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Darwin Rocks

By Jill Martin
Smashwords Edition
Copyright 2009 Jill Martin
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Lemurs skip sideways across forest floor

Osprey and eagle majestically soar
Scaly iguanas sunbathe on the rocks
Thousands of starlings bedazzle in flocks
Midnight skies seething with bats on the wing
Ocean deeps echo as humpback males sing
Wary snow leopard stalks ibex on scree
Mini chameleon small as a pea
Lowland gorilla surveys his domain
Green flightless kakapo sits in the rain
Seas full of plankton adrift with the tide
Basking shark cruises with mouth open wide
Polar bear nursing her cubs in the snow
Lions find shade for their midday go-slow
Natterjack toads bellow loud for a mate
Slugs prefer spiralling slime on their date
(Writing a poem on lifes rich profusion Just when to stop is the only confusion)
From smelly and spiky to snugly and soft
From depths of the ocean to heavens aloft

Whatever your tenet you cannot contest

The earth by such bounty is solemnly blessed

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