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Top Bullet Formulas

1. The how to bullet

Single most popular type of bullet/fascination. Works because we have a natural affinity
and curiosity for how to information. Especially true if the how to information is tied
into our deepest feelings and desires.

How to use the secrets of loading your body for maximum power! (Traditional swings rob
you of this potential power while the Triple Coil Swing actually increases it two-fold!)

How to make yourself safer than 89% of other car passengers page 389.

How to rub your stomach away. The simplest and most natural way to lose weight is by this
effortless two-minute exercise.

2. How to ____ without ____.

The appeal is that you can get a desired result without the usual drawbacks associated
with getting that result.

How to get tax-exempt income without tying up your money in bonds. Super-safe ... and you
can take your money out anytime you want.

How to end constipation without harsh laxatives. This simple posture change may be all you
need to move sluggish bowels.

Beat prostate cancer without surgery. New technique is just as effective, but does NOT cause

3. How to ____ even if you ______.

Makes your solution sound very powerful. (It works even for the most difficult cases!)
Tackles the objections of those people who think that theyre somehow different from
everyone else use this formula to address those excuses head on:

How to get your dream job in the next 60 days even if youre over 55. Ingenious advice on
how to make yourself irresistible to prospective employees. Page 155

Get super-fit even if you have arthritic knees. This powerful multi-purpose exercise puts
virtually no strain on your joints. Page 329

How to attract beautiful women when youre flat broke. Page 27

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4. How to ____. The secret is

First sentence is a straight-forward how-to statement and the second sentence begins with
the words the secret is
Best time to use this formula is when you are hinting that your solution involves an
uncommon use for a common ingredient. For example:

"Burn away" bronchial congestion -- and fill your lungs with air again. The secret is right on
your kitchen spice rack.

End sugar cravings for good! The secret is this common item available at any health food

Catch those long touchdown passes. The secret is to focus on this part of the football. Page

5. The secret to _______.

Perfect when you have information not commonly known can be legitimately called a
secret. Typically secret is centered on how your prospect will get the benefit. Be
careful not to overuse. MUST be based on information not commonly known and varied
for maximum impact.

The secrets of Single Finger takedowns ... using moves that are indefensible even by a larger
and more experienced opponent!

The secret to permanent weight loss. Leading study finds one difference between women
who keep weight off and those who dont. EGLW p 86.

The secret to throwing dinner parties people will talk about for months. What to serve
where to seat people who to invite -- and who not to invite. Page 305

6. The amazing ___ that does ____.

The smart pill that re-charges your memory and gives you crystal-clear thinking! Safe,
natural, and proven to work in clinical studies.

The miracle substance that fights arthritis ... allergies ... ulcers ... high blood pressure ...
weight problems and a lot more. Costs just pennies!

The soothing herb that brings sound, restful sleep to the worst insomniacs. No morning-after
side effects.

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7. The forget this, try that formula.

Variation of the how to ___ without ____ idea. Instead of saying how to do this without
that, youre saying forget this conventional way of doing something, try my unusual way
instead. Formula works best when the conventional solution to a problem is unpleasant,
ineffective, or dangerous.

How to quit smoking for good -- quickly and easily. Forget nicotine patches, hypnosis, and
"cold turkey;" The best way is this path of least resistance.

How to stop an asthma attack instantly. Forget about steroidal inhalers. This remedy is allnatural and can be done anytime, anywhere.

Easiest way to test yourself for food allergies. Forget expensive lab tests; all you need is 15
minutes and a pocket watch.

Notice how we end each bullet with a curiosity-enhancing sentence.

8. The Right? Wrong! formula.

Use when youre writing about information that is surprising or counter to the
conventional wisdom. Not enough to merely point out that the conventional wisdom is
wrong. Have to provide some proof that its wrong, and then add a kicker that provides
a solution and enhances curiosity.

Bottled waters are safer than tap, right? Wrong. EPA found that 31% of brands tested were
tainted by bacteria! Heres how to protect yourself. Page 142

Aspirin prevents heart attacks, right? Wrong! Widely touted aspirin studies were seriously
flawed. Heres what to take instead. Page 33

Sneezing into a tissue prevents colds, right? Wrong! Page 2 explains why.

9. The Number bullet

Group together multiple ways, secrets or reasons why.

The seven little-known signs of internal bleeding and what to do about each page 4.

The worlds two most powerful inflation fighting strategies: PLUS the stocks that can hand
you gains of up to 562% as inflation returns ...

