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Experiment No.

: - 5
Title: Software programming for determination of controllability and observability
of state model.
Aim: Find the controllability and observability of given state model by Kalmans Test.
Theory: Controllability:The concept on controllability of a system is related to transfer of any initial state of the
system to any other desired state in a finite length of time by application of proper input. Hence,
controllability can be defined as,
A system is said to be completely state controllable if it is possible to transfer the system state
from any initial state

to any other desired state

by a control vector

in a specific finite time interval

Kalmans test for controllability: Consider

order multiple input linear time invariant (LTI) system represented by its

state equation as,

Where, A has order

matrix and u(t) is

vector i.e. there are m input and x(t) is

state vector.
The necessary and sufficient condition for the system to be completely state controllable is that
rank of the matrix

should be equal to the order of the system (n).

The composite matrix

is given by,

In composite matrix
Thus if rank (

B; AB;

are the various columns.

) = n then the system is completely state controllable.

Obsevability: The observability is related to the problem of determining the system state by measuring
the output for finite length of time. Hence, observability can be defined as:
A system said to be completely observable, if an every state
by measurement of the output

can be completely identified

over a finite time interval.

If a system is not completely observable it means that all the state variables are not practically
measureable and are shielded from the derivation.
Kalmans test for observability: Consider

order system input multiple output linear time invariant system represented

by its state equation as,


output vector and C


The necessary and sufficient condition for the system to be completely observable is, rank of

is n.

The composite matrix


is given by

Transpose of matrix C
Transpose of matrix A.
If the rank of the composite matrix Qo is equal to the order of the system i.e.
then the system is completely observable.
Numerical: Evaluate controllability and observability of matrix state model given below,

Solution: Controllability:1.

because, n=3



thus, the system is completely controllable.

Observability: 1.



Hence, the system is completely observable.
Conclusion: -

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