global Data. Defining Administrative Preferences (P6 Professional Only), Administrative preferences (P6 Professional Only), Change the global code separator (P6 Professional Only) Set the week start day (P6 Professional Only) Set a default activity duration (P6 Professional Only) Define maximum hierarchy levels (P6 Professional Only) Define maximum project activity codes (P6 Professional Only) Define maximum baselines (P6 Professional Only) Define maximum ID lengths (P6 Professional Only) Set default workhours (P6 Professional Only) Set abbreviations for displaying time (P6 Professional Only) Define default earned value settings (P6 Professional Only) Set gobal summarization options (P6 Professional Only) Set the Online Help location (P6 Professional Only) 128 128 129 129 130 130 130 134 434 132 138 139 PG Professional Administrator's Guide for an Oracle Database Set the Industry Type (P6 Professional Only) Defining Administrative Categories (P6 Professional Only) Administrative categories (P6 Professional Only) Baseline Types (P6 Professional Only). Create a baseline type Edit @ baseline type (P6 Professional Only) Delete a baseline type (P6 Professional Only) Expense Categories (PG Professional Only) Create expense categories (P6 Professional Only) Rename expense categories (P6 Professional Only) Delete expense categories (PS Professional Only) WBS Category (P6 Professional Only) Edit the WBS category (P6 Professional Only) Create WBS category values (P6 Professional Only) Assign WBS Category values (P6 Professional Only), Change WBS category values (P6 Professional Only) Delete WBS category values (P6 Professional Only) Document Categories (P6 Professional Only) Create document categories (PS Professional Only) Rename document categories (PS Professional Only) Delete document categories (Pé Professional Only) Document Statuses (P6 Professional Only). Create # document status (PS Professional Only) Change document status names (P6 Professional Only) Delete » document status (P6 Professional Only) Risk Categories (P6 Professional Only). Create risk categories (P6 Professional Only) Edit risk categories (P6 Professional Only) Delete risk categories (P Professional Only). Notebook Topics (P6 Professional Only) Create notebooks (PS Professional Only) Change notebook names (P6 Professional Only), Delete notebooks (PS Professional Oniy) Units of Measure (P6 Professional Only) Define the units of measure for material resources (P6 Professional Only) Delete Units of Measure (P6 Professional Only) Defining Currencies (P6 Professional Only) Currencies (P6 Professional Only). ‘Add a view currency (P6 Professional Only) Define a base currency (P6 Professional Only) Setting User Preferences, Define user preferences Define how to display time information Specify a format for dates Specify a format for currency. Select a view currency Enter e-mail settings Set wizard options. Change my password, Set startup options. Create a log of tasks 162 163 163 163 163 164 164 164 164 164 165 165 165 165 166 166 166 166 166 167 167 167 167 187 168 168 168 168 169 169 169 169 170 470 170 170 ama ama ama 472 472 472 473 ara ara 474 475 475 475 476 176 Contents Define the range of financial periods to display in columns. arr ‘Set resource analysis options arz ‘Select Startup Filters 479 ‘Select calculation options for resource and role assignments. 479 AB ‘Troubleshooting Importing Projects from P3 to P6 Professional (P6 Professional Only) .. What Causes the P3 Import Option to Be Grayed Our or Send an Error Message? (P6 Professional Oniy) 181 Importing Projects from P3 if You Own a Licensed Copy of P3 or SureTrak (P6 Professional Only) 182 Message when Starting Import or Export (P6 Professional Only) 182 1185 6 Professional Setup for Windows Terminal Services and Citrix... Prenstallation Considerations 185 Installing P6 Professional on Terminal Services 187 Using Oracle Secure Global Desktop. 188 Preface In This Section Whete to Get Documentation. Where to Get Training .. Where to Get Support. Witkkco decal For the most up-to-date versions of all manuals and technical documents related to. installing, administering, and using Pé Professional, go to:¢d/E35157_01 /indexhim. You can also access the versions of the product manuals and technical documents that were available at the time of the release from the Pé Professional Documentation Center, located in the \Documentation\ Documentation _library\language folder of the P6 Professional physical media or download. The following table lists the core documents available for the release, and identifies recommended readers by role. Pé Professional roles are described in the Pé Professional Administrator's Guide. Other, more technical documents are available on the media pack and OTN site, but are not listed below. Title Description What's New in P6 Highlights the new and enhanced features included in Professional this release. You can also use the Pé Professional Cumulative Feature Overview Tool fo identify the features that have been addedsince a specific release level. All users should read this guide. P6 Professional