Tekla Structures - SAP2000 Integration Notes

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Tekla Structures SAP2000 integration notes

Tekla Structures user interface controls
On the analysis&design models dialog, the following controls are used:
o Creates the SAP2000 model, runs the analysis and steel/concrete design automatically
(if design has been enabled), and leaves SAP2000 application open.
o In SAP2000:
1. Check analysis and steel/concrete design results.
2. Check that analysis and design sections are the same now in SAP2000 (Design>Steel Frame Design->Verify Analysis vs Design Section, Design->Concrete
Frame Design->Verify Analysis vs Design Section). If there are differences, rerun
until there are no differences:
a. Rerun the analysis (Analyze->Run Analysis).
b. Rerun steel/concrete design (Design->Steel Frame Design->Start
Design/Check of Structure, Design->Concrete Frame Design->Start
Design/Check of Structure) .
3. Save SAP2000 model, Tekla Structures can now fetch the results (see Get results).
Create model
o Creates SAP2000 model, and leaves SAP2000 application open. The difference from
using Run is that no analysis or design is started automatically.
o In SAP2000, verify and modify the model as needed.
o Run analysis (Analyze->Run Analysis)
o Run steel/concrete design (Design->Steel Frame Design->Start Design/Check of
Structure, Design->Concrete Frame Design->Start Design/Check of Structure) .
o Continue as when using Run button, steps 1-3
View results
o Opens SAP2000 and loads the model (which was created before using Run or Create
Get results
o Fetches results from the SAP2000 model for all members in the analysis model.
Get results for selected
o Fetches results from the SAP2000 model for the currently selected members

Data transfer from TS to SAP2000

Model geometry
The following objects are supported in the transfer: Nodes, members, slabs, walls, node
supports, member releases.

o Node spring supports also.

o True curved member not supported yet (approximation by polyline used by TS by
o Member partial moment release is not supported (but spring releases can be used).
o Truss member in TS: Releases set accordingly for SAP2000 frame object.
Member offsets are supported (insertion point, offset). Axial offset are set as SAP2000 end
offsets, however.
Non-prismatic sections are supported (different start/end sections)
Rebar beam/Rebar column is defined for concrete members.
Slab/wall meshing is done by SAP2000. Mesh type is "max size" in simple cases (no holes, no
forced inner node positions), group is "ALL". Otherwise mesh type is "general divide tool",
group is created from hole nodes and forced inner nodes. Thin shell is used. Plate property
name is created as "S<shelltype int>;<materialname>;<thickness in mm>", f.ex "S1;C30;300".
Rigid links are created as SAP2000 link objects.
Rigid diaphragms are created as SAP2000 node constraints.

Loads (self weight, node load, concentrated member load, distributed member load, slab/wall
o Member point/line loads either in local or global coord system.
o Limitation: Partial area load on slab/wall is only supported for small load area (less
than 2x2 meters) in which case corner nodes are loaded. Otherwise, whole area of
slab/wall is loaded.
Temperature load is not supported.
Load cases. Types "Dead load" (for self weight), "Super dead load" and "live load" only used.
For combination generation in SAP2000, type needs to be adjusted in SAP2000.
Analysis cases/Combos
o Static linear/nonlinear analysis cases.
o For design purposes, combo is created from each analysis case with name

Basic material properties from TS material catalog (E, density, Poisson, Thermal).
Design properties through user-editable configuration file (SAP2000MaterialMapping.cnv).
Material name of concrete members = "REBAR_" + Yield + "_" + Ultimate, f.ex.


Sections are handled in this order:

1) Try Mapping by name (European, US imperial, US metric and UK sections currently, usereditable configuration file)
2) Try creation by type (T for example) and dimensions. Supported types are: rectangular,
T both orientations, I, unsymmetrical I, angle, Z, channel, tube, round, pipe, general
3) Calculated (by TS) properties only (A, Iyy, Izz, ...)

Steel/Concrete design
Design code and parameters (SAP2000 preferences/overwrites) can be set in TS
Steel codes: AISC-LRFD93, AISC-LRFD99, AISC-ASD01, AISC-ASD89, EUROCODE 31993, BS5950 1990, BS5950 2000
Concrete codes: ACI 318-05/IBC2003, ACI 318-02, ACI 318-99, EUROCODE 2-1992,
BS8110 89, BS8110 97
Remaining SAP2000 design codes can be connected by editing the configuration file
o Alternatively, design code and parameters can be defined in SAP2000, and settings are
retained (when model merging is activated, see below).
Rebar beam/Rebar column is defined for concrete design.
Auto select lists are created for steel members. Using auto select list, SAP2000 can select the
most economical section when designing the member. By default in TS, auto select list
contains the sections of the same branch in TS section catalog. Different list can be created by
using user defined attribute Design group in TS section catalog.
Note for concrete design: In analysis model attributes/concrete design, design method needs to
be set as Calculate required area.

Other notes
Nonlinear analysis can be used, in which case analysis cases are defined as static nonlinear.
P-delta analysis can be used, in which case analysis cases are defined as static nonlinear and
geometric nonlinearity is defined for the analysis cases (P-delta plus large displacements)
Seismic analysis definitions for SAP2000 cannot be defined in TS
Modal analysis definitions for SAP2000 cannot be defined in TS
Internal units of SAP model are Newton-meter.
Units defined in TS are used when opening SAP.
If TS model center is more than 1000 meters from (0,0,0), SAP2000 model offset is introduced
Member output stations can be set in TS: Interval used if non-zero, count&interval can be set
for model/indiv.member

Data transfer from SAP2000 to TS

Changed sections can be imported from SAP2000 to TS, changes can then be accepted
individually in TS
Results to be inserted to TS analysis results database:
o Member end forces and intermediate forces for all load cases
o Member displacements for all load cases
o Steel design utility ratio
o Concrete/beam design results, calculated reinforcement areas

Model merging
Model merging is off by default, in which case new SAP2000 model is always created when
transferring data from TS to SAP2000.

If model merging is enabled, changes of Tekla (analysis) model can be merged to the alreadyexisting SAP2000 model (for example, new members have been added to the TS model).
Objects and definitions which have been added in (using) SAP2000 will be retained. For
example, loads can be added in SAP2000.
For model merge purposes, SAP2000 object names are created with postfix "_" to be able to
recognize objects created from TS.
Section and material properties are not updated in merge, if name already exists in SAP2000
(is is possible to adjust the properties in SAP2000 without losing changes in the next transfer
from TS).
Load cases are not updated in merge, if name already exists in SAP2000 (possible to adjust
type in SAP2000 without losing change in the next transfer from TS).
Analysis case/combo in merge, if name already exists in SAP2000: Only TS load cases are
replaced (it is possible to change type and add other load cases to the analysis case/combo
without losing change in the next transfer from TS).

All loads which are added in SAP2000 are to be assigned to load case which has been created
in SAP2000 (in other words load cannot be assinged to load case coming from TS, or it will be
removed in merge)
Currently it is not possible to change node support/member release properties in SAP2000, in a
way that this change would be kept in the next transfer from TS.

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