Access The Base Class Method With Derived Class Objects

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Access the base class method with derived class objects


When you are using shadowing if you want to access the base class method with derived class objects how can you access it?
Answer 1)
1st cast the derived class object to base class type and if you call method it invokes base class method. Keep in mind it works only when derived class method is shadowed.
observe the highlighted lines below:
public class BaseClass
public void Method1()
string a = "Base method";
public class DerivedClass : BaseClass
public new void Method1()
string a = "Derived Method";
public class TestApp
public static void main()
DerivedClass derivedObj = new DerivedClass();
BaseClass obj2 = (BaseClass)derivedObj;
obj2.Method1(); // invokes Baseclass method
Asked in: Mahindra Satyam Expertise Level: Intermediate
Last updated on Tuesday, 24 July 2012

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