Esplains how fo sei up the Pé Professional daiabose, Administrator's Guide servers, and componenis:it also provides an overview of all the components in the Pé Professional solution. The guide describes the procedures required to administer 6 Professional, including setting up security and configuring global preferences. @ The Pé Professional network administrator/databose administrator should read this guide. a. PG Professional Administrator's Guide for an Oracle Database Tite Description Tested Configurations Lists the configurations that have been tested and vetified to work with P6 Professional. The network administrator/database administrator and Pé Professional administrator should read this document. P6 Professional Standalone Installation and Configuration Guide Explains how to install and configure Pé Professional as a standalone application. All administrators should read this guide. P6 Professional Help Explains how to use P6 Professional to plan, set up, and manage projects in a multiuser environment. If you are new to Pé Professional, use this Help to learn how to use the software effectively to plan and manage projects. The Pé Professional administrator, program manager, project manager, resource/cost manager, and team leader should read this Help. 6 Professional User's Guide This guide explains how to plan, set up, and manage projects in a multiuser environment. If you are new to P6 Professional, start with this guide to learn how to use the software effectively to plan and manage projects. When you need more detail, refer to the Pé Professional Help. The program manager, project manager. resource/cost manager, and team leader should read, this guide. P6 Visualizer Help Describes how to create, modify, and manage Timescaled Logic Diagrams and Gantt charts. All users should read this Help. P6 Professional SDK Help Describes how to use the Pé Professional SDK to connect to the Pé Professional database. Describes the tables, fields, and stored procedures that you can access through the Pé Professional SDK. Provides examples that show how you can use the Pé Professional SDK to perform several basic tasks, such as creating a new Project or assigning a resource to a project activity. The P6 Professional network administrator/databose administrator should read this documentation, which is ‘available in local arive\ Program Files\Oracle\ Primavera Pé Professional PMSDK\Doc\ by default. Double-click the pé_pro_sdk.chm file to open the help file. 42 Preface Title Description P3 to P6 Professional This guide provides best practices for migrating your P3 Migration Guide data to Pé Professional, and details how P3 functionality maps to Pé Professional functionality. All administrators should read this guide. Distributing Information to the Team You can copy the online documentation to a network drive for access by project participants. Each team member can then view or print those portions that specifically relate to his or her role in the organization. Throughout this documentation, the Security Guidance icon @ helps you to quickly identify security-related content to consider during the installation and configuration process. Wk To access comprehensive training for all Primavera products, go to: Wit Access to Oracle Support Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit support /contact-068555.html or visit /index.html if you are hearing impaired, Using Primavera's Support Resource Centers Primavera’s Support Resource Center provides links to important support and product information. Primavera's Product Information Centers [PICs] organize documents found ‘on My Oracle Support (MOS), providing quick access to product and version specific information such os important knowledge documents, Release Value Propositions, and Oracle University training. PICs aiso offer documentation on Lifetime Management, from planning to installs, upgrades, and maintenance. Visit playid= 1486951.1 to ‘access links to all of the current PICs. PICs aso provide access to: > Communities are moderated by Oracle providing a place for collaboration among industry peers to share best practices. > News from our development and strategy groups. 13 PG Professional Administrator's Guide for an Oracle Database > Education contains alist of available Primavera product trainings through Oracle University. The Oracle Advisor Webcast program brings interactive expertise straight to the desktop using Oracle Web Conferencing technology. This capability brings you and Oracle experts together to access information about support services, products, technologies, best practices, and more. For more information about working with Support, visit /DocumentDis play?id-BB88 13.2. Layout of the P6 Professional Administrator's Guide This book fs astep-by-step guide to installing and configuring Pé Professional software modules. This manual is organized os follows: Overview Provides an overview of Pé Professional software components, discusses how to plan an implementation for your organization, and offers an overview of the process of installing ‘and configuring Pé