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Western Illinois University

College Writing I
ENG 180, Section 12
Fall 2015 / MWF 10:00 10:50 AM / Simpkins 321 (lab) & 324 (class)
Ms. Jo Chapman
108 Simpkins Hall / 298-2814
Office Hours: W 1-3 and by appointment

Unit 1: Concepts of Reading and Writing

When asked, 'How do you write?' I invariably answer, 'One word

at a time,' and the answer is invariably dismissed. But that is all it
is. It sounds too simple to be true, but consider the Great Wall of
China, if you will: one stone at a time, man.
--Stephen King

Please be aware that this is a tentative schedule.

Changes will be announced on Zimbra and WesternOnline.

Mon., Aug. 25 (lab)
Wed., Aug. 27 (class)
Fri., Aug. 28 (lab)
(Fri, Aug. 28 is last
day of open
Mon., Aug. 31 (class)

Introduction to Course
Read: Guide Chs. 1 and 3
What is Writing?
Read: JC Ch. 1; Beaufort Ch. &
Reading Guide (on WO);
Who Are Writers?
Read: JC Ch. 2; Guide Ch. 2;
Writing Inventory Assignment
Sheet (on WO)
How Do I Reflect on My Own
Reading and Writing?
Read: JC Chs. 3 & 5; Guide Ch. 4

Due: Student Survey (on WO by
11:59 pm)
Due in class: Bring to class notes
for Writing Inventory
Due: Writing Inventory (on WO
by 11:59 pm)

Western Illinois University

Wed., Sept. 2

Fri., Sept. 4
(Fri., Sept. 4 is last
day of restricted reg.
& drop w/t a W)
Mon., Sept. 7
Wed., Sept. 9 (class)
Fri., Sept. 11 (lab)
Mon., Sept. 14 (class)

(Literacy Essay); Learning to

Read (on WO); Literacy Essay
Assignment Sheet (on WO)
Individual Conferences
Read: JC Chs. 14-16, Final
Portfolio Assignment Sheet (on
WO), and Portfolio (on WO:
pages 5-8 and 26-33)
Individual Conferences
Read: JC Chs. 14-16, Final
Portfolio Assignment Sheet (on
WO), and Portfolio (on WO:
pages 5-8 and 26-33)
No Class: Labor Day
Why Should I Share My Writing?
Read: JC Ch. 4
Peer Review 1
How Do I Revise?
Read: JC Ch. 20

Bring to Conference: Complete,

typed draft of Literacy Essay plus
a list of 3 issues you want me to
address when looking at your draft
Bring to Conference: Complete,
typed draft of Literacy Essay plus
a list of 3 issues you want me to
address when looking at your draft

Due in Class: Bring to class

complete, typed draft of your
revised Literacy Essay
Due in Class: Bring to class
printed copy of your draft with
your reviewers comments &
printed copy of your reviewers
worksheet plus electronic file of
your draft

Unit 2: Understanding Conversations

Wed., Sept. 16 (lab)

Fri., Sept. 18 (class)

Mon., Sept. 21 (lab)

Wed., Sept. 23 (class)

What is the Rhetorical Situation?
Read: Visual Literacy Essay
Assignment Sheet (on WO); The
Rhetorical Situation (WO link)
What is Visual Rhetoric?
Read: JC Ch. 5 (pages 118-132);
Visual Rhetoric (WO link)
What are Ethos, Pathos, and
Read: JC Ch. 10 (380-397 and
400-412); Rhetorical Appeals
(on WO)
What Are Discourse
Read: Discourse Community
Handout (on WO)

Due: Literacy Essay and
Reflection Memo 1 (on WO by
11:59 pm)
Due in Class: Bring to class
electronic versions of images you
want to use for your Visual
Literacy Essay
Due in Class: Bring to class one
magazine ad that catches your
Due in Class: Bring to class a list
of communities you belong to that
use writing

Western Illinois University

Fri., Sept. 25 (lab)

Mon., Sept. 28 (class)

Wed., Sept. 30 (lab)

Fri., Oct. 2 Library


What Are Genres?

Read: Genre Handout (on WO);
Group Rhetorical Analysis
Presentation Assignment Sheet (on
Peer Review 2
How Do I Read a Multimedia
Read: JC Ch. 23; Guide Ch. 4
(Visual Analysis); Browse
through the Writing Program
How Do I Work With a Group?
Read: JC Ch. 18 (599-602)

Due in Class: Bring to class a list

of genres you have used both in
school and in your personal
Due 5 Minutes Before Class:
Electronic file of your Visual
Literacy Essay
(Group assignments made in
Due: Visual Literacy Essay and
Reflection Memo 2 (on WO by
11:59 pm)
Have ready next class period:
Groups should come to class with
notes on website

Mon., Oct. 5 (lab)

How Do I Give an Oral

Read: JC Ch. 18 (584-598): Guide
Ch. 4 (Group Analysis)

Due: Groups should come to class

with notes on website; by end of
class, groups will submit group
work plan

Wed., Oct. 7 (class)

How Do I Analyze?
Read: JC Ch. 7 and Analyzing a
Text (on WO)

