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Handbook School Year 2015/16


This Website includes important informaDon you will need (class calendar, CDM
online login info, important teacher deadlines)

Studio Director: Cheryl Upper (416) 940-0069

Studio Manager: Roxanne Williams (416) 725-4083
General Administrator: Ellie Koman (416) 275-3839
Call studio rst aZer 4 pm. Before 4 pm phone or text cell phone numbers
School Email: for ocial school ma]ers
School Phone Number: 416-497-1793
Director personal Email for private ma]ers :
Building Usage
Parking is free at CDM as we are located in a plaza. However, any Dme you come
to the studio to work 3pm to closing, we are asked by the landlord to park in spots
closest to Leslie street and to leave the spots in the spaces directly in front of the
plaza (unless you are unloading) for clientele of the plaza. This is at request of our
landlord so please respect their wishes.
The oce will be open and will have the facility ready at least 15 minutes before
classes begin (usually 3:30pm weekdays, 8:30 am Saturdays). However, in the
event that you are the rst one to arrive, you will be responsible for the following:
a) Unlock the upstairs outside door. If you teach at the beginning and end of the
evenings, you will be given the lock box key code to avoid any chance of being
locked in or out.
b) Turn on the main lights located to the right up on entering the door at the
bo]om of the lobby stairs.

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Teachers who are scheduled to open and close the studio will have a set of
Closing the Studio
If you are teaching one of the last classes of the day you are responsible for
locking up. You will be given a key and the code to the lock box. Please follow the
instrucDons below.
a) Check BOTH thermostats. On in studio B and the other beside the glass wall in
the lobby. Make sure the leZ side lever (fan) is set to OFF OR follow direcDons
according to the sign above the thermostat if there is one.
c) Sound Systems: All studios are equipped with cd and mp3 capabiliDes. We also
have wi to stream from YouTube etc. although please do not rely on wi for class
playlists. Please power o all sound systems and speakers if you are the last to
leave the studio. Put away any music back on the music shelf. Please return any
cds you borrowed from CDM back in the library or to its proper place aZer you
nish teaching for the day.
e) If you see any wrappers or trash, please help us out and toss them in the
provided bin.
f) Turn o all lights & any running electric fans.
g) Close all studio doors inside the building & check that exterior door is locked.
h) The back sta room should be locked as well. Turn o the TV monitor/s & DVD
player in the lobby.
i) Lock the lobby door. Turn o all lights. Lock upstairs door.
Please label food what is in the fridge/freezer with your name. Please discard all
old food and wash all dishes, utensils etc. used.
The lobby lounge is primarily for use by our clients. We have a small sta area
with a mini-fridge in the back room beside the oce. Please keep this door closed.
You will be provided with a teachers storage box for your teaching personal
supplies in one of the studios or in the sta area. Please use them to keep the
environment clu]er-free. There is be a sta info board as well. Please read
messages on this board every Dme you come to work. You will have a folder with
your name kept in the oce. This folder will keep your class rosters (see
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A]endance) and any forms that should be administered to students. It is very

important that you keep accurate a]endance records and hand out any forms that
are to be sent home with students.
Payroll is monthly. Payment can be made to sta in the following ways. It is
preferable for sta working more than 10 hours per week to be compensated as
an employee:

Direct Deposit to your bank account (for Employees only)

ii) By Cheque paid by Upper Enterprises CorporaDon cob. of Dance & Music (for
Contractees and Employees) will be issued to you by between the last day of
the month and the 4th of each following month for the duraDon of your
contract (or as per your contract). Your cheque will be leZ in your folder for
pick up.

iii) By e-Transfer (for Contractees and Employees). Choosing this method will cost
$15 for the year deducted from September payment.
Employees will be issued a T4 in March/April and Tax DeducDons for
Employees: CPP (Canadian Pension Plan) and EI (Employment insurance) taxes
are withheld (employees only) according to the number of deducDons
claimed. Please note that taxes are calculated based on the amount you make
monthly at CDM only. Please let Cheryl know if you would like extra taxes
withheld. There is no compensaDon for holidays (however, there are some
excepDons/per contract) school vacaDons or summer break and you are not
eligible for unemployment during those Dmes.
Contractees (who earn over $500 from CDM annually) will be issued a T4A in
March/April CancellaDon of Classes
Inclement weather protocol:
There will be no extra make-up classes scheduled on top of class Dme for
cancellaDons due to inclement weather. They are permi]ed to take an extra make
up class (in any dance form of equivalent level) in an already exisDng class posted
on the CDM schedule.