Professional software components. Security guidelines are also outlined to assist you with creating a secure Pé Professional installation. Database Installation and Configuration Provides steps for using a wizard to automate the process of creating the Pé Professional database on either Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server and loading application data into the databases. This part also details how to manually create a database and use a wizard to automatically upgrade your database from previous versions of Pé Professional. Installation and Configuration Describes how to install and configure Pé Professional and an additional component. This section explains how to: > Install Pé Professional > Install an additional component, the Pé Professional SDK [Software Development Kit] > Create and tun an unattended setup > Configure module connectivity to the Pé Professional database 6 Professional Application Administration Describes how to customize Pé Professional applications, once installed. Specifically, this section covers how to: > Set up users and configure security > Modify application settings and global enterprise data > Set up authentication and provision users 44 Layout of the P6 Professional Administrator's Guide Tips Throughout this documentation, the Security Guidance icon @ helps you to quickly identify security-related content to consider during the installation and configuration process. See Security Guidance (on page 21} for more information about security guidelines. 15 Planning Your Implementation Read this chapter when you are ready to plan your implementation. For more detailed information and assistance, please consult with Oracle Global Customer Support [if you have questions about installation) or Oracle Primavera GBU Consulting [if you want Oracle Primavera to assist you with your implementation. | In This Section Which Components Do | Need? .. Client and Server Requirements Factors Affecting Memory Utilization by Pé Professional Cine ccs When planning your implementation, you will fist need to know which client modules ‘and server components you will need to install and configure, and where those modules and components need to be installed. The following is aset of questions that you will want to answer before you begin, W7 18 18 Which relational database management system (RDBMS) will you use on your database server? You can we either Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server on your database server. Which workstations will require P6 Professional? All P6 Professional users will need access to the database server. If using Oracle as the RDBMS, you will need fo install the Oracle client software on each compuier that runs this client module. If using Microsoft SQL Server as the RDBMS, the required Microsoft SQL Server files have already been included with Windows. Do you want your administrators to install P6 Professional using standardized preconfigured settings? If you want your client module to be configured identically, your administrators can run ‘an unattended setup based on a standard configuration. You can create one or more sels of unattended setup files and share them on a network server. Do some users require the ability to manage their projects in Microsoft Project while utilizing P6 Professional to manage global data? Your organization might currently use Microsoft Project to manage projects. Use Pé Professional import/export functionality to share projects, resources, and roles data with Microsoft Project. For more information, see the Pé Professional Help. 47 PG Professional Administrator's Guide for an Oracle Database © do you want to utilize password security features? When the authentication mode is set to "Native," most of Pé Professional, with the exception of the Pé Professional SDK, offers a strong password policy feature. When enabled, this feature requires that all new and modified passwords be between 8 and 20 characters and contain at least one number and one letter. If using LDAP authentication, the security set on the host authentication server overrides the password security features in Pé Professional. Cir ecacmic cuca After determining your Pé Professional implementation plan, ensure that your hardware ‘and software can support it. For the full lst of system requirements, versions, and tested configurations, see the Tested Configurations document. Factors Affecting Memory Utilization by P6 Professional Memory (RAM] utilization by Pé Professional is impacted by several factors, which can be categorized broadly os project complexity and presentation complexity. In general, an individual project with more activities, relationships, multi-level WBS, multilevel OBS, and which is planned over a longer petiod of time will require more memory than one with fewer activities, relationships, a simpler WBS and a simpler OBS. Additionally, a more complex User Interface experience - one in which multiple windows are open, many groups are displayed, and many layouts are available will consume more memory than less complex User Interface experience. Also the amount