Black Gold of Pakistan

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BLACK GOLD of Pakisatn

akistan, a country replete of natural resources composing of agricultural, mineral,

water and forest resources. Amidst the myriad of natural resources, our land is also
bestowed with humongous amount of Black Gold in Tharparkar District of
Pakistan i-e Thar Coal Reserves. A very few other countries are gifted with this Black
Gold in both quantity as well as quality.
Thar Coal resources subsume the great solution our countrys ramshackle power and
energy situation if they are exploited with a sense of veracity and scrupulousness. During
last 20 years, Pakistanis are continuously being vexed with the all-time famous
LOADSHEDDING which is even further expected to intensify due to torpidity of
Government in improving the overall power structure of Pakistan and indifference to
power-potential resources. It has been observed that our Government mostly relied on
billion dollar imported Oil and diminishing gas reserves for power generation despite of
having glut of coal resources which can cater our energy needs more economically.
150 KMs from the city of Mithi in Sindh, located is the area of Nagarparkar also known
as Tharparkar District where Pakistan largest and words 7th largest Coal reservoirs are
located that spreads over an area of 9100 sq. km. People in Tharparkar district live in subhuman conditions and remain deprived of even access to safe drinking water, sewerage,
healthcare, transport and education. In the last 5 months, the recent drought in Tharparkar
district claimed more than 500 precious lives with mostly the infants. It is very
distressing that the area, despite of that has such tremendous resources of power
generation is still lacking the basic development of infrastructure and human necessities.
Lets dive into some of the astonishing facts of our Black Gold:
1. If All The Oil Reserves of Saudi Arabia & Iran Are Put Together, these will be
Approximately 375 Billion Barrels, but A Single Thar Coal Reserve Of Sindh is
about 850 Trillion Cubic Feet, which is More Than Oil Reserves Of Saudi & Iran.
2. These reserves estimated at 850 trillion cubic feet (TCF) of gas, about 30 times
higher than Pakistan's proven gas reserves of 28 TCF.
3. Just 2% usage of Thar Coal Can Produce 20,000 Mega Watts of Electricity for
next 40Years, without any single Second of Load Shedding. If the whole reserves
are utilized, then just imagine how much energy we could have in our country.

4. The coal power generation would cost Pakistan PKR 5.67 per unit while power
generated by Independent Power Projects presently costing PKR 9.27. So this
project is also in the range of our budget.
5. These reserves of coal worth USD 25 trillion not only cater the electricity
requirements of the country for next 100 years but also save almost four billion
dollars in staggering oil import bill.
Chinese and other companies had not only carried out surveys and feasibilities of coal
power-plants projects but also offered 100 percent investment in last 7 to 8 years but
some oil stakeholders in disguise of higher authorities always obscured the potential
developments on the Thar Coal project. A futile Sindh Coal Authority has been
developed by the Sindh Government to take initiatives on the project, but has failed to
achieve single point of success and proved as a dilatory institution, with all its plans
for development mostly remained on the paper.
Dr. Samar Mubarakmand, a renowned physicist of Pakistan, actively involved in
Under-Ground Coal Gasification project which aimed to generate gas from the coal
reserves and utilize that gas for power generation. He drafted the feasibility &
financial reports and carried out the research work. Unfortunately, when he was at the
pinnacle of his research and implementation of his UCG project, the government
rescinded the allocated budget on the reason that his project wasnt able to achieve the
targets and declared the project as Economically Non-feasible. Dr Mubarkmand
holds the point of view, that the oil-lobby controlled government always abrogated
the project results and frustrated the further developments on this project.
Thar Coal Reserves comprises plethora of benefits for our people if they are utilized
with a purpose of serving the nation and avoiding politicization on the potential
projects. Thar Coal Project in its full swing will not only solve the Power Crisis of the
country, but also supply various by products such as gas, crude oil & other minerals.
It will generate enormous employment opportunities for the people of Pakistan
specially the deserted locals. We dont have to drop the ball on this matter, its matter
that need to be addressed for the bright future of our nation. Our Black Gold is prize
from the Almighty but it is also our liability for the betterment our future generations.

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