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The management team will make an execuDve decision whether or not to cancel
classes due to inclement weather. This decision will be made by 2:00 pm for all
late aZernoon/ evening classes. You will receive a phone call only if classes are
cancelled. CDM will hold classes except under excepDonally dangerous driving
condiDons. We understand condiDons of roads vary from various surrounding
towns, if you feel it is unsafe to travel from your home to the studio, please get a
If a teacher cancels a class for any reason (ie. Illness, emergency) it will be their
responsibility to work with Cheryl or Roxanne to arrange for a make-up date. This
should rarely occur.
SubsHtute Teaching
Teachers are expected to nd a suitable, qualied and dependable subsDtute for
any classes they cannot teach due to illness, vacaDon, family obligaDons,
maternity leave, injury, etc. It is not the responsibility of the studio to provide a
subsDtute teacher, although the management team will be happy to co-operate in
nding a suitable temporary replacement if possible. We may prefer to use a
specic CDM teacher or a teacher from our roster. It is customary to oer the
courtesy of trying to nd a subsDtute for known upcoming absences. Please noDfy
us of all known absences at the beginning of the year. Dependability is the key for
success of our programs. If you OR your subsDtute fails to show for your class, you
will be responsible for contacDng the parents with a wri]en address with
explanaDon waiving CDM from error, and for scheduling a make-up class with the
class (with pay). Please note the missed class and make up class on your pay sheet
or invoice to CDM.
Unexplained Absences / No Shows
CDM understands that from Dme to Dme unexpected emergencies occur. CDM
expects that all contractees and employees will contact either Roxanne or Cheryl
in any way they can to communicate that they will not be able to a]end their class
or classes. Note the studio may only be staed aZer 3 pm. We recommend you
contact us in this order:
1) Call Cheryl or Roxannes Cell phone (see page 1)
2) text Cheryl/Roxanne (if before 3 pm)
3) email cc: AND
4) Phone Studio Phone (416-497-1793)
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Please be reminded that we do not get cell phone service in our basement so
sending one text is not sucient. Unannounced absences without at least TWO of
the suggested forms will not be tolerated. One no show will be cause for a review
and two no shows will be cause for automaDc terminaDon.
Future Teaching Availablility
Teachers will be required to submit summer teaching availability by February 1st.
during term 2. The summer sessions and camps generally run from the beginning
of July to the end of August. Please be ready to submit availability preferences
contract renewal by February 15th via email or hardcopy Sta Availability Form
given to you by Cheryl.
Student ACendance/Rosters
Proper recording of a]endance for all recreaDonal and compeDDve classes is very
important and is necessary to give proper credit for payroll (For those on a pay
grade, this becomes imperaDve; remember that you are paid on a per student
basis, and every student makes a dierence). You are responsible for correctly
lling out the a]endance sheet. It is imperaDve for us to keep accurate a]endance
records. We rely on these records for important administraDon tasks. Please read
and take note of the following:
a) Please complete your a]endance sheet as follows:
A!check when a student parDcipates, an A when the student is absent, an O if
a registered student observes due to an injury
b) At the end of class, when you update your a]endance sheet, please total the
number of students that were in each class and write the number on the bo]om
of your a]endance sheet corresponding to the correct week. Please write down
any make-up students or trial students, see below c.
If a student misses three classes:
Please contact the students parents either by phone (contact info is on the roster)
OR via our STUDIO DIRECTOR system which will automaDcally CC your email. If
that student has dropped the class, then noDfy the oce.
You will be noDed when a student is scheduled to take your class as a make-up
for a class they have missed or if a trial student will be a]ending your class. When
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scheduled online by our clientele, you will be sent an auto-email by our

