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29 March 2014

Greetings Judge Philip A. Aguinaldo

We truly apologize to bother your good self at this point in time, considering that
the school year 2013-2014 is about to end. As parent of one of your students, Ma.
Abigael Francia M. Paraiso (Section 1D, Faculty of Civil Law in University Of
Santo Tomas, with Student Number 2013060924), we seek for your utmost
consideration regarding her academic standing in your Criminal 2 Subject.
At present, her status is Under Probationary because she failed in Persons & Family
Relations Subject (4 Units) last Semester. Considering the result of her Preliminary
Examination in your Subject (score of 43 over 100), her fear that she might not be
able to pursue her goal to continue Law in this prestigious Institution concerns her.
We appeal for your kind understanding and generosity to provide her a chance, if
any, to redeem herself, and eventually allow her to prove her worthiness of this
We shall be forever grateful and continue to pray for your favourable decision.
God Bless.

Michael A. M. Paraiso

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