3 often overlooked investment vehicles that can make you up to 10 times richer when the next
earnings scandal bursts into the headlines.

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10. The laundry list with one item revealed

Better way to do this type of laundry-list bullet is to look for an item on the list that the
reader would find new, interesting, or surprising then actually reveal it.

5 foods you should avoid if you have osteoporosis. (Believe it or not, one of them is cheese!)
The other 4 revealed, on page 83.

Weve gone beyond a simple statement of benefit and added both news and curiosity to
the bullet. News because weve told him something surprising that he didnt know
before. Curiosity because hes thinking that perhaps the 4 other foods are equally new
and surprising, and hes now wondering what they are.

5 substances that can interfere with a mammogram. (One of them is your antiperspirant!)
How to avoid getting misdiagnosed, page 132.

9 foods that can cause migraine headaches (One of them is yogurt!) Plus 7 little-known
treatments that can get rid of your pain and even prevent future attacks. Page 203

11. The general-benefit-followed-by-sub-benefits formula

Have a laundry list of benefits. Instead of just saying 3 ways to do x, you write a
general how-to sentence, followed by a second sentence that talks about those three
ways. Formula works only when the items in the second sentence are intriguing in and
of themselves.

How to choose the right nursing home. What to look for when youre choosing one. Best
time to conduct an inspection tour. Hidden charges you should ask about. Page 22

Legal tax deductions your accountant never told you about. How to deduct the cost of your
dry cleaning your family vacations even your swimming pool! Page 47

Insomnia cures nobody ever told you about before. Best type of pillow to sleep on what
colors to paint your bedroom what you should always keep on your night table. Page 10

12. The magic words formula

Knowing the right lingo will make you seem like an insider, thus opening doors for you
and getting you things other people cant get!
Its promising the reader a secret - but also gives the reader a no-brainer solution that
requires no work on his part. He doesnt have to be worry about what hes going to say
to get the best deal because were giving him the exact words to use.
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How to make sure you get the absolute lowest rate on any rental car. Just say these magic
words and the price automatically gets slashed! Page 137

Secret word makes ambulance come faster. Page 26

How to win the bidding war for your dream house. Other buyers offer more money. But you
quietly say the magic words to the seller--and the home is yours! Page 55

Concept of magic words came from the copywriter, not the product. Nowhere in the
article did it say here are the magic words to use.

13. The Why bullet

Ideal for building intrigue. Promising to reveal why something is a certain way with
the implication that knowing why will make a difference. Make sure info ... (a)
something your prospect is instantly curious to know more about and (b) directly
beneficial in his life.

Why if this disaster strikes the US, youll pay up to 15 times more money for cheap
imitations of your favorite supplements and why thats the good news!

Why up to 70 percent of all poisonings happen to children under five. And the best
prevention of them all. Page 34.

Why you cant trust your pension fund: Dirty tricks they play with your money and how to
stop them COLD ...

14. The strange fact phrased as a why statement.

Find a strange, startling fact, add the word why in front of it:

Why you should always keep tea bags in your first aid kit. Surprising information on page

Why you should never fly within 12 hours of dental work. And other savvy travel secrets.
Page 34

To make even more powerful, add a second sentence that boosts credibility.

Why you should never brush your teeth after drinking wine or orange juice. Shocking
findings of dental researchers!

Why shaving your left sideburn first can make you more attractive to women! Dont laugh, it
was proven in scientific tests! Page 16

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Or add a second sentence that drives home the benefit.

Why weakness in your leg muscles is often the first sign that youre at risk for diabetes and
cancer. Heres how to tell and what to do about it. Page 87

Why people who go to the beach often are at lower risk of rheumatoid arthritis. And how
you can use this information to dramatically lower your risk.

Or, leave out the essential fact while adding a second sentence that enhances curiosity.

Why the best cure for multiple sclerosis might be at your dentist. (This news will surprise
and shock you.)

Why anyone getting a biopsy should bring a jar of honey with them. Strange but true. 7/01, p

15. Best times/worst times

Youll get a better deal and/or get treated better if you do something during a certain time
of day or month or week.

Best time of year to look for bargains at auction houses and art galleries.

Best day of the week to schedule a tax audit. Youre most likely to get a favorable result if
you reschedule for these times. Page 8

Best time of day to take ulcer medication. Maximizes its effectiveness. Page 155

16. The What bullet

Give prospect very specific instructions for action. Offer elusive, valuable information
They bump up perceived value of information, while at same time hiding it for added

What you must do at once if you receive a mild shock when you touch an electric appliance
page 26.