administraDon system noDfying you of any upcoming make-up students and trial
GRADED PAY SCALES - Prot Sharing (for teachers of recreaHonal / exam classes
Prot Sharing provides the opportunity for a teacher to be compensated for
maintaining and/or building the number of students in their class. Teachers will be
paid more as each student is added to your class. Ask Cheryl about this as a
possibility for you. For those on a pay scale, trial classes will not be counted into
your payscale unDl the student has ocially registered. You are not paid for
students who do a make up in your class, however, you are paid for your students
who have prepaid whether they a]end or not. If a student is in your class doing a
make-up and the sta did not inform you, please contact the oce and write the
students rst and last name and date on a post-it and sDck it to the a]endance
sheet. This student's name should not be wriCen on the aCendance sheet. The
dance pass is the only excepDon; you are only paid for a dance pass student when
they a]end your class. If you feel you could use assistance with a]endance,
please inquire about arranging with the oce to have an a]endance monitor.
No teacher will be given credit for a new student in a class unless they have fully
registered with CDM. Do not allow any student to come into class if their name is
not on your a]endance sheet. Please send them to the oce or page the oce if
necessary. Please do not assume that they have registered and paid. Do not
write a new student on the a7endance sheet without checking with the oce
rst. This should be done at the beginning of class not a?er class has nished.
f) If a student communicates an absence to you please write CA (CA=
communicated absence) on the a]endance sheet under the box next to their
name corresponding to the correct week (Important for compeDDve classes!). If a
student has noDed the oce, admin sta will forward the message to you or
write it on your corresponding class roster (given that your folder is kept in the
g) It is the responsibility of the teacher to establish a relaDonship with their
students and parents. Remember that if you are paid on a per student basis and a
good working relaDonship is necessary with students and parents to build your
success as a teacher of CDM. Always speak to Cheryl about any student/parent
concern ASAP!
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h) ObservaDon: Someone in the oce will inform you when a prospecDve student
comes to observe your class. With the excepDon of the ocial Visitors / Parent
ObservaDon Week (and prospecDve new clientele families), no visitors of students
are allowed inside the classroom to watch. However, we do make excepDons for
visiDng grandparents, etc. when in doubt check with the sta before allowing a
visitor in to observe. For the safety of our students, please be sure you are aware
of the idenDty of all observers. When in doubt please ask in the oce. Some
students may have limitaDons regarding observers for religious reasons (ie. no
males, blinds closed). Always be sensiDve to requests and communicate these
needs to the oce.
For classes of ages 3-5, we will allow parents to observe by leaving the door open
for the rst two classes in September. AZerwards, the door can be closed so all
young students experience separaDon from their parents at the same Dme. You
may keep the door or blinds open or closed throughout the year as you please.
Classroom Conduct
Teachers are required to be dressed for class, room set up, be briefed in the oce,
and ready to greet students 10 minutes prior to the start of their class each day.
Please plan accordingly and always call if delayed for any reason. Acknowledge the
beginning and end of your class in a consistent way depending on the type of class
and age of students. It is a good idea to get into the pracDce summarizing key
points to what they have learned for the day. For classes for ages 3-7, please line
up students outside the dance studio then bring them in at one Dme. Older
students 8 & up may enter the studio before you however, they must have a
clearly devised acDvity (ex. A stretch). This exercise should be on the oor and
should not require use of the barre unless they are advanced dancers. Teachers
are to give correcDons to all students in their classes.
The Divider Wall: Studio A & B
Teachers: please ask someone in the oce to open or close the acousDc divider
However, for your informaDon, the hinges will not withstand a lot of force. It
should be moved slowly so nothing gets broken and ngers dont get pinched.
When folding up the wall:
1. Open the side doors. Both side doors swing towards the oce.
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2. IMPORTANT Centre hinge bends towards the oce ONLY.

3. Gather the wall in the MIDDLE of the room, then push all panels SLOWLY
towards the hall doors. Be careful not to hit the EXIT SIGN!
When opening the wall to divide the rooms:
1. Close the side door at the mirror wall.
2. Beware that there is a high point in the oor in the area closest to the
hallway. The divider unit must pass over this area in one piece to make it to
the centre of the room.
3. SLOWLY pull the parDDon bundle to the middle of the room, then unfold it.
Close the side
door by the hallway.
Dress Code
Teachers are expected to be groomed and dressed in a professional manner
according to the classes they are teaching. Please wear dancewear suitable to the
dance form you teach. All teachers should wear shoes even acro teachers. The
excepDon is Modern Teachers. We have CDM t-shirts available if you would like
one to wear as a uniform.
Ballet teachers: It is important to look the part especially for ballet teachers. It
does not necessarily mean a bun and Dghts and ballet skirt. Dancewear must be
either dance/yoga wear or appropriate wear that you can move freely in. Foot
wear must be dance shoes. Hair nicely groomed. Long hair must be up, either
clipped back or in a bun is preferable. Street wear is not permi]ed. Sweaters
should not be street sweaters.
All other dance forms: Express your personality but please dress appropriately
please avoid showing, bare feet, midris or navels and undergarments. If you have
any doubt of a proper dress code, please ask Cheryl.
Student Dress Code: Please be familiar with the dress code (check our website:
h]p:// and student handbook
for dress code details.

