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Outline of the Report

Title page
Letter of transmittal
Abstract/Executive Summary
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
Body of the Report
Body of the Report
Ch 1- Introduction
2- Organisation overview
3- Literature Review
4- Methodology
5- Findings, Analysis and Discussion
6- Recommendations/ Implications for organisation
1. Introduction
Background of the Study
Statement of the problems
Rationale of the Study
Scope of the study
Research aims and objectives of the study
3- Literature Review
Previous Research Reports
Business Reports
E-resources etc
4- Research methodology
Research design- based on research purpose and approach
Nature of data-primary or secondary or both
Form of analysis-qualitative/Quantitative/ triangulation
Sampling design
Questionnaire design
Limitationof the study
5- Findings and analysis:

There can be two parts in this section

Findings: generally presented in tables, metrics, graphs
Analysis of findings: discussion of findings based on literature
review and previous research.
6- Recommendations/ Implications for organisation
Suggestions based on the findings of the study for
i) improvement or sustainability of the organization
ii) strengthening of the systems and procedures
iii) possible revision of policies
Other relevant suggestions
All suggestions must be based on the study and not just personal
perception hypothetical or arbitrary
7- Conclusion and Recommendations
General conclusions of this study
directions for future studies

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