of memory needed during Scheduling is impacted primarily by number of relationships among activities and the depth of relationships among activities. Scheduling when there are more complex relationships among activities will consume more memory. Factors Impacting Project Complexity: Number of Activities Number of Relationships Number of Currently Opened Projects Number of Baselines Project Length Depth of WBS Structure Depth of OBS Structure Number and length of Activities /Assignments Language: Whether double-byte/Unicode Language or single-byte language Number of Code Assignments » Assigned to Project 18 Planning Your Implementation » Assigned to Activities » Assigned to Resources Number of UDFs and Data Type of UDFs UDF Assignments » Assigned to Project » Assigned to Activities » Assigned to Resources > EPS Complexity » It takes more memory to represent a complex, multilevel EPS than a flat EPS » Summary data is stored at each EPS level > Resource Assignments » Having a large number of resource assignments will affect resource summary records and thus have an impact on memory usage. > Calendars » Calendars will not significantly impact memory usage, unless there are many calendar exceptions and the Gantt view is shown with bar necking. Factors Impacting Presentation Complexity: > Number of Windows Open > Number of Columns displayed > Number of Layouts available > Grouping » Number of Grouping Rows » Number of Grouping Levels 19 Security Guidance This chapter provides guidelines on creating an overall secure environment for Pé EPPM. Itsummatizes security options to consider for each installation and configuration process and details additional security steps that you can perform before and after Pé EPPM implementation. In This Section Security Guidance Overview. Safe Deployment of Pé Professional. Authentication Options for Pé Professional Authorization for Pé Professional Confidentiality for Pé Professional Copy of Sensitive Data for Pé Professional. Reliability for Pé Professional. Additional Sources for Security Guidance .. Be acccueek medic During the installation and configuration process for Pé Professional, several options are ‘avoilable that impact security. Depending on your organization's needs, you might need to create a highly secure environment for all Pé Professional environments. Use the following guidelines to plan your security strategy for Pé Professional: > Review all security documentation for applications and hardware components that interact or integrate with Pé EPPM. Oracle recommencs you harden your environment. See Additional Sources for Security Guidance (on page 25) for links to information that can help you get started. > Read through the summary of considerations for Pé Professional included in this document. Areas covered include: safe deployment, authentication options, authorization, confidentiality, sensitive data, reliability, and cookies usage: > Throughout this documentation, the Security Guidance icon @ helps you to quickly identify security-related content to consider during the installation and configuration process. Once you begin the installation and configuration of your Pé Professional environment, use the Security Guidance icon os a reminder to carefully corsider all security options. Tips As with any software product, be aware that security changes made for third party applications might affect Pé Professional applications. 24 P6 Professional Administrator's Guide for an Oracle Database Beir o uicitudeeacesol To ensure overall safe deployment of Pé Professional, you should carefully plan security for all components, such as database servers and client computers that are required for ‘and interact with Pé Professional. In addition to the documentation included with other ‘applications and hardware components, follow the Pé Professional-specific guidance below. As the Pé Professional Administrator, you should determine the minimum administrative Privileges or permissions needed to install, configure, and operate Pé Professional. Users do not have to be administrators on their machines to run Pé Professional. Instead, you can grant minimum permissions to create a more secure environment. The following is a summary of the minimum system requirements needed to access and run components of Pé Professional: Files within Folders: > local drive\ Program Files\ Oracle\ Primavera P6\Pé6 Professional (for a 64 bit OS the path is local drive\ Program Files (»86)...) dbexpsda40.cll dbexpsda30.cll dbexpint.dll dbexpodad0.dll dbexpoda30.dll DbExpPrC.dll (only needed when using Compression Server] dbexpsda.dil dbxadaptera0.dll (only needed when using Compression Server] Read&Execute/Read permission to access files needed to tun Pé Professional applications and to create and modify database alias connections. local drive\ Program Files\ Oracle\ Primavera P6\P6 Professional\pm.ini {for a 64 bit OS the path is local drive\ Program Files (»86)...) Read&Execute/Read/Write petmission to access the inifile, which is required to log into Pé Professional applications local drive\ Program Files\ Oracle\ Primavera