Fri., Oct. 9 (lab)

Group Work Day

Mon., Oct. 12 (class)

Group Presentations

Due in Class: Bring analysis notes

for your groups website; by end
of class, groups will submit final
group work plan with assignments
Due in Class: Have group
assignments from Wednesday
completed before coming to class
Due: Group Rhetorical Analysis
PPT (on WO by 11:59 pm on
Sunday, Oct. 11)

Wed., Oct. 14 (lab)

Fri., Oct. 16

Group Presentations
No Class: Fall Break

Unit 3: Participating in Conversations

Mon., Oct. 19 (lab)

How Do I Form a Research Plan?
Read: JC Ch. 9 (346-349 and 354-

Due: Reflection Memo 3 (on WO
by 11:59 pm)

Western Illinois University

Wed., Oct. 21 (class)

358) and Ch. 11; PSM 91-92;

Exploring a Problem Assignment
Sheet (on WO)
How Do I Form a Research Plan?

How Do I Conduct Field

Read: JC Ch. 9 (349-353) and Ch.
12 (pages 478-482)
Mon., Oct. 26 (class) How Do I Conduct Field
Wed., Oct. 28
How Do I Find Sources?
(Library Day)
Read: JC Ch. 12 (pages 454-477);
Review Guide Ch. 2 (WIU
Fri., Oct. 30 (class)
How Do I Summarize a Source?
(Sun., Nov. 1 is last
Read: JC Ch. 3 and 623-624; PSM
day to drop w/ a W) 112-113; Guide Ch. 4
(Summary); Guide Ch. 4
(Annotated Bibliography); PSM
101-105; Annotated Bibliography
Assignment Sheet (on WO)
Mon., Nov. 2 (lab)
How Do I Avoid Plagiarism?
Read: JC Ch. 13
Wed., Nov. 4 (class)
How Do I Document My Sources?
and Peer Review 3
Read: JC Ch. 21
Fri., Nov. 6 (lab)
How Do I Write to Inform? and
How Do I Choose a Main Point?
Read: JC Chs. 6 and 14
Mon., Nov. 9 (class)
How Do I Choose the Right
Read: JC Ch. 17; Guide Chapter 4
(Problem Proposal)
Wed., Nov. 11 (lab)
How Do I Organize?
Read: JC Ch. 15

Due by the end of Class: Research


Fri., Oct. 23 (lab)

Fri., Nov. 13 (class)

How Do I Use My Sources?

Read: JC Ch. 19

Mon., Nov. 16 (lab)

How Do I Draft My Two Genres?

Read: JC Ch. 16
Individual Conferences
Read: Final Portfolio Assignment
Sheet (on WO) and Portfolio
pages 55-61 (on WO)

Wed., Nov. 18

Due by the end of Class: Field

Research Plan
Due by the end of Class: At the
end of class, have two sources
Due in Class: Bring to class notes
on sources

Due in Class: Bring to class notes

on sources
Due 5 Minutes Before Class:
Electronic file of both annotations

Due: Annotated Bibliography

and Reflection Memo 4 (on WO
by 11:59 pm)
Due in Class: Draft and Peer
Review Worksheet for Peer
Review 3
Due in Class: Bring to class
results of field research plus your
two library sources
Due in Class: Bring to class the
work you did in class on Friday
Due: Bring to Conference
complete, typed drafts of your two
genres for the Exploring a
Problem Assignment

Western Illinois University

Fri., Nov. 20

Nov. 23 - Nov. 27
Mon., Nov. 30 (class)

Individual Conferences
Read: Final Portfolio Assignment
Sheet (on WO) and Portfolio
pages 55-61 (on WO)
Thanksgiving: No Class
Peer Review 4 and Reviewing
Read: PSM 125-167

Due: Bring to Conference

complete, typed drafts of your two
genres for the Exploring a
Problem Assignment
Due 5 Minutes Before Class:
Electronic files of your two genres
for the Exploring a Problem

Unit 4: Final Portfolio

Wed., Dec. 2 (lab)

How Do I Write the Reflective
Essay for My Portfolio?
Read: JC 602-608 and Portfolio
(on WO: pages 63-69)

Fri., Dec. 4 (class)

How Do I Write to Persuade?

Read: JC Ch. 10; Guide Ch. 4
(Researched Argument)

Mon., Dec. 7 (lab)

How Do I Choose My Evidence?

Read: JC Ch. 14; Guide Ch. 4
(Final Reflective Essay)
Peer Review 5

Wed., Dec. 9 (class)

Fri., Dec. 11 (lab)

Portfolio Proofreading and

Problem Solving

Due: Bring all writing from this
Due: Exploring a Problem and
Reflection Memo 5 (on WO by
11:59 pm)
Due in Class: Bring all writing
from this semester
Due in Class: Drafts and Peer
Review Worksheet from Peer
Review 4
Due: Bring all writing from this
Due 5 Minutes Before Class:
Electronic file of your Reflection
Due: ePortfolio (on WO by 11:59

Finals Week Dec. 14-18 You will be informed as to the time of our final exam, which
will be held in Room 321.

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