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Ballet teachers please insist on a bun for ballet classes. If you see parents in the
hallway, ask them to have their child wear a bun in their hair. For dance classes
with young dancers under 9, we will be inviDng parents to the rst 15 minutes of
class to learn proper class grooming and dress code. For ballet, this means, how to
make a bun. Please ensure that: NO Ripped/Holed Dghts, students must have a
neat bun for ballet, bras must be dance/sport bras if necessary for support only,
otherwise should be concealed under leotard. No undergarments to be seen
under leotard, Dance shorts must appropriately cover and not ride up. No T-shirts,
]ed dance sweaters only for colder temperatures. Proper footwear must be
worn. No socks. Runners for Hip hop must be white-soled.
Code of Conduct (as per Ontario Schools code of conduct)
Teachers and sta of CDM are expected to familiarize themselves and conduct
themselves under the CDM Code of Ethics and Mission statement included in the
student/parent handbook. Teachers are expected to establish a relaDonship with
their students and parents. Be friendly, posiDve and inspiring at every class. Be in
communicaDon and involved! Before having any conversaDons with a parent or
student please email your concern to Cheryl or Roxanne and talk to iniDate
discussion about the issue.
Be careful not to make any requests of students directly, speak to the parents rst.
When communicaDng with any student by phone or in person, have a parent
included. When needing support call Roxanne or Cheryl before taking any acDon.
All content and choreography for classes should be age appropriate. Director
(Cheryl) reserves the right to review and request changes of content if deemed in
Teachers are duly licensed professionals who possesses dignity and reputaDon
with high moral values as well as technical and professional competence in the
pracDce of their noble profession, and they strictly adhere to, observe, and
pracDce this set of ethical and moral principles, standards, and values. Teachers,
studio sta, under the leadership of the director, maintain order in the school and
are expected to hold everyone to the highest standard of respecvul and
responsible behaviour. As role models, sta uphold these high standards when
help students work to their full potenDal and develop their self-worth;

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communicate regularly and meaningfully with parents;

maintain consistent standards of behaviour for all students;
demonstrate respect for all students, sta and parents;
Students are to be treated with respect and dignity. In return, they must
demonstrate respect for themselves,
for others and for the responsibiliDes of ciDzenship through acceptable behavior.
Respect and responsibility are demonstrated when a student
comes to class prepared, on Dme and ready to learn;
shows respect for themselves, for peers, others and for those in authority;
refrains from bringing anything to school that may compromise the safety of
follows the established rules and takes responsibility for his or her own acDon.
Parents play an important role in the educaDon of their children and have a
responsibility to support the eorts of school sta in maintaining a safe and
respecvul learning environment for all students. Parents fulll this responsibility
when they:
show an acDve interest in their childs school work and progress;
communicate regularly with the school and provides accurate and updated
contact informaDon;
help their child be neat, appropriately dressed and prepared for school;
ensure that their child a]ends school regularly and on Dme;
promptly report to the school via telephone or email their childs absence or late
arrival; DisrupDve Students
Reasons for disrupHon
! A student who representswillingly or unwillinglysome undercurrent
within the whole class group.
! A student who is acDng "in order to" aect the class.
! A student who is driven to being disrupDve "because of" something
else. (Or a combinaDon of the last two points).
! A "one-o" occasional problem, or a "persistent" oender
How can I handle it, so I can learn from it?

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1. Calm down.
2. Reect and diagnose.
3. Itemize the problemaDc behaviour(s)
4. Develop strategies to handle them.
5. Implement them.
6. Reect and evaluate, but only change them in the light of clear and
consistent contrary evidence.
First and always: Give the disrupHve student(s) the minimum aCenHon
! Time spent on the issue at hand is Dme lost from real teaching, and it
may increase disaecDon in the rest of the class.
! If the student is seeking a]enDon (which may be legiDmate in his eyes)
the more you give however negaDvethe more you are reinforcing the
behaviour. You can't ignore it, and a]empts to do so may lead to escalaDon,
but don't fuel it.
! There are always others in the class hovering on the fringes of being
disrupDve, for whatever reason: if one student is seen to succeed in
aecDng you emoDonally, they are more likely to join in, especially if the
actual teaching is disrupted by the Dme you spend with them.
! Don't go straight for the nuclear opDon. You have a range of sancDons
from the meaningful glance to exclusion.
! Don't give negaDve commands, such as "stop talking!" They invite a
response. It's usually
"I wasn't" or "I was only..." But you do not want to get into a conversaDon
because it is a distracDon from the main business. So give posiDve
instrucDons which amount to the same thing; "Please get on with your work
Be familiar with the sancDons available to you: the last thing you want to do