What the Corporate Fat Cats dont tell you about their CoQ10 supplements ...

What to watch when youre eight feet apart (its NOT his eyes a terrible mistake most
fighters make that gets them hurt) ... and what to watch inside the two feet crunch time
zone ... to keep you a precious step ahead of even superbly-trained fighters!

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17. How the pros do it.

There are certain secrets the experts know that you dont.

How doctors stay well while treating sick people all day. Immunity boosting secret you can

How experts read a home improvement contract. Words to cross out before you sign. Page

How Wall Street insiders make money in a declining stock market. Very easy to do, once
you know the secret.

18. Why you should never _____.

Take something common that your prospect is probably doing and then hint that doing
it is dangerous or in some other way undesirable.

Why you should never answer a ringing pay phone. Latest high-tech scam can cost you
thousands--without your knowing it! Page 28

To really add power, go beyond merely telling the reader what he shouldnt do. Add a
kicker that promises a key piece of the puzzle that is unrevealed, and the only way to
get it is to buy the product.

Why you should never use prunes as a laxative. How to get the same ingredients and relief
without the dangers. Page 16

Why you should NEVER take aspirin or Tylenol when you have a cold or flu. And what to
do instead for fast relief. Page 196

19. The What NEVER bullet

Powerful because it alerts him of a possible mistake (tapping into fear emotion), promises
information that will protect from the mistake (benefit), also builds curiosity and
Can start with leads like Why you should not ... or The absolute worst ... or What to
avoid ... premise is exactly the same.

What never to eat on an airplane. The dirtiest, deadliest airplane in the whole wide world.
What never to keep in your deposit box. Never. And how to stop the state from stealing it.

Why you should not use soap anywhere but under the arms and on the genitals. Page 37.

The absolute worst time for your body to do paperwork or read. Page 26.
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The One Place NEVER to Store Your Gold: Its practically an engraved invitation to
thieves. Where to store your gold for maximum safety and convenience.

20. The most people do this, but you do that formula.

This formula promises reader secrets so powerful even the experts dont know about

Doctor says your loved one has Alzheimers. You read page 127 and cure him with ordinary

The I.R.S. says you're not allowed to claim a loss on any property you sell to a relative. You
do it anyway, thanks to this HUGE loophole. Page 99

Others get audited for their travel and entertainment deductions. You deduct TWICE as
much, yet get no flak from the IRS. The secret on page 18.

21. Inside secrets from a former bad guy

Appeal of a secret. Someone who used to rip you off or make your life difficult has now
switched sides and is going to spill the beans about all the tricks he used against you.

How to get the absolute best deal on a new car. Secret revealed by former car dealer.

How to get the IRS to "forget" to audit your return. Astonishing secret revealed by former
IRS agent. Page 302

Best and worst locks for your bicycle. A former thief reveals 3 popular models that are easy
to break and one thats virtually impossible to crack.

22. Say good-bye to ____.

The words say good-bye to really resonate with people. Best time to use is when
youre dealing with a chronic problems. Especially effective with people who have tried
everything to get rid of their problem.

Say good bye to yeast infections! This ordinary kitchen spice has been shown to kill yeast
fungus fast ... and prevent it from coming back! 8/96 p 6

Say good-bye to shoulder injuries! The most vulnerable part of your shoulder is the rotator
cuff; heres how to make it injury-proof! Tips For 1998, page 9

Say goodbye to back pain! If you've had no luck with orthopedists, chiropractors, and
physical therapists, then read this. Pain disappeared in women who took these 2 supplements!
9/95 p 6; 6/95, p. 7)

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23. The dangerous exception formula (a.k.a. When good

things are actually bad for you.)
Like the Right? Wrong! formula on steroids. Hey, you know those things you do
because theyre good for you? Well, in some instances they can be bad for you even

When eating fruits and vegetables can actually increase your risk of breast cancer! How to
protect yourself and get all the benefits without the dangers. 1/98 p 7

When taking the standard deduction can trigger a tax audit. Ex-IRS agent reveals what you
need to know.

When using sunscreen can raise your risk of skin cancer. Startling fact revealed on page 304

24. When its OK to ____.

Flip side of above formula. Sometimes things you thought were bad are actually good!

When it's safe to ignore the April 15th filing deadline. No interest, no penalties, no nasty
visits from the feds. Page 3

Bills its OK to pay late. Little-known grace periods youre never told about.