P6\P6 Professional\ Java\, {for a 64 bit OS the path is local drive\ Program Files (»86)...) dbconfig.crnd PrimaveraAdminConfig.exe ‘Security Guidance For your reference, the following are the default installation locations for the PrmBootStrap.xm| file: Windows XP: \ BUSERPROFILE®\ Local Settings\ Application Data\ Oracle\ Primavera P6\P6 Professional Windows Vista and 7: \BLOCALAPPDATA®\ Oracle \ Primavera P4\P6 Professional During installation, the PrmBootStrap.xm! file is also copied to one of the locations below, depending on your operating system. The files will never be modified during use of Pé Professional, so they can be copied to the current user location (USERPROFILE or LOCALAPPDATA) if you need to revert Pé Professional back to its original state (for example, if files become corrupted). Windows XP: \ BALLUSERSPROFILER \ Application Data\ Oracle\ Primavera P6\Pé Professional Windows Vista and 7: \BPROGRAMDATAR\ Oracle\ Primavera P6\Pé Professional > Ouiput directory for File > Export, Log output fil Read&Execute/Read/Write to create and write output files. Registry Keys: > HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\ Primavera READ Note: For the Update Baseline and Schedule Comparison/C! Digger tools, the key is opened in Read/Write/Delete mode. You should physically secure all hardware hosting Pé Professional to maintain a safe plementation environment. Consider the following when planning your physical security strategy: > Youshould install, configure, manage, and maintain your environment according to guidance in all applicable installation and configuration documentation for Pé Professional. > You should install Pé Professional components in controlled access facilities to prevent unauthorized access. Only authorized administrators for the systems hosting Pé Professional should have physical access to those systems. Such administrators include the Operating System Administrators, Application Server Admintrators, and Database Administrators. > Youshould use Administrator access to client machines only when you install and configure Pé Professional modules. 23 PG Professional Administrator's Guide for an Oracle Database ek keel Authentication determines the identity of users before granting access to Pé Professional modules. Pé Professional offers the following authentication modes: Native is the default mode for Pé Professional. In Native mode, the Pé Professional database acts as the authority and the application handles the authentication of the user who is logging into that application. lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) authenticates users through a directory ‘and is available for Pé Professional applications. Pé Professional supports LDAP referrals with Oracle Internet Directory and Microsoft Windows Active Directory. LDAP referrals allow authentication to extend to another domain. You can also configure multiple LDAP servers, which supports foilover and enables you to search for users in multiple LDAP stores. In LDAP mode, an LDAP directory server database confirms the user's identity when they attempt to login to a Pé Professional application. LDAP will help you to create the most secure authentication environment available in Pé Professional. RT kmileceoee Grant authorization carefully to all appropriate Pé Professional users. To help you with security planning, consider the following authorization-related options: > Use Global profiles to limit privileges to global date. Assign the Admin Superuser account sparingly. > Use Project profiles to limit privileges to project data. Assign the Project Superuser account sparingly. > Assign OBS elements to EPS and WBS nodes to limit access to projects. > Assign resource access limitations to each user. onfidentiality for P6 Professional Confidentiality ensures only authorized users see stored and transmitted information. In ‘addition to the documentation included with other applications and hardware components, follow the Pé Professional-specific guidance below. > For data in transit, use SSL/TLS to protect network connections among modules. If you use LDAP authentication, ensure you use LDAPS to connect to the directory server. > For data at rest, refer to the documentation included with the database server for instructions on securing the database. Copy of Sensitive Data for P6 Professional Protect sensitive data in Pé Professional, such as user names, passwords, and e-mail addresses. Use the process below to help during your security plannin 24 Security Guidance > Implement security measures in Pé Professional to carefully grant users access to sersitive data, For example, use a combination of Global Profiles, Project Profiles, and OBS access to limit access to data. > Implement security measures for applications that interact with Pé Professional, as detailed in the documentation included with thse applications. PE acedenicu) Protect against attacks that could deny a service by: > Installing the latest security patches. > Replacing the defauit Admin Superuser (admin) immediately after a manual database installation or an upgrade from Pé version 7.0 and earlier. > Ensuring log settings meet the operational needs of the server environment. Do not use "Debug" log level in production environments. > Documenting the configuration settings used for servers and create a process for changing them. > Protecting access to configuration files with physical and file system secutity. Additional Sources for Security Guidance You should properlysecure the databases, platforms, and servers you use for your Pé Professional. You might find the links below helpful when planning your security strategy (not a comprehensive lis). Note: The URLs below might have changed after Oracle published this guide. Oracle Database 19306_01 /network. 