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is to be out of order and in trouble yourself, but equally you need to be

condent that the insDtuDon will back your decisions.
! The simplest and cleanest sancDon is oZen to exclude the student. As
long as you are polite but authoritaDve and posiDve about it: "Please take a
moment (by yourself/si|ng to the side/outside the studio) and come to see
me aZer class, when we can discuss it properly." Follow up accordingly. It is
unrealisDc to pretend that you can exclude or sancDon a student and not be
distracted by the experience. The other students will be similarly distracted.
If it is possible to move into an exercise or similar acDvity in the aZermath,
do so. It enables everyone to regain an even keel, or at the very least to
vent their grumbles without further whole-class disrupDon.
Do nothing to make the situaHon worse. Keep the pace and purpose of
the class going.
Read more: DisrupDve students h]p://
teaching/cm_disrupDve.htm#ixzz1PfKLL5os Under CreaDve Commons
License: A]ribuDon Non-Commercial No DerivaDves
Recital Choreography
You will most likely be responsible for choreographing a dance or dances for
recital. RecreaDonal classes do one 2-2.5 minute dance per level. CompeDDve
classes will not have an extra recital dance but will have a closing number. You
may be asked to choreograph parts of the closing number. The dance should be
no more than 2m 30sec in length and should be challenging but neat. Please
choreograph an entrance and an exit. Dances for ages 3-5 may have an assistant
on stage with them. FormaDons should and Dming should be appropriate to their
age. We use a oor taping system to aid younger students with formaDons. The
same tape marks will be placed on the recital stage. Classes with students Ages 6
and up should not have an assistant on stage. RecreaDonal dances should follow
the recital theme for the year. Please start choreographing your dance well ahead
of Dme so the dance is well rehearsed and away from the mirror. For example, for
a jazz class, we suggest working on two dierent combinaDons of steps that could
be used in a dance during Terms 1 & 2, then begin a dance at the end of Term 2
using similar steps and add on every class. We will have a recital sta meeDng in
February. You will be required to ll out one tech-sheet per dance you
choreograph. Please edit your own music and bring a cd copy of your music to
recital rehearsal and/or all compeDDons as back up.

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If you would like to see previous recital dances, there are videos in the oce. Your
dances may be evaluated aZer recital. If you have any other quesDons, just ask.
Your assistance will be required on recital day. This day is considered part of your
contract and is included within your salary. There will be a short onstage rehearsal
for each of your dances for the purpose of blocking. Please help with all students
on this day.
Private Lessons
Private lessons may be given at CDM studios only when booked through the
school. You will be paid your hourly rate for private lessons unless other
arrangements have been made with the director. If you would like to use the
studio space for any other reason, please ask Cheryl.
Part-Time Faculty Employee Benets
(Teaching Eight classes or less)
1. You are invited to take any dance class at CDM free of charge.
2. Your spouse and children are invited to take any dance class and receive a
25% discount o tuiDon. No other discount applies.
3. You, your spouse, and children will receive at 30% o all dance shop
4. You, your spouse, and children will receive 30% o all recital costumes.
5. You are invited to a sta holiday dinner in December.
6. You may request a song or one CD and have the management team order it
from iTunes. You are also welcome to use the music already purchased that
is on the computer or in our collecDon. Please return cds to the cd area.
7. You need to have an email address, and you are requested to check your
email at least once every other day unless on a communicated holiday.
8. We will be holding at least unpaid 1 sta meeDng throughout the year. You
will be required to a]end all meeDngs unless they do not apply to you. In

