Fourth Grade News: Cooperation - Working Together!

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Fourth Grade News As summer is drawing to a clase, I hope you are able to spend some time outside making precious memories with your child this weekend. Memories are priceless As for homework, every student has at least 20 minutes of reading homework five nights a week. If your child's SRT scare is over 900, this can be done silently. It it’s not, he/she should be whisper reading, Please don't correct every mistake if your child is reading to you. If there ore five words an a page that your child cannot pronounce, the book is too difficult, and your child needs to choose on easier book. Qur class website,, has a link to the right of the page to help you determine book levels, Occasionally, have your child summarize what is being read to make sure he/she is comprehending the text In addition to reading homework, your child may have multiplication and spelling hamework. We take a timed multiplication test each Friday, and 80 prablems is the proficiency level for first quarter, Quickly knowing multiplication facts is essential for success in 4th grade math. Practic- ing 15 minutes a night until mastery is highly encouraged, There is a Symbaloo link to the right of aur website that has multiplication games. There are 90 wards in your child's binder that he/she should be able ta spell. They are the frequently missed words and have been taught in lower grades. Mast of the students can spell aver 70 of them correctly. Please check to see which words your child needs help on. This is inde- pendent study for them. Each week, I'l randomly choose 10-15 wards from the list to quiz over. The quiz will also include words with the suf- fix -er and prefix im- this week. Thanks for being such great parents! Teaching is easy when students come from loving, supportive homes. I can tell that each child in my class is loved. I hope you know that I love them tao and want what's best for them. I'm so fortunate to get paid to do something I enjoy. I hope your child grows up to find a jab that they love too. We are nat preparing your child for fifth grade, we are preparing him/her for life. Thanks for sharing your child with me. Have a great weekend! Cooperation- Working Together! Important Dates September 7—No ‘School September 28th— Grandparents" Day (times coming soon) October 9-1/2 day for students (Early out means 12:30) October 20 ond 22— Parent/Teacher Con- ferences October 23~No School November 3—No ‘School

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