102/b14266/toc. him Oracle Linux Security Guide /servers-storage-admin/secure-linuxenv-1 841089.him! Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Database http://www /sqserver/2005/en/us /security.aspx Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Database /sqserver/2008/en/us /Security.cspx Microsoft Windows 2008 Server WS. 10) aspx 25 P6 Professional Administrator's Guide for an Oracle Database Microsoft Windows 2003 Server /details.ospx? familyid=BA2643C 1-0685-4D89-B655 -52EA6C7B4DB&displaylang=en 26 Automatic Database Installation Follow the steps in this chapter to set up and load the Pé Professional databases on a server using the automatic install process. In This Section Automatic Database Installation Overview About the Database Wizard Private Database Logins for Pé Professional eeu ‘One database is used to run Pé Professional. It stores data used by all Pé Professional applications. If you need detailed steps on installing Oracle Database or Microsoft SQL Server, refer to the database documentation included with those products. P6 Professional supports Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server databases. See Client and Server Requirements for details on which versions are supported. The Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server software must be installed on the database servers before you can create the database You can run the database wizard to automatically create a database structure and load application data into it; or. you can manually configure the database structures and then run a batch file to load application date. This chapter walks you through the ‘automatic method. See Manual Database Configuration (on page 35) for the manual instructions. Note: See Automatic Database Upgrade Considerations and Prerequisites (on page 47} for details if you have previously installed ‘and configured Pé Professional databases and want to upgrade to the current version. See Database Administration (on page 53) for additional tips and considerations related to database performance along with additional settings. Oracle considerations Before installing the Pé Professional database, consider the following: 27 PG Professional Administrator's Guide for an Oracle Database > IF you intend to run Pé Professional or Pé Compression Server on an Oracle database server, the Oracle client must be installed on each machine that will be accessing the database server. > When you install the Oracle database client, the TNSPING.EXE utility is automatically installed in the \oracle\ora_home\ bin folder. You must have this utility for P6 EPPM applications. Do not delete it. > Oracle must be run in Dedicated Mode (rather than MTS mode). > Ifyou need to use the Euro symbol in any Western European language, you must use codepage WEBMSWIN1252 or UTFB. Please note, if you change the NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS parameter from BYTE to CHAR the software will not be affected. Oracle recommends using CHAR if using UTF8 because some characters are two or three bytes. Note: Pé EPPM does not support passwords with multi-byte characters. To configure the Oracle database server for SSL: Please see the Advanced Security Administrator's Guide included with the Oracle Database Server Documentation for configuring the Oracle Server and Oracle Client(s} for SSL. Gece The Databose wizard guides you through the steps for creating a new database structure and loading the application data into it. You do not need to be an ‘experienced DBA to perform these steps; however, Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server must already be installed on the database server. You can run the Database wizard to create a new database from a client computer or from the server ifself. The Database wizard creates any necessary file structures and database users for you. For information on how to run the Database wizard from a command line, refer to My Oracle Support’s Knowledge Articles. Automatically Installing an Oracle Database and Loading Application Data Complete the following steps to automatically create an Oracle database and load application data. Notes: + it youwill be using SSL protocol, refer to your Oracle database documentation and the My Oracle Suppor's Knowledge Articles for configuration instructions before running the Database wizard (dbsetup). 28

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