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this case you will be noDed that your presence will not be required ahead
of Dme.
9. Faculty meeDng minutes will be e-mailed to you. You are responsible for
learning what you missed at a faculty meeDng from another faculty
member, not from management team.
10. Any conference or training with the management team is required by
appointment with no addiDonal compensaDon for Dme spent.
11. You may receive nancial support (at discreDon of director) toward ongoing
training including but not limited to classes, workshops, seminars, etc.
TransportaDon, Rooming, and Meals costs to be determined per event at
the discreDon of management.
12. Use of the computer in the management oce is allowed.
13. Use of the photocopier is allowed.
14. Use of studio for preparaDon Dme must be scheduled. DayDmes before
classes start for the day are usually available. There is no charge.
15. Adherence to the Childcare Policy applies.
16. ParDcipaDon in year-end faculty and sta piece (if any) is opDonal. There is
no pay for rehearsal/performance Dme.
18. Any quesDons or concerns should be addressed to the management team.
Full-Time Faculty Employee Benets
(Teaching eight classes or more on more than one day)
1. You are invited to take any dance class free of charge.
2. Your spouse and children are invited to take any dance class and receive
discount o tuiDon according to the number of years employed full-Dme.
0-3 years 30% 4-6 years 40% 7-9 years 50%
4. You, your spouse, and children will receive at 40% o all dance shop

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5. You, your spouse, and children will be charged wholesale price for recital
6. When employed three or more years you will receive a December bonus of
one weeks pay .
7. You may request a song or one CD and have the management team order it
from iTunes. You are also welcome to use the music already purchased that
is on the computer or in our collecDon. Please return cds to the cd area.
8. You need to have an email address, and you are requested to check your
email at least once every other day.
9. We will be holding at least 1 unpaid sta meeDng throughout the year. You
will be required to a]end this meeDngs unless they do not apply to you. In
this case you will be noDed that your presence will not be required ahead
of Dme.
10. Faculty meeDng minutes will be e-mailed to you. You are responsible for
learning what you missed at a faculty meeDng from another faculty
member, not from management team.
11. You will be compensated at $12.00 an hour for Photo days or RAD ballet
exam days.
12. Any conference or training with the management team is required by
appointment with no addiDonal compensaDon for Dme spent.
13. You may receive up to 100% (at discreDon of director) toward ongoing
training including but not limited to classes, workshops, seminars, etc.
TransportaDon, Rooming, and Meals costs to be determined per event at
the discreDon of management.
14. Use of the computer in the management oce is allowed and must be
15. Use of the photocopier is allowed
16. Use of studio for preparaDon Dme must be scheduled. DayDmes before
classes start for the day are usually available. There is no charge.

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17. Adherence to the Childcare Policy applies.

18. ParDcipaDon in year-end faculty and sta piece (if any) is opDonal. There is
no pay for rehearsal/performance Dme.
19. Any quesDons or concerns should be addressed to the management team.
Childcare Policy
It is the intenDon of the management to provide a professional atmosphere at the
studio whenever any employee is working or in any employment capacity. Please
understand, individual circumstances may arise from Dme to Dme which will
require special excepDons. All of our employees children are welcome at CDM as
students and family members, however, your understanding of and compliance to
the following rules and restricDons will be greatly appreciated and help all of us to
do our jobs with more ease and eciency.
1. Children age walking-12 will not be allowed in a]endance at any: CDM
conference or meeDng,at any class an employee is taking or is teaching, during
oce work, during open houses, rehearsal or preparaDon Dme, special events
(outside performance, recital, dance company, etc. if you are there in a
professional capacity) Specic o-duty Dme at recital will be pre-arranged so you
may enjoy your children and their parDcipaDon at the performance.
2. For all above listed events, children may be in the care of a si]er for up to two
hours at a Dme, and must be arranged by you with the approval of management.
If on the premises, please supply your si]er with adequate food, comfort items,
and games. No access to studio supplies and/or studio props will be allowed when
classes are in session. If classes are not in session, a si]er may have access to an
empty studio with the children, however, the studio, the oors, mirrors and props
must be leZ in the same condiDon as they were found.
3. Only the main waiDng rooms and use of the kitchen are acceptable for childcare
while classes are in session. No access to the oce or faculty lounge (if any) is
permi]ed at any Dme. Please be sure all dishes are done and trash has been
properly disposed.
4. If childcare issues are in a crisis mode, (i.e., a sick child, no si]er, etc.) it is re
commended you get a subsDtute teacher or someone to cover your oce hours.

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Always be in communicaDon when childcare issues become problemaDc in

enabling you to fulll on your professional commitments.
5. Any quesDons or concerns should be addressed to the management team. Also
noDfy someone in the oce immediately when an emergency arises.

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