When the IRS has to pay you interest! If they miss this deadline by a single day, theyre
legally obligated to do so.

Last bullet didnt really fit formula, but illustrates a way reader can turn the tables on
their enemies!

25. The truth about ______.

Works best with something current, newsworthy, and especially controversial. Select
info. that's conflicting or confusing. Offer clear solution in the form of the Truth.

THE TRUTH ABOUT MUTUAL FUNDS. What your broker doesnt tell you could cost
you up to 5% this year.

THE TRUTH ABOUT TUNA. Is it good for you? Or does it contain harmful metals that can
ruin your immune system? See page 70.

THE TRUTH ABOUT ALCOHOL. Will it interfere with muscle growth? Will it help your
heart and circulatory system? See page 274.

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26. Whatever you do, dont make this common mistake!

Variation of Why you should never ____ bullet. Start with general how-to statement,
then say whatever you do, dont do the common thing most people do.

Safest way to treat a tick bite. (Whatever you do, DONT use alcohol!) Page 48

How to get the absolute best deal on any hotel room. Hint: Whatever you do, DONT call
the hotels reservations number.

Best way to treat a groin injury. Whatever you do, dont take aspirin! Page 87

27. The hidden cause of ____.

Appeals to anyone with chronic problems cant get to the bottom of. Idea is theres some
hidden cause you and your doctor dont know about, if you read this information youll
finally be able to cure yourself.

Hidden cause of fatigue. Just do this and energy comes roaring back! Page 00, inside.

The hidden cause of Attention Deficit Disorder. And the easy way to cure it ... without
Ritalin or other dangerous drugs. 9/99, p 19

The hidden cause of migraines. Very often, they can be cured for good simple by eliminating
this single food from the diet. Page 10

28. Do you ___?

Catches attention by talking about something prospect is already doing.

Do you take an aspirin a day for heart protection? Take this instead. It works just as well,
but without causing gastric distress. Page 150 or Page 298

Do you misplace your glasses or car keys? Have trouble finding your car in a crowded
parking lot? Forget some peoples names? Then try these amazing memory-jogging
techniques, revealed by a leading expert. 1/98, p 19

Do you bruise easily? The problem is easily prevented with this ordinary vitamin! See page

Caution: Never ask a question that will cause the prospect to answer no and turn the
page. Definitely dont ask stuff that is super-serious or that the reader will find offensive.
E.g., Do you have trouble getting an erection? or Do you have terminal cancer?

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Never mind what they say

Not only are secrets being kept from you, but SOBs are lying to you and wont admit it.
Format - simple how-to sentence followed by never mind what they say sentence.

How to get your health insurance carrier to cover alternative treatments. Never mind what
they say -- theyll cave in if you follow this 3-step plan from our resident insurance expert.

The best body part to work out if you want women to find you attractive. Never mind what
women say in surveys; psychological tests show they almost always gravitate towards men
who have this physical attribute! Page 76

Best way to audit-proof your return. Never mind what the IRS's official policy says; this
really works. Page 18

30. The WARNING bullet / Danger of _____.

Particularly effective when promotion targets the fear emotion. Works much better
when proof of the solution is given.

WARNING Your #1 asset is now in extreme danger! Why the equity in your familys
home may be vulnerable to an all out attack in 2004-2006 crucial self-defense ...

Cell phone DANGER! Avoid sleep disruption from electromagnetic waves ...

Danger of non-stick cooking pans. Release deadly fumes --unless you take this simple
precaution. Page 22

31. Early warning signs of ______

Early warning signs of stroke. If you have even one of these symptoms, call 911
immediately! Page 15

Early warning sign of heart disease. Just look at your fingernails. Page 00, inside.

Early warning sign of heart disease your doctor would never look for! Look in your mouth
for this common symptom. 12/00, p 185

32. Breakthroughs!

Breakthrough treatment for baldness. This three-drug cocktail works much better than
Rogaine alone. Page 196

A breakthrough in the treatment of Alzheimers disease. New studies show that Alzheimers
victims have 48% less of this substance in their blood. You can get it at any health food
store. Page 2

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Exercises that relieve impotence! Researchers say they work as well as surgery. Page

33. The popular _____ that ____.

The popular snack food that robs your body of life-protecting vitamins. Avoid it like the
plague! Page 196

The popular beverage that raises cholesterol ... leads to osteoporosis ... and makes it harder
for you to lose weight. Avoid it like the plague! Have these great-tasting alternatives

The popular herbal remedy that men should never take. It lowers testosterone and increases
estrogen -- and can give you feminine characteristics!

