Classroom Procedures

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Classroom Procedures

1. Beginning of the Period

a. You need to be in your seats, ready to begin class, when the tardy bell rings.
b. Please enter the classroom in a quiet and calm manner and get out your homework to be checked.
c. There will be a warm up assignment on the board; you are to begin working on the assignment
when you have your materials on your desk. This is the time to turn in the following items: Late
Notes, Absence Notes, Make Up Work, Pick up Missing Work
2. Participation and Classroom Conduct
a. Students are NOT allowed to have FOOD or DRINKS in the classroom.
b. Students may only bring water into the room in a closed bottle.
c. Students are expected to participate fully and productively throughout the ENTIRE block.
d. Students will conduct themselves in a responsible manner at all times.
e. At NO time should your conduct distract from the teacher teaching, or other students learning!!
3. Leaving the Classroom During Class
a. Students need to take care of personal matters (including using the restroom) during breaks
between classes.
b. Restroom passes will be used in emergency only situations. Please do not expect to leave the
classroom to use the restroom during class.
4. Turning in Assignments
a. All assignments MUST have your full name, date, block, and title of the assignment neatly
b. Work will only be accepted in PENCIL. Using pens for math assignments is not acceptable.
5. Absences
a. It is the students responsibility to keep track of the missed assignments and to get the required
notes, handouts, or assignments.
b. There will be a folder with a record of what a student missed in class each day.
c. Major tests and projects that have been pre-announced will be DUE the DAY the student
RETURNS to school.
6. Ending the Period
a. Students will be dismissed by the teacher, not the bell.
b. After being dismissed, please push your chair under your desk and leave quietly and calmly.
c. Please place all trash in the garbage can as soon as you leave the classroom.
7. Miscellaneous Items
a. Copying or Cheating - Copying on ANY assignment, including tests, will result in a zero.
b. Homework will be assigned between 3-5 nights a week. Occasionally I will collect homework
assignments for a grade. Late homework will not be accepted.
c. We will be doing group work this semester. Group work is not social hour. Any student not
working productively on the activity will be separated from their group and will complete the
activity independently.
d. GUM - I do not mind if students chew gum during class. HOWEVER, any student popping their
gum or blowing bubbles will be asked immediately to dispose of the gum.
e. Sleeping will not be tolerated during class. Student will receive one warning, after that the
student will be asked to stand at the back of class until s/he is awake enough to return to their

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