34. The best way, fastest way, or easiest way.

Quickest, easiest, simplest way to achieve beneficial result. Use on its own, or combine
with other bullet formulas.

The easiest way to beat out even the most ferocious competition in your marketplace,
even when their marketing is brilliant, their budget huge and their copy is so persuasive, it
could have been written by Claude Hopkins himself.

The best way to ask your boss for a raise. Makes it very hard for him to say no. Page 89.

The quickest way to get relief for a wasp sting at a picnic. You can find relief right at your
picnic table if you know the secret. 12/00, p 143

35. The ONLY way to ____

The only way to negotiate the price of a used car. Not one person in a thousand knows this
trick. And car dealers hope you never find out. Page 213

The only way to treat Type II diabetes. Forget insulin, glucophage, and other drugs. This
safe, natural method works for every case, bar none.

The only way to get rid of canker sores for good. Yet most doctors have never heard of it!

36. The PLUS bullet

A greed bullet gets prospect into mindset of more, more, MORE! Its any bullet
formula with PLUS at beginning. Work best at end of a list, finishing with power and

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PLUS How to turn the tables on them: Insulate your wealth and then USE their treachery
to lock-in profit potential of up to 562%!

PLUS my complete list of 1,837 companies that we suspect of fudging their earnings
make sure your stocks are NOT on this list!

37. The Are you ...? bullet

Ask prospect about something you believe hes already doing. Offer a specific benefit,
advice, or instructions thats loaded with credibility. Get prospect to head nod.
Variations include Do you ...? or Does your ...? or Is your ...?

Are you and your doctor making these common mistakes with your health? One of the
Countrys most respected M.D.s exposes the 9 deadliest flaws in disease treatment that could
be robbing you of your health and hard-earned money.

Does your broker have a rap sheet with the SEC or NASD? Heres how to find out

Do you take any of these 16 popular vitamins or supplements? If so, please read this M.D.s
urgent warning!

38. The Gimmick bullet

Put creative spin on info., assigning it a name. E.g., A body fat test requires you to
pinch certain parts of your body. Create gimmick: The simple pinch test that instantly
tells what your body fat levels are with pinpoint, .5% accuracy.
Combines benefit with specificity, intrigue/curiosity, and delivers a precise mechanism
for achieving the benefit.

The amazing Towel Hanging trick that increases the strength of you erection ... plus your
lovemaking stamina ... allowing you to supercharge your love-life in a very short time!
(You have to experience these kinds of rocket burst orgasms to believe theyre possible!
See page 139.)

And ... the amazing follow through secret that is the foundation of making long, straight
drives so easy you could cry with joy! This alone will change your game forever ...

The optical illusion that absolutely destroys most golfers ... the single most damaging
habit nearly all amateurs suffer that GUARANTEES they will never experience a
consistently great game! (Once you know the secret, however, you will OWN the course!)

39. The Sneaky bullet

Must be used very selectively. Not everything can be sneaky. Applies when info
has some sort of conspiracy factor ... or in less extreme cases: a hidden, guarded or
overlooked element. Most often used when a group doesnt want you to know or is

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actively hiding info. from you.

The sneaky ways professional fighters use the element of surprise to turn around dangerous
situations ... even when theyre the ones whove been jumped by an assailant

Sneaky little arthritis secrets that doctors never, ever tell you about ...

Sneaky insurance tricks that could be costing you an arm and a leg. Make sure youre not a

40. The Statement of

Interest + Benefit bullet.
Best when leading with exciting or intriguing tidbit, then immediately follow it with
strong benefit. Often with a fact and then use a how to or why types bullets.

Drowning is the third leading cause of accidental death. But did you know its possible to
save a drowning person even if you cant swim? Page 15.

You walk into an empty self-service elevator late at night and press the button. Before the
door has a chance to close you get back out fast. Why? (Nine ways to outwit a mugger.)
Page 380.

Platinum Prices Up 90% since 2002 Heres How To PROFIT: Why platinum prices
are expected to surge throughout 2005. Best coins and bars for profit-minded investors.

41. The Direct Benefit Bullet

Make direct claim open with action verb, instantly promising the benefit. Then
deepen, prove, and add intrigue or additional benefits.


minute breakthrough naturally triples your growth hormone levels. Secretly being
used by the New York Mets, Chicago Cubs and many Hollywood stars. All you do is

BANISH MENSTRUAL CRAMPS FOR GOOD with a common vitamin! Now shown to
wipe out over 80% of all cases of cramps.

RECOVER FROM LATE-STAGE CANCER, even after it has spread to the bones. Just a
tiny dose of this cutting-edge nutrient has now been shown to make it happen.

42. The Specific Question bullet

Hook prospect with intriguing question of importance. Follows with desired solution
either within copy or the product.

Do you know that one-quarter of all household burglars gain entrance without breaking in?
Heres how they do it ... and how to get them to stop doing it to you. Page 157.

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Joint bank accounts? Close them fast and open separate ones ... or youll pay dearly. Page

What time of day are you at greatest risk for low blood glucose? This surprising answer will
put you on alert.

43. The If ... Then bullet

Engages prospect by inviting him to meet simple requirement. Can also ask if hes in
specific group or experiencing some kind of malady or symptom. Will be instantly
interested if he meets criteria. Will want to see what happens next.

If you have a tension headache, heres why you should forget your scalp and concentrate on
your toes.

If youve got just 20 minutes a month, I guarantee to work a financial miracle in your life.

If you are now a "B" or "B+" copywriter, by learning this one unusual secret, you will
much more easily move up quickly into the rarefied ranks of the "A" or even "A+"
writers who command the biggest freelance fees and make fortunes in royalties.

44. The When bullet

Perfect for promising benefit at very specific time. Youre implicitly saying, Do this
at a certain time, and youll get a guaranteed result.

When the IRS has to pay you interest! If they miss this deadline by a single day, theyre
legally obligated to do so. Page 15.

When its safe to ignore the April 15th filing deadline. No interest. No penalties. No nasty
visits from the Feds. Page 14.

When cold pizza is the perfect fat-loss breakfast. Page 14.

45. The Better Bullet

Position as better against something thats already considered good. Sneak under
BS detector get in your benefit, build curiosity and create momentum.

BETTER THAN THE BENCH PRESS. For a broader, more muscular chest, the uncanny
exercise on page 17 works wonders.

BETTER THAN SQUATS! Try this leg exercise on page 29. It takes less time than squats
and will not injure your back!

BEYOND THE BEDROOM! Other rooms can spice up your sex life. Every home contains

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sexual secrets waiting to be unlocked ... DAY 3 shows you how to make your lovemaking
more fun!

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46. The Single Bullet

Best used when info. or benefit exceeds all others, and have proof. Promising to cut
directly to most powerful and often exclusive possibility.

The single most important sentence you will ever read about how to create powerful
marketing. It contains just nine words, and they will forever change your approach to

The single most important nutrient youll ever need for heart health. Its not expensive but
there are at least 7 different forms of it and only ONE works. To find out which one, see page

The single most explosive investment in this coming crash. It takes advantage of my three
proven growth factors and is still available dirt-cheap. But it wont stay that way for long!

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1. The how to bullet

2. How to ____ without ____.
3. How to ____ even if you ______.
4. How to ____. The secret is
5. The secret to _______.
6. The amazing ___ that does ____.
7. The forget this, try that formula.
8. The Right? Wrong! formula.
9. The Number bullet
10. The laundry list with one item revealed
11. The general-benefit-followed-by-sub-benefits formula
12. The magic words formula
13. The Why bullet
14. The strange fact phrased as a why statement.
15. Best times/worst times
16. The What bullet
17. How the pros do it.
18. Why you should never _____.
19. The What NEVER bullet
20. The most people do this, but you do that formula.
21. Inside secrets from a former bad guy
22. Say good-bye to ____.
23. The dangerous exception formula (a.k.a. When good

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24. When its OK to ____.

25. The truth about ______.
26. Whatever you do, dont make this common mistake!
27. The hidden cause of ____.
28. Do you ___?
29. Never mind what they say
30. The WARNING bullet / Danger of _____.
31. Early warning signs of ______
32. Breakthroughs!
33. The popular _____ that ____.
34. The best way, fastest way, or easiest way.
35. The ONLY way to ____
36. The PLUS bullet
37. The Are you ...? bullet
38. The Gimmick bullet
39. The Sneaky bullet
40. The Statement of Interest + Benefit bullet.
41. The Direct Benefit Bullet
42. The Specific Question bullet
43. The If ... Then bullet
44. The When bullet
45. The Better Bullet
